
by Gizogin

Under Covers

Right at the heart of Equestria, nestled between the foothills surrounding the mountain of Canterlot on one side and the wild, untamed Everfree Forest on the other, sat the small village of Ponyville. An earth pony settlement at first, in the decades since its founding the town had also become home to a diverse crowd of pegasi and unicorns from all walks of life. According to the bulletins distributed by its tourism center, it was “a rustic sanctuary, embodying the traditional styles of earth pony architecture and craft”.

Indeed, with the abundance of thatched-roofed, wooden houses, visitors to Ponyville often found themselves nostalgic for a time that, in all honesty, the town had never even experienced. Even the windmill, long known as a town landmark and symbol, hadn’t been used for any milling in years. Still, it was a point of pride for the town that it had avoided the craze of urbanization that had claimed so many others.

All in all, it did clash somewhat with the massive, crystal castle that now dominated the skyline.

Nopony would admit it, of course; Princess Twilight Sparkle (and friends) had more than earned the towering building, given that they’d saved Equestria from certain destruction. Again. Some, though, might have been heard to grumble good-naturedly that it didn’t have to be such a bright shade of purple.

Rainbow Dash, town weather manager and Wonderbolt-in-training, didn’t really care much about any of that. To her, the castle was simply the very tall, very impressive home of her friend, Twilight Sparkle, and it was this that had brought her there that afternoon. As Rainbow stood impatiently outside the front door waiting for said friend, she reflected that it was probably too tall; at least it hadn’t taken Twilight two minutes to walk down the stairs when she’d lived in the library.

She was seriously considering just taking off and finding an open window to fly in through when one of the double doors finally opened, revealing a slightly out-of-breath, lavender alicorn. “Hello,” she greeted, before spotting her visitor. “Oh, Rainbow Dash, it’s you. Sorry if I kept you waiting.”

“Hey, Twilight,” Rainbow said. “It’s no big deal. Listen, I wanted to ask you something.”

“Oh? Well, why don’t you come in? I was just about to make some tea, if you’re not busy.”

Rainbow Dash seemed to consider this for a second. “Sure, why not?” she said, following Twilight inside after only a moment’s hesitation. “So, you’re, uh, wearing your crown.”

“Hmm?” A quick touch with a hoof confirmed that the elaborate work of gold and amethyst was, in fact, currently resting on Twilight’s head. “Oh, shoot. I just put it there to keep it out of the way. I guess I forgot to take it off.”

Fortunately, the two ponies reached the kitchen before Rainbow’s mind could freeze up trying to imagine what task a crown could possibly interfere with. It was understandable; she’d never seen this room before, and few ponies could be expected to carry a train of thought through that door. Rainbow actually stopped, stunned, utterly bewildered by the sheer scale of a room that seemed far too impressive for a word as small as “kitchen”.

Twilight, having entered the room ahead of Rainbow, didn’t notice the pegasus’s reaction. Instead, she made her way to the nearest stove, on which a kettle had been made ready to boil. She removed her crown with a touch of magic, switching on the burner at the same time, and only then realized that her friend had not followed her.

“Rainbow?” she asked. “Are you alright?”

“This is your kitchen? It’s huge! There have to be, like, eight ovens in here!”

Twilight’s ears folded back, not wholly because of the volume of Rainbow’s shouts. “Ten, actually. Plus a pizza oven and a fire pit. So,” she said, changing the subject, “what did you want to ask me?”

With a quick shake of her head, Rainbow pushed aside thoughts of just how many cooks Twilight would be able to fit in such a space. “Right. Okay, here goes.” She took a breath. “Twilight… Can I borrow a book?”

“A book?” She’d looked ready to ask something, well, more significant than that. Rainbow hadn’t been embarrassed about reading for a while. “Sure. I’m still trying to fill up the library, but I might be able to find something for you. Did you have a specific book in mind?”

A momentary flash of panic hit Rainbow’s face, but she recovered quickly. “No, just something new. Do you have something with pirates?”

