Goodbye is not farewell

by Twilove

Goodbye is not farewell - Part 2

This has been an unbelievable experience for me. Everything has changed since this tiny unicorn came into my life. The exams were over, I had passed luckily, so I could enjoy my summer vacation. My mother was still distant and went out a lot. My friends didn’t talk to me, even when I decided to tell them about the unicorn in my room. Of course, I wouldn’t believe myself either, it would sound so weird. I had went to a local animal shop for some horse food. Twilight had a liking for hay of course, and that was very easy to get.


She called me that. Always, I love it. I still wonder how my mother would react if I told her about Twi, but I’m not going to bother her with it now.

“Yes, sweetie” I answered as I looked at the purple unicorn on my lap.

“Can I have some water?” She asked.

She could talk now. In the beginning she could only say mama, but after a while she learned more.

“Of course, I’ll go get some”

The small creature nodded and crawled off of my lap, laying down on my pillow. I stood up and went for some water.
As I walked downstairs I could hear my mother talking. She was on the phone, again. I sighed. She was always on the phone. I’m not going to interrupt her. I walked to the kitchen and took a glass, filling it with water and heading back to my room.

“Honey, would you please get the trash outside?”

My mother asked me just before I walked away. I sighed and put the glass down, silently praying Twi wasn’t going to come down. She wasn’t that smart yet.


I had answered annoyed. My mother just ignored me and continued talking to that stupid phone. It was a beautiful day outside, just like the day I found Twilight as an egg. I held the trash and dropped into the container. Walking back I wondered what would happen if I take her outside. I decided to just do it and see what would happen. Nothing would surprise after what happened two months ago.

Before going upstairs I grabbed the glass with water. Upstairs Twilight was running on my bed, tracing her tail. I laughed, she was so cute.

“Twi” I called her. She looked at me. I held the glass out for her. She focused on the glass and made it float with her magic. She was learning that too. She took a sip as I told her I wanted to go outside. She smiled brightly and her eyes twinkled excitedly as I talked.

“So, let’s go outside” I said, smiling at the unicorn baby.

Twilight nodded her head up and down fast, excited, nervous and happy all together as she drank the water. I grabbed a bag and carefully put the small creature in it and closed half, so there was a hole to breathe through. Walking downstairs I ordered the pony to be quiet so that my mother wouldn’t hear her.

“I’m going outside for a bit”

I told my mom as I put on my shoes and coat.

“Alright” Was her only reply as she continued talking to that phone.

Stupid phone. That reminds me, I haven’t thought about my distant mother or my ignoring friends since Twilight came into my life. She had changed it completely, but in a good way. I loved her, so as I took her with me outside, I smiled brightly.


The unicorn called from the bag.

“Just a little longer, Twi” I said.

The unicorn nodded inside as I walked towards a small forest in our little town. It wasn’t anything big, just a lake in the middle with a lot of trees around it. As I walked over the path I looked around. No one. I sat the bag gently on the ground and took the little pony out of it. Twilight looked around excitedly.

“Woah…” She beamed as her eyes went from tree to tree.

“Come on, Twi, let’s get going”

I said as I sat her on the ground and grabbed the bag again. She walked slowly at first and felt the leaves on the ground tickle her hooves. Ha, hooves, I love ‘em. I stared at her the whole time, smiling brightly and chuckling every time she tripped slightly or stepped on a stick and jumped from shock. It was a nice day and I tried learning her a bit about my world. I still didn’t know where she came from, but I really didn’t mind. She was with me now.

“What’s that?”

She had asked that a lot. One time it was a bird that was trotting on the ground and flew away when we approached it. Another time she asked about a bug, a ladybug to be exact. I had told her everything she wanted to know. This time, though, she asked about a person walking towards us. She was walking with a dog. Twilight probably meant the dog, because she knew what a human was already. My face went pale for a moment, but the person didn’t seem to have noticed us. So I gently, but quickly, grabbed Twilight and put her back in the bag, leaving an opening so she could breathe.
As the person came nearer, I recognized her. It was a long forgotten friend from school. Her name was Nickita Mayline, I never liked her, but I had no choice but to hang out with her. She had once been my best friend, that was before I ‘changed’, as she said it.

“Anna? Is that you?”

She asked as she restrained her dog. It was a border collie, Spike was his name, pretty funny actually. It had always been a nice dog, but since I turned my back towards his boss, he ignored me or growled at me every time I saw him. I didn’t pay any attention to it though, I had my own pet now, well I don’t really call her ‘pet’, she’s like a daughter or little sister. Not a pet.

“Hey Nicky”

I said, using her old nickname as she used mine. Everyone called me Anna, my whole name is Angela Fayblossom. Stupid name, never liked it. Nickita’s face was one of disgust as she talked to me. She really hated me.

“How are you?”

