Past Shadows

by ChaosDragoon

Chapter Fifteen

The train pulled into the Canterlot train station as its wheels screeched on the tracks. Black smoke blasted from the smoke stack as ponies began to walk out of the train cars. Weaponry limped out of one of the cares with Flash to his right and the bright green mare to his left. Weaponry and Flash suddenly felt pares of hooves around them as Twilight and her friends had lunged towards them in a group hug.

“Flash, Weaponry. Thank Celestia your both ok,” Twilight said before Rainbow Dash flew away from the group.

“I didn’t worry one bit. I knew you two would kick those changeling’s flanks,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Could you all let go of me please,” Weaponry said, his ears bent back.

Rarity chuckled before she asked, “What? Afraid of a little affection from your friends?”

“No, but every part of my body hurts and this little group hug isn’t making things any better,” Weaponry said. The group quickly let go as Weaponry winced in pain as he tried to stretch.

“You should take it slow, you’ve been through a lot,” Flash said before two guards walked up to the group as one said, “Weaponry, Flash Sentry, the princesses request an audience with you.” Weaponry and Flash nodded before following the guards with Twilight, her friends, and the bright green pony following them.

“You must have been so scared out there,” Fluttershy said to the mare.

“Yeah, I thought I was going to die, but then he came to help. I owe him my life.” the mare said as she She looked to Weaponry and a sly smile formed on her face. This couldn’t be easier. Soon I’ll control all of Equestria. She thought.

Weaponry limped into the throne room next to Flash as the mare walked in with Twilight and her friends. Celestia and Luna smiled before they flew from their thrones and landed in front of them. Weaponry bowed but his right front leg gave out and he collapsed to the ground. He started to get up when he felt his body lift up and be placed in his hooves. The golden glow around his body disappeared as did the glow around Celestia’s horn.

“There’s no need for formalities, I’m just glad you both are safe,” Celestia said with a warm smile before she added, “For your bravery in saving not only your comrades but civilians.”

Before she could finish a jagged black horn appeared on the bright green mare’s temple and shot a green beam of magical energy at Celestia and Luna. Suddenly, Twilight, her friends, and Flash Sentry all were lifted up and sent flying towards Celestia and Luna before a green bubble appeared around them.

“Princess,” the two guards yelled before racing towards the bubble. Before they could get there however, two black blurs flew past them. Their gallop turned to a trot and as they stopped. Their eyes widened as blood began to drip around their necks before their heads where decapitated from their bodies. The nine all stared in shock as two black swords float from above the guards body over to Weaponry, his once brown eye was now glowing green.

The mare laughed as she walked next to Weaponry and began to change into a large Changeling. She stroked her hollow hooves through her blue mane before she walked over to the large green bubble.

“Did you all miss me?” Chrysalis asked before she laughed again.

“Chrysalis!” Celestia roared as her horn glowed. A snake like vine jettisoned from the bubble and wrapped around Celestia’s horn as it began to suck the magic from it. The glow from her horn diminished before she collapsed to the ground.

“Oh how you amuse me so,” Chrysalis said with a smile.

“How did you get past my sisters protection spell?” Luna questioned.

Chrysalis chuckled before she explained, “Unlike the last time, I had my minions spy on all of you. For five years I was planning my invasion and knew that if I wanted it to succeed I would need to strategize my next moves very carefully. That’s why I had my children attack all those towns and cities. To make you think I would make a full scale attack on all of Equestria. When I really wanted to stretch your army thin so there wouldn’t be enough guards to protect the castle. However, I need a backup plan should you put up your little protection spell. That’s when I remembered: during my time as Cadence, I saw birds not being let in by the magical barrier and had an idea. We changelings only take the appearance of ponies and creatures, but what if we changed our DNA to resemble Pony DNA. I was only able to get a few changelings to be able to change their DNA, but it seemed to work since we got in.”

“We?” Twilight said in shock.

“Yes, all those ponies you just saved are changelings and,” Chrysalis said before screams echoed in Canterlot as she added, “Seems like they’re setting the plan in motion.”

“Another Fruitless effort to invade,” Celestia said as she started to stand.

“Oh, but that’s only phase one of my master plan. For you see: we’ll feed on all of you first and make Equestria one massive hive and then, we’ll take over the rest of the world,” Chrysalis laughed.

