Study in Equinity

by Rhino

Chapter 15: Peak

She giggles brightly, turning to the stallion. "You were, and we will deliver." She turns to Silk, smiling wolfishly. "Care to help me give him a... full body massage?" She leans in, nibbling the tip of her ear as she reaches down, gripping the length between her friend's thighs. "I'll even let you take this on, first."

Silk giggles. "We'll see. I wouldn't want to be selfish after all. But, I think there's plenty of stallion to go around for both of us. If not... well, I'm sure we'll find some way to make up the difference." She slowly licks her lips.

"Oh, definitely." She winks back and glances at Rhino. "What do you think, stud? Who would you prefer to have, first?" She giggles, leaning in and nuzzling his cheek. "After your massage, of course... or during, if you'd prefer that."

"I... that would depend on your definition of 'have'..." He gestures to the bed. "Why don't we just do the massage and see where things go?"

She playfully pouts, sticking her tongue out at him. "Fine. Go lay down on your belly." She takes the older mare's hand, helping her off his lap. She immediately pulls her into a deep kiss, embracing her tenderly. She breaks it ten seconds later, whispering into her ear. "When we get to his front, I'd like you to give special attention to his stallionhood. Whether that involves riding or licking is up to you, sugar. If you do..." She lets her hands fall to her flanks, squeezing them teasingly. "I'll give you a nice treat. Okay?"

"Sure thing, hun." Silk giggles as she whispers while Rhino heads toward the bed. "It's not like I'm not gonna enjoy both parts of that deal anyway. Aren't you going to want some of it too though?" They both watch out of the corners of their eyes as Rhino looks at the bed dubiously before folding his stallionhood up against his stomach so he can remain somewhat comfortable as he lays down.

"I've had some, before." She smiles coyly, tracing the edge of her wing with a finger. "I want you to have a taste of how... wonderful he can make us feel." She saunters over to the stallion, swaying her hips purposely for the enjoyment of both Silk and Rhino. "So, sweetie... where would you like me to start? Here?" She trails a finger up the back of his leg, stopping at the knee. "Or here?" She places her hand on his shoulder, pressing slightly against the muscle there.

As Silk walks over, he answers. "I don't know... anywhere is good for me."

"I see." She gestures the pegasus closer. "Then I'll start from your hips and work down. She'll start from your shoulders." She pauses, thinking for a bit. "And... maybe that'd be a nice time to... try her taste, so to speak... is that position possible?" She walks past the other mare, playfully rubbing her cutie mark as she passes. "If anything, we can at least get the story behind that... right, sugar?"

Silk giggles as she gets onto the bed and starts deciding what position she wants. "I'm afraid it's not going to be that interesting of a story, hun. Plus its definitely not going to enhance the mood here considering I was a little filly when I got it."

"I suppose you're right." She arranges Silk so she's in front of Rhino. "I doubt he'd be into that." She sits on the edge of the bed, off to the side of his hips. She stares at his backside, tracing a finger down the side. "I wonder if I can do much of anything, here... his fur makes it a bit hard to see..." She giggles brightly, gripping them and rubbing them eagerly. "Still feels splendid, though!" She brings the massage oil over from the bathroom, offering it to her friend.

The pegasus takes it, spreading a line over his shoulders. Surprisingly, he doesn't even react to it. "Huh, I thought this stuff was cold at first..."

The stallion just chuckles from his prone position. "Thick fur."

"So it seems..." She offers the oil back to Angel as she comments. "Bet that makes you nice and warm at night." She starts working working her hands on his shoulders, rubbing them in light circles.

"And during afternoons, as well." Angel laughs, starting to knead the oil into the fur of his hips and flanks. "If neither of us had to go to classes, I swear I'd just cuddle with him all the time." She winks playfully at Silk. "You'd be free to join us, of course."

"The longer I spend with you, the longer I consider that." As she leans forward a bit to reach his lower shoulder blades, the stallion's tail flicks once and a relaxed sigh comes from his mouth. "Hmm... normally I'd say that's a good sound, but do you think we can still keep him in the mood like that?"

"I'm not quite sure..." She starts moving lower, her horn subtly glowing as she works the back of his thighs in long, smooth strokes. "We could try making sounds of pleasure, but I have a feeling he'd know fake ones, since... well, you know."

