Past Shadows

by ChaosDragoon

Chapter Fourteen

Flash sighed before he looked up at Celestia who had sat back down in her throne and said, “I’m sorry princess, for lashing out at you.” Celestia shook her head and raised a hoof to stop him.

“I understand your concern and anger Flash, we all say things in the heat of the moment. I know how loyal he was to the kingdom and for that he’ll be honored as a hero. Because of his sacrifice we’ll be able to formulate a plan to counter attack the changelings,” Celestia said.

“Personally, I think he wanted it this way,” Luna said as she entered the throne room. Everypony looked over to her as she walked in.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

Luna extended her wings and flew next to her sister before she explained, “I’ve seen the nightmares he’s been plagued with. Theses nightmares where created by a dark Spector that wanted him to suffer.”

“Suffer for what,” Flash questioned.

“The Spector was created from his self-conscious to punish him for what happened ten years ago or at least that’s what I assume. He’s been hurting himself for years, whether he knew it or not. This last stand was his only conclusion to stop his suffering,” Luna said.

“But it wasn’t his fault they died, why couldn’t he see that!” Flash said.

“I believe, no matter how much you would have tried to convince him. He lost so much that day that nothing could change his mind,” Luna said as she just shook her head.

“Princess!” one of the guards shouted as he pointed to a large window that had a small black orb pulsating. It flew in and circled each pony before it circled Celestia and stopped as the guard shouted, “Watch out princess, we don’t” he was interrupted by Celestia lifting her hoof again.

“If it was dangerous it wouldn’t have gotten past the protective barrier,” Celestia said before she examined the black orb.

“That’s one of Weaponry’s orbs!” Flash said.

“He’s still alive!?” Twilight said in shock.

“Of course he is, those changelings are no match for him,” Rainbow Dash said as Pinkie’s mane suddenly inflated before she jumped up in down in happiness.

“That pony must be tougher to kill then a cockroach,” Applejack said.

Rarity leaped into the air and was clinging to one of the pillars as she screamed, “Where!?” Applejack just laughed before she turned back to flash and asked, “Why would one of his orbs come here, don’t they usually turn to weapons?”

“Yeah, but I’m not sure how or why one would be here,” Flash said before he flew up and touched it with his hoof. The orb twitched before it turned into a large screen with static.

“A communication orb,” Celestia said before the static started to dissipate as a voice started to come through, “Damn it, would you get into focus you stupid orb!”

“Is that?” Fluttershy questioned before the static disappeared and Weaponry stood on screen before a large explosion was heard in the background.

“Princess, this is Royal Guard Weaponry. I hope this message has gotten to you in time,” he said before another explosion erupted behind him. He turned and shouted, “Keep them back damn it!”

“We’re trying but they just keep coming,” a female voice shouted out of frame. Weaponry turned back to the screen.

“I’ve found a group of ponies who couldn’t get to the train station. Please princess you have to send help for them,” Weaponry said before he took his hoof and turned the screen to a few mares with fillies and colts with them before he turned it back to him and added, “There’s fillies and colts here, I don’t want them to die this young. Please pri.” Another explosion echoed behind him.

“We need medical help over here!” another pony shouted off screen. Weaponry turned towards the voice before turning back to the screen.

“Please princess, I’m just asking you to save them. We’re currently held up at Sugar Cube Corner and need EVAC. Tartarus Rises,” Weaponry said before the screen went black as another explosion was herd in the background. The screen shrunk back down into an orb and disappeared.

“Princess, your orders,” one of the guards said. Celestia said nothing; she just stared in shock at what she just saw.

“It could be a trap, the changelings could have kill,” Applejack said before Rainbow Dash interrupted her, “Don’t you dare say that. He wouldn’t let weak creatures kill him!”

“But, Applejack’s right. This could be a trap by the changelings,” Twilight said.

“No, it’s not,” Flash said. Everypony looked at him before he added, “That last phrase: Tartarus Rises. When he was a commander, he would make all his guards recite that phrase so when they fought changelings, they would know who was a changeling and who wasn’t.”

“Princess! Your orders?” another guard asked. Celestia was taken out of her state of shock by is question as she turned to Flash.

