The love of a mother

by waterflame

Derpy's story

the love of a mother
Derpy’s story

all started out to be a beautiful day in Ponyville.
Everypony was preparing for the great wedding of Derpy hooves and Spice, one of Princess Luna's personal guards.
Derpy Hooves was trying on her wedding dress made by rarity.
"You look marvelous Derpy!" Rarity said. "Thanks Rarity" Derpy giggled.
The muffin shaped brooch shone brightly as the light fell upon it.
Sweety Belle scurried into Rarity's house, "Derpy you got to come with me!"
"What is it?" Derpy replied.
"Your daughter...she's...fallen ill!"

Derpy and Sweety Belle trotted to Derpy's house where they find Dinky Hooves
in Twilight Sparkle’s hooves.
"Derpy!" Twilight shouted when she recognized the worried pony.
The grey pony walked to Dinky "Mom?" Dinky murmured as she saw Derpy.
"She needs to go to the hospital immediately!"
Twilight said.
"Mom?" Dinky stood up and tried to walk to her mother.
Derpy caught Dinky as she fainted.
"No time to lose" Twilight said when she used her magic to put Dinky on the stretcher.
Twilight positioned the stretcher between her and Derpy.
With this done the two ponies trotted to the hospital.
At the hospital they met Spice Trikkle "What happened Derpy? Is she alright?"

The nurses brought Dinky inside the hospital where the doctor immediately started to examine her.
"Hmmm, I never saw this before, Twilight.” The doctor said after he finished examination,
"She has a deadly form of horn rot”
A chill went down Derpy’s spine.
“I’m afraid without the proper treatment Dinky might die,”
“Zecora might have a cure, but we haven’t seen her in weeks.” the doctor continued.
“I’ll go to Zecora even if it is the last muffin I do,"
"You do know where Zecora lives" Derpy responded.
"Well...uhm...yes but you just can't go alone" Twilight stood in front of the grey pony.
"Do you want to come with me, Twilight?" Derpy asked.
“Of course Derpy!”The purple pony said.
The 2 ponies bolted to Everfree Forest to find Zecora.
"Are you sure you want to come with me?" Twilight asked Derpy.
"Yes" Derpy said, clearly irritated by Twilight's question.

"Twilight I'm scared" Derpy said while she looked around nervous.
"It's ok. I'm with you so there's no reason to worry."
"Its not that I'm just afraid Dinky might die," Derpy said while she shed a tear.
"TWILIGHT! DERPY!" Both ponies look up as they heard Rainbow Dash.
"You got to hurry! The doctor says she hasn't much time left"
"No time to lose," Dash said as she saw the two ponies bolt away into the forest
"Go back and take care of Dinky while we are away! Please?"
As Dash sped away back to the hospital, the two ponies arrive at Zecora's house.

"This is a problem I’ve seen plenty a time
Your worrying being at a steady climb
The ailment for which you seek
Inside yourself you need to peek
Thoughts of horrors keep you mind entranced
A cure for your daughter must be enhanced."

"Derpy! You need to get Dinky here as fast as you can" Twilight said.
Derpy bolted away back to Ponyville while Zecora and Twilight are preparing the spell.
"I hope she gets here in time," Twilight said, worried.
"You won’t find any help from others
For there is no love like a mother’s."

Derpy arrived at the hospital where the doctors were preparing Dinky for moving her to another wing of the hospital. "Derpy" Rainbow Dash was happy to see her grey friend back.
"Help me carry her to Zecora. She has the cure and needs to see Dinky."
Dinky was breathing heavily after she coughed,
"Mom?" Dinky said when she saw her mother.
"Hush now my little muffin, mommy is here to make you all better but first we need to get to Zecora."
Derpy trotted away once more to the Everfree Forest.
"I better be careful now I'm alone."

She trotted farther until she found the crossroads.
"Ow I wish I paid more attention the first time we went here."
Derpy stood there for a second before moving on.
"On good luck then" while she went to the right.
"Mom? Where are we?" Dinky muttered
"It's ok dear, mommy knows what she does."
When Derpy suddenly hears the rustling of leaves,
"Wh...Who is there?"
The trees seemed to reach out for her daughter, as Derpy moved on through the dark forest,
suddenly a manticore emerged from the bushes with a loud roar.
Derpy screamed and bolted away from the manticore.
"No...this can't be..." she cried.
At the moment she lost all hope when she suddenly heard someone shouting for her "Derpy!"
She bolted in the direction the sound came from.
" I'm lost and my daughter is sick."
"Derpy glad to see you" Spice said in relief.
Spice jumped in between Derpy and the manticore.
"Go now! I'll take care of the manticore."
Derpy bolted away.
Not much later she arrived at Zecora's house" I'"
"Quickly take her inside
as for it will turn the tide."
Derpy saw a white flash before everything turned black before her eyes.

"This is a problem I’ve seen plenty a time
Your worrying being at a steady climb
The ailment for which you seek
Inside yourself you need to peek
Thoughts of horrors keep you mind entranced
A cure for your daughter must be enhanced "

The next thing Derpy remembered was that she woke up at the hospital.
“Where is Dinky,” as she looked around for her little muffin.
Zecora was standing next to Twilight looking relieved as Derpy has woken up.
“Phew, I thought you were never going to wake up,” Twilight said, clearly relieved from her worries
"Thank you Zecora" Derpy said while she hugged the smiling zebra.

"It's my honored to help young one
to see you live a life with so much fun."

Celestia walked into the room as the four ponies were talking about what happened and how brave Derpy was.
“You were very brave, Derpy,” Celestia begun, ”but I am afraid you need to be a lot braver now,”
“Fluttershy found him near her cottage,”Celestia started,
“He’s barely alive, I'm afraid he isn’t going to make it,” she continued.
Derpy jumped out of her bed, ”Where is he, I want to see him.”
“They are busy trying to save his life as we speak,”
“Hurry up Derpy.”
Derpy bolted away to Spice’s room followed by Dinky.
“What’s going on mom?” Dinky asked, clearly panicking.
When the two of them arrived at Spice’s room they saw the doctor shaking his head.

“I’m sorry Derpy,”the doctor shaked his head as he said this
“We failed saving him”
“NO!" Dinky shouted,
“It’s impossible! He can’t be dead.”
“He isn’t...yet.”The doctor said as he stepped aside.
“Dinky...take care...of your mother,” Spice said before coughing up some blood.
“, no, no no!” Dinky cried.
Tears rolled down her cheek and onto Spice’s dying body.
A splendid light filled the room as Dinky cried.
“Dinky you...your horn!” Derpy said as she stepped back from the bed.
Twilight and Celestia entered the room followed by Zecora.
“This magic...”Celestia said while covering her eyes against the light.