"True... ponies tend to know the exact details of their fetish subjects inside and out..." She leans slightly lower on his back and her face lights up. "Oh, I have an idea, it's not too much, but it should at least keep his soldier at attention." She leans down a little lower as she works, her breasts starting to drag along his oiled back as she slowly gets lower. "Oh~ Now this was a good idea..."

The teen stares at her blankly, her hands pausing near his knees. "Why didn't I think of that?" She looks down, seeing what was left to his legs. "I don't even have the room for it..." She trails off as she sees something specific between his legs. After a moment of consideration, she shrugs. "It is a full body massage..." She reaches out, delicately cupping the green pouch, rubbing as gingerly as possible. "Don't forget, stud. We're giving her one of these after yours. Think you can show her what you're capable of?"

An affirmative groan comes from the male as the females continue. Silk moves to the lower part of his back and as her body move up and down with her arms, a light squeak announces that a piece of anatomy specific to unicorns has worked it's way to her own sensitive areas. She starts letting out pleased sounds as she moves now that each movement is accompanied by the feeling of his horn rubbing on her wet lips. "There's an unexpected bonus..."

"Lucky!" Angel pouts but continues her work, firmly yet lovingly working the muscles in his legs. She can't keep herself from looking up at his sack from time to time, biting her lip gently. She reaches his hooves and sees that her friend seems to have gotten distracted. She rolls her eyes and rests her hand against her cheek. "Oh, dear, Silky isn't doing her part. I guess I'll have to take the first ride, then."

The pegasus barely registers her as she grinds more on the stallion's horn. "If you think this isn't a ride... you're mistaken... I still got first, just on something you didn't think of." She suddenly stops as she finds herself with her nose in his tail. "Aww... I ran out of room..."

The younger mare tilts her friend's head up, smiling coyly at her. "The other horn is more pleasurable, sugar. Trust me." She taps her nose. "Besides, we switch sides when he flips over."

Sitting back up in front of the stallion's head, she tilts her own at Angel. "You sure, hun? I don't feel like you're getting much of him... and I'm sure he wants some of you too."

"Well..." She smiles, winking teasingly. "He has that amazing tongue of his..."

"If you say so..." Silklooks down at his back, gently dragging a finger down it. "Though you might change your mind once you see the prize. We might even end up sharing."

"Honestly?" She gets up and moves next to her, smiling warmly. "I want to share. I just... I can't imagine being without either of you..." She trails off before nervously continuing. "Or... were you talking about right now?"

The unicorn below speaks for the first time in a while. "Perhaps a discussion on that first option is best when we are of clearer minds."

Silk nods. "He's right, for now, let's enjoy our heated moods."

"Agreed." She puts a hand on Rhino's shoulder, gently shaking him. "Time to flip over so we can get your front."

He nods, literally just rolling over away from them, his shaft instantly springing from being pressed against his stomach to standing tall and proud.

She licks her lips, eyeing the emerald green rod lustfully. "You know what... let's get a taste of him now, before we ride. After all, I've yet to even taste him. That, and..." She brings out the bottle of lotion from behind her back, blushing brightly. "He doesn't exactly... enter the front..."

Silk blanches. "Wait... what?"

Rhino averts his eyes. "Sorry... it's sort of a personal thing..."

The pegasus sighs and can practically feel her pussy aching in disappointment. "Well, I'm not gonna force you, but you have no idea what you're missing out on..."

Angel leans in, running her fingers through the fur of the pegasus's slit smiling coyly. "Don't worry, Silky. We'll be sure to show you attention." She winks at the stallion, sticking her tongue out and waggling it suggestively. "Right, stud?"

He blushes lightly, not meeting either of their eyes. "Maybe..."

Silk tutts quietly. "I think he may either take convincing, or he needs to get more comfortable with me... Yet something tells me he wouldn't hesitate to plunge into yours." With a smirk, she grab's the smaller mare's flank, getting a throb from a particular stallion's phallus as he listens.

"He already has." She gingerly wraps her fingers around him, barely circling it with her small hand. "My, um, hymen wouldn't let him go far with that, though... judging by how he acted, you'd think I taste sweet to him, or something..." She strokes him without thinking, lost in her reminiscing. "Definitely a natural, though."

His length starts to slowly pulse, the stallion letting out a quiet groan. The pegasus smiles at this. "I just realized something... We may have been sitting here teasing each other all this time, but I think this is the first time his soldier has gotten any action tonight... We'll have to fix that."

"Yep!" She stands there for a moment, still playing with his pride, before she tilts her head to one side. "How, exactly, do we do that?"

