Ambition Undying

by Vivid Syntax


“I could kill her, Auntie Luna.” On the balcony of Luna’s observatory, the night wind stung deeply, bringing with it the first chill of winter. Onyx swung the Starlight Blade in front of him, parrying the attack of an imagined foe before thrusting the sword into its unseen chest. “One push, and she would be gone, and you would rule all of Equestria. You, a benevolent queen who would understand the darkness in the world and not hide in the light.”

A familiar voice whispered from inside his skull. ‘So easy. Why not tonight?

“It wouldn't be hard.”

Luna stepped up beside him. “And for how long do you think you would be satisfied, were it I on the throne instead of you?"

Onyx returned the blade to the sheath on his back and looked out over the sparkling city of Canterlot. His shoulders felt heavy, and his head drooped. “Not for a moment.”