
by Grimm

1. Something Changed

“Twilight, are you feeling alright?”

Damn it. Twilight put on her best smile. “Fine, why do you ask?”

“Because you’re very easy to read,” said Celestia, looking straight into Twilight’s eyes and giving a warm smile of her own. “But if you’d rather not tell me, I understand.”

“It’s not like that...” Twilight began, before trailing off and looking out over the gardens.

It was a beautiful day. Insects buzzed lazily past the balcony, warming their wings in the late-morning sun while birds flitted between trees, singing and calling to one another. Celestia often invited her out to this balcony when Twilight was visiting, to drink tea and discuss her lessons in friendship. Usually it would be the high-point of the unicorn’s day, but this time all Twilight wanted was to curl up into a little ball and be sick.

“Is it something your friends can help you with?” Celestia asked. “Don’t be afraid to talk to them – helping someone in their time of need is the mark of true friendship.”

“I know,” said Twilight. “But I’m fine, really.”

“Well then, forget I said anything. Let’s just enjoy the sunshine.”

The silence that followed was thick with things left unsaid, though Celestia seemed entirely unperturbed. She was so calm, sipping her tea as if nothing in the world could ever be wrong. Twilight’s tea tasted like dirt in her mouth.

“I granted your brother the leave he requested,” said the princess, finally. “He can’t wait to see you.”

Twilight sat up a little straighter. “Shining’s coming?”

“Of course. I couldn’t have stopped him if I tried, and I could hardly deny it after all he’s done for the Crystal Empire. It’ll be good for him and Cadance to take some time off, and I know they’re looking forward to spending it back with you.”

Cadance too? Why not just invite the entire kingdom while they were at it? “Great,” she said.

Twilight’s lack of enthusiasm must have showed because Celestia paused her teacup halfway to her lips. The princess hesitated, and then set it back down with a sigh. “I’m afraid I have to cut our meeting short, Twilight; the Saddle Arabian ambassadors are due shortly, and I really should prepare.”

The princess stood, and Twilight joined her a little too quickly.

“Promise me something, though,” said Celestia. “If your vacation doesn’t resolve whatever’s worrying you, you’ll talk to your friends about it.”

Twilight nodded. “I promise,” she lied.

“Wonderful. Then I’ll see you when you return. And one last thing…”

The unicorn froze in the doorway she’d rapidly retreated to. “Yes, princess?”

Celestia beamed. “Remember to enjoy yourself! Otherwise, what’s the point?”

What indeed?


The letter was still on her bed. To be expected, of course – it wasn’t as though it would just vanish from where she’d left it – but Twilight had still harboured a secret wish that it would be gone when she opened the double doors leading to her extravagant castle lodgings. That it would never have existed at all.

But that would be too easy.

Her suitcases were all packed and ready; the one night stop in Canterlot was just the calm before the storm. Twilight had hoped Celestia would be able to raise her spirits, if only slightly, but even that had been too much to ask.

For what felt like the fiftieth time, Twilight picked up the crumpled parchment and began to read.

Dear Twilight,

Your father and I are so glad you can make it! It’s been far too long since we had the family all together, and Shiny thinks he can persuade the Princess to give him some time off too. I hope so – he deserves it.

If I’m honest, I’m far more excited about seeing the both of you than this vacation, but your father won’t stop going on about the place. If he tries to tell me about its history one more time, I swear to Celestia… Still, it has to be nice; it’s not every day you get to stay in a country manor! One of the perks of having royalty in the family, I suppose (I’m still not used to Shiny being a PRINCE!).

See you soon, honey. Night Light sends his love!

Hugs and kisses,
Mom xx

And for what felt like the fiftieth time, Twilight crumpled it back into a ball before thinking better of it and smoothing it out again.

It wasn’t as though she could have said no. That would raise questions – the last thing Twilight wanted – and her parents would no doubt have just rescheduled anyway. And so she’d accepted the invite, ensuring her reply sounded suitably enthusiastic.

Keeping up the charade for three weeks was going to be another matter entirely.

This is important, she reminded herself. I can’t just hide forever. No matter how much I want to. Twilight gave an inward groan as she collapsed onto the bed. Hiding felt like the perfect solution right now, to just vanish in the middle of the night and never come back. But, even with this hanging over her like a guillotine, running was nothing but idle fantasy. What, was she going to throw her life away that easily? Of course not, not when she could just pretend everything was alright instead.

And, she mused, maybe it would be. Wasn’t that part of the reason she’d agreed? Because maybe the only way she’d get past this was to face it head on? Either way, she couldn’t shut herself off from her family with no explanation. This holiday was important, and not just for her.

