Not On Earth Anymore

by Jack Jester

Chapter 6-The Stench Of Everything

I got up and brushed the dust off myself. Everything looked OK. No broken bones, no twisted or dislocated limbs. In fact, I felt better than I had in ages! Every breath I took filled me with power! People are usually tired after running all that distance, right? Or at least falling down a tree? I hugged the bushes, wanting to be sure nopony...body, followed me. Ghastly growls echoed around me as I walked. I did my best to ignore them though. No filthy animal, especially in this filthy world, would get the better of filthy ole' me. Well thats what I liked to tell myself. Humans werent on the top of the food chain for nothing! ...On Earth.

My life stinks.

I walked past some animals drinking from a lake. Hoping to take a quick bath, I walked towards it. They poked their heads up and growled, revealing razor sharp teeth. They looked like deer but they had the mouths of wolves and the breath of a garbage can. I walked away slowly.

My life stinks.
I stink.

After looking from the tree tops a few more times I could see I was close to the bridge. I hoped I could get there by nightfall. It was close to sunset by then and it turns out the animals from before didnt like me interrupting their drink. I heard twigs breaking behind me constantly. I looked back of course but they darted behind the trees. Try running? Tried that. It didnt work out so well. I ran into a group of giant lions with bat wings and scorpion tails. They were angry too. I really started running then. Faster than I had ran back at Ponyville. These things were faster than ponies though by a lot. It was as if their very being was dedicated to running faster than me. One of them had grabbed my ankle and threw me into a post. A post. The bridge! I was right there! Just had to cross it!


My life stinks.
I stink.
These animals stink.

They jumped onto the creaky thing. It barely looked walkable when I was on it alone. With 10 humongous creatures? The posts gave in and the bridge fell. Those things tried to fly but I guess evolution didnt account for wings trying to lift a monster as big as a car into the air. My life flashed before my eyes. I should have been more assertive. It suddenly hit me how I was a door mat.

My life stinks.
I stink.
These animals stink.
Gravity stinks.

I closed my eyes. I could feel the crash as we all hit the ground. I didnt feel anything though. I felt...nothing. At all. Was I dead? Slowly a burning sensation grew in my stomach. I felt the trickling of water over me.
Not water.
Thick water.
Hot water.
Really hot.
I tasted iron too. Suddenly my chest heaved. I coughed harder than I had ever coughed before. Everything was on fire. I slowly opened my eyes. Those things had broken my fall. I landed on one. Good, right? Bad. Its tail had managed to work its way through my gut like a skewer. Other animals in the chasm feasted on the corpses of the lion things. One bit my leg. I tried to kick but I couldnt move it. I couldnt move anything. I tried screaming for help but there was no air in my lungs. It hurt to breath, it hurt to look, it hurt to be. Well, now you're all caught up.

My life stinks.
I stink.
These animals stink.
Gravity stinks.
Death stinks.