Study in Equinity

by Rhino

Chapter 19: Shopping

After their revealing morning, the couple and their friend/potential herdmate submit themselves to the whims of the fourth member of their shopping group. Lucky Charm proves to actually be quite the navigator of the local stores and soon has the other three following her through a few shortcuts only to emerge out back into a wide plaza.

The pale green mare spreads her arms wide as she gestures all around them, the fountain behind her framing her well. "Welcome to what I call the Canterlot Center of Shopping!" She lowers her voice a bit. "For students anyway. Gotta keep things local and under budget, you know?"

Angel slowly nods, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "That makes sense..." She glances at her friend, leaning in close and whispering in her ear, yet never letting go of Rhino's arm. "Is your store a part of this, Silky?"

The shop owner replies in the same whisper, her wings loosely held behind her so that they aren't spread out hitting ponies, but they are far enough out to feel the wind. "Well, I'm not directly off this plaza, but you know I do qualify as local. Under budget though? I suppose it depends on how badly they want what I have." She titters quietly.

"I think they should want your wares." She smirks, winking playfully at her before turning back to their guide, curious. "So, Lucky, where would you recommend we go, first?"

"Hmm... well, that depends entirely on what you want." She looks pointedly at Rhino and Angel with a smile. "Besides each other of course."

The stallion doesn't seem to mind this comment, having stuck by the disguised girl her had been seeking for almost half his life since the moment he knew who she was. His green hand holds her small white one as he looks down to her with a soft smile. "I don't really need anything, so it's up to you three."

The white mare shrugs slightly, a little unsure. "I think it'd be best to look for some nice shirts, first... I have so few of those..."

"Did you have any particular style in mind, hun?" Silk asks.

"Yeah!" Lucky apparently approves of this question. "Were you looking for cheap stuff, soft stuff, durable stuff, fancy stuff, there's all kinds! It all depends on what you need them for."

She stares at them, blankly blinking. "I... guess I prefer soft things?"

"Good to know." Rhino quietly comments so only she and Silk can hear.

She glances at him, slightly confused, before turning back to the other unicorn. "That said... I'm currently on a budget... what would you recommend?"

"Hmm..." The fellow student taps her chin with a finger. "How about... no, not Plush's Place... Oh! How about The Basket?" She points across the way to a store that is obviously bigger than the ones around it, with a logo of a basket filled with various fabrics.

Silk nods approvingly. "An excellent choice. As more of a department store, The Basket does give you plenty of variety for decent prices. You never know what you can find there."

Angel smiles brightly, squeezing Rhino's hand in her excitement. "Sounds great!" She turns to her stallion, smiling coyly. "Think there'll be anything for you, in there?"

He chuckles for a moment before answering quietly. "Well, I do hear you'll be there in a moment, so yes."

She squeaks, her cheeks flushing with color from his statement. She turns away, a shy smile on her lips. "F-flatterer..."

"Truth teller." He corrects.

Lucky calls from where she stands on the other side of the fountain now. "Hey! Puppy loves! You can make googly eyes and whisper sweet nothings to each other while we walk!"

"C-coming!" She hurries after them, half-dragging the stallion behind her.

The four enter the clothing store, a steady trickle of ponies heading in and out of it as they do so. Silk comments as they start heading towards the mare's section. "Be sure to look around while we're walking. You might spot something you like." As they pass a lingerie section, she lets out a light hum. "Now there's an interesting pattern... I wonder if I could combine that with something..."

She places a hand on her shoulder, whispering into her ear. "I have to ask... could you find a set for me, Silky? I, um... want to try something... and you know my measurements better than I do..."

"Sure thing, hun. You want a particular color?" She asks, her eyes already flicking over the stock.

"Emerald green or a nice yellow, maybe?" She giggles, blushing softly and batting her eyelashes at her.

"Oh ho! I see..." The pegasus casts a glance at the stallion next to them, currently contenting himself with gazing around with glassy eyes as he still holds onto Angel. "I think I maybe be able to find something perfect for what you have in mind." She easily slips into the racks of clothing, soon the top of her purple mane the only thing that's visible.