Twilight’s castle had grown from the raw magic contained within a crystal chest grown from the Tree of Harmony. Even now, many days after the very dramatic series of events that had led to its creation, the structure still hummed with the aftershocks, resonating just beyond the edge of hearing. Twilight had been pleased to discover that this made the crystal structure slightly malleable, which was especially helpful when it came to installing running water. Pure, untamed Harmony could do many things, but apparently it drew the line at toilets.

It had also proven unable to create books. While the castle’s library was no less impressive than its kitchen, it felt even more empty with all its shelves bare. Twilight had called in every favor she could, even going so far as to ask Celestia for any extra books the Canterlot Archives could spare, in a frenzied attempt to replace everything that she’d lost in the destruction of her old home.

The response had been a bit more than she’d expected, to say the least. Some combination of sympathy for her loss or respect for her position had evidently inspired every library, archive, and charity in the country to empty out their back rooms, judging by the literal piles of books lying unsorted among the shelves.

The practical upshot of this was that, while Twilight almost certainly had several books on pirates, both historical and fictional, actually finding them was another thing entirely. It ended up taking the two ponies nearly an hour of digging before Rainbow Dash could finally settle down for some serious nautical reading. She took up residence on a bench near the center of the library, only glancing up when Twilight claimed another, apparently having given up on sorting the endless stacks for the time being.

Time passed. The faint sound of turning pages filled the air in a regular rhythm. Afternoon turned to late afternoon, and finally to evening, both ponies too absorbed in the written word to notice until a sudden, thunderous rumble shattered the silence.

Rainbow Dash all but jumped out of her skin. “What the--”

“Sorry,” Twilight said, blushing. “I guess I didn’t notice how hungry I was getting.”

“That was you? I thought it was a dragon, or something!”

Twilight chuckled at sight of the pegasus trying to pretend she hadn’t dropped her book in surprise. It might have worked, had she not been holding it upside-down. “Come on, I’ll make us some dinner.”

“Nuh-uh,” Rainbow said, shaking her head firmly. “Maybe you princesses have some crazy stomach thing, but there’s no way I’m risking another one of your egg-and-daffodil salads.”

Twilight frowned, but only halfheartedly. It was with good reason that Spike did most of the pair’s cooking, but with him taking a much-deserved respite in the Crystal Empire, food options were limited. “Pizza?”

“Now you’re talking.”

A short time later, one pegasus and one alicorn found themselves pleasantly stuffed and commensurately drowsy. For a time, they chatted amicably about this and that, but as night stretched its inky veil across the sky, words turned to yawns.

Rainbow Dash was ready to head home for the night, but Twilight wouldn’t hear it. She made some excuse about the distance and how the moon wasn’t full enough for night flying, and Rainbow pretended to be convinced. What they both knew, though neither would say, was that it was a big castle for just one pony to fill.

So, with a spare bed found and readied, the two ponies prepared themselves for the night.

Twilight didn’t know how long it had been before a strange, repetitive sound roused her from sleep. It was quiet, muffled but still barely audible. A purple ear swiveled, trying to locate its source, finding it somewhere in the space to her left.

Rainbow? she wondered idly. What are you--

Twilight’s breath caught in her throat as a suspicion formed in her mind. No, she thought, desperately, Rainbow wouldn’t do that! Not in my room, and definitely not so close to me!

Then the smell hit her. It was a smell of primal lust, of need, filling the air like a rolling fog. It cloyed her senses with intense, almost syrupy sweetness, calling to her basest of instincts with promises of endless pleasure if she would only join in…

Focus, Twilight. Stick to the facts.

Twilight did her best to block out the… distracting noises from the other bed. Fact one: I can hear sounds consistent with manual stimulation of the female external genitalia, allowing for the muffling effects of bedclothes. That was good. Keep it objective. “Stimulation” was a lot less arousing than, well…

Masturbation. Rubbing. Playing with herself. Grinding her sopping wet--

Facts! Twilight snatched her hoof back up to her chest. That had been far too close. Fact two: The smell in the air, coupled with my own hormonal response and increasingly distracted mental state suggest the presence of significant quantities of vaginal fluid, again supporting the aforementioned stimulation. Corollary to fact two: Holy fuck I am so turned on right now.