Silk just shrugs and smiles. "It's not like I have experience with this myself." She gives the staff a light lick getting another throb for her action. "So I say we improvise."

Angel shrugs, putting a couple pillows under Rhino's head and upper back, allowing him to watch them. She then quickly moves to the side opposite her friend, eyeing his erect length longingly. Unsure, she moves forward and kisses the tip, a hand moving down to caress the orbs. She pushes a bit further, passionately kissing the other mare, her tongue slipping into her mouth as she gasps. Her hand moves back up to tease the tip of him, but she doesn't seem close to breaking their lip lock, moaning softly into it as her own fingers stroke her own neglected pussy.

The stallion's eyes widen as he observes the two going at it, his rhythmically pulsing length an extra sign. Silk, meanwhile, is fully committed to the makeout session, one finger barely grazing the phallus in between them as her other hand braces herself.

The younger mare reluctantly breaks the kiss, panting softly. "You know..." She nods towards Rhino, smiling wolfishly. "He might enjoy... a kiss like that... feel up to it, sugar?"

"Well... let's see." The pegasus literally crawls up the stallion's body, dragging her tits along his chest and ending up with her hips standing just above his own. Looking into his eyes a moment and seeing that small sign of acceptance, she puts her face close to his and gently starts kissing him, mouths opening soon after.

Watching them to make sure they're enjoying themselves, she decides to make her move. She situates herself between their legs, eyeing them in a moment of indecision. Finally, with a shrug, she dives muzzle-first into the soft pink that is the seamstress's pussy, tenderly lapping along the petals to hear her reaction. And she hasn't yet stopped stroking Rhino's pride, bringing the bottle of lube closer to her 'workspace'.

While the slow stroking seems to be fine for keeping the stallion's instrument interested, that's all it seems to do for it. The pegasus’s slit however, is a different story, as the instant Gel went into the the owner moaned into her current partner's mouth and redoubled her kissing efforts. One can actually see the muscles in her legs as they clench tighter around the stallion she's straddling.

Seeing the lack of response from the stallion, she speeds up, applying lube to him as she continues, making her hand move faster along him. She pulls away from the mare and licks her lips, savoring the flavor of her juices as she spreads some lube onto her fingers. "Sorry, sugar... you taste delicious, but I do need to prepare you..."

"Prepare me~?!" Silk's words turn to a small shriek as she suddenly feels two somethings make their way into her tailhole covered in something very cold. Despite the more rapid handjob by the unicorn mare, it's the shriek that proves to get the biggest reaction out of the stallionhood as one can almost see the blood pumping faster into it for the few seconds it was happening.

Angel brightly giggles, pumping and wiggling her fingers inside the mare. "That was a cute noise, Silky! Can you make it for us, again?" She stops rubbing Rhino's pride, moving her hand to fondle and caress the sack below it. "I'm sure we'll find out a way, if you can't, though."

"Sorry hun, and stud, that was more a surprise noise than anything." She looks back at the mare worked her hole, giving a slight moan, resulting in the length throbbing yet again. "He wasn't kidding when he said he liked sounds..." Her eyes darting between herself and the shaft though, she thinks of a different problem. "But umm, hun, I really haven't done that... specific thing before... do we really need to go through with that? It's supposed to hurt..."

"Well... I think it did, at first... but I mostly remember the pleasure... and that was definitely worth the discomfort." She taps her chin, thinking a bit. "Maybe he could help you get ready like he did for me?" She presses his tip against the mare's rosebud, considering the sight for a moment. "Yea... you probably need it..." She looks to the stallion, smiling sweetly. "Sweetie, can you please help me reposition her?"

Rhino nods, his arms suddenly coming around the yellow mare on top of him and pinning her to him as he sits up. She squeaks, looking down as he shifts his legs then continues going forward, completing the flips with her now on her back and him over her, her hindlegs wrapped around him.

"Perfect!" The voice comes from under them, and two hands wrap around to caress Silk's breasts. "Didn't expect to get caught under you, but that's fine with me! The feathers are a bit tickly, though." She playfully boops Rhino's nose, giggling brightly. "You're going to help her get ready for your soldier now, right, Rhino?"

"That or..." He shifts downward a bit, seeing as Angel is under them in the exact position Silk is in. He presses the tip of his length teasingly against the white mare's rosebud, pressing lightly but not hard enough to enter.