All this and more swarmed through Twilight’s head as she lay there, both longing for and dreading the time when sleep would be acceptable. She made a few feeble attempts at leafing through various books, but ultimately gave up in favour of staring blankly at the ceiling or pacing aimlessly back and forth. Neither quelled her thoughts.

The room slowly darkened, and finally Twilight could slip between the welcoming sheets, allowing the bed to envelop her completely. Sleep didn’t come. Instead, Twilight spent most of the night staring out the enormous windows, watching stars move across Luna’s black sky.


“Twily!” Shining Armor waved excitedly as the train doors opened. He was quick to leap out and pull her in for a full-bodied hug. “How’s it going, little sis?”

“You should have stopped calling me that years ago,” said Twilight, pouting for a moment before returning his grin.

“I’ll stop saying it when it stops annoying you. Come on, we don’t want the train to leave without us.”

“Like they’d leave without Prince Shining Armor,” Twilight replied, giving her brother a good-natured nudge in his side.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. But for this trip Cadance and I are officially civilians. And good thing, too. You have no idea how boring ruling is. Do you know how many fun things aren’t ‘appropriate’ for a prince? I’ll give you a hint – it’s most of them.”

Twilight giggled as Shining led her towards the back of the train, where Cadance’s private carriage had been attached. It was anything but subtle, adorned on the outside with enormous crystals and flanked by two royal guards at the door.

“As civilians, huh?” asked Twilight.

“Ah, don’t worry about them,” said Shining. “They stay with the train. After we get there, they’re gone. And come on, who’d pass up the private carriage?”

“I see.” Twilight flicked her mane, tilting her head back with a faux-haughtiness. “Too good for the common folk now, are we?”

Shining laughed. “Naturally. I could hardly bear to walk on the same ground as the peasants.”

The guards saluted as they passed, impassive and stoic (though Twilight swore she caught one of them suppress a snicker as they entered the train. Her brother’s mocking of his own position was obviously nothing new).

The inside was every bit as luxurious as the outside suggested. Twilight’s hooves sank into thick carpet, and with only a few seats there was plenty of room for other ‘essentials’. These included an enormous four-poster bed and a buffet table that took up a whole side of the carriage, covered in every and any delicacy one could ever care to eat. And by the window smiling warmly at Twilight sat Princess Mi Amore Cadenza herself, though to the unicorn she would only ever be Cadance – the babysitter who let her stay up much later than she was supposed to and always fed her not one but two scoops of ice-cream.

“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake,” said the princess, covering her eyes at the appropriate line.

“Clap your hooves and do a little shake,” replied Twilight, giving her rump a small wiggle. The old greeting was still able to cheer her up, even if the motions had become less pronounced nowadays. Especially when it made Shining cringe as much as it did.

“Every time…” he grumbled, sending both Twilight and Cadance into a fit of giggles.

“Aww, is somepony jealous?” asked Cadance.

Shining didn’t even dignify her jibe with a response, dropping into the seat beside his wife with an exaggerated sigh. Twilight sat herself down across from them, and as soon as the train left the station with an ear-splitting whistle the two mares began chatting incessantly about everything under the sun, pointedly ignoring the excessive eye-rolling from Shining Armor’s direction.

“If you think he’s bad now, you should see him at the Empire,” said Cadance. “Poor thing doesn’t know what to do with himself without at least three platoons of guards to boss around.”

“Make sandwiches, apparently,” replied Twilight. Her brother had seized the opportunity to create nothing short of a monolithic pillar of bread and every sandwich filling under the sun. “You know Mom will insist on making something to eat as soon as we get there, right? You’re gonna be sick.”

Shining frowned and took a voracious bite from the monumental tower he’d constructed. “No regrets, Twilight. And last I checked, commanding the Royal Guard required a little more than ‘bossing ponies around.’”

“You’re far too easy to wind up, Shiny.” Cadance’s eyes flashed dangerously. “It’s a good thing it never stops being fun.”


The train wound its way between tall and tortured mountain ranges, carrying them deep into the heart of Equestria. It was a long and tiresome journey, and as the conversation lulled Twilight’s eyelids began to droop, her restless night taking its toll. It wasn’t long before she sank down in her seat and began to snore quietly.

The sun was low enough now to shine through the carriage windows. A blue glow surrounded the blinds as Shining pulled them down. Lanterns sparked to life after another burst of his magic and submerged the cabin in a dim orange light.

Twilight was next, the same blue wrapping around her as her brother carefully lifted her to the bed and laid her down as gently as he could. She stirred a little, giving a quiet sigh as her legs flexed slightly, but she didn’t appear to wake.