She had to stifle a tiny gasp. Rainbow’s breathing and rubbing had picked up in both speed and volume. Her body had noticed, even if her thoughts hadn’t, and it cried out in protest as she recaptured her wandering hoof once more.

Fact three: she thought, slightly panicked, I can conclude that Rainbow Dash is - she shuddered - masturbating. Corollary to fact three: I am seriously about four seconds from--

Options! What were her options? Option one: Tell her to stop. One part of her body objected spiritedly to this notion, but her brain held veto power. For now.

Option two: Don’t.

The latter was becoming increasingly tempting, not helped by the tiny moans that Rainbow was not even trying to hide. Twilight’s imagination filled in the blanks, and she could almost see the stuntmare’s face, rose eyes clenched shut and cheeks burning with the same heat that was only growing stronger in Twilight herself. One sky-blue hoof made tiny circles around her sensitive, swollen nub of concentrated pleasure, only backing off to tease at her erect nipples and drag her efforts out to an even more satisfying finish. Her other hoof flashed ever faster across her soaked lips, dipping inside with each pass to tap into the wellspring of her need, bringing her so tantalizingly close to the edge that it was only a matter of seconds before she would--

“Twi--!” Rainbow shouted, barely getting the syllable out before forcing a pillow into her mouth to muffle her climax.


Twilight’s brain shut down. It was too much for her to take in. Her hoof, which had finally managed to slip down to its target while its owner had been distracted, froze in its tracks.

She no longer cared - or was capable of caring - that she was supposed to be keeping quiet. “WHAT!?”

In the other bed, Rainbow Dash’s blood went cold.

“I’m really sorry, Twilight,” Rainbow said, her gaze fixed on the floor. She was sitting on the edge of the bed, as far as possible from the damp, stinking evidence of her misdeeds.

The lights were on. Twilight had bolted out of bed and illuminated the crystals in the ceiling before Rainbow had a chance to cover herself up. Twilight herself was restlessly pacing the floor, her flitting wings and frazzled mane giving lie to her agitation.

“I’m not--” Twilight began, before shaking her head. “No, that’s not true. I am incredibly angry with you, Rainbow Dash.”

It wasn’t possible for a pony to die of shame, at least without a serious heart problem to get things going. Nor was it possible for a pegasus to sink through a mattress, down through the ground, and all the way to the crushing pressures of the planet’s core. This didn’t stop Rainbow from trying to do both at once.

“You were here for one night. One!” Twilight’s pacing sped up, her hooves echoing off the hard crystal. “Were you that desperate to get off that you couldn’t wait until you got home? What if Spike had been here? For pony’s sake, why didn’t you just walk down the hall and ‘take care of business’ in the bathroom?”

Moisture was building up in Rainbow’s eyes, but she refused to let it fall. “I-I’m sorry. I’ll clean up the bed, and--”

“Yes,” Twilight interrupted, coming to an abrupt halt, “you will. And as soon as you wake up tomorrow, you are going to write me a signed apology explaining, in one thousand words or more, why it is inappropriate to go to a friend’s house, spend the night in her spare bed, and then put her in the position of having to not be turned on by the image of you masturbating!

Rainbow blinked, but stopped short of actually looking up at the furious alicorn. She didn’t even dare to consider what Twilight had just let slip. Still, she had to work very hard to keep her mouth from getting the rest of her into even more trouble.

Luckily, Twilight had more to say. “Right now - Rainbow, look at me.” Rainbow complied, slowly, her eyes shining with unspilled tears and her cheeks flushed with some combination of shame and afterglow. “Right now, you’re going to tell me why. I’m not angry, not really, but I am confused and a little bit hurt. I’m about ten seconds away from doing something drastic, and I don’t know whether to scream, throw you out the window, or pin you down and rut you until you can’t see straight. You’re a strong, smart mare, and I hate to see you like this, so help me understand. Please, Rainbow.”