She squeaks, blushing brightly at the unexpected touch. "B-but... Silk should be first... unless..." She tilts her head, gazing up at him in curiosity and mild confusion. "Did you want to... take us both at the same time?"

Rhino looks at Angel, nonplussed. "I'm not even sure that's possible... I was just teasing you."

The pegasus huffs. "Been a lot of that going around tonight."

The mare on bottom pinches the yellow pony's nipples between her fingers before continuing to caress her friend's breasts. "Oh, you know you like it." She directs her attention back to Rhino, smirking coyly. "Now would be best time for you to taste us, love... she's practa... practe... pretty much begging for it." She winks at him, leaning up and gently kissing Silk's cheek. "Plus, it'd be a way to help get her ready..." She levitates the apple-labeled bottle up to him. "Wouldn't you agree, stud?"

He lets out a chuckle, motioning to the clenching yellow mare. "You'll have to convince her to open her legs so I can move, at this point I'm sort of pinned against her."

"I don't know about convincing... but I think this might at least get her attention..." She lowers her hands along the soft golden fur of her friend's belly, caressing her. Then, after a few seconds, her fingers start dancing along her sides, wanting to see how she'd react and hoping it'd help.

Silk let out a small mewling sound as her legs release the stallion and spread wide.

However, instead of going for the 'tasting' Angel insists on, Rhino lubes up his shaft again as his other hand snakes forward, bracing it fingers all around the yellow-bordered slit before it's thumb goes to work on it.

A quiet moan comes from the mare as the stallion's digit starts barely dipping into her as it goes around in small circles, her muscles clenching and unclenching as she wishes for it to go deeper.

Angel smiles at this and leans forward, gently kissing and nibbling along the nape of Silk's neck. Her hands go up to the succulent yellow mounds, squeezing and rubbing them in a firm yet loving manner. Her legs hook around the seamstress's own, holding them in their current spread position for Rhino's benefit, her tail following suit and exposing herself and her friend to their stallion.

The smell of arousal of both mares driving him on, though the physical manifestation of this is quite a bit more flowing from the bottom mare, Rhino adjusts. He places his hands upward on either side of the yellow mare's hips. He lines his pride up against the tight tailhole of the pegasus and starts to press.

Silk lets out a long high-pitched whine as he pushes, trying to get into her. The combination of that, all the teasing before and now, and even her delight of being partially held down by both of them as the stallion has his way with her serves to make it difficult for her mind to feel anything beyond pleasure.

The smaller unicorn giggles, one hand trailing down the older mare's belly. She nuzzles her cheek as she reaches her slit, gently stroking the soft yellow lips as she whispers into her ear. "Relax, sugar... you can do this..." She rubs her thumb over the mare's small button, her other hand continuing to cup and play with one of her breasts.

Silk arches her back as her clit is pressed, coincidentally adjusting her angle enough so that the large flared head of the stallion suddenly pops into her rosebud. She lets out a small squeal that only increases in pitch as it goes on as it feels like that shaft inside her only grew bigger once she started. She quickly devolves to rapid panting as he pushes further into her, this combined with all the other sensations serve to limit her vocabulary to one repeated phrase for a time. "Oh Luna, oh Luna, oh Luna, oh Luna..."

Angel giggles, looking up to Rhino. "I think she's having fun, sweetie... but I have to wonder..." She flicks one of her nipples, a finger slipping into the seamstress's warm pussy, slowly pumping in and out of her as her thumb continues to pass over her button every few seconds. "How fast would she be able to take it... and how fast can she handle you, right now?"

Rhino increases his entering speed, trying to control himself for this first thrust so as to not hurt the mare. This causes Silk to let out another small whine as she pants out a sentence to both of her partners. "H-How is there still more?!" Unfortunately for her, her moans and whines only server to make him go in faster, which makes her moan more, and the cycle continues until a sudden slap announces the stallion hilting inside her.

The pegasus let out a long moan as she lays back, the feeling of being filled along with the sensations caused by the other mare in her pussy not letting her think for a moment as she lays there twitching.

The white unicorn giggles, nuzzling the older mare tenderly. "Let him know when you're ready for more, sugar..." She slows down her hands, moving fast enough to keep her aroused but not enough to make her more so. Her one digit keeps its constant pace, however, pressing her clit with each gentle pass.