“It’s so cute to see you look after her like that,” said Cadance, her voice a hushed whisper so as not to disturb the sleeping unicorn.

Shining rejoined her, hooking a hoof around his wife’s shoulders as she snuggled against him. “She’s my little sister; of course I’m going to. And…” Shining cast a look back at the motionless form on the bed. “To be honest, Mom’s been kinda worried about her. I wasn’t entirely sure she’d come.”

“Huh, why wouldn’t she?”

“She and Mom used to send letters to each other once a week; y’know, catching up and stuff, but a few weeks ago Twilight just stopped sending them. When Mom asked what was wrong Twily sent back a really short letter that pretty much said ‘I’m fine’ and nothing else. I wanted to go see her myself, but I couldn’t get any time off until now.”

“Really? She seemed fine to me,” said Cadance.

“Yeah, I thought so too. Maybe it’s nothing, but I’m gonna keep an eye on her while we’re all together. Mom probably won’t mention it, so hopefully Twily’ll be okay.”

“Aww, I wish I had a big brother to look after me as much as you do.”

Shining nuzzled against her neck. “Don’t worry, I can look out for you as well.”

Cadance giggled, and their position on the seats slowly grew more horizontal. Twilight – now wide awake and brooding on their conversation – stared resolutely at the carriage wall, trying to ignore the sounds coming from their direction. They would go no further than passionate kissing with her there, even thinking she was asleep, but that was still too much to listen to.


Inevitability is a terrible thing, and Twilight had never felt it worse than when the train began to slow. A glance out the window only served to make her stomach sink even further, the station ahead in stark contrast to its starry backdrop, surrounded by a dark and foreboding forest.

“Ugh, I can’t wait to get off,” said Shining, tilting his head to the point where his neck clicked and earning a disgusted look from Cadance for his efforts. “Long journeys are awful.”

Twilight had abandoned her feigned sleep a couple of hours ago, and the three of them had spent the last leg of the trip playing ‘Cheat’ – a game Cadance was startlingly good at, defeating the two siblings all but once. Twilight was still proud of her single victory in the face of such terrifying opposition, while Shining had sworn off the game forever.

“How far is the house from our stop?” Twilight asked.

“Well, the station’s actually privately owned,” said Cadance. “From what I hear, Celestia practically demanded it be constructed at the end of the grounds when they built the estate, so we’re there as soon as we arrive.”

“Oh.” Twilight winced slightly. “Good.”

The idea of Celestia demanding anything was a strange concept, but it was well-known that the Princesses used to rule with more of an iron hoof than they did now. They’d had to; Equestria might be in a golden-age of peace, but it hadn’t always been that way. Respect had to be earned.

With a loud screech the train reached a halt, carriage doors swinging open onto the lonely platform. Surrounded by tall evergreens, the station felt particularly out of place – a solitary construction in the middle of an otherwise untouched forest. Little more than a slab of concrete with a bench, it was hardly the warmest of welcomes. Not to mention that the manor was nowhere in sight, thick trees hiding any hint except for a snaking track that meandered off into the forest’s depths. When it came to the privacy of their royal getaway, the princesses had apparently spared no expense. Either that, or this was entirely the wrong stop. Twilight found herself wishing for the latter.

Again the flanking guards stood motionless as they passed – at least until Shining dismissed them and gave them each a small bag of bits as a gesture of goodwill. Immediately their stony veneers vanished, replaced by cheery conversation as they bid their ex-captain farewell. It wasn’t hard to see why her brother was held in such high regard. Even in his lofty position he treated all his comrades as friends, calling for them to have a drink on him once they got back as they entered the carriage.

And then the train was gone, guards with it, and it was just the three of them.

“I’m surprised you managed to persuade my aunt to let us stay without an escort,” said Cadance as she led them off the platform and down the gravel path that twisted between the trees. Her horn shone brightly in the cold gloom, sending long shadows trailing behind them. “She’s usually really uptight about it.”

“Who says you don’t have one?” replied Shining. “An ex-captain of the royal guard and Celestia’s own protégé aren’t ponies you want to get on the wrong side of.” He shot Twilight a wink, and she smiled weakly back.

“I suppose.” Cadance sighed. “Don’t get me wrong, it’s great having no-one breathing down my neck, I’m just not used to it.”

“You’ve got three whole weeks to enjoy it.”

“And enjoy it I shall.” Cadance turned to the unicorn lagging behind them. “Come on Twilight, we’re almost there.”