“I--” Rainbow tried to say, buy her throat felt like sandpaper and it came out as a croak. She swallowed and started again. “I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable, and I’m sorry for making a mess and keeping you up. I just didn’t know how to ask.”

“Ask?” Twilight repeated, nonplussed. “Ask what?”

Rainbow took a deep breath, steadying herself. “‘Twilight’,” she said, as though reading off a card, “‘do you want to have sex with me?’” That seemed to open the floodgates, and soon words were pouring out almost faster than Twilight could take in.

“I had this plan all worked out! I was gonna show up at your door, show off some awesome tricks and stuff, then throw my wing around you and say, ‘Hey, Twilight, you’re super hot. Wanna bang?’”

“Just like that, huh?” Twilight hadn’t meant it to come out so sarcastically, but snark was one of the few faculties that hadn’t been totally scrambled.

“Sure, why not?” Some of the familiar brashness had returned to Rainbow’s voice, and she puffed out her chest and flared her wings proudly. “Who could say no to this?” Then, just as quickly as it had arrived, the swagger left and Rainbow slumped. “It was gonna be a good time, you know? You’d show me some crazy magic sex stuff, I’d make you cum so hard Celestia would hear it.

“Then… I dunno. I got to your door, and…” Rainbow didn’t know when she’d started crying, but the tears were flowing freely now. They left stinging tracks down her cheeks. She didn’t care. “You’re taller than I am, you know? You weren’t before, but now you are, and you have those wings, and this castle, and it’s all so big.” She couldn’t look at Twilight anymore. Those deep, violet eyes were staring through her, searching her every corner. “I know you hate it when we treat you like a princess,” she said, her voice thick, “and sometimes it’s easy to forget, but I think I wanted to show you how much you mean to everypony. To me.

“You’re so smart, and beautiful, and brave, and you don’t even know it. When you opened the door, I got scared. How could I be good enough for you? But I still wanted it, so much. Maybe, when I was, you know, I think I wanted you to catch me, because then I wouldn’t have to ask.” She snorted, her stuffy nose turning it into a wet, sticky sound. “Guess I messed that up, too.”

Rainbow lifted her head, her teary eyes looking anywhere but at Twilight. “I should go,” she choked out. “I’ll get you that apology tomorrow.”

She walked over to the window, looking out at the scattered lights of Ponyville at night. At least nopony would have to see her run away forever. She brought her hoof up to push open the window, but a firm voice stopped her.

“Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said, “if you open that window, so help me I’ll - I’ll arrest you!”

Rainbow didn’t lower her hoof, but she didn’t push it forwards, either. Twilight took this as a sign to continue.

“I already told you I wasn’t angry,” she said, her voice filled with emotions that Rainbow Dash couldn’t place. “I was confused. How was I supposed to react? And now you drop all this on me and want to leave before I have a chance to respond?”

Before Rainbow could so much as blink, Twilight leapt forward and tackled her to the ground, wrapping lavender wings around the pegasus in a fierce, forceful hug.

Neither of them knew how long they stayed there, side-by-side on the floor, taking simple comfort in the other’s presence. Rainbow had stopped crying. Maybe she’d finally calmed down enough to think, or maybe she’d simply run out of tears. She forced herself to think things through. Twilight had said she wasn’t angry, but even if that weren’t true, she wouldn’t be mad forever. They were friends, and one day they would both look back on this and laugh.

It probably helped that she’d managed to get off. Rainbow’s eyes flicked back to the sheets she hadn’t yet changed. Celestia, but that had felt good. A hoof, or even two, couldn’t compare to some of her toys, let alone the real thing. Even so, her fantasies had been so vivid…

A shudder ran down Rainbow’s spine, and she shuffled her wings uncomfortably. Unbidden, her imagination called up yet more delicious scenes.

