What the...HAY ???

by FireFizz

Flying in Circles


Urrgh... My head... Where am I ?

I opened my eyes as I watched the lilac Alicorn in front of me.

-Are you okay, Cedix? You passed out 10 minutes ago, she said.
-For the second time I guess...

Why was my head hurting me so bad? I couldn't remember what happened when I fell...

-Can you stand up, Cedix ?
-Of course...

I started to raise my head when I discovered I was looking at a cloud. A cloud. In the sky. And I was in front of that cloud.


Everything went super fast after I screamed.

As I was falling, Twilight got off the ground, flew in my direction and catched me! She catched me with her...tiny muscles! How was that possible?

-I can't hold you any..more! Aaah!!

Knew it.

I watched us falling down on ruins. Were we going to crash into those rocks? That'd be painful.

Something came into my brain while we were falling.

"How did I get up there ?"
The memories flew into my mind.

So, Cedix, you wanted to fly on your own wings, uh ?

Here you go...!

-Twilight! I got you!
I flew down and grabbed the Alicorn by the shoulders.

I did it. I flied for the first time. At least...I think I did.

-Watch out, Cedix! The tree-aaAAH!!
I heard a sparkling noise before we crashed.

I woke up slowly of passing out for the third time.
I wasn't hurted. My body was fine.
-Am...Am I alive? Twilight, a-are you okay?? Twil-
-I'm here. We're fine, Cedix. I protected us.

She was right. A large ball of purple aura was surrounding us.

-Wow... Thank you, Twilight... I guess you're not a princess for nothing, uh? I giggled quietly.
-Thanks, she said as she stood up. I'm not that strong though, I couldn't protect the tree. It' ve fallen because of us.
-Oh, well, uh... I'm sorry. I didn't know how to use those...wings.
-Yes, about that, said the Alicorn, facing me. Did you ever used your wings or what?? You could have killed us!!
-I know!! I'm sorry, T-Twilight! I never knew how to use them...

Would that work...?

-Wait. You never flied before??
-No, I didn't.
-But... Did you at least passed your exam in Cloudsdale?
-Y-Yes, I did!!
-HOW?? If a pegasus isn't abled to fly, he can't possibly pass a flying exam!
-I...I uh...
-You what? Tell me how you passed it, Cedix. I need to know.

I am screwed. I'm forced to face it.

-Twilight, I never passed this exam.
-...Could have guessed that.
I sighed.

-Twilight, I come from the human world.
Her eyes went wide.
-Calm down!! Don't interrupt me. I discovered this world an hour ago, ok! I only have those wings for only an hour ago. I don't know how to fly, okay? Now, let me just leave! I've cause enough trouble, I said as I ran the fastest possible trough the forest.
-CEDIX! Wait!
-I'm gonna go find Princess...Sun and tell her to teleport me back to MY WORLD! I'M NOT A PONY!!

Tears fell on the ground.

-Wait!! You don't know were she lives!! Cedix...


Fly by my own wings... If I don't know how to use them, how could I possibly fly ?!?

This Princess... Just got in trouble.