She asked, a crack in her voice as she searched for the words. She hated me a lot. I didn’t mind, I hate her too. Her dog started to growl. Surprisingly not at me this time, but at the bag I held.

Oh no’‘ He was growling at Twilight. Who was hidden safe in my bag, of course, Spike with his great nose could smell her. My face went pale, what to do now?

“What’s wrong, Spike?”

Nickita held her dog tightly, trying her best to get him to calm down. I gulped, he can’t attack Twilight, can he?

“I-I should go”

I turned around and started to leave, but right at that moment Nickita had loosened her grip around the dog and he went straight for my bag. He jumped up to grab it, but I grabbed it sooner and held it close as I backed away from the frightening dog. I’d let him jump at me, I’d let him attack me, I’d let him even kill me, as long as he stayed away from my child.

“Stay away!”

I growled at the dog threatening. He growled back. Nickita watched me as I tightened my grip on the bag. It was a simple gym bag, I never really use it, until today of course. The blonde girl laughed ridiculously at me. I looked at her with hate in my eyes, even more than in hers.

“What are you laughing at?”

I shouted at her. She just laughed again.

“What the heck is inside that stupid bag?”

She laughed. I growled, she wasn’t allowed to talk to me like that. My eyes narrowed at her laughing appearance. Oh, how I wished Twilight could use her magic to kill that girl. It was such a stupid girl.

“Nothing of your business!”

I had said, unfortunately, I had also lowered my guard, giving the dog a good change to charge the bag again. My eyes widened as his teeth pierced into the bag.

“Aah!” They had hit her.

“NO! You stupid dog!”

I kicked him. I am strictly against animal abuse, but I can’t let him just attack my baby without doing something. Nickita gasped shocked. She didn’t see that coming, she knew I loved animals and would never hurt one like that.

“Why did you do that!? It’s just a bag!”

She crouched next to the whimpering dog. My breathing was ragged as I sat on the ground and carefully opened the bag. Twilight was in there calmly, though her face showed she was hurt. My eyes started to water. How could this happen? I should have never taken her out! I started to cry as I gently caressed her mane and coat.

“Are you okay, Twi?” I asked.

A small nod came from the unicorn and I sighed relieved. Nickita looked at me confused. Who was she talking to? My eyes were closed as I slowly and gently stroked Twilights soft mane.

“Let’s go home” I whispered to her.

I stood up and looked at my past friend, Nicky. Stupid girl. All girly, loves shopping, clothes, shoes, boys, make-up, everything I didn’t have any interest in. Nickita had stood up as well. Spike was alright, just a bruise on his side, nothing much. Silently I was glad, it was still an animal, it couldn’t help himself. Poor thing, he must have a terrible life with such a boss.

“Who are you talking to?”

I looked at her, thinking. I couldn’t tell her, she would call the veterinarian or the police or something. I mean, a purple unicorn isn’t something you see every day. What should I say now? She looked at me with those intense eyes, she knew there was something off and she was going to find out what it was.

“Hey guys!”

I turned around. It was another past friend of mine, Jane Cotton. She was way more nice to me than Nickita. Though,
sometimes, she was incredibly annoying. She was still good friends with Nicky. I didn’t hate her as much as I hate Nicky, but I do hate her for turning her back to me.

“Jane, what are you doing here?”

Nicky asked in her British accent. Yes, Nickita is British. She had grown up in England and later moved to The Netherlands with her parents. Jane is more like me, not really into make-up, though she does use it, loves being alone in the dark and sitting behind her computer all day. That was one of the reasons why I wondered she was here. The other was that she lived in a complete other town.

“Just visiting some family” She said shrugging. “I wondered I’d go looking for you, so I went here”

Nickita’s face showed amusement, she was planning something. That was sure. I held my guard, still mostly on that dog. I didn’t want to hurt him again, but I didn’t want him to hurt Twi again. Nickita looked at me, then back at Jane.

“Which one of us? Or both of us?”

There was a lot of amusement in her voice, as if she wanted me to be humiliated, because she knew the answer already.

“Mostly you of course, but I don’t mind you being here, Anna”

She had said that so kindly. I almost wanted to hug her tight and apologize. Almost. I looked at her and gave her a look that said I really didn’t want to talk to her. Jane’s face went from excited to sad when she saw that.

“I’m going”

I walked away, holding the bag with Twilight tightly to my chest, still not lowering my guard. My eyes were narrowed as I heard footsteps behind me. I listened very carefully to what they were going to say.

“You should really stay away from her, Jane” Nickita said mockingly.

I really, really hate her.

“I know, but I miss her” Jane had said.

My eyes widened. Did she mean that? Or did she just say something? What was going on? They hated me! I shrugged it off and continued walking, paying no attention to my former friends who’s voices went silent as I went further away.

I hate them.