“Flash, take a group of guards to the train station and prep the train for an evacuation mission!” Celestia said. Flash nodded before he darted for the door. Before he ran out Celestia added, “And Flash!” Celestia said before he left. He turned to her as she said, “Bring him home.” Flash nodded again and flew out of the throne room.

He galloped down the hall and busted through the door to the guard quarters. All the guards jumped at his entrance as he shouted, “I want thirty guards prepped and waiting at the train station! We’re heading back to ponyville for an EVAC of civilians.” The guards all looked at him still stunned.

“Did I stutter?!” Flash roared. All the guards suddenly scrambled to get their armor on before racing out the door.

Flash ran towards the train station with them as a train sat waiting for them. When they all piled into the train, black smoke blasted from the smoke stack and the train began to move. Hold on friend; we’re coming to bring you home! Flash thought.


The train pulled into the train station of Ponyville thirty minutes later. Flash ran out and looked around. The town was ravaged and many of the homes where on fire or where destroyed.

“Sir, how are we going to get them out?” one of the guards questioned. Flash was about to answer before the train’s smoke stack let out a blast of black smoke. Flash’s ears bent back, shit, I’m sure the changelings saw that.

He quickly ran over to the conductor and shouted, “Are you trying to get us killed! The changelings could have seen that!”

“Sorry,” the conductor said before Flash sighed.

“Sir! They’re coming!” one of the guards roared. Flash quickly ran to the front ready to fight the changelings. His eyes widened when he saw a group of ponies running towards them with Weaponry in front. Weaponry quickly came to a halt and directed the group towards the train station.

“Get on the train! It will take you to Canterlot!” Weaponry ordered before he turned and waited for the changeling swarm. Not again! Flash thought before he flew up into the air. He landed next to weaponry before he punched him. Weaponry fell back before he quickly got up and yelled, “What the hay was that for?”

“You’re not doing this again! Now get on the train!” Flash ordered.

“But the changelings will,” Weaponry said.

“That’s an order!” Flash yelled.

Weaponry stepped back from his outburst before he sighed, “Yes sir.” The two galloped towards the train and got into one of the cars before black smoke blasted from the smoke stack. The massive swarm of changelings headed towards the train station.

“We won’t make it!” one of the mares screamed. The fillies and colts began to cry and panic as the swarm drew closer. Weaponry winced as sparks started to form in his horn but no magic came out.

“Damn it, I’ve used too much magic,” Weaponry said.

“Any unicorns that can use magic get to the windows and hold off the changeling swarm!” Flash ordered. Unicorn guards stood at open windows and began to shoot magical beams of energy at the swarm. However, no matter how many they took down, the swarm continued to advance. They’ll get to us before we can take off. I don’t have any more magic to use. Weaponry thought.

"Seems you’re in a bit of a pickle?” The voice laughed in his mind.

“You think?” Weaponry said. Flash looked at him in confusion.

“Think what?” Flash asked.

“I could help you, but I see nothing to gain by doing that,” The voice said.

“We’ll look at it this way: if I die, you also die,” Weaponry said

“Who are you talking to?” Flash asked.

The voice just laughed in Weaponry’s head, “I see what you did there. Fine, I’ll help, but only this time.”

Weaponry’s horn glowed black with green sparks around it. As the swarm advanced towards the train station, the ground shook before black crystals rose up from the ground forming a wall blocking the changelings. Some of the changelings took to the air but crescent shape crystals shot from the crystal wall. The crescent shape crystals sliced through the changelings bodies as they fell to the ground. Many of the changelings dodged the attacks but the crescent shape crystals boomeranged back pierced into the backs of the changelings who dropped like flies. The train began to move and pick up speed as it headed towards Canterlot.

Flash looked at the black crystals before he looked back at weaponry and asked, “How did you?” Weaponry was breathing heavily before he shook his head.

“I’m not sure,” Weaponry lied.

The bright green mare looked out the window at the events unfolding and a sly smile formed on her face as she said, “Interesting, this unicorn might be more useful than I thought.” Before she started laughing, her brown eyes changing to green for a second before changing back.