Six wishes for six elements

by Malcolm Merlyn

Chapter 12

"Here it is..." Rogers said to himself as he pulled up his motorcycle which had been tipped over and had fallen down into a patch of shrubs. Taking a look, his ride was in fine condition and he could now take a spin. Looking back, he saw Slade had gotten his van started up and had pulled up next to him.

"I'll meet you back at Raynor's?"

"Didn't you say you were going to pick up Armin?"

"First, I gotta drop off a few things." Slade said. "See you there."

Rolling down the window which was a one-way type of glass. Slade looked into the back and chuckled to himself. He would need a ton of help with unloading this loot.

"Umm... hi... so...."

Armin had been lost for words. As of now, some unicorn with an accent had walked up to him to speak with him, expressing unfeigned interest in his coat. And then, after some sweet talk, she had made a point of dragging him all the way back to her shop and place of residence. And here he was, sitting on a plush couch and sipping some tea, doing his best to look his best.

"Now I say... that coat of yours... it's absolutely marvelous! Where did you get it? And where can I get one?!"

"They just handed these out..." Armin said looking at his uniform of the Scout regiment. "I got it for free..."

"For free?! Where?!"

"On my world... which I don't think is this world..." Armin muttered awkwardly. It would have been strange enough to be living amongst talking and rainbow colored horses but this? This was a bit too much.

"My then! In your world... they surely know what to wear!" Rarity continued as she forayed into her babbling about how "dashing" Armin's coat made him look and how much she wanted one.

"You know... I actually really don't think I'll be needing the cloak." Armin said looking at the green cape that would be useful in the rain. He wondered for a moment how badly Raynor actually needed his minerals, and perhaps how much he didn't need this green thing he had which he had long forgot the purpose of. Maybe except for "looking dashing" as this horse was describing.

"Well... I'd be very happy to buy it!" Rarity offered.

"Well then... I think... sure..." Armin said as he inwardly slapped himself across the face.

"Hey kid. Wake up." Raynor said. "Slade and Rogers are back."

"Okay." Sanya said rubbing her eyes for a bit. That was a quite refreshing rest. Getting up, she followed Raynor to outside.

"Where's Medic?"

"No idea. Told me he had the place cleaned up but he said he was missing something so he went off. I dunno where he went off to."

The two were met by a black van and a sleek black motorcycle. Slade and Steve were there waiting for them.

"Back so soon?" Jim asked pleasantly. "How did it go?"

"Just fine." Steve said as he left out the part of how he felt about Wilson.

"Great. I got a lot of things in the van that actually need unloading." Slade said as he grabbed two large bags and a metallic box. "Mind lending a hand?"

"Sure. Go put it in the bar." Raynor said as he went and grabbed a few of the metal boxes. "What's in this? It's heavy."

"You'll see." Slade said as he handed Sanya some of the duffel bags. Walking into the ship, he dropped them off on the wreck of a bar that the ship had and went for more. About fifteen minutes later, they were done as plenty of metal boxes and duffel bags lined the almost-broken tables.

"And you want to see what's in here?" Slade asked as he grabbed a bag. Unzipping the thing, a literal wave of Benjamins spilled out. Unzipping every other bag would reveal similar contents as a massive green table cloth was poured over every possible table and even spilling over to create a rug for the ground. A count later would reveal the estimated sum of the money to be over 50,000,000 dollars.

"Is this money?" Sanya asked as she took a look.

"It is." Slade said. "I think it's about over 45,000,000. That's what I was told the estimate was anyways."

"And you got all this money... how?" Rogers asked despite already having a good idea of where the money came from.

"Bonus for my last job. The guy wouldn't be needing his money anymore so I took it." Slade chuckled to himself as he went over to one of the boxes and put in the combination. He would do this a few dozen times as the contents were laid over the tables.

It was enough ordinance to start a war. Assualt rifles, sniper rifles, pistols, grenades, a grenade launcher, you name it. He had it all.