”Rainbow Dash,” she heard Twilight say, and she swore she could hear the nervousness in the princess’s voice as she faltered. ”Rainbow Dash,” she imagined Twilight saying again, ”do you want to have sex with me?”

Rainbow blinked, heat rising to her cheeks. That had been in her head, right? She definitely hadn’t heard Twilight actually ask. That would be--

“Rainbow?” Twilight asked, “Did you hear me?”


Rainbow’s wide eyes were fixed in front of her, deliberately looking anywhere but at the large, lavender alicorn who was now uncomfortably close and right there, next to her! Even so, she could practically feel Twilight rolling her eyes.

“You said you came here because you wanted a night of sex, right?” Twilight asked with saintly patience. “Just two friends having fun, making each other feel good?”

“Well, yeah, but…”

“Okay.” Twilight stood up, motioning for Rainbow to do the same. She walked over to her bed, turning around to look at Rainbow when she reached it.

Rainbow followed, but stopped just short of the bed. She still couldn’t quite believe what was happening; at any moment, she half expected Princess Luna to step out of a wall and offer cryptic, if ultimately helpful, advice about… something. Wooing a princess? Managing a preposterously overworked libido? Finding a therapist?

Before Rainbow could decide, Twilight said, “If we do this, we do it on my terms. If either of us wants to stop at any time, for any reason, that’s it. No expectations, no judgment, just sex, okay?”

Rainbow Dash wanted to agree. She wanted nothing more than to jump forward, plant her lips on that insufferable, purple mouth, and just let her body run wild. Once she did that, there would be no turning back.

Instead, she forced herself to ask, “Why?” On seeing Twilight’s face fall ever-so-slightly, she hurriedly added, “I’m not saying no! I mean, I am so cool with this, you have no idea, but--”

Twilight jumped forward, planting her lips on that insufferable, blue mouth. When she pulled back, far too soon, both ponies had a healthy flush to their faces. She didn’t say anything, but her eyes spoke of a need that went right to her core.

That was enough for Rainbow Dash. In that instant, she forgot about her insecurities and embarrassment. She didn’t care that Twilight was a princess, or that they were in her magical, crystal castle. All she could think about was getting another taste of those soft, warm lips.

A flap of her wings lifted Rainbow into the air, hovering just above the ground so that her head was on a level with Twilight’s. A second launched her forwards, and with impeccable aim she locked their muzzles together and and forced her tongue into Twilight’s mouth.

That was a rather more forceful reaction than Twilight had expected, and for a moment she was too stunned to respond. Rainbow’s tongue was an invading presence, tracing Twilight’s teeth and exploring her mouth. Some part of her mind noted that it tasted vaguely minty; that was probably just the toothpaste.

Rainbow, meanwhile, was completely lost. She’d acted completely on impulse, and now lacked the capacity to even describe what she was feeling at that moment. Her entire world was on the other side of those perfect lips, in the shape of those teeth and the warmth of that breath. Such was her determination to explore that she barely even noticed when Twilight began to respond, sluggishly at first, but quickly gaining confidence.

They grappled like that for an eternity. Their tongues danced in the rhythm of pure carnality until they couldn’t tell whose was whose. When they finally broke apart, blushing and gasping for breath, there could be no more hesitation.

“Bed?” Twilight panted, wings fanning the air as though no longer sure of the ground beneath her hooves.

“Bed,” Rainbow Dash agreed.

Rainbow, of course, got there first, with Twilight hopping up barely a second later. As soon as they hit the sheets, Twilight went in for another sloppy kiss, forcing Rainbow down to the pillow. This time, she went on the offensive, pushing the battle into Rainbow’s mouth.

The same minty taste was even stronger here, but Twilight couldn’t bring herself to care very much. Taste, after all, was closely related to smell, and her nose had found something much more interesting than toothpaste. It was slightly sweet, but it didn’t smell of anything other than pure, primal need.