Mumbling an apology, Twilight broke into a brief trot to catch up to them. Back at their side, the trio rounded a final bend, and then the trees suddenly fell away, the moon above lighting what lay ahead.

“Oh wow...” Despite everything, Twilight couldn’t stop the words from leaving her. In her sullen state she’d done very little research into where they were actually staying – a rare circumstance for her – and she was entirely unprepared for the view before her now. It was little short of breathtaking.

What had been a dirt track grew almost immediately into an enormous driveway, so wide that six chariots could have traversed it side by side with room to spare. Meticulously kept lawns met on each side, and on the left Twilight could just make out the twinkle of water reflecting moonlight – a small lake. And all of this led up to the house, though now the word no longer did it justice.

Twilight had seen a fair few amazing buildings in her time, but most impressive ones tended to be either castles or other structures purpose-built to be imposing. This was a home, somewhere clearly intended to be lived in and enjoyed, and yet it held the air of grandeur that usually only those castles could match. Constructed almost entirely of some light-coloured brick, the manor was four storeys tall, its grey tiled roof ornately decorated along the edge with flourishing spirals and other delicate twists of stone. A large balcony extended out the middle of the second floor, forming a sort of makeshift porch over the front door. It was held up by two pillars, each carved in the shape of rearing ponies wearing beautiful, ancient armour. The house’s windows were large and numerous, yellow lights burning merrily behind them, and they seemed to beckon the group onwards.

Cadance grinned at Shining and Twilight, both staring at the building with their mouths open, each a perfect mirror of the other. “Are you two finished? It’s freezing out here.”

“Wha- huh?” Shining Armor shook his head, snapping back to reality. “Uh, I mean…” He turned to Twilight. “I should totally have become a prince sooner, huh?”

Dodging the hoof-swipe from his dearest wife, Shining led the way up the path, towards the house and everything Twilight was dreading.


The front door swung open easily at a touch, despite its size. There must have been some sort of magic on its hinges.

“Mom? Dad? We’re here!” Shining’s voice echoed through the front hall. As expected, the inside was just as impressive as the exterior; dark wood flooring spanned to a huge twin staircase that led to the upper storeys, and overly-complex chandeliers hung from the ceiling (every building like this had to have chandeliers; Twilight was fairly sure it was mandated by law).

One of the many side doors slammed open, and out of it rushed a bedraggled-looking Twilight Velvet, who spared no time in dashing over to them and pulling both her children into a crushing embrace.

“M-mom… Ech… Can’t breathe…” Shining flailed weakly against his mother’s grasp, earning a stifled laugh from Cadance, but his efforts were to no avail. Twilight simply resigned herself to her fate, stealing gasps of air whenever she could. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of squeezing and peppered kisses, Velvet released the siblings from her vice-like grip.

“I’m pretty sure there’s an age limit on bone-breaking hugs,” said Shining, brushing the ruffles out of his fur.

“Never,” Velvet replied. She turned to the Princess. “And of course it’s lovely to see you too, Cadance.”

“Where’s Dad?” Shining’s question sent another stab through Twilight’s chest.

“Oh! Um…” Velvet glanced back at the room she’d burst all too quickly from. “He’s just… He’ll be with us in a minute. In the meantime, let’s get you all something to eat. You must be hungry, right?”

“Oh, yeah!” Twilight chimed in before Shining could speak, giving her brother a knowing nudge. “We’re starving, right Shiny?”

“...ravenous.” Shining’s answer could have been more convincing, particularly if he’d chosen not to respond through gritted teeth while glaring at his sister. If Velvet noticed she didn't show it, cheerily leading the three of them through to the dining room.

Shining bent down to whisper in Twilight’s ear as they walked. “I’m so gonna get you back for this.”

Twilight grinned. “Make sure you finish the whole plate; Mom’ll be hurt if you don’t.”

“Watch me.” But no amount of bluster could hide the faint green tinge on his face.


Shining’s face was considerably greener after eating. Their mother had seen fit to make an entire feast for them, and Twilight spent the whole meal making ‘I told you so’ faces in his direction.

“I hope that was enough for everyone,” said Velvet. “If you’d like I could get you some more, Shining – I know what your appetite’s like.”

“No!” Shining coughed and shifted in his chair. “Uh… I mean, no, I’m definitely full, thanks.”

“If you say so.”

“Evening.” A voice behind Twilight.

She froze. She’d almost forgotten, caught up in the good cheer the rest of her family brought. For a moment Twilight had managed not to think about it. About him. But it couldn’t last, and now he was here himself, right behind her. At least she couldn’t see him yet. She didn’t turn round as Shining’s face lit up, or when he jumped up to greet their father. She just stared at her plate, as if nothing else in the world mattered. And she would have been content to stay that way forever, had a blue hoof not landed on her shoulder.