"We can't exactly be killing any dragons without the proper tools to do so right?" Slade said as he held up an Assualt rifle. "You mentioned an Engineering bay or sorts on this ship?"

"Yes. I can produce all the ammunition you may need."

"Great." Slade grinned as he saw Sanya dig into the pile. "The bullets come out of the slim end kid."

"I know... I know..." Sanya muttered as she took a look at all the ordinance spilled upon the table.

"If you ever need to know how to use them the right way, just talk to me. Other than that, I think I actually have a guy to find." Slade said as he got his car keys. "If you need a gun, go take one."

"Yeah... sure..." Rogers mumbled as he saw Raynor taking a look at the virtual armory Slade had amassed.

"Slade... wait..." Sanya spoke up as he began to leave.

"What is it kid?"

"May I come with you?"

"It's going to be pretty boring actually." Slade said. "Why?"

"I want to see.... well..."

"Right. I forgot it's probably your coloring book we happened to have gotten ourselves in. Follow me then." Slade said as Sanya went after him leaving Raynor and Medic along with a pile of weapons enough to start a third world war.

"Man... what a jackass." Steve mumbled to himself.

"You hate him already?" Raynor asked.

"Of course! The guy's a total dirt bag!" Cap said as he took a look at the money. "How do you like that guy anyways?!"

"I work with guys like him ALL THE TIME. Want to know the scary thing? We consider them the pleasant guys." Raynor chuckled to himself. Tosh. Selendis. Findlay.

"Him? Pleasant?" Rogers asked as he tried to find any possible way that Slade and the word pleasant could even be used in the same sentence. "You know, I know a guy like him. His name is Stark."

"Tell me about him."

"He's a bit on the disagreeable side, a huge showboat, probably cares about himself the most at the end of the day. But this guy at least gives a damn about other people!"

"What's your point?"

"Slade? He's just a scumbag. It's people like him that make the world a worse place."

"You know... maybe that's how you think of it, but maybe considering what the guys been through..."

"Just because his wife shot him, and his son died doesn't exactly give him the right to be a total... well you know."

"I know, I know... but like I said, maybe you should meet some of my friends and you'll probably love Slade."

"Yeah... yeah... that'd be the day." Rogers said. "You got a drink by the way?"

"Eh... I think this is ze place." Medic said to himself as he looked at the cottage and looked around once again. Strange. He was told that the place should have been alive and a buzz with all sorts of animals. Right now, there was nothing but some odd silence that was just... well... odd. He hesitated a moment before knocking.

"Hello?" A tiny voice asked.

"Hi... eh... I vood like to come in." Medic replied. "I heard you have some... well.. animals. Ja?"

"Oh right." Fluttershy said as she opened the door. Imagine her surprise when she saw something that stood on two legs, wearing a white... whatever it was and only having hair on the top of it's head. In sort, a creature that she never had seen before. Ever.

"Now zen..." Medic said with some surprising coolness as he stepped into the cottage. "Do you have any doves by chance? Or any other animals?"

"Well... oh... You must be looking for a pet!"

"Vell.... sorta of... I suppose." Medic said. If it was dove, it's probably going to be a pet. If it was anything else, he was probably going to end up dissecting it.

"Now you said you wanted doves?" Fluttershy asked as she looked into the birdhouses.


"Well... I just got all the doves you might want!" Fluttershy said as she opened one of the houses. In that instant, a literal hurricane of white feathers was unleashed upon the German as dozens of doves enveloped him in their wings.

"Zat... zis... JUST VAT I NEED." Medic said as he laughed to himself. "Oh... ja... may I have any other sort of animals zat are... about this big?"

He made an approximate shape with hands, about the size of a pig.

"Oh sure! There are tons to choose from... hey... eh... where are they?"

You know. They say the animals in Equestria could have a hunch to what may happen to them in the near future....