“That’ll never work; Weaponry won’t be in your control forever!” Rainbow Dash yelled.

“Of course not, when I’ve completed phase one, I’ll release him from his hypnotic trance so that he can see what he’s done. He’ll be so broken, he’ll be no threat to us,” Chrysalis said.

“Why would you do such a horrific thing to him?” Rarity questioned. Chrysalis walked over to the bubble and slammed her front hooves on the bubble.

“Because he killed my mother,” Chrysalis roared.

“What!?” Flash questioned.

“Ten years ago, my mother had a hive in the San Palomino Desert. He showed up with a group of ponies to attack the hive. She ordered her minions to protect the hive, but he relentlessly killed them and when he found me and my mother, she had me run away to safety. When I escaped the hive I watched as it fell to the ground. I went to find my mother and that’s when I saw him pull his weapon from her body. Since I was heir to the throne, I ordered the total annihilation of all his comrades and that unicorn he fought so hard to protect. When I saw he was in that little town, I wanted him dead, but I knew we would need him to get into the castle. So I decided, instead of just killing him, I would make him suffer,” Chrysalis said.

“You won’t get away with this Chrysalis! You only have a small group of changelings in Canterlot. They’ll never be able to fight all the guards we have here,” Luna said. Chrysalis just laughed before she walked over to the window.

“Celestia already gave me the means to let my swarm of changelings into the castle,” Chrysalis said before her horn glowed and she shot a golden been of light towards the protection bubble. It shattered as it fizzled away, letting the massive swarm into Canterlot.

“How did you,” Celestia questioned.

“When my magical bubble absorbed your magic, it gave me a small amount of your magical energy so I could break your barrier,” Chrysalis explained before she walked over to Weaponry and placed a hoof under his chin as she said, “Would you be a dear and watch over these prisons. Make sure any attempts to save them results in death.”

“Yes my queen,” Weaponry said. Chrysalis chuckled as she walked towards the window again and her wings began to buzz before she looked over at the group and said, “Feel free to try and break out, but the more you try. The stronger the barrier gets.” With that she left the throne room.

Rainbow Dash began slamming her body against the bubble trying to escape while Applejack bucked at the bubble.

“Come on, we have to get out of here to stop her,” Rainbow Dash said. Twilight, Luna, and Rarity’s horn glowed as they shot beams of magical energy at the bubble but nothing they did broke it.

Flash looked over at Weaponry and pleaded, “Get a hold of yourself! Snap out of it!” Weaponry said nothing as he stood there with a zoned out look on his face.

“I don’t think that’ll work,” Rarity said as she placed a hoof on his shoulder.

“He can’t just quit on us, he’s stronger than that, “Rainbow Dash said.

“He might be, but Chrysalis has him under her hypnotic spell,” Celestia said.

“That’s it,” Luna said before she turned to Twilight and added, “What about the spell you’ve been practicing.”

“What spell?” Celestia questioned.

“I felt that she might want a spell to see into pony’s memories, but she could potentially project herself into Weaponry’s mind to bring him back,” Luna said.

“But what about the barrier?” Rarity questioned.

“It shouldn’t stop her since she’s not trying to escape the barrier,” Luna said.

“What about teleporting, if Twilight and the princesses do that, then they can get help,” Flash said. Luna shook her head.

“It won’t work, watch,” Luna said before her horn glowed ready to teleport when a green snake like vine jettisoned from the bubble and wrapped itself around her horn and sucked the magic from it. Luna stumbled before she fell to the ground.

“You see, it will stop us from physically escaping, but if Twilight can spiritually escape and enter into Weaponry’s mind, she’ll be able to break the spell over him,” Luna said.

“But, I’m not sure I’ve totally got control over it,” Twilight said.

“We believe in you Twilight, you can do it,” Celestia said. Twilight looked at all her friends who had warm smiles on their faces.

“Ok, I’ll try,” Twilight said before she closed her eyes and winced as the magic started to spark from her horn. She continued to strain as she said, “I don’t know if it’s working.” But there was no answer. She opened her eyes to see she was no longer in the bubble but in solid darkness. She looked around before she noticed a door. Its tan oak seemed to glow in the darkness. She pushed the door open and walked into a hospital.