“Hey there, kiddo. It’s been too long.”

not as long as you think

“Hi, Dad.” Twilight stood and turned, trying to seem natural even though all her movements felt stiff, like her joints were seizing up. And then, for the first time since the day he had taken her in a musty room with her sweat clinging to the blindfold over her eyes, Twilight came face to face with her father.

He spread a hoof wide, and Twilight had no choice but to accept the offered hug. His fur brushed softly against hers, and she could feel his hot breath on her neck, forcing her to suppress a shudder.

“I’ve missed you, Twily,” he said.

“I’ve missed you, too.”

And she had.

Oh how she had.


Twilight wrapped her blanket tighter around herself as she cracked open her bedroom door, glancing up and down the deserted hallway. Pale blue moonlight paved her way along the lush carpet, her hoof-falls almost silent as she walked. She didn’t know where she was going, just away from her room and the bed that gave her no rest. It was too big, perhaps. The room even put the guest lodgings at Canterlot to shame, and that may have contributed to her insomnia. Or perhaps it was simply being somewhere new. Yes, that had to be it. Something easy, and rational.

hey there kiddo 

She’d made small-talk with the rest of her family as best she could – acting natural, playing the part. Every time her father spoke a small flutter had risen through her chest, and Twilight found it harder and harder to hide. And then, after an eternity, everybody had finally agreed it was time for bed, Twilight gratefully rushing to her room as quickly as possible in the hopes she could shut the door and shut out everything that had followed her there. She’d been wrong.

Now Twilight made her way down to the ground floor, still wandering aimlessly in an attempt to still her racing mind. Step after methodical step, concentrating on each with the entirety of her focus, because if she slipped even for a minute then everything would come back.

And then she stopped.

She didn’t plan to, but ahead of her a door lay ajar, orange light cascading out into the hall through the crack. Someone else couldn’t sleep either.

Twilight knew it would be Night Light even before she pushed the door open. He always went to bed late, and at home she’d often find him in the kitchen in the earliest hours of the morning, perhaps reading, perhaps just drinking tea and thinking. He’d always offer her a smile in those times, but now he didn’t turn around.

A lit candelabra sat in front of him, its light throwing his face into stark contrast, shadows cutting sharply across his features.

“Hey Twilight,” he said, staring into the dancing flames in front of him. A book lay discarded by his side – he hadn’t read far.

“How did you know it was me?”

She could hear the grin in his voice. “A father always knows.”

Not always

He shrugged at her silence. “Lucky guess. You used to come down in the night back home, too. I guess neither of us are any good at breaking habits.”

Still staring into the candle flames, Night Light patted the cushion next to him, and after the barest moment of hesitation Twilight joined him. It was easiest not to look at him, she found, and so side by side they watched the flickering light slowly make its way down as the wax melted.

“It’s empty here,” her father said, after a while.


“This house. It’s too big. It would’ve only been for Celestia when it was built, why bother to go to so much effort?”

“Guests?” suggested Twilight. “There’s a ballroom here, so I suppose she used it for that sort of thing.”

“Perhaps.” Her father sighed. “It’s not quite how I expected, that’s all.”

“What were you expecting?”

“I’m not sure. Something… closer. It’s the first time we’ve all been together for so long, and there’s so much space we could walk all day and never meet one another.”

“I found you,” said Twilight.

“Yeah, I suppose you did.” And now he did turn to look at her, and she could see the candle flame in his eyes. “It’s good having you here, kiddo.”

Twilight shifted slightly. “You don’t have to say it again.”

He nodded. “Duly noted – stop telling my daughter I’m happy to see her.”

“You know I didn’t mean it like that,” said Twilight, frowning.

“Yeah, yeah, if you say so.”

Night Light lapsed back into silence, though the quiet was a lot more comfortable this time around. It no longer felt like she should say something; they were both content in just having company.

Somehow, while they were talking, Twilight had edged closer to him. She wasn’t sure when she’d done so, but now her flank nearly touched his, and she could see the gentle rise and fall of his chest, almost feel the heat from his skin.

And with a jolt of anticipation, Twilight leant the rest of the way and rested her head on his shoulder. It was an act of tiredness, she told herself. One of purely platonic, familial love. The almost imperceptible quickening of her breathing and flush in her cheeks told a different story, one she refused to give credence to.

But maybe she shook a little when he lay a hoof around her in a half-embrace. Maybe she wished he’d do more than that, that he knew, that he’d take her face in his hooves and kiss her.