"Looks like Lucky found some stuff you might like." Rhino comments, nodding his head forward where the mare in question is just a section down, looking at some shirts of simple designs a few colors, though judging from how she keeps feeling them, they appear to warrant a closer look.

Tilting her head a moment, she decides to walk over to the light green unicorn. She stops a comfortable distance away, glancing at the clothes before speaking. "Whatcha doing, Lucky?"

"Looking for stuff for me while I wait for you." She replies casually, picking out a half-length pink top. "Oh, now this is cute..." She holds it up to herself, looking down to see how it looks.

"I'd say it is." She smiles sweetly, leaning forward a bit in her eagerness. "So, have things been going well for you, so far?"

"What, shopping, you mean? We just started!" She looks back down at the top, paying attention to the neckline and nodding. "Though this does seem like a good start."

"No, silly!" She leans closer, winking playfully and dropping her voice so only she can hear. "With that mare I saw you with the other day."

"Oh!" A silly grin comes to Lucky's face as she starts to giggle. "Well... we're doing fine. We were just a group of friends but I decided to take the plunge and ask her out, so we're just sort of letting things go where they may right now."

"Nice!" She giggles brightly, patting her on the shoulder. "Maybe we can meet her, at some point?"

"Sure, could be fun!" She spots a blue top with a white lotus in the center. "Ooh, this one should look good on you... if we find a few more you can go try them on!"

She takes it in her hand, feeling the fabric. "It is rather soft... maybe one or two more to try on?" She looks around, shifting a few shirts to the side on their racks. "Do you think they have one like this in a purple, too?"

"Probably," Rhino comments. "That, white, and yellow do seem to be popular colors here."

Lucky nods as she looks, finding a purple one and levitating it over to Angel. "Purple shirt and yellow flower good?"

"Yep!" She gratefully takes it, hugging both shirts close to her chest with one arm. Her eyes dart to the stallion next to her, a shy smile on her lips as she moves closer, her voice low. "I don't want to be apart from you, so soon, but I do want to try these on..." She winks at him, blushing softly. "Maybe we can figure something out?"

As Lucky continues browsing shirts, now with starbursts on the shoulders instead of flowers on the chest, Rhino looks at Angel with confusion. "You know I'm just going to be sitting right outside the dressing rooms, right? I won't be far."

She pouts cutely, crossing her arms at him. "But I don't want anything between us..." She puts a hand on his chest, two fingers 'walking' up along the fabric. "Are you sure you can't wait..." She cups his cheek, giving him a lidded gaze. "Inside?"

One ear twitches while the rest of him is motionless, processing the request. A small blush growing on his cheeks, he responds. "I... I could do that..."

Angel giggles brightly, pulling him into a tender kiss. She takes the moment to tease him, purposely brushing her chest against his before pulling away. She glances around, her smile faltering almost imperceptibly as she mutters to herself. "Where is Silky?"

As Rhino shivers, Silk comes walking up as if on cue. A small folded green outfit rests in her hands as she gives Angel a smile that is both mischievous and victorious. "Here you go hun, I think this falls within the realm of what you were looking for."

She smiles softly, walking over and gently hugging her. "Thank you." She happily nuzzles her as she takes the clothes, whispering into her ear. "I'll be sure to return the favor, later..." She turns, and, taking the taller unicorn's hand, pulls him with her toward the changing rooms.

Lucky stands next to Silk and watches the couple walk away. Bluntly, she remarks to the golden pegasus, "They're gonna bang in there, aren't they?"

The seamstress just giggles, shaking her head. "I honestly have no idea..."

Shrugging, the pale green mare finds herself something to occupy her time. "Ooh, purses!"

Angel pulls her stallion into the private stall, barely remembering to lock the door before pushing him onto the seat inside. She sits on his lap and, instead of kissing him like he probably expected, curls up against him, resting her cheek on his clothed chest. She smiles, sighing and closing her eyes. "Much better..."

Surprised at first, his arms soon wrap around her. He rests his head on hers, closing his eyes and sighing contently. "If you ever want to cuddle or be close, all you have to do is ask."

