Dark Fall

by Marrero

Chapter 1: The Fall

Dark Fall


Chapter 1: The Fall

Jack Gallorance rested on the green pasture looking up at the stars in the night sky. A very gentle breeze caressed his face, the wind sweeping around the hill manipulating the grass to its invisible pattern of waves. Jack in himself felt a shard of solace under the night, but uncomfortable thoughts scraped his mind.

Jack was your average earth pony with a black mane and grey fur, his eyes are a dark brown, and his cutie mark is a winged hammer and sword representing justice and execution of the rightful methods. The mark holds true as Jack, since his colt years, would always uphold justice and honesty. As a colt he wanted to make a difference in many ponies’ lives, and society as well. However, hate and ridicule have tampered, and changed him to this very day. He only now seeks redemption for a past dotted with abuse and hatred hoping that somehow he may change other ponies’ perspective of him, and he would finally be able to accept a brighter self-image.

"So here I lay." Jack said to himself. Jack looked up at the stars, and thought. "So many stars... I wish I could free myself. I wish something amazing would happen in my life... maybe tomorrow... but what am I thinking? Miracles don’t just happen when I want them to." Jack accepted this negative thought, and hoped himself that the odds may be in his favor.

Suddenly a voice echoed out from what seemed to be every direction "Hey Jack wake up will ya?" Another stallion’s voiced called out. Jack immediately broke from the environment in a flash to find himself in the sterile, cold, metallic chamber of the pod room. The room is lined with green opened pods, with at least 10 on each wall. Jack looked to see a stallion tampering with the pod behind him. Jack immediately recalled, his name was Mike Numonz, who was one of the engineers for the U.S.S. Dominus, a super-capital carrier for the Alliance military Lynx class.

White fur, brown mane, and hazel eyes, he always sports a red ball cap with the words Viper Energy, a popular energy drink, and has the cutie mark of a screw driver and bolts backed by a blue aura.

Mike looked with narrow eyes. "You seriously need to get more sleep Jack. One of these days you’re going to fall asleep in the middle of an airlock and get blasted into space, or something" Mike said. "Right, I wasn’t sleeping... Just thinking." Jack said looking up at the ceiling lights in their bright white hue. "Dude you were snoring, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Now could you pass the hydro driver please?" Mike replied. Jack looked around and spotted a red tool box with an assortment of unique tools, one being the hydro driver, a blue holographic screw driver. Something unique to the Hydrodriver is that it can change form to match the size and shape of any screw. Jack picked it up with his hoof and hooved it over to Mike. "Thanks, nice to see you’re still somewhat focused. You might not get blasted into cold space after all." Mike said. Jack simply rolled his eyes and looked at the exit to the corridor on deck 3 in spite of Mikes comment. Jack usually helps Mike when it comes to fixing things all over the ship. Jack most of time only hooves the tools to Mike seeing that Mike always has his hooves full, in a tight place, and the last time Jack helped Mike fix something power went off to the entire deck of the ship. Mike got up from his position "There, done! Ok, now the pod won’t get jammed in case of an emergency, sucks to be the pony that happens to but now it won’t happen cause I fixed it." Mike said with a smile on his face looking at the pod.

"Now let’s go get some coffee Jack," Mike said to Jack as he looked up to him. They both trotted to the exit, but immediately stopped when a message went through the intercom. "Specialist Gallorance, report to Squad Bay 29 immediately." Mike looked at Jack with a puzzled face. "Forget something Jack? You’re not in trouble are ya?" Mike said. Jack narrowed his eyes. "Well I guess I’m gonna find that out." Jack said. "Well, I’ll see ya later then. Take care Jack." Mike said, nodding his head.

Jack nodded back, and passed through the automatically opening doors taking a right down the corridor, passing some other ponies on their way to their daily duties on-board the carrier. Jack turned for the elevators and pressed a button with his hoof to head up to Deck 5 where all the squad bays were. Jack looked up at the ceiling lights as he leaned against the railings. The elevator came to a halt, and Jack trotted out the elevator, and trotted along the corridor. Along the way to the squad bay Jack started thinking. "Why am I being called up? I was relived from my post. The ship is docked up. What the hay is going on?" Jack finally arrived at Squad Bay 29, and passed through the automatically opening doors to a dark room with ponies from Jacks section gathered around a table with Holographic images on the top.