When Twilight woke the next morning she would have only vague, sleepy memories of her father bidding her goodnight. But she’d remember the flickering candles. She’d remember the smell of wax in his fur, and his silhouette turning to give her a last smile as she left, eyes bright even in the encroaching dark.


Celestia’s sun beat down, fearsomely hot, and not for the first time that day Twilight offered a silent thank you to whoever had invented parasols. They were the only thing making the outside even remotely bearable. That, and the ice-cold lemonade the five ponies were guzzling to stay cool.

The manor’s back lawn was slightly less impressive than the front, but given the latter’s grandeur that wasn’t saying much. It was still enormous, surrounded on all edges by thick trees, with a small patio by the house where the Sparkle family currently basked in the sun’s warmth. Well, most of the Sparkle family. Twilight didn’t know how they could stand it, and had instead opted for a spot of welcoming shade closer to the house.

And from here it was easier to avoid looking in Night Light’s direction.

“Hey Twily, could you fill this up for me?” Shining Armor levitated an empty glass to her with a hopeful look.

She smiled sweetly back. “Get it yourself, lazy bones.”

Her brother groaned and clambered to his hooves. “Thanks, sis,” he said, voice laced with faux-bitterness.

“Don’t mention it,” Twilight replied, briefly poking her tongue out at him while Cadance snickered at their joint childishness.

“I’m starting to think you had the right idea, Twilight.” Shining downed his glass in seconds and poured another from the rapidly emptying jug. “It’s too damn hot.”

“Well, I don’t want to say ‘I told you so’...”

Her brother frowned. “Yes you do.”

“You’re right, I totally do.”

“You know,” said Cadance, “there’s a whole lake out front to swim in if you need to cool off.”

Shining blinked. “Wait, we can swim in that?”

Even Night Light and Velvet perked up at this new information.

“The servants here keep it clean, so I don’t see why not. And even if we’re not supposed to…” The Princess of Love flicked up her sunglasses and grinned devilishly. “Who’s going to stop us?”


The lake was impossibly cool when Twilight dipped a tentative hoof beneath the surface. It felt as though the water somehow funneled all the heat through her body to that one, tiny point, before sucking it away forever. This was going to be amazing.

Cadance, standing by the water’s edge, seemed less sure. “You first, Shiny.”

And to Shining Armor’s credit, he resisted the obvious temptation for all of three seconds. Cadance realised her mistake too late, eyes going in wide in panic just before her husband grabbed her and leapt forwards, pulling both of them into the water with a loud splash. When they resurfaced, Shining’s laughter was only slightly subdued by the torrents of water Cadance splashed at him, as if she could somehow make him even wetter in revenge.

“You. Are. Just. The. Worst!” Cadance shrieked, punctuating each word with another splash. Perhaps she would have been taken more seriously if she’d managed to keep a straight face.

Twilight opted for a more restrained approach. Without anyone to hurl her in against her will she was able to gently lower herself into the lake, relishing in the cool water’s touch as it enveloped her.

As Shining and Cadance’s water fight grew more heated (honestly, if it were anypony but her brother it would be difficult to imagine a princess and her husband acting that way, but Shining Armor would only ever have married someone as immature at heart as he was) Twilight made the final plunge and dipped her head beneath the surface. For a moment the shouts and splashes were muted, the world replaced by a lovely, dulled quiet. Part of her wanted to stay down there, down where there was nothing but the sound of rushing blood through her ears, where the light speckled through the surface to form shimmering patterns that danced in front of Twilight’s eyes.

But soon enough her lungs protested Twilight’s underwater existence, and she pushed herself back into the air with a gasp. Shining and Cadance’s water fight had subsided by the time Twilight returned to the surface, replaced rather unsurprisingly by affectionate nuzzles. She wrinkled her nose in exaggerated distaste, but her brother didn’t even have the common decency to look sheepish, instead just flicking water at her.

And then Twilight made the fatal mistake of retaliating. The ensuing battle arguably deserved epic ballads to be sung for generations. Even when the warfare seemed to calm, all it took was the slightest accidental flick of water to start the whole thing over again. It was a long while before the three of them, soaking and exhausted, pulled themselves up onto the lake’s shore.

“So much for swimming,” said Cadance, wringing out her mane.

“Psh, that was way more fun.” Shining’s horn lit up and a blue glow surrounded his wife, sinking into her fur and removing any trace of water. He did the same to Twilight before drying himself.