"Be careful, love..." She peeks open one pure-blue eye, smirking coyly at him. "I may never want to stop..."

After a while, she reluctantly pulls away, her hands on his shoulders as she kneels over him. "I do have some clothes to try on, though... promise we'll do more, later?"

"Promise." He leans forward and deals the deal with a kiss.

She hums softly, slowly standing up and hanging the clothes on a hook behind her. With a wink, she gradually pulls her shirt up, making sure to take her time revealing her soft white fur.

The stallion doesn't resists letting his eyes wander and trail up the greater and greater area of her exposed front, a small smile on his face.

She eventually slips it off over her head, tossing it onto his lap. She runs her hands down her sides, briefly cupping her covered chest before going around to the back. Making quick work of the fastener, she saunters the few steps between them, slowly sliding the undergarment down her arms. She pauses just as the soft pink of her areola shows, waiting to see his reaction.

Though he remains sitting and still, certain parts of him easily transmit all the signals needed to see what's going on in his mind. His pants are tighter now as a bulge starts to make itself known. His eyes show both tenderness and intensity as they focus on the small pink spots. If one were touching him, one might even be able to tell of his elevated pulse.

She giggles brightly, turning around before she completely removes her bra, playfully dangling it from his horn. She grabs the blue shirt and puts it on without ceremony, leaning back against the wall with a coy smile. "How do I look?"

His eyes are distracted for a moment by the article hanging from his horn, but after a moment he looks to her with a smirk. "Perky and blue. I approve."

She beams, hugging his head to her chest. "Great! I should probably hurry with these." She reaches down, squeezing him through his jeans as a sly smile forms on her lips. "Wouldn't want to keep our little friend waiting, would we?" She lets go, removing and hanging up the shirt, not bothering to hide her body, this time. Her pure-blue eyes watch him, waiting to see his reaction.

His 'little' friend is not so little anymore this time, it has a mare to grow up for now. One of the stallion's hands twitches as he smiles, gazing upon her.

She smirks, getting down on her knees and her hands on his lap. "You're not going to keep him trapped in there, are you?" She undoes the button of his jeans, slowly pulling the zipper down. "I imagine it'd be very uncomfortable if you neglected the poor guy..." She winks at him, rubbing him through the last article hiding him. "Don't you agree?" She pulls away to kneel between his legs, bringing the purple tee over as she awaits his answer.

"Well... I..." The increasing bulge appears to be trying to decide for him as it strains against the last bit of clothing restraining its full growth. Another look down at her face is all it takes to make up his mind as he reaches a hand down and shifts the waistband south, his pride immediately jumping out at its window of opportunity and quickly rising to its full size.

"Good boy." She giggles, cut off by a squeak as the stiff green rod bops her on the nose in its excitement. Trying to regain her previous sensual air about her, she gently kisses the tip of it before standing back up. She raises her arms as the second, more form-fitting shirt slips over her body, hiding her perky white mounds from him once more. She twirls around for him to get a good look, her tail gently caressing him as it passes. "What about this one, sweetie?"

Ignoring the throb in his member, he answers. "Colors look good... whole thing looks cute... as long as it's not too tight on you, I say go for it."

She nods, turning away to sit on his lap. She leans against his chest, holding his stallionhood between her legs. Her small, dainty hands move his own along and beneath the hem of her shirt. "Help me take it off?"

Another pulse comes through his pride as it tries to rub her through her bottoms, still though, does his answer come. "With pleasure." He slowly drags the shirt up her body, his fingers splayed so that they trail up her chest as he does so.

Her eyes flutter closed as a soft moan escapes her, and she bites her lip in an attempt to stay quiet. Hoping to counteract the pleasure coursing through her just from his touch, she reaches down and gently grabs his length, her thumb idly rubbing against the edge of his tip.

His tip flares in response and a barely audible groan comes from the stallion himself. Meanwhile, his fingers trail up her mounds as the shirt reaches the top of her chest.

She gasps, her body spasming as a powerful jolt of pleasure courses through her body. She reluctantly pulls her hands away, lifting her arms so he can finish removing the shirt.

