The Princesses of Seasons

by Rising Phoenix

Prologue: The Four-Quarters Forest

Thousands of years ago, when princess Celestia was a child, and Luna was just a baby, there was a place in Equestria where normal ponies were not allowed: It was a misterious forest surrounded by mountains. It was near the north frontier of Equestria, but only Queen Infinity and King Cronos knew the exact location. This magical place was the home of four alicorns with very special powers: They were the Princesses of the Four Seasons.
The forest was perfectly round and divided in four quarters, like a clock, and each quarter looked different.

The first quarter was a colorful prairie full of flowers and butterflies. Little squirrels and birds could be seen everywhere, and there was always a sweet scent in the air. In the middle of the prairie stood a castle that was totally covered by flowers and plants, and surrounded by a marvelous garden. This was the home of Bloom, the princess of Spring.

In the second quarter the trees were full of fruits and the air was hot. The castle in this place had a very curious appearance: It looked like a giant sand castle. This strange building belonged to princess Sunny, who was obviously the princess of Summer.

A red and brown landscape marked the beggining of the third quarter. Autumn leaves where everywhere, covering the ground and floating in the air. It was a beautiful place, although it was very rainy. A huge castle made of wood is the residence of princess Autumn( I don't need to say her Season).

And finally, the fourth quarter, also known as the White Forest. It was a very cold and silent place, where you could ever hear the snow falling from the sky like little stars. At the middle of this calm and pretty place was the most incredible of the castles. The Winter Palace was a true piece of art that the winter princess, Blizzard, made herself. It was totally made of pure ice, and that made the palace look like a giant diamond when the light touched it.

There was one more place in the Four-Quarters Forest, which was the most important of them all. It was a great lake located in the middle of the forest, and equidistant to the four castles. The lake itself wasn't important but the little white building that could be seen at the center of it. In this place, which name was the Season's Temple, the four princesses, along with the king and the queen, reunited four times per year, for the Change of Season.

And here is where our story begins.