It was probably for the best that Night Light and Velvet hadn’t joined them. Splashing aside, Twilight was finding it more and more difficult to be around her father. Each time she stole a glance at him she’d be transported back to a room she knew all too well. Sometimes she swore she could even feel metal tightening around her hooves, or the magic dampener clicking into place on her horn.

But even now her less rational side wished he had come with them. Her imagination conjured up unbidden images of Night Light climbing out of the water, mane plastered to his face, water rolling


over his flanks and guiding her eyes down, down between


his legs as he stood there, tail flicking and gazing at her with more than just a father’s love.


“Twilight?” Her brother’s voice.

“Huh?” Oops. Both Shining and Cadance were watching her with an identical, concerned look.

“I said we’re going back, are you coming? You kinda zoned out on us there.”

“Sorry, it’s just…” Twilight couldn’t come up with an appropriate excuse, so she skipped it entirely. “Yeah, let’s head back.”

“Okay.” Shining gave her one last searching glance before turning back towards the manor.

Yes, going back was good. It might be hard to explain that she already needed a cold shower, though.


That was no small task, as it turned out, because after twenty minutes of searching Twilight still hadn’t found a bathroom. The mansion was a twisting labyrinth of corridors and closed doors, and the only way to find out what lay behind them was to open them. Twilight had found countless dressing rooms, and sitting rooms, and Celestia-knows-what rooms, but not a single bathroom.

In fact, when she finally stepped into one she was so surprised it took her a moment to realise somepony else was already there.

Her first instinct, naturally, was to apologise profusely and back out with her eyes averted, but she’d caught the flash of dark blue fur before she forced herself to look away, and knew exactly who the unexpected occupant happened to be. And Night Light hadn’t seen her yet.

Leave, Twilight. Leave.

But she couldn’t. Her eyes returned to him, drinking in his form as they travelled over his flanks. He’d just left the shower, and was so busy towelling his mane dry that he still hadn’t noticed his daughter, frozen in the doorway.

Visions of creeping up behind him filled her, touching a hoof to his side, Night Light turning and seeing it was her, and not shying away. Her father looking at her the same way she did now to him, his skin still warm from the shower under her touch as his face moved closer to hers, drawing her in until their lips met.

Twilight’s mouth was dry, and almost without thinking she took another, quiet step into the room.

None of that will happen, Twilight. Stop.

And as much as she hated it, her inner voice was right. Her father would never do that.

Not if he knew it was her.

No, she wasn’t doing this, she wasn’t, she wasn’t. But of course she was. Twilight wrapped her magic around a towel, and the tell-tale sound made Night Light turn. Too slow, and Twilight was ready for him, the thick material wrapping around his eyes and completely cutting off his sight. A makeshift blindfold.

He let out a startled cry quite unlike his usual demeanour, stumbling backwards at the sudden loss of vision. “Velvet!?”

Twilight said nothing, naturally, but in response she sent a tendril of magic to stroke against his cheek. She couldn’t risk touching him – there was no way he’d mistake Twilight for her mother with that much contact – but magic would provide a sufficient alternative.

“Velvet, what are you…?”

In response her magic began to trace its way over his body, rolling over the contours of his form, lingering on his muscular shoulders before working her way further back. She could see him shiver at her touch, and oh how she wished it was her hoof running against him instead, her lips, anything. In some ways this was more torturous than before, having him so close but still so unattainable. But she could never leave now.

A separate burst of magic shut the door, locking it behind her, and her father jerked at the sudden sound. His slight movement allowed Twilight a glimpse of his underside, where she could tell her caresses were already beginning to have an effect.

Last time she had been as blind as he was now, but now there were no such compromises. She could see everything. His length jutted proudly forwards, bumping against his stomach with each excited twitch she caused.

Everything came back at once; his tongue against her skin, how he smiled when she moaned at his ministrations, the wonderful pressing of his weight above her, but most of all how he had felt inside her. Twilight wanted so badly to reach forward and touch it, to feel its heat again, but instead resigned her hoof to her now wet marehood, slumping down against the wall as she began to play with herself.

Her magic went lower, lower, making Night Light gasp in anticipation. He stomped a hoof impatiently, but Twilight only slowed her progress. She was enjoying the look of desperation on his face far too much to let it go that easily.

He dropped to the floor, leaning back against the wall and spreading his legs, giving Twilight an even clearer view of his stallionhood. Her magic played around his member, gently teasing, taking such delight in how easy it was to toy with him.

Night Light nickered as she gentled her touch once again, denying him the climax he was so close to for what must have felt like the hundredth time. “T-Twilight…”

Her heart skipped at least four beats. Did he just…? There was no sound but Night Light’s quick panting. Twilight must have forgotten to breathe, because a wave of light-headedness washed over her, and she had to take a few gasping breaths to steady herself.