He pulls the shirt over her head, but strangely enough leaves it just above there, still trapping her arms as his move back down. His warm hands grip her breasts as he leans down and plants a few light kisses on her neck.

Angel leans back fully against him, mewling and cooing at his actions. Her arms get what grip they can on the back of his head, wordlessly urging him on.

As the shaft of his length presses against her, his hands begin kneading her soft yet firm mounds, a single finger circling each pink summit. His kisses on her neck become mixed with small nips and licks.

As much as she wants him to continue, she knows his tip pressing against her skirt might leave some evidence of their activity. She clamps her thighs around him, her voice shaky from the sensations. "W-wait just moment, love..."

Though she can feel the pulse going through his rod, the stallion still stops when she asks him to. His hands move up and finish taking off her shirt, setting it to the side before moving down to her sides, lightly holding her in a way so she could easily get up if she wished it. However, his neck kissing doesn't quite stop as he continues to plant them, though slower now.

She sighs quietly, leaning into the gesture. "I'm finding less reasons to try the last item on... but, sadly, I must." She gets up on shaky legs, turning partially to give him a loving peck on the lips. Smiling shyly, likely for his amusement, her thumbs slowly work her pleated apparel down over her hips and onto the ground. She winks at him before turning around, leaning onto a small shelf on one arm as the other hand moves south. She tugs her slightly-damp panties down, watching him over her shoulder, her tail flagged so he can see everything she has for him.

His eyes widen as he stares straight at it, his pride pointing straight towards it as if getting ready to charge ahead. Though he has seen this sight before, the fact that he cares so much for the mare it belongs to now makes it all the better. The stallion actually has to root himself to the seat by sheer will.

Angel chuckles at his expression, letting her underwear hit the ground as well. "I see you're enjoying the show..." Her fingers spread her glistening petals for a moment, letting him see the pink flesh there before letting go. She picks up the outfit from where it was hanging, waving it at him before slipping the top part on. She pauses to adjust the lacy collar, making sure it didn't overlap the one already hidden there. She slides on the leggings and glances at the panties, then her soaked left hand, turning to look at him in curiosity. "What do you think, love? Should I wear these in my current state?"

He responds with a growl. "They probably won't stay on long anyway." His fingers twitch as he eyes her form. "If I manage to get the rest off you, maybe I'll convince you to take off your white suit too."

She taps her chin, smiling coyly as she places the emerald panties on the shelf. "Maybe I will..." She flashes a grin at him, the light gleaming off her fangs. "If you promise me one thing."

"Name it," he says with finality in his voice and a spark in his eye.

"When you finally take my virginity," she leans forward, poking his chest with a finger, "I want you to make love to Silky before the next day." She crosses her arms, making her soft white mounds even more pronounced. "Deal?"

This slightly sobering thought makes his smile fade a bit as he thinks. "Umm... when you say 'make love'..."

"You know what I mean." She kneels before him, tugging his pants and underwear down around his ankles. "I want you," she licks the tip of his length, humming softly, "to fully accept her into our little family..." She licks along the underside of the smooth flesh, giving him a lidded gaze as she tends to him, mewling and cooing sweetly all the while. "Please, love?"

One part of his mind distracted by her actions, the part focusing on her words takes a moment to respond. "I... we'll see... Still getting to know her, but I'll accept your deal." A small sigh comes from him. "Just... will have to wait longer than I thought."

"Don't worry, sweetie. We can wait a bit longer, right?" She winks at him, pulling away and blowing on his saliva-slickened length. "We can still have some fun until then... and you can have a taste whenever you want, too..." Her tail flicks at this last part, a soft blush covering her cheeks.

"Good to know I have options..." He lets out a groan, his pride pulsing with every beat of his heart now. His fingers start scrabbling at the shoulders of the nightie, trying to get it off her.

She takes his hands, stopping their frantic grabbing as she moves up his body. "Now, now, these clothes haven't been paid for, yet..." She winks at him, sitting on his lap and placing his hands on her soft flanks. "Oh, and be careful of the collar." She taps a spot just above the lace, a quiet clink emanating from the spot. "I don't want this to be taken off..."