From left to right there was Specialist Mia Welling, a Pegasus mare with red mane, yellow fur, and blue eyes in a combat vest, and a rifle on her back. She has the cutie mark of a blue sun and white ring symbolizing her bright personality, openness, and loyalty. Mia enlisted at the same time as Jack, and she had the same experiences as Jack. Next is Private First Class Damien Corso, a younger stallion, earth pony. He is three years younger than Jack and new to the section. He has brown fur, a darker brown mane, and green eyes. His cutie mark is an Arrow surrounded by a yellow aura symbolizing extreme marksmanship and sharp mental focus. He has the same gear as Mia, except with a sniper rifle on his back. After that is the Section leader Corporal Auron Dykes. He is an older stallion, a unicorn, and at least four years older than Jack. He sports a white mane, with a darker grey fur. His cutie mark is two crossed blue lightning bolts with a yellow lightning ring around it symbolizing all mighty force, and execution in quick succession, which showed off in his physical actions and personality. Corporal Dykes is in the alliance military N.C.O. uniform which was a khaki top pinned with 7 ribbons and a medal, he was without his rifle at the time. Finally the last member of the section is Specialist Mark Saron, an earth pony, and same age as Jack. His cutie mark is a rose with a purple star in the background. Just like Mia, he had the same experiences as Jack and has been his best friend since foal hood. His cutie mark symbolizes charm, cunning, and friendliness to all sorts of ponies. He has the same standard issued combat gear as the rest except he carries a machinegun around.

Jack walked in as Corporal Dykes was briefing the section on the plan for the next 5 days. As Jack stepped in everyone looked up and there was a moment of silence in the room. Everyone stared at each other with a confused look, and then everyone turned and stared at Jack. "Umm, Gallorance why are you still here?" Auron Dykes said. Jack shot a very confused look and said "What do you mean? I was called up here." Corporal Auron Dykes looked around, more confused than Jack. "I mean you’re not part of the section anymore, you were supposed to be transferred out yesterday, why are you still here?" Auron Dykes said. With those words Jack’s Mouth fell agape. His confusion was now being replaced by anger. "Wha- What do you mean I was transferred out!? I didn’t ask for one! Who authorized it!? I didn’t sign any darn papers talking about transfers! Is this a Joke!?" Jack stated calmly, but ended up screaming a little near the end. Corporal Auron Dykes, taken aback by Jacks tone started getting angry as well. "No Jack, you did! I have the papers right here signed by the Fleet Admiral, and authorized by the chain of command. You are no longer my problem Jack!" Auron Dykes said in a more aggressive tone. Jack was now gritting his teeth and pounding his hooves into the metallic floor. "No longer your problem!? After all I went through and did for you in the past!?" Jack started going around the table, approaching Corporal Dykes while nearly screaming. "All the battles I’ve been through with you! All the things I had to suffer through with you! Heck, I even took a bullet for you and this is how you repay me!? By kicking me out on to the curb and forcing me to abandon my friends!? You had a say in this, you wanted me out, you’re just an incompetent psycho who wants to see me out of the picture so you can hog all the glory! You’re out of your mind!" Jack practically yelled into Dykes face. Corporal Dykes immediately stood up and grabbed Jack by the neck lifting him up. "No you’re out of your mind Jack! I would never do such a thing to my section! I don’t care about stupid medals or rewards. I just want to see my team survive through each battle. I had no say in your transfer this was outside my control now stand down now, or I will reprimand you on the spot!" Dykes yelled into Jacks face while being held up by the neck. All the other ponies in the room had a look of shock on each of their faces.

The room fell silent as two ponies, officers, entered the room. Corporal Dykes let Jack go from his hold as all the ponies in the room stared at the 2 Lieutenants who arrived to the palpable scene." Specialist Gallorance, come with us." One of the Officers said. Jack walked over to where the Lieutenants stood next to the exit, and looked back at Corporal Dykes. Jack once again gritted his teeth, a person he trusted turned on him, and now he will walk and leave his friends behind. "Let’s go Gallorance, now." One of the lieutenants said and, motioned to head out the door. Jack followed them, while the thoughts of betrayal filled his mind now masked by confusion.

