What the...HAY ???

by FireFizz

Slowly Landing

The guard ran off as soon as he saw me.

"Princess!! Princess Celestia, an intruder wants to see you, shall we let her in?" Shouted the white fur guard.

-Yes, let her in... I think I have to give her some explanations, said the Alicorn Princess.
-YOU BET YOUR WHITE BUTT THAT YOU OWE ME EXPLANATIONS!!! I screamed through the hallway, running to get the "Princess".
-Princess, be careful, shouted the guard behind me. She could be dangerous.
-I got this, now leave, please. Celestia managed to keep her calm.

She'll see what I'm able to do! I don't need her to tell me what I should do...
A really burning rage was consuming me in the instant. I think I got this from my family.

-Your Majesty, I need you to tell me THE FU--
-Would you like some tea before? The alicorn quickly interrupted me.
-Gh... Your highness, I'm serious!! I need explanations!!

How could she stay calm in a situation like this one?? A strange power was telling me I should contain myself and keep my calm...
And this power was forcing me to listen to her.

-Ahh... Princess, an hour ago, Twilight Sparkle almost died because of my unability to fly!! Do you even realize this?!?

She was...drinking her tea? SERIOUSLY ?!?

-Now, my little pony, what's wrong? I know my faithful student can save herself from any danger. I've seen this many times before, you shouldn't worry about this. *sluurp*.
-I...I guess you're right, but still...

Gosh... I dindn't know if I could admit it...

-I want to go back to the human world...
I looked at my hooves.
-I prefer going back to my home then staying here and being a danger for other peop-ponies.
-Now now now... Look who's regretting her portalization trough Equestria...
I could feel her hoof patting my head.

-*sluuuuurp*... Unfortunately, Cedix, I can't send you back to your world...for now.
-Oh..Thank- WHAT??? WAIT, WHY ? I can't stay here!!
-It seems like you'll have to. The portal spell costs me a lot of magic to use. *sluuurp*
She looked at me in the eyes.

-I, Princess Celestia...

Oh no. What does this mean? I'm never going to see my parents again? And my little sister?? She is going to be so sad and
The princess was bowing down to me.
-...am sincerely sorry about this statement of yours. I can however promise that when my magic power will be ready, I will immediatly bring you back to the world of yours.

My jaw was almost touching the ground.

-Pr-Princess! Why are are you doing this? Get up, I don't need your reverences! I'm so so sorr-Agh!
The white alicorn took me in her front legs and hugged me.
-Don't be sorry. This is all my fault, she said as she released the hug. While you're here, I shall find you a place to sleep.
-No! I can't accept such an offer! I'll sleep in the forest, I'll find a tree, and-
-Okay, If you insist, said the Princess before closing the room's doors. I think there's a friend of mine who could however host you in her house...
-Again, I'm sorry about all this, Princ-GAH! Where am I ?

Those shiny rooms... This smell... It looks familiar.

-Um... Hello ?
I heard a voice in the end of the hallway.


The voice teleported right into my face.
-Thank Celestia, you're still here!...
She was hugging me. Gosh. What was with the hugs today?
And why was she happy about me staying in ...Equestria? I almost killed her!
-H-Hello again, Twilight... I said as I broke the hug gently. I talked to Princess and I have to stay here for a while...
-I know. I received this letter.

On the letter was wrote the words in a beautiful horn-writing:

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle, You may have encountered a red and pink pegasus name Cedix Burn. She is probably going to ask me to bring her back to her world, because, yes, if you didn't know it, she have been teleported by myself to our Equestrian world.
If she ever asks you where she could find me, you should show her the way to my castle.
It was all I had to say, again thank you for reading this letter.
Your faithful teacher,

Princess Celestia.

Wow. I now understand why she is the Ruler of Equestria.

-So, how did you find the way to her castle anyways?
-Oh-Uh... I asked to a pink bouncing...pony...
-Pinkie Pie.
-That's her name?
-Yes, It's a great friend of mine.
-Well, Pinkie..Pie showed me the big Castle in Canterlot. Oh by the way, you'll have to thank her for me, she bought me a train ticket to Canterlot... She is really nice, besides her...crazy attitude.
-Ahah, she's just the "Craziest Pony in the Town", as we use to call her.

Twilight giggled, for the first time.

-You know what, you'll thank her by yourself. Now come with me, I shall show you the guests room.
-Oh, thank you Twi-I mean Princess!
-Oh, please, the mare said, facing me with her big obsidian eyes. Don't call me like that, call me Twilight.
-O-Okay, Twilight... Still, how am I going to say thanks to Pinkie Pie?
-You'll surely see her tomorrow. She'll come to ask me if I met you, and what's your name, and...stuff like that.She loves caring about other ponies. She wants to know them all. That's probably why she bought you a train ticket, by the way. Didn't she ask you who you were?
-I...think she did, but I was too worried about myself for caring about her questions... I guess.

We laughed together. I've never felt so cool with a stranger.
Our worlds are so differents...
This is what Equestria makes to you? WAIT... I realize it now. I've seen this universe before.
My sister was watching that show someday.

"My Little Pony, Friendship Is Magic"

Sweet... Celestia.