Through her daze, Silk nods to Rhino who slowly starts to pull out. The pegasus gives another groan as the feeling of emptiness replaces that wonderful feeling of being full. Adding that to the constant small shocks of the sexy mare under her touching her clit, and she barely managed to get her hand up to stop the male when he got halfway out of her. "Not all the way... I couldn't take being empty again right now... and I don't want any chance of you slipping out."

He nods, reversing direction and getting another small whine for his trouble, which of course means he soon slaps all the way into her again. Silk just shudders and twitches, speaking despite this. "Again, again..." He complies, starting to get his rhythm.

Angel smiles sweetly, pushing another finger inside her friend's pussy. She makes sure to match their stallion's speed with her fingers, steadily pumping faster into the beautiful mare on top of her. "Come on, sugar..." She winks at Rhino, her hand enticingly massaging one of the butter-yellow tits before him. "How much do you want him?"

Silk doesn't answer, though judging by the repetitive whines that occur in time with the stallion's steadily increasing thrusts, it seems she'd be hard pressed to. Angel can feel the muscles in the mare's legs straining against her own as her back constantly arches to give the pounding stallion better access. On the other end of the spectrum, it feels as though Rhino has gotten into things as well now, with his hands on the yellow mare's hips actually being used to pull her, and sometimes a bit of Angel, onto him as he thrusts instead of just being used for support.

"I knew it..." She giggles, pinching a stiff pink nipple as she presses into her flower harder, faster. "You want more... how, though?" She taps her clit in time with Rhino's thrusts, humming to herself. "Harder? Faster? Deeper? Or maybe..." She pushes another finger inside, flexing and wriggling them independently inside her tight tunnel. "All of the above?"

The pegasus just squeezes her eyes shut and nods. At this signal, Rhino adjusts his position slightly, getting a small whimper of anticipation from Silk before he begins again. As requested it is harder, faster, deeper than it was before. The yellow mare's entire body shudders constantly as the stallion mercilessly hammers away at her delicate posterior. A feral growl comes from over her as Rhino suddenly pulls out to where only his flared head remains before he slams back down, causing the pegasus' eyes to practically bug out of her head as she hugs him to her. Muscles ripple in the mare's lower region as she floods her own tunnel while the stallion does the same to her plot. She lets out a long keening moan as they both continue gushing, drops of her juices seeping out while his remain deep inside her, locked into place.

After about a full minute, Silk's arms slide off him and flop to either side of her, her nethers spasming once or twice as her legs go immobile. The large green male above her waits a moment before slowly sliding out of her, getting a small whine as he pops out. His shaft, while not at it's prime due to the release a moment ago, is still semi-hard in case it is needed again.

Angel smiles, winking playfully at him. "Great job, stud." She lifts her now-soaked digits up for him to see. "Not as much as me, but I bet she's just as sweet." She holds her hand up to his lips, teasingly waving them at him. "Want to find out?"

Staring at her fingers a moment, he sticks out his tongue, giving them a slow lick. Drawing it back in, he mulls it around for a moment before commenting. "Sweet in a different way, a bit like mixed berries. I think I still prefer yours though. You taste like a milkshake."

"Oh?" She giggles, carefully slipping out from under the seamstress. "Care to show me?" She turns and gets on her hands and knees above Silk, flagging her tail and shaking her ass at him, her cheeks bright pink. "You did just get her off, after all... and I want more of that amazing tongue of yours..."

Needing no further prompting, he darts forward, setting his hands on her flanks and getting to work. He instantly darts straight into her, his tongue somehow knowing just when to pull back before hitting her barrier, but otherwise having it's way with her tunnel as it wriggles, flattens, and squirms around, touching every possible spot.

The white mare gasps and moans, eagerly pushing her hips back toward him. "Y-yes! More!" She lowers her head, her glazed eyes falling on the mare below her. Smiling lustfully, she leans down and kisses her deeply, a hand lifting up to tenderly cup her cheek.

A shaky yellow hand lifts up, starting to stroke the unicorn's golden mane as its owner reciprocates the kiss, thankful for its gentle nature. Meanwhile, Rhino continues his snack of Angel's snatch, his shaft now back at full hardness under him but unfortunately is back to the point where it isn't thought about. Teasingly, every so often the stallion has his tongue surface from the wet tunnel to playfully lick the nub at one end before diving back in.

Angel mewls and moans into their loving kiss, squeaking in surprise whenever he flicks her clit. There's no doubt in her pleasure-addled mind that his face is soaked with her juices, and that turns her on even more. She presses her chest against Silk's, feeling them rub together as she pushes back against their stallion.