"The third battle of Maro V, week 4, day 3. That coward, that’s when he knew I was better." Jack thought, he brought forth the memory but decided to repress it. Jack knew at this point there is nothing he can do to pin anything on Corporal Dykes, and there wasn’t anything he can do to stay with his section. Jack followed them. His mind was already masked by confusion, but is now being flooded by betrayal.

"We’re here." One of the officers said. Jack stepped onto the bridge of the carrier. The bridge had a sterile, electronic smell to it. Jack looked around, seeing numerous panels in blue holographic shades, detailing all sorts of information, of onboard systems of the ship, in various types. All sorts of ponies managed the consoles, and there was a dull yet audible communication chatter sounding around the bridge. In the center is a table with a holographic image with a map of the entire local region of constellations displaying the ships current location. Past that was a large viewing platform with a clear view of the station the carrier was docked at, and the lush earth like planet below, Taros IV. Jack walked around the map table while looking around getting better scope on how massive the room was as he approached the Fleet Admiral. Jack immediately straitened his posture into the position of attention. "Specialist Gallorance reporting, Sir!" Jack said in the position of attention. The Fleet Admiral turned, He was in a white blue dress uniform, and many medals and ribbons adorned it.

He was a rather old earth pony stallion in his 40's. He had a black goatee on his muzzle, the same color as his mane, his fur was a very rich blue, and he had brown eyes. His cutie mark was hidden under clothing but it would probably have something to do with leadership, or something of the sort. On his tag was the name: "Jamel".

"At ease specialist" Admiral Jamel said shooting a pleased smile, but looking away as if concerned. "Aye aye, sir!" Jack said relieving his posture. "Alright specialist, I don’t have a lot of time, so I'll come out straight with this. You’re being transferred for reassignment, and word passed through the chain of command much more quickly then I wanted it to. You have two hours to go to your quarters, gather your belongings, disembark, and report to Processing and Transfers for reassignment. Is that understood specialist?" Admiral Jamel said, looking off towards space. "Understood sir, however why am I being transferred without consent? Is there a reason?" Jack said wearing a slightly worried look on his face. Admiral Jamel turned towards Jack, and took a deep breath. ”Jack you have... exceeding talents, and higher ups were made aware of this... Y-your section." Admiral Jamel paused appearing to be nervous, and shaking a bit, he continued. "Well not only y-you w-we have very t-talented individuals on board, and I, as the Fleet Admiral, I feel as... as though these individuals were being treated unfairly, so I requested transfers to several special units in order... in order t-to save these individuals from further neglection. I know it’s hard Jack, b-but you will come to thank me for this, I-I swear it." Admiral Jamel said very nervously as if it was his final words, displaying a haphazard attempt at a smile. Jack was very confused over the Admiral’s behavior. "I’m sorry sir, but how is tearing me away from my family a way of saving me?" Jack once again gritted his teeth, remembering how the entire situation with Corporal Dykes earlier added spite and deceit to the fire of anger welling up inside him. Admiral Jamel sighed, and looked down at the floor, and back up appearing depressed now. "I’m sorry Jack, I really am, but what’s done is done...You’re not the only pony leaving family behind. You’re dismissed." Admiral Jamel said in a sort of fatigued tone. Jack wanted to say more but he couldn’t. The officers that had escorted him in were now motioning for him to leave.