He gives her flanks a squeeze before dragging his hands up her body and bringing the thin material with them. As more and more of it rolls upward, his shaft presses between her legs more earnestly, trying to find its goal.

She shifts her hips, moving so he's pressing up against her plot, instead of between her legs. She smirks and raises her arms above her head, languidly gyrating her hips, teasingly grinding against him as a side effect. She pulls him close as the clothes clears her chest, his muzzle being buried in her cleavage. She pecks the very tip of his horn, quietly cooing into his ear.

Shivers radiate down his spine as he tugs the fabric further, trying to get it off her before he loses control just from the pure want she making him experience.

She giggles as the nightie clears her head, now just hanging on her arms. "Almost there..." Her hands cup his cheeks, pulling him from her chest to her lips. She passionately kisses him, speeding up the circles her hips are making against his pride. She breaks it to rest her forehead against his, her pure-blue eyes looking into his brown. "But you wanted me to be bared completely... I can't do that with clothes on, now can I?"

His hips buck upward, trying to press the tip of his pride against her rosebud. At the same time, his hands move to her arms to get the last bits of the clothing off. "I'm trying to get you there... but you are very distracting..." He closes the distance between them again, giving back his own passionate kiss.

She moans softly into this, feeling him tug the top off her arms. She grabs his shirt and rolls them over, his body now over hers. "Then why don't you take the lead?" She shyly smiles, her cheeks now rosy. "I-if you don't mind, I mean..."

With a hunger in his eyes, he grips her waist and rears back to plunge into her. However, he stops himself at the last moment, shaking his head. "No no... still one last thing to do." Reluctantly, he pries himself off her and backs up a step to give her room. "Clothes are off... can the rest come off too?"

"Almost all of them are off." She giggles, waving one of her sock-clad hooves at him. "Take them off, then I'll remove the rest."

He growls at the delay, but agrees nonetheless. One hand trails up each of her leg, hooking into the top of each sock. He drags each down in one continuous motion, his other fingers sliding down her bare legs before the garments are flicked to the floor.

Angel smiles softly, slowly standing and walking towards him. As each hoof lifts off the floor, the cerulean fire rushes up it, in just as much a hurry as the stallion. In mere seconds she has changed back to her true self. She shyly bows her head and attempts to cover her chest with an arm, her courage gone with her pelt. "S-so... h-how do I look, Rhino?"

A beaming smile is her only answer before he rushes her. One arm wraps around her waist while the other goes behind her upper back, its hand supporting her head as it weaves itself through her mane. His lips meet her in an expression of pure passion while the rest of his body presses against hers.

She melts into his embrace, eagerly returning the kiss. Her free arm wraps around his chest, stroking his back before tugging on his shirt, letting loose a soft whimper into his lips.

Message received, he eases her back onto the bench of the room, letting her go as she lays on her back. Quickly, he trips off his last article of clothing, leaving them both bare as he returns to embracing her, even if they are horizontal now.

She hugs him back, nuzzling his cheek lovingly, even as her nipples rub against his chest. The sensation makes her moan sweetly, her hands gripping the fur for his back. "So forward, Rhino..."

"Well, you did give me plenty of motivation..." He nips her neck a bit as he shifts his weight on her to line up their lower halves properly.

"But can y-" She squeaks in shock as his head nudges her flower, her whole face instantly becoming a vibrant blue.

He doesn't push further though, nuzzling her sweetly instead. "What were you going to say, love?"

"Um..." She fidgets beneath him, avoiding his gaze. "I-I kind of forgot..."

"It sounded like it was going to be a request..." He leans down and nuzzle her some more.

"N-not one for right now..." She gulps, finally forcing herself to look at him. "T-though there is something I'd like to do... p-possibly in the future?"

"Sure..." He gives her quick kiss. "Just let me know when you want to talk about it, okay?"

She shyly nods, her tail wrapping around his still-wet pride and properly positioning it at her other orifice.

He leans down, resting his forehead against hers, whispering quietly. "Ready? Don't forget you'll probably need to muffle yourself in some way..."

