The Special Observation

by RebelliousKuno

Unexpected results

"No Spike, not that one! The other red tube!"

Voices were echoing throughout the somewhat quiet treehouse. That is, of course, if the scrambling of hooves and tiny dragon claws were considered quiet. The noise was awfully loud, and there had to be some sort of action to be taking place if there was so much commotion.

"You mean this one, Twilight?" Spike asked, holding up a small vial with a strange liquid inside of it.

"No Spike, that's the color Folly! There's a difference you know, and that determines the outcome of this procedure!" Twilight shouted frantically back at him, her voice sounding very demanding and hasty. After all, she did need to finish this before anything major happened that could cause the whole town of Ponyville to go into panic. However, she didn't even really know what the effects of the potion that she was concocting. It hasn't even been tested before! From all of her ingredients, and a little knowledge she was taught by Zecora, this thing should do the trick.

Whatever that thing was, it was important.

Twilight had put her lab coat back on, her goggles resting over her eyes. Behind them, her pupils were small but intense, paying attention to every single detail that was happening on the table before her. She was positioned next to the changeling, but facing away from him which just blocked the view of the bug from seeing anything happening.

After a few more moments, Spike had quickly shuffled his way back over towards Twilight, handing her another tube that held another red substance. "Please tell me this is the right one," Spike whined, "I've been running around for the past five minutes trying to find this thing! You should really put labels on them, you know!"

Twilight didn't even look at the vial. Her horn lit up, quickly grabbing the glass and bringing it over in front of her and quickly uncapping the top. "YesthankyouSpikeyouaredismissed," the unicorn said quickly. Spike was getting a little bit worried. Whatever Twilight was doing, he didn't want to be part of it any longer! With that, the baby dragon quickly ran out of the room and upstairs to a safe distance, no doubt trying to make sure he didn't get into this mess.

After uncapping the vial, Twilight quickly tilted the glass until a small drop fell into a beaker full of a purple liquid. The reaction was almost instant, and there was a large flash before her until the whole treehouse was just engulfed in smoke. Coughing could be heard everywhere. Twilight was coughing, the changeling was coughing, and Spike was even making loud noises from upstairs. A sudden burst of light was shown through the thick smoke, and the cloud of black fumes were slowly seeping outside. Twilight continued to cough, waving her hoof in front of her until most of the smoke had dispersed.

She gave a loud sigh, taking the goggles off her eyes and resting them just above her horn. "Well... At least that was a first. But everything has ended up in a disaster thus far, and I don't think I'm getting anywhere with this." Bringing the clipboard over with her magic, she took the quill and started jotting a few notes onto the paper, writing down her observations and... unexpected results.

Twilight gazed up from her clipboard, seeing that the Changeling that was chained to the table had been staring at her once more. This was really starting to bug her now. The whole 'staring' facade was really taking a toll on her mental stability. Can't it just say one thing? Just one?!

"Sorry if I woke you up," Twilight apologized, "I was just doing some things in here. But I guess it ended up in a very unexpected way... as you can already tell." She gave a small and awkward chuckle, trying to lighten up the mood from that horrible disaster of an experiment. She honestly thought that would go better. "I didn't expect it to work anyways. But that's what science is for. Trial and Error."

The thought was still scrambled in the Changeling's head. What was she making in the first place? As much as he wanted to know, he just wanted to let it slide.

Twilight gave one more sigh, putting a hoof to her muzzle. She was going to have to think of something now. That potion probably wasn't going to help her anyways if she hasn't even tested it yet. It was probably Spike's fault. Him with his not-knowing-which-vials-are-which thing.

She was going to have to try another tactic. Slowly bringing her gaze over to the Changeling, she gave a small hum in thought before placing a hoof on the table the bug was rested on.

"Okay. I'm going to take a huge leap right now. You're not going to be doing good with your body trapped on that uncomfortable table for long, so I really need to get you up and moving. So, if you just bear with me, I'll let you off the chains for you to roam around. Just please, PLEASE, don't do anything I would regret." Twilight offered, giving a somewhat serious face. And as expected, the changeling said nothing.

With the aura coming from her horn, Twilight started to slowly unlatch the chains one by one. The clanking noises were very satisfying, knowing that freedom was coming near for the changeling.

After the last chain was unhooked, a flash of black whipped in front of Twilight before she felt a large force push her to the ground. She gave a loud grunt from being winded, and she opened her eyes to see what had just happened. The Changeling was above her, it's eyes narrowed as it glared down at her. She felt terrified. With the creature growling, he snorted in her face before a large flash of green engulfed the body of the once changeling into a very generic looking stallion. A white coat, blue shaggy mane, and eyes that glowed as green as the flames that took over the body. Twilight was too shocked to be moving right now, because all she could do was stare. Her eyes were shrunk to the size of pin needles and she couldn't seem to move one muscle. And just like that, the disguised changeling quickly bolted towards the door, swinging it open and making its escape.

"Twilight! Is everything okay down there!?" A voice come from above, which was no doubt Spike's. With very fast paced feet coming down the stairs, the dragon ran over to Twilight and looked down at her with a worried expression. "What happened?! All I know is that there was an explosion and there was smoke everywhere! I came down here and you're just sitting here on the floor!" Looking around, he wanted to see if nothing serious was damaged from the explosion he heard. Thankfully, nothing was ruined completely, other than a few ash piles here and there that would be needed cleaning later. But one thing caught his eye. "Um... Where's the..." He stopped himself there, gazing at Twilight with a feared expression.

The only thing he could see was just the horrified expression on Twilight, and how she was staring at the door that was wide open.

There was a wild changeling on the loose.