Rhino starts gripping and letting go of her flanks rhythmically as he works, tilting his head from side to side to make a sort of drilling motion with his tongue. After a moment he also latches his lips onto her lower lips, his mouth opening and closing so that it rubs her clit while his tongue flails about like he is making out with her nethers.

At that, the young mare breaks the kiss and throws her head back, crying out in ecstasy. Her pussy clenches on the part of his tongue inside her, her body tensing as she climaxes hard, more than last time due to how long she was denied release.

Due to his pleasuring, Rhino is in the perfect position to lap up every single drop of her milkshake juices. Judging from how eagerly he does so, it seems to be an eventuality he might have planned. Not a single drop goes wasted as his tongue swirls both in and over her lips before darting back in with its tasty cargo then going back out for more.

Eventually her orgasm subsides and she collapses, her head falling to the side and avoiding the other mare's. Her slit leaks a few last drops, and her hips are being held up only by the stallion's hands.

As he sets her down, the mare under her decides to finally speak for the first time in a while. "Well, looks like he is talented in all sorts of good ways if he got you going and off that quickly." The pegasus gives the white mare an affectionate peck on the cheek. "Definitely found us a keeper, though one side effect I'm not sure how I feel about."

Angel wearily turns her head to her, blinking a few times to get her eyes to focus. "And... what side effect... is that?"

Silk giggles. "Well... I can't move my legs. I can wiggle my hooves, barely, but not anything more."

"Oh, yea..." She smiles back, pecking her on the lips tenderly. "It was worth it, though. And I know I'd love to hear your pleasure, again..." She winks and slowly moves off her, glancing at the closet remorsefully. "I kind of wish I got to dare Rhino one last time, though... I had something I wanted to see him try..." She sits down on the bed next to their stallion, wincing at first before scooting to the very edge of it, sighing softly.

Rhino raises a hand to her back, rubbing it softly. "You okay?"

"Yes... just a bit sensitive..." She looks up at him, smiling warmly at him. "Thank you for the concern, love..."

He blinks, his hand freezing at the last word of her statement. "...pardon?"

Angel stares at him, confused by his expression and sudden pause. "I was just thanking you... is something wrong?"

His ears are pricked straight up as he looks at her. "What did you call me?"

She squirms under his gaze, her eyes nervously shifting, trying to find something to focus on. "I-I called you... l-love..." She gulps, her ears flattening against her head. "W-was that... bad?"

He sighs, shaking his head. "No... I guess not..." His voice drifts off, as if leaving some things unspoken.

She clears her throat, standing up and gesturing to her closet. "There's something I want to show you, Rhino. It's something I... well, I hope you'll like it..." She quickly reaches deep into the closet, enough that her flanks and legs are the only visible part of her, for a while.

He sits patiently on the bed, waiting and gazing at her flanks to clear his mind. Silk, meanwhile, seems content at the moment to enjoy post-coital bliss as she lays on her back.

She eventually emerges, holding up a white coat. "Tada!" She shyly smiles, holding it out to him. "It's for you. I... I felt like I should thank you, and, well..." She trails off, embarrassed.

He takes the coat, looking it over. "I take it you wanted me to wear it?"

Silk holds up a hand. "I think it'll look good on you, simple as it is."

"Y-yes, I did..." She blushes softly, moving over to the chair and sitting on the edge of the seat. "It looked like it... fit you... I can't explain it..." She looks to the older mare, tilting her head to one side. "What kind of coat was that called again, Silky?"

"Doctor's coat, hun." She reminds the unicorn.

"Y-yea, that..." She bites her lip, her thighs pressing together. "I, um... y-you both said what your, ah, fetishes are..." She gestures to the coat, her head bowing in her slight shame. "M-mine are doctors... a-and roleplaying..."

The two other ponies stay silent a moment before Silk comments. "Wow... and you found my store, which is pretty much a roleplayer's paradise. How coincidental."

Rhino speaks up. "It's actually even more so... considering that at the end of my degree program in a few years, I would have the title of Doctor."

"W-what?!" Angel slips off her chair, squeaking in shock as she lands on her rump. She whimpers, reaching a hand back to gently feel along her tail. "Owie..."

Concerned, Rhino stands up, getting off the bed and slipping his hand under her. He lifts her up and brings her against his chest, almost bridal style as he kisses and nuzzles her. "You've got to stop hurting yourself."