She nods, glancing around for something to use. Unable to find anything but clothing, she looks to him, concerned. "R-Rhino... I c-can't see anything... w-what if I'm too loud, and someone comes in?"

"Well..." He leans down, his lips close to hers. "I could always muffle you myself."

Gel smiles softly, her body tingling in the most wonderful of ways from the love filling the room. "That could work..." She pulls him closer, kissing him passionately as her hips grind up against his pride.

He eagerly responds to both actions. His tongue sneaks into her mouth to begin its dance while his hips begin pushing forward against the tight resistance below.

Unlike the times before, her rosebud slowly granted him entrance. Once the head popped inside, the walls clamped down on him and a delighted squeal fills both their mouths. One of her hands takes one of his, carefully moving it so its resting against one of her small, soft mounds, the tiny tip poking into his palm.

His hand molds itself perfectly to her as he lightly grips the mound. Spurred on by her sounds, he pushes further, his tongue probing her mouth at the same time.

She tenses up even more from all the sensations at once, her muscles trying to keep him from moving at all. She lets his tongue into her mouth, eagerly pressing her chest against his hand.

His tail thrashes a moment before resting itself on hers, with it's limited movement it still manages to wrap around her own. Meanwhile, his medial ring meets her rosebud, asking the already stretched hole to accept something even bigger. Feeling this, he starts moving in circles on her breast with his hand, his mouth still locked over hers.

She moans wantonly into his lips, breaking apart to pant softly at him. "P-please, Rhino... m-more..." She pulls him into a deeper kiss, mewling and grinding her hips against him, her tail's tip playfully flicking against the base of his pride.

Between her grinding and his pushing, he is soon hilted into her. He pauses at this point, enjoying the feeling of her warmth surrounding him as he throbs inside her. At her tail's tickling, he tries to push even further in.

She squeals as he pushes against her, scooting her slightly along the bench as a result. Her ear flicks a bit to the hall, and she worries that she heard something. She starts gyrating her hips against his, a mix of panic and pleasure spurring her to entice him further.

His hips pull back, bringing his length out about halfway before he suddenly plunges back into her as far as he can go. Repeating the action, he makes sure that he keeps her mouth muffled, though muffled or not, her sounds still drive him crazy.

She arches her back, pressing herself against him as she already nears her climax. She presses her lips even more against his, struggling to fight back the impending wave of bliss, knowing just what that entails for her.

The stallion, already pent up from his thoughts and her earlier seductions, along with the knowledge that this round has to be quicker, feels himself approaching that peak as well. Still, He continues pounding into her, his hand on her chest holding her in place as much as the other is bracing himself as he thrusts.

The nymph doesn't stand a chance, rocketing over the edge of ecstasy with a muffled cry into their kiss. Her already tight rosebud clamps down even harder on his pride, her juices fiercely splashing against his belly from the intensity.

The squeezing and screaming combined serve to force his release as well, his seed gushing out and painting her insides as the two hold each other tightly.

She breaks the kiss reluctantly, panting heavily for air. "Oh, Rhino... t-that was..." Her ear twitches once more, her attention darting to the door in apprehension.

The stallion doesn't notice, mind still too dulled by the aftermath to really care about much right now. His attention is currently on her neck, which he continues nibbling teasingly.

She squeaks quietly, gently pushing on his chest after a moment. "S-sit up... please..."

"Hmm? Ok..." Still holding onto her, he sits up, bringing her with him so that she ends up in his lap, still connected by both rod and damp spot.

Her wings immediately flare out, and a soft sigh escapes her lips. "Oh, much better... they were starting to cramp up a bit..." She sheepishly smiles, shrugging a bit. "S-still, that was really... sweet, Rhino... thank you..."

He chuckles, kissing her lightly. "My, and your, pleasure. Though we both know this was your idea."

"True, but you went along with it." She taps his nose, winking at him. "You had the option to say no, but you didn't."

He smiles at her, touching one of his own finger to her nose. "Like I would ever say no to you."

"I'll keep that in mind." She glances at the door once more, gently biting her lip. "Um... w-we haven't been in here long... h-have we?"

