Bound, in eternal love.


a familiar but unwelcome face

Chapter 4:

"It really is amazing to see ya'll up and about again Dashie, that bed didn't look all that comfy" Applejack said cheerfully as the two mares trotted through Ponyville later that afternoon.

"How long do we have until we need to be at the library AJ"

"Uh 'bout three an'a haf hours, we could spent some time upstairs at mah house to celebrate you getting better" said Applejack with a rather cheeky smile on here face"

"That would be great" replied Rainbow with an impossibly large smile on her face. As they reached Sweet Apple Acres they stood at the door and nuzzled each other affectionately before Applejack reached for the handle, she was about to turn it when who should come running down the path shouting but Applebloom.

"Applejack quick you have to help us there's a demon and its going to eat us help help!" Applejack facehoofed.

"Just one... is it too much to ask for just one normal day, Applebloom calm yerself now what do ya mean by demon"

"Oh Applejack it was so scary. Me an' the crusaders were in the everfree forest and then we walked 'round a tree and there was a demon there and come on ah'll show ya." And with that Applebloom ran off with Applejack and Rainbow Dash in hot pursuit. After a tiresome time of non-stop gallop they finally reached the everfree forest. Applebloom was hesitant to enter but put on a brave face and showed the two mares to the tree where the so called "demon" was last seen.

"Applebloom ah think that if that demon was here when you three were here i doubt its stayed here in one place fer this long" and just as she said that they walked around a tree to see something the wished that they would never have to see again... a Changeling sat there under a tree but it didn't look fearsome,scary or even mildly spooky it was just lay there curled up under a tree crying, and Applejack could see why. The Changeling's horn was missing,snapped clean off, but then Applejack saw that it wasn't missing,in fact that was the problem it was lodged in the very tree that the miserable creature was curled under. The changeling looked up at them and tried to stand but in its efforts it just fell to the ground screaming in pain, its left foreleg was bent at an unnatural angle and when the scream was heard Applebloom shrunk to the floor and started crying. Applejack bent down to comfort her sister and Rainbow bent down to do the same and as this happened the Changeling became engulfed in green fire and shot into the air with mighty flaps of her wings.

The changeling was shocked beyond belief. "What is this, for me to get this much strength this quickly there must be a gigantic source of love nearby but there is just two mares here" and with that both Applejack and Rainbow stood up with hooves over each others backs in a hug, they looked up at the changeling and said in synch.

"Problem?" the Changeling looked even more surprised now.

"I gain strength off of love, I need it to live but that must mean that this love is true and real. I guess love really has no limits" the changeling lowered itself down to the ground but forgetting about her broken leg fell to her knees in pain. This was it this creature needed help so they took the changeling and balanced her on Rainbow's back and rushed for the hospital.

"Wait why are you helping me after what my queen and my family did to Canterlot"

"wait you were in the canterlot invasion!?" Shouted Applejack surprised

"Yes I was but it was nothing against the ponies it was for survival, argh! I will explain when my leg is better"

"Rainbow change of plan! Do you think you can carry me?" Shouted Applejack

"Yep no doubt"

"good 'cos we're goin' tah canterlot" as the trio flew to canterlot the had to be careful not to be spotted as smuggling a Changeling into Canterlot would have severe punishments for them and worse for the changeling. they flew into the throne room window and landed directly in front of the princess herself. The princess saw the Changeling had no horn and felt inclined to ask.

"Applejack why is this creature missing its horn" when the Changeling was reminded of the loss of her horn she broke down into tears. this told Celestia that a Changeling's horn must be as valuable to them as one is to a pony.

"princess we need ya'll to heal her you know, like ya did with dash". Celestia nodded and her horn began to glow the same golden colour and the room was soon engulfed in a blinding light and just as suddenly it was gone again. The changeling stood up and did a little trot on the spot to stretch her legs, she then looked up at the princess and bowed.

"thank you your highness" then Applejack remembered the changeling saying something about the invasion being about survival, she nudged the Changeling and said.

"tell here about the invasion and how it was for survival ms um, what is your name by the way"

"Call me Copy Cat. So anyway princess the invasion that happened about 2 months ago was just for survival. We live on love we need it to survive and when the residents of our previous home started having arguments and wars there was no love only hate, so as our queen Chrysalis found us a new source of nourishment, you must understand princess she just wanted to help us survive that's all! And with that she broke into tears again. "We aren't evil, we were just trying to survive" she sobbed.

"does feeding off of a pony's love hurt them." asked Applejack

"no not at all, the queen only did what she did to the captain because she needed the forcefield gone and my family can be a bit excitable" Replied Copy

"well then if that is the case then I don't see a problem with you living in ponyville" said the princess "Applejack and Rainbow Dash here will gladly show you around town"

"we sure as sugar will" announced Applejack its always good to make up with old enemies to create new friends, oh ah know, we are supposed to be at the library in thirty minutes for something big you can come tag along".

as the trio of ponies walked through the town it all seemed to be a bit too quiet, it seemed abandoned. there were no ponies at stalls, there were no fillies out playing in the street. It was only four 'o' clock PM, so where was everypony. as they reached the library Rainbow swung the door open to be met with a familiar pink face shouting "SURPRISE!!" at her as she walked in but her eyes were immiediatly drawn to Copy Cat whose eyes were glaring at the pink pony with anger.


(Author note: this was a very rushed chapter and i havent checked it. more will be added tommorow.)