
by Bysen

Bonus Chapter

The three of them moaned and groaned on the ground. Those two girls they’d tried to mug had beaten the living crap out of them. As the first began to get up, he looked over at his two friends, one of which was clutching his balls. The other clutching his nose. And he himself had a sizable welt on the side of his face from the larger girl’s initial punch.

“Uh… I think my nose is broken…” the guy groaned as he managed to get to his feet, leaving a slightly bloody hand print on the ground as he did. He’s expected to get in a bit of a tussle with the bigger of those two but hadn’t expected the smaller girl to elbow him like that.

“Guys… guys… I can’t feel one of them. I think she popped it!” the man still on the ground holding his crotch said in a panic.

“You only HAVE one bollock Gavin…” the first guy said. “Fuckign bitch stole 90 bits from me!” he said as he looked around for his wallet. He finally found it teetering at the edge of a water drain. The side of his face was starting he heat and swell up as he walked over to it muttering “Hope the bitch is at least getting laid for playing the hero and ‘saving’ the girl from us.” knowing that if you’re attacked and you save the girl you are totally getting some that night.

He reach down for his wallet and accidently knocked it down the drain… “That’s the last time I do Gilda a favour.”