"Not too long I think... fifteen minutes at the most." He pulls back from her a little to simply admire how she looks, something he's not sure he'll ever get tired of doing.

She blushes as he stares, shyly covering her chest with an arm. "Y-you really don't mind simply being like this, do you?" She giggles, her free hand twirling a lock of mane idly. "Wanting to just enjoy each other's company?"

"Feels perfect to me." His hand comes up and gently brings hers away from her chest. "I've still got to memorize what you look like now, though I'll always appreciate this sight even once I do."

She covers herself with her other arm, playfully sticking her tongue out at him. "Maybe I want you to keep imagining for a little while?" She rocks her hips on his lap, nodding to herself. "At least I didn't go numb, this time... that'd be a bit hard to explain..."

He does a few small bucks upward. "Maybe I should have tried harder..."

She tugs on his tail, quirking an eyebrow at him. "Do you want everyone to stare at me?" She shakes her head. "Remember, I can't change properly when I'm numb..."

"Oh, right..." He frowns a bit, stopping his teasing. "Well... I guess we should get dressed then." Looking down, he continues. "Though, we'll have to disconnect and get dry first."

"Well..." She glances at where they're connected, blushing softly. "I-I could probably clean myself up by changing back... you, however..." She slowly eases herself off him, gasping as his flare pops out of her.

Suppressing his own hiss as he exits her, he speaks. "Yeah... not exactly sure how I get that massive damp spot off me... even if I do like the smell."

"Um... m-maybe I could go get a towel for you, real quick?" She sheepishly smiles as she quickly shifts back into Angel, lifting her hooves to avoid any burn marks.

"That... might work." He looks up at her. "But... where would you get one? What excuse would you give?"

She shrugs, rubbing her shoulder right by her neck. "I'm not sure... maybe that we knocked some kind of liquid over?"

"I don't know..." He thinks for a moment before he looks up again. "Well... you are good with fire magic, maybe use a very light fire spell to evaporate it?"

She sighs, clapping her hands together as she kneels before him. "I'm not perfect..." She slowly pulls them apart, a soft blue veil of flame covering the palms. "But I can give it a shot." She holds them close enough for the heat emanating to touch the fluid. The unicorn looks up at him, curious. "Won't this feel a little... uncomfortable, when it's dry?"

He shrugs. "I'll just wipe the dry excess off and clean up later. Only real effect is that I won't be as fluffy there until I do clean up."

She pouts, her ears flattening against her head. "I like the fluffy..."

"Hey, it's just a small spot on my stomach, the rest of me is still plenty fluffy," he reminds her with a smirk.

"True..." She pulls a hand away and extinguishes the flame on it, tapping him on the nose. "But I'm thinking more about later..." She bites her lip and turns her attention back to his groin and the partially-flaccid muscle there. "A-anyways, those clothes looked alright, right? How much are they?"

"Umm..." Ignoring his own clothes for the moment, he floats hers over. "The shirts are... ten bits each. Did you want the lingerie or was it just so you could have something to seduce me with in here because your usual ones are at your room?"

She whimpers softly, bowing her head. "I... kind of wanted them... but I can't afford all of it..."

He reaches out a hand and strokes her mane lovingly. "I don't think you should get them. You have plenty of home you haven't used, and I'm sure Silk could whip you up an even better pair if you asked. You would even get employee discount then."

"Maybe..." Her eyes light up, and she grins excitedly at him. "Hey, you should come to her store! You still need to go see it for yourself, right?" She smiles coyly, touching her lip with a finger as she examines the somewhat-flaky patch on his belly. "I think that's good, for now..."

"Alright." He stands up, brushing off the majority of the flakes. "I suppose I do need to see where I'll be working..."

"And get yourself measured." She smiles, reaching out for her panties and looking around, brow furrowed slightly. "Rhino, what did you do with my bra?"

"Umm... I'm not sure, I guess they must have fallen off at some point." His eyes glance around the small room before spotting a shape directly under the bench. "Are those them?"

She leans a little closer to the ground, nodding as she spots the cloth. "Yep, that's them." She reaches under the seat, grabbing the item with a sigh of relief.

