Displaced Spider

by Dragon363

Its a short chapter sorry, but there will be more next one plus some fun.

I'm jarred from my memories by a train whistle and the conductor was looking for passengers, whilst saying, "All aboard the last train to Ponyville! I repeat, last train to Ponyville till morning!"
Moving quickly, I snag myself under the train, to stick myself there. As the train rolls out of the city at a stedy pace, I watch the scenery roll by. The train is too loud, for my mind to drift into memory again. So, I just start to wonder things I didn't when I was a stone ornament. Did the merchant trick others into this? If so is there a way of contacting them? Well I do have that one machine I made that can open a tiny hole in space time. The hole can fit something the size of a cell to go through, might as well throw my brother's cell after I glue a my emblem on it, in there with a message recorded in case some other being in the multiverse finds it maybe Superman, Batman. I'm smiling from this thought since it would be funny. Though there is a chance Doom, Iron Man, universe forbid the real spider man finds my sorry message. Then he figures a way to find me and kick my ass for this. Well. That is a risk might as well take it. Though it would really suck to get beat up by my faorite hero.
During my thinking the train starts to go down a hill. Due to this I adjust my placement of my hands to better take the g force. Smirking since this universe might have its own Stan Lee cameos, if that is true then I will have to keep an eye out of the pony Stan Lee aka King of Cameos. Looking over I see Everfree. Knowing I was close to my destination, I climb onto the side of the train. After getting to the side of the the train, I jump off to then web sling from tree branch to branch heading to the Castle of the Two Sisters.
Once I arrive in the castle by crashing thru the window like a boss. I start to the basement, since that is where all my stuff is at. Once arriving down there I pull out my brothers cell phone and my copy of my spider emblem and web sticks the emblem to the phone. Then I turn on the voice recorder and say mostly joking, but a part of me is taking this seriously, "...Hi listener I'm Jeffery the Spider man. If you need a friend, some help in a fight, just someone to talk to, hell a person to relate to use on speed dial 1 and I might pick up...ok where is off button on this...ah there." I then set the message to be the thing that plays when the phone is unlocked. I walk over to my rift maker and turn my machine on and wait of the magic to open the rift in space time. Once the rift opens I throw the phone into the rift and smile as I close it as not to let anything in that might be floating out there.