At some point during their kiss, Rainbow and Twilight had entered an embrace. Their forelimbs held each other’s necks and backs, stroking and holding mane, fur, whatever they could reach. Neither pony was really paying attention, especially since their backs legs, also entwined, were telling them some very distracting things.

Twilight was the first to break the kiss, catching Rainbow’s lower lip between her teeth for just a moment. That familiar scent had become overpowering, and a steadily-growing spot of damp heat just above her thigh gave her a pretty good idea of its source. Rainbow’s leg was resting just between Twilight’s own, the short, soft fur of her thigh brushing tantalizingly against her burning need and driving her into a frenzy.

Rainbow grinned. She thought she’d been wet, but Twilight was sopping. It had to be torture; she’d had to listen to Rainbow grinding herself to ecstasy, but she hadn’t been able to take part. Well, there was an easy way to fix that.

Rainbow ducked her head, nuzzling Twilight’s neck as she brought her leg up and into the burning, soaked mound. Twilight’s breathless gasps were all the encouragement she needed, and as her leg began to grind slowly, agonizingly slowly, back and forth, she planted a line of wet kisses all the way down to the alicorn’s collarbone.

Twilight was beyond any capacity for thought. The split offensive of Rainbow’s wonderful, increasingly-damp leg and that warm, delicate mouth had turned her brain to mush until it was all she could do to just hang on. Rainbow was painting her neck and chest with lips and tongue, swirling lavender fur into spirals even as that leg only drove her higher and higher in a steady climb to a peak she could scarce imagine.

All this only made it all the more unbearable when Rainbow, her trail of kisses and licks resuming its downward path, removed her thigh from Twilight’s marehood. She didn’t want to leave her lover hanging like that, but she simply couldn’t reach that far. She’d make up for it soon, anyway.

“Rainboooow,” Twilight moaned, not even trying to hide her desperate need for more. Her hair was in complete disarray, her mouth open and panting in anticipation.

They’d started out on their sides, but with Rainbow moving downwards and Twilight struggling to let her be, the alicorn was now spread out on her back, wings splayed beneath her and forelimbs gripping the sides of the bed for support. All in all, it was a very undignified position for a princess of Equestria to be in.

Rainbow smirked, though she did obligingly speed up her ministrations. Even so, by the time her wandering mouth had drawn level with Twilight’s hips, the alicorn was squirming with impatience.

Well, then. Enough teasing.

The same part of Rainbow Dash’s mind that paid attention to her surroundings while she flew kept a careful, explicitly detailed journal of everything that happened after that. It noted the puffy, twitching outer lips, parting in rhythm to expose the glistening, soaking inner folds and the engorged clit. The intoxicating smell that hotwired her own aching need. The way Twilight moaned in unrestrained, unrefined ecstasy when Rainbow dragged her tongue all the way from base to belly in a single, smooth motion, and the unbelievably hot taste of sweat and lust.

She went in for another taste, and then a third, her tongue pushing deeper with each pass. No matter how much of Twilight’s fluid she scooped up, there was always more. It was a losing battle, but Rainbow had never been one to give up without a fight.

Ragged moans from above Rainbow’s head spurred her on, and she redoubled her efforts. The way Twilight’s walls were twitching and clenching meant she had to be building up to something fierce; with each pass of her tongue, Rainbow felt Twilight’s entire body shudder more and more.

As tempting as it was to just stick her muzzle deep into Twilight’s crotch and eat her out until she screamed, Rainbow knew she could make it better. With monumental effort, she pulled her tongue away, her chin practically dripping with the fruits of her efforts.

Twilight didn’t have a chance to complain. In an instant, Rainbow was kissing her again, and tasting herself on the tongue that had treated her so well made Twilight’s mind go blank once more. With her mouth so occupied, Rainbow’s hoof took over where it had left off.

Blue fur and a surprisingly soft hoof blurred against the pink flesh of Twilight’s marehood, the soaked folds offering no resistance as she pushed right against the edge of climax.