As she retrieves the article of clothing, she bends down and wiggles her flank in a manner that the stallion just can't resist. His hand reaches forward and gives her flank a quick squeeze.

Angel squeaks, her tail flagging above her back without her permission. She looks back and frowns, crossing her arms once more. "Great... I hope the stallions don't stare because of this..." She slips on the bra, fumbling with the latch on the back.

Rhino helps with some quick work of his own fingers, apologizing as he does so. "Sorry Angel, I didn't think. It was just so tempting the way you were wiggling it..." He plants a kiss on the back of her neck.

She shivers at this, a soft mewl slipping out her lips. "J-just barely missed the collar..." She shakes her head, quickly stepping into her panties to hide her rekindling arousal.

He apologizes again. "Sorry... I'm still sort of constantly elated at having you back. I guess I should learn to control myself a little more so we both don't go setting each other off in public, huh?"

She turns around, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. "That's not my issue, sweetie... I love how affectionate you can get..." She holds up a hand, the middle finger shifting to a navy chitin. "I just don't want ponies finding out about me... you know?"

"I know..." He looks at the finger sadly. "I wish there was someway for them to accept the real you... but I guess that's not really an option right now."

She changes it back, smiling sweetly at him. "But you accept me... and Silky, too... so there's a chance..." She tenderly kisses him before pulling away, a playful smirk on her lips. "So, planning on getting dressed, or are you planning on giving the place a show?"

"Alright alright you little joker." He gives the waistband of her panties a small pop. "I'll get dressed." His underwear slip on easily enough, his pride back out of sight, though likely not out of mind.

She dresses back up as well, her comfortable shirt and skirt back in place on her body. She picks up the clothes, looking at the two shirts before her on their hangers. "I really wish I didn't have to decide on one..."

He blinks, turning to her incredulously as he puts on his own shirt and pants. "Wait, what? I thought the whole point of this trip was to get you clothes, like this and a dress or something. Pick both."

"But you said they're ten bits each..." She looks at him, sheepish. "I only have twelve..."

His reply is quick. "Well... I can buy them for you, but what are you going to do about anything else you want? Was this more of a trip to see things you could get once you get a paycheck or something?"

"That..." She smiles, rocking on her hooves thoughtfully. "And I wanted to spend more time with both of you..."

"Oh..." The stallion pauses for a moment, as if that had not occurred to him. "That makes sense... Sorry, I guess I really don't usually think of shopping as a social thing. I usually just see it as a trip to get things then go home."

"Now you know better." She winks, walking past him and brushing her tail against his hip. "So, shall we go back to join the others?"

He nods. "Yeah, they're probably wondering why we're taking so long." He opens the door, motioning outward with a smile. "After you."

She rolls her eyes and takes his hand, once again dragging him along behind her. "Come on, love!"

Once again having to use his long stride to catch up to her, the stallion mutters to himself. "Why do I feel like this is going to be a thing?"

As the exit the changing rooms with the clothes Angel had tried on, they are both met by Silk, who simply stands there with a small smile on her face and her arms crossed.

She smiles and hugs her happily, nuzzling her cheek to disguise her whispered message. "Like you wouldn't have done the same..."

The pegasus simply giggles, whispering back. "I didn't say a word against it. Though... how was it?"

"Amazing... if short, due to circumstances..." She elbows her side and looks around, curious. "Say, where'd Lucky go?"

"She's just doing a quick circuit of the store while you two were in there. She said she'd be right back." Movement in the corner of her eye catches her attention. "Ah, there she is."

The perky mare walks over to the group, slapping her hands together once. "Alright, everypony good?"

"Yep!" Angel pumps a fist into the air, grinning in excitement. "I got two new shirts!"

"Cool!" Lucky high fives Angel's raised hand. "Let's get those paid for and decide where to go next!"

"Oh, I already have an idea." She giggles, her gaze turning towards her pegasus friend. "A nice little place called... 'Silk's Select'?"

Silk giggles. "Oh I hear that is quite the place..."

Lucky however, seems puzzled. "Never heard of that shop before... but it does sound fun. Let's do it!"