“Velvet? Are you okay?”

Oh. Of course. He never called her mother ‘Twilight’ in front of her; no wonder it had taken her by surprise. Twilight couldn’t decide if she was relieved or disappointed.


Damn it. He wanted a response. She couldn’t speak – he’d know instantly – but if she didn’t then he might take the towel off. This had become very bad, very quickly, and Twilight shot the door a panicked glance. Perhaps she should run; say nothing and bolt. But when she looked back at Night Light in such an enticing position, legs spread wide just for her, she knew that was no option at all.

“...mmhm.” It was all Twilight dared. The most vague of positive noises, trying to keep her voice low in an imitation of her mother.

After the longest moment of her life, Night Light smiled. “Okay. Well then, uh… please don’t stop.”

A jerk of excitement at his words shot through her, and Twilight smiled at the sheepish grin he gave her. How could she ever deny him? Her horn filled with magic once more, taking his length in her grip again, teasing against his skin.

“Fuck…” he breathed.

this mare sure is tight
Stop it.

But it was far too late for that. That one word, the way he said it exactly the same, was enough to flood her with memories. Delicious, decadent ones. Her hoof toyed with herself with renewed vigour as she remembered how he’d felt pushing into her, making him gasp as she clenched against him, so thick and hard all for her. She hadn’t known then, of course, but looking back made it all the better.

Twilight tightened her magic around him in an imitation of herself on that day, beginning to quickly pump him as her own excitement grew. Night Light shuddered against the tiled floor, his hooves pressing tightly down as if he could somehow grip it, somehow hold on. Instead they slid uselessly across the smooth surface as pleasure wracked through him, Twilight’s magic proving all too much.

And Twilight’s touch was quickly becoming too much for herself as well, each light brush of her hoof against her causing another jolt as she bit down hard on her lip to stop any errant moans from escaping. She still couldn’t prevent an occasional gasp, and each time Night Light heard her he’d shake a little, ears snapping towards the sound.

His own breathing came in ragged pants now as Twilight began bucking her hips against her hoof, giving quiet squeaks that spurred both of them on, her magic only increasing in intensity.

Twilight came first, shuddering and spasming and clenching her teeth together so she didn’t cry out. Her tail swished as she shook, the cool tiles providing no comfort against the heat that consumed every part of her. And though she didn’t want to, though all her thoughts screamed at her to tense up against the unstoppable forces that shook her to the core, Twilight made sure to keep her eyes open. She couldn’t miss a moment of her father’s enjoyment, burning every single second into her memory. Every bead of sweat that rolled down his face, every taut muscle beneath his skin, every twitch of his member in her magic’s grasp. As the waves of climax rocked through her, Night Light’s head rolled back, groaning loudly as he reached his edge.

His length gave one final twitch before his orgasm overwhelmed him, white ropes shooting all over his chest and onto the floor. Still in the final throes of her pleasure, one final spike shot through Twilight, a last burst of excitement as she watched him finish, knowing she had caused it, that it was her magic that surrounded him, gently eking out as much as she could.

For a while they lay there in opposite corners of the room, the only sound their deep, long breaths as they both tried to summon enough energy to even move. Feeling both entirely sated and utterly exhausted, Twilight was about to climb to shaking feet when Night Light’s hoof lifted to his face, and to the towel which covered his eyes.

Oh no oh no no no

Panic flooding her, Twilight’s head snapped to the door. It was too far, so far; there was no way she’d make it in time.

He’s going to see, he’s going to see, he’s going to

Her father’s hoof came down, dragging the towel with it as he opened his eyes, greeting his expected lover with a smile.

The bathroom was empty.

Perhaps if Night Light had been in any state to notice, he would have seen the tiny, residual swirls of magic Twilight’s teleportation had left behind.


Back in her room, Twilight crumpled onto her bed. Her face sank deep into her pillow, thick and suffocating. Blinding. Shame burned low in her stomach, and the visions of Night Light shuddering under her magic that refused to leave only made it worse. So much worse.

And on top of it all, fuelling the shame and regret, was the knowledge that she’d loved every moment of it. Even now, just remembering her father’s groans or the way his hooves had pawed weakly at nothing made a pressing sensation grow at the base of her tail.

Oh Celestia why couldn’t she stop thinking about it? About him?

Why couldn’t she show even the barest self-restraint? She didn’t have to go to him; she should’ve just walked away.

But Twilight knew she could never have done that.

Hey there, kiddo.

The coming weeks were going to last a very long time indeed.