Rainbow ended the kiss, a glistening string of saliva and other fluids connecting deeply flushed faces for just a moment before she planted another trail of sloppy, breathless kisses all the way down Twilight’s body. Tongue and muzzle once again replaced hoof, and this time there would be no holding back. That warm, wet instrument of pleasure plunged as deep as it could go, thrashing at the core of Twilight’s need until she could bear it no longer.

Then, Rainbow touched her soaked hoof to Twilight’s clit, and the alicorn screamed.

There might have been words to it, but Rainbow was beyond hearing. Pink, soaked walls clamped down on her tongue, twitching and rippling as she rode out her orgasm in shuddering ecstasy.

Twilight couldn’t think, could barely breathe. Her entire world was white-hot pleasure, rippling and pulsing from her gushing marehood right up her spine and into her head and her heart, flowing into her limbs with each pounding beat. It was incredible, and even as it began to fade, another wave of surging fire swelled forth, then another. They carried her away, like a feather in a hurricane, until she thought she might never come down.

Finally, lifetimes later and exhausted beyond imagining, she finished. Twilight released Rainbow, and the pegasus gazed in wonder at her work.

“Wow,” Twilight managed, finally. The word seemed pathetically, laughably inadequate to express what she’d just felt, but it was an effort just to say that much. “Wow.”

Slowly, agonizingly slowly, the world faded back into view. Twilight became aware of Rainbow Dash beside her again, the pegasus watching her with a smug, slightly damp grin.

“That good, huh?” No trace of her earlier trepidation remained in Rainbow’s voice. Instead, it was filled with a curious mixture of pride, laughter, and smoky desire.

“Mmm,” Twilight agreed. “Good enough for a princess, I’d say.” She turned her head to the side, catching Rainbow in a sensual, thankful kiss. There was no trace of that minty taste this time; the flavor of Twilight’s own sex had overwhelmed it completely.

It didn’t last long, another shudder of glowing pleasure causing the alicorn to break away with a gasp. “Ooh,” she moaned, fixing Rainbow with a fierce, sultry look. “As soon as I can feel my legs again…”

Rainbow Dash grinned. Somehow, she doubted they’d be getting much sleep that night.

“Heh,” Rainbow said, much later. “Looks like I’m not the only one who needs to change her sheets.”

Twilight grimaced. “Ugh, tell me about it. I’m going to be scrubbing this… stuff out for hours.”

“Stuff?” Rainbow smirked. “It’s okay, egghead; you can say it. Cum. Lady spunk. Loooove juice.”

The blush on Twilight’s cheeks only made Rainbow’s smile wider. “Rainbow!” she protested. “Do you have to be so crass?”

“Twilight, we just had sex.” Seeing Twilight’s adorable face go even redder, she added, “Really awesome sex. Like, ‘I’m going to be getting off to this for weeks’ awesome. Man, that thing you did with your horn--”

“Rainbow!” Twilight shouted, which only made Rainbow laugh. It was worth the barrage of telekinetically-hurled pillows to see the princess so embarrassed.

“Hey, there’s a thought,” Rainbow said, her good mood impossible to defeat. “I just ate out the Princess of Friendship! Does that make me a duchess, or something? Can I be a knight?”

This, at last, got Twilight to giggle as well. “I should have known,” she said in mock resignation, “you were only trying to seduce me in your fiendish grab for power.”

“Pfft, as if. If I wanted power, I’d put the moves on Celestia. I seduced you for crazy-awesome sex.”

A petulant tongue was all the answer Twilight gave to that. “I really could knight you, you know,” she said conversationally. “I checked.” She looked ready to elaborate, but a loud yawn saved Rainbow from a midnight lecture.

The contagious nature of yawns was a well-known, if ill-understood, phenomenon, so naturally Rainbow Dash followed suit with an even more cartoonish one of her own. Before either of them knew it, they were both fast asleep, snuggled up under the covers in a sticky, sweaty, very happy mess.

They wouldn’t wake up until long after Celestia had raised the sun again. It would be longer still before Luna could find a way to delicately inform her sister of her protege’s interesting dreams that night.