Love is Laughing

by KingofBronies

Chapter 2

Fluttershy woke up, smiling at the sleeping pink pony. She carefully got out of bed, not wanting to wake her friend and walked down stairs. Only to notice Pinkie was already up and making breakfast. The yellow pegasus was baffled by this, having seen her upstairs nearly moments ago. Then she thought this is Pinkie Pie and left the thought without question.

"Good morning Fluttershy, I made you breakfast!" The cotton candy maned pony bounced about before placing a plate with a grilled cheese sandwich on the table.

"Oh why thank you Pinkie Pie." Fluttershy smiled while she began to eat the sandwich, she was surprised; she wasn't used to being made food from anypony. She contently ate the food her friend had served her, even if it was burnt and smelled of baked beans.

"Now that you have had breakfast, we have got to find Dashie so we can get prankin'!" Pinkie beamed.

"Umm… Ok." She put on a front, but in reality she was scared of how she would be judged. She had never pranked before, and she didn't want to mess up.

The twosome left the cottage, making their way to the front of Rainbow Dash's Castle like house. Fluttershy wasn't worried about the animals; she had left enough food for them.

"Dashie!" The hyperactive pony yelled into the cloud, but no response. She turned to Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, can you get Dashie?"

Fluttershy looked away from the pink pony's eyes. "O-ok." She said nervously, flying up to the door and giving it a gentle knock. "Umm..Rainbow Dash, are you there?"

She could hear yawning and stretching before the blue rainbow maned pony came out of her bed, a cup of coffee in hoof. "Damn, fillies best get off my lawn!"

Fluttershy jumped in shock. "W-wait Rainbow it's me Fluttershy." She shivered nervous at the pony's starting reaction.

Rainbow rubbed her eyes. "Fluttershy? What are you doing here?" She sipped her coffee.

"Dashie! I'm here too! Me and Fluttershy wanna go pranking together with you!" The messy pink maned pony yelled.

The blue pony looks at the yellow one, confused. "Wait, you want to go pranking? When did this happen?"

The rose maned pony blushed a bit. "Well, I asked Pinkie if it was ok with her if I… Could maybe go pranking with you girls. She said yes, I-is that ok with you?" The timid pony kept her gaze low, nervous of the other pegasus's answer.

Dash laughed. "Fine, just keep up Fluttershy. Pinkie and I are hardcore pranksters. We can't have you slowing us down."

The bouncy pony cheered as she came up to the house in her air balloon. "Don't worry silly, your aunty Pinkie is here to show you the ropes!"

Despite Fluttershy being a year older then Pinkie, she couldn't help chuckle from how light-hearted the pony's randomness made the situation. The three jumped in the balloon together; so they could scheme.

The blue pegasus smirked "Well welcome aboard Fluttershy, I just hope your addition makes our team at least twenty percent cooler."

"So who should we prank first?" The cotton candy pink haired pony asked.

Rainbow jumped. "I got it! Let Fluttershy decide. Think of it as an initiation prank."

Fluttershy blinked nervously, feeling the pressure was on her. She looked down, avoiding eyes so she could think. "Who..." She thought.

Pinkie cheered. "That's perfect! Doctor Whooves! I say we prank call him!" The pony handed Fluttershy a cell phone. The yellow pegasus looked at the device, not knowing what it was or how to use it. She held the phone to her ear and heard ringing.

"Um. Hello?" Whooves answered.

"Um...H-hello, is your refrigerator running?" The pegasus asked nervously.

"Wait, don't tell me! That crazed machine is running amok again. It's time I put an end to this!"

A roar could be heard over the phone as well several sounds of gunfire. The roaring stopped, a sizzling sound fallowed behind.

"W-well you better g-go catch it..." Fluttershy said as she hung up.

Everypony looked at each other before bursting out into laughter. Even Fluttershy couldn't contain it. She was having a wonderful time with her friends. She never knew pranking could be so much fun. She was so happy to finally find her place among her friends. She felt more accepted then she was when she first met Twilight and they all became close. She had been so lonely without social communication before and now she was getting out there. It was a big step for her. Pinkie looked at Fluttershy who was crying softly.

"What's wrong Fluttershy?" The pink pony said hugging her.

"I-It's nothing, Pinkie. I'm just so happy to be with you girls. T-that was just so much fun." She cried softly in between the pink pony's hooves.

The blue pony sighed and joined the hug. "Umm… Girls I hate to cut all this fluffy stuff, but Equestria needs us to prank!"

The yellow pegasus blushed releasing the pink earth pony from the hug. "Umm… I-I'm sorry girls I don't know what came over me."

The earth pony smiled. "It's ok Fluttershy! We are glad you are so happy! Cuz having fun together and being there for each other is what friends are for, silly."

"Yeah, Fluttershy I never would have thought your initiation would have turned out so great. So with the power invested in me and Pinkie Pie you are an official member of the...the...Celestia, we don't really have a name." The rainbow maned pony thought.

The mares thought to themselves. What would be an epic name for their gang of pony pranksters? Pinkie clopped her hooves. "The Revolutionaries of Laughter!"

Rainbow giggled. "That makes it sound like we are superheroes."

The pink mare laughed. "But if they think we are heroes they won't expect to get pranked!"

The yellow pegasus giggled. "That is a good point and umm… Rainbow don't you think the name is around twenty percent cooler?"

"Hmmm... It does have that certain flare of coolness; I give it the seal of approval!"

The mares cheered happily. They were now The Revolutionaries of Laughter! The giggled at the sound of the silly name, but loved it. Now they needed to decide who was next on the list.

"Who should be next?" The twenty percent cooler pony asked.

The pink pony placed her hoof on her chin. "I say Twilight!"

"Oh, ok. Let's get her good." The shy pegasus smiled.

The team with their new, superhero sounding name, used the balloon to fly over the purple unicorn's library. The trap was simple. Pinkie setup a large box of untinned pies connected to a string that Fluttershy would pull when Rainbow gave the signal. Pinkie knocked on the door. "Hello?" The unicorn asked as she stepped out to look around. "Now!" Rainbow yelled. Fluttershy pulled the string, and pies rained down on the unsuspecting pony. Painting her in sugary deliciousness. Everyone laughed, including her.

"You girls and your pranks. Wait is that Fluttershy?" Twilight blinked, confused.

The laughing yellow pegasus flew down. "Yep, we got you good."

The pink pony bounced with joy. "Yeah! Fluttershy wanted to join us, she was all like Pinkie Pie can I join? And I was like ok! And Dashie was like ok too! So she did a prank call and we were so proud so she joined our group!"

This caught Twilight by surprise. "Out of everypony I know, I never expected somepony like Fluttershy to prank at all."

Dash laughed. "How do you think I felt? I almost dropped my morning coffee when she came to my door telling me she wanted to prank."

Fluttershy smiled with a shy blush. "I-I just didn't want to be alone all day with the animals. I-I don't get out much so it was perfect for me to try something new and be with friends."

The purple mare smiled. "Well that's going to make a great letter to the princess, but first I need to get clean. I'll see you girls later!" She laughed shutting the door.

"We forgot to tell her who we were." the hyper pony giggled.

"Way ahead of you." The kind pegasus said as she spray painted the the door with the words 'The Revolutionaries of Laughter'.

"Great thinking, Fluttershy!" the colorful maned pegasus said as they brohoofed.

Fluttershy smiled at the kind words she was enjoying herself, but it was late and she needed to tend to the animals. The two brought her home cheerfully, saying goodbye having enjoyed there pranking. Fluttershy feed her animals before going upstairs and dozing off to bed with a blissful smile on her face.