"I-I can’t believe this, what is going on? He’s trying to save me, but from what? Where am I going? What’s going to happen to my friends? No, I have to take this for what it is now, there’s nothing I can do, and who knows what Dykes would do next. That Psychopath, he can’t be forgiven for what he did to Robert on the third day of the battle of Velucia II, but..." Jack thought, and started to have brief flash backs of that day. He could see Corporal Dykes' face dirtied with sweat yelling "You tell any pony, and I will kill you!" Jack immediately snapped out of the flash back, squinted his eyes, and continued to his quarters. Jack trotted down the corridor to his quarters. When he arrived, Mike Numonz was standing right next to his door. "Hey Jack, how’s it going? You looked pretty worried, did something happen? Oh no, don’t tell me you got an Article Fifteen, or something." Mike Numonz said, going from calm to worry in his tone. "No Mike, I’m being transferred out of the unit." Jack said as he entered his quarters and began taking things out of drawers and table tops and started packing them inside a large ruck sack. "What the hay!? Why?" Mike said, in an even more concerned tone. "I wish I could tell you Mike, but I’m as confused as you are about it, I’m sorry buddy but this is something that’s out of my control." Jack said as he finished packing his things. He picked up his rucksack, and put it on the small of his back where a saddle pack would be, and headed for the exit. Upon reaching the exit, Specialist Mark Saron opened the door. Jack stepped back a couple of paces surprised. Mark looked surprised as well, but lowered his head, and frowned a bit. "I guess it’s true... You’re being forced to leave us Jack... I don’t know what or why this is happening but... I believe you’re going somewhere better than here, and even if we are apart like this, we will always be family, and Jack I believe you. Remember that Mia and I always have." Mark Saron said, looking up at Jack saddened, but calm, and showing a smile at the end. Mike stood in between, still shocked, and started to bargain. "Jack we can keep in touch, see I’ll give you my contact info, and-" Mike was briefly interrupted. "No, not from you, or you Mark... I-I want to remember this very moment, and it will be our final one. If I see you again, then I will know. But if I don’t, I will know as well. However, I will not see my friends... My family, in a casket. Not after what happened at the colony Mark. Not after what I suffered from that. Don’t say anything about 'him' either. I know, even for what he did at the colony, I still know he is the colt we still knew... But I’m done here there’s nothing I can do now to stay, and maybe the admiral is right, maybe I will go to a better place where I can meet ponies better than Dykes, and I don’t have to suffer anymore." Jack looked up, and saw both Mike Numonz, and Mark Saron looking down at the ground. Mark Saron looked up, simply smiled, and moved aside for Jack to leave. Jack started, and trotted out without looking back. "I'm not going to suffer anymore." Jack said trotting away from his quarters with packs on his back.

Jack continued toward the airlock, and down the jetway connecting the carrier to the station, the whole time never looking back. Jack proceeded through processing, and had his equipment, and belongings checked, and cleared, while the entire time never looking back. He reported to Transfers, was sat down in an office and received a letter stating for him to report to Dry-dock 72, at the bottom of the station tomorrow to be checked in. Jack rode transit throughout the station, and was placed in special accommodations for the duration of his stay on the space station.


Jack sat at a bench in a vista parkway of the space station eating breakfast, looking out through the glass panels into space. The park was very calm it was early morning as jack was eating a breakfast burrito with orange juice. "Heh strange how they still make these things." Jack said to himself. No one was at the small park at the time so Jack felt disconnected, but calm in his new environment. It's a good trade from the sterile interiors of the carrier, even though the station was always nicer than space ships in many ways. In 2 hours he will know the new ship he will be in, and what his job will be in there. The carrier had already undocked, and deployed, for reasons unknown. As Jack finished his Burrito, and orange juice, his nanocom beeped indicating a new message. The Nanocom is a small pencil like utility that deploys, and expands from cellphone size to computer screen size. The purpose being an all-purpose smart phone, computer, hybrid. Jack looked at his Nanocom. It was a message from Mark Saron. "I told him not to be in contact with me." Jack said, cursing under his breath. He viewed the message, which was a poem. "Although I suffer through Nightmares of disdain, and loss, I will soar like an eagle, before the fall." -Joseph Cander. Jack read the poem out loud and smirked. "Heh... I understand... Thank you... Thank you so much Mark." Jack said before deleting the message, Deleting Mark Saron from his contacts, and blocking any communication associated with his number. "Sorry Mark, we’re still family, but I’m free, and I can live a new life from now on. If no one can bring justice there, I’m going to start a new life here." Jack said to himself as he finished up his breakfast and trotted off to receive his orders, and to begin anew.