She glances away, her cheeks burning from her blush, now. "It's not my fault I'm a little clumsy..." She leans up against his chest, sighing wistfully. "Thank you for picking me up, though..."

Not a problem. " He sets her down on the bed next to Silk. "Here, this should be nice and soft for you." Levitating the coat over with his magic, he continues. "So... doctors, huh? Will a potential one do?"

She looks up and down his body, biting her lip as she eyes his still-hard pride. She nods quickly, eeking out her answer. "Yes."

"Alright then." He slips on the coat, the white fabric settling on his body easily. Smoothing out the front a bit, he leaves it open and sticks his hands in the front pockets, standing casually as he looks at the unicorn. "What do you think?"

Angel stares at him for a few moments, her twitching ear the only sign that she wasn't a statue. She smiles sweetly and leans forward, gently gripping his hips and kissing the tip of his length. "It's perfect." She closes her eyes and slowly starts to lick along the emerald rod, shivering and panting softly.

Rhino grunts, his shaft pulsing lightly from the sensations. "Well... aren't you an eager patient?"

She giggles, her eyes shining with excitement as she tends to his needs. "I can't help it, Doctor... I need your seed..." She puts a hand to her soft flower, gently stroking it and mewling quietly as she nuzzles him. "Please... won't you help me?"

Silk watches on, one of her hands slowly drifting down to her own slit, tracing small circles around it.

"Well, it is a doctor's job to make sure he patients are well cared for." He strokes her mane, which is about all he can reach right now. "I wonder what treatment would be best for your particular needs..."

"I don't know..." She licks from the base to the blunt tip, kissing it lovingly, a hand coming up to cup his orbs. "I thought the doctor was the one who came up with a diog... dieg... treatment." She winks at him and, taking a deep breath, wraps her lips around the head, slowly pulling another inch into her mouth as she fondles him.

He hums happily as she services him. "Hmm... well, after we complete this initial diagnosis, I think I have a suitable treatment plan for you."

She smiles as best she can around him, bobbing along his length and moaning sweetly, her fingers busily working in her glistening pussy as she licks and sucks his length. Her free hand moves one of his to the back of her head, silently requesting something from him.

He understands completely what she wants, but unfortunately, he is not willing to give it. His hand instead moves to her shoulder, stopping her gently as he speaks. "I think it's time we move on to the treatment."

A small whine is heard from the bed from the pegasus that was enjoying the show.

The teen looks up at him with sad eyes but pulls off him, panting softly once he's free. She gulps, squirming shyly in front of him, her fingers still buried in her tight slit. "W-what treatment would that be, Doctor?"

He pushes her back fully onto the bed. He leans over her, lifting her up and flipping her over. "Now, just in case there's any discomfort, I think it's best I give you something to occupy yourself with." He places her on her stomach with her face right in Silk's slit, the pegasus wide-eyed as she watches. "Go ahead and do what you want with this while I work back here." He maneuvers himself behind her, moving her tail out of the way and pulling her fingers out of her tunnel, tracing the outside lightly with his own fingers.

She mewls in need, pushing her hips back at him. Seeing her friend's pussy before her, however, makes her want that, as well. She leans in and tenderly licks along her, her eyes closing as she tries to keep herself in control. She grips the pegasus's hips, holding her legs apart as she enjoys the soft lips against her tongue.

Silk coos happily as she leans back, one hand drifting down to pet Angel's mane as the other gropes her own golden breast. Her legs are still immobile, but she isn't too worried about them. It's not like she'd want to move anyway.

Rhino, meanwhile lightly massages Angel's flanks for a moment as he gives one long powerful lick to her slit before rearing up and placing the head of his pride at her tailhole. He decides that the saliva left from Angel's work a moment earlier would suffice for this.

The smaller mare pulls away from her friend's flower, whining softly at him. "P-please, Doctor... c-can't you apply the treatment... l-lower?" She has a hand reaching around Silk's leg, stroking her and tapping the cute little button as she gives him puppy-eyes. "I-I need attention, there..."

He looks her in the eyes, his meaning coming through clear even if he says it in the code of the role. "I'm afraid I can't do that ma'am. You would need a consultation for that, and that takes time. I'm afraid this is the best treatment I can give you." He starts pressing against her rosebud's entrance.

She whimpers, feeling him pressing against her resisting hole. She lights up her horn, floating the bottle of lotion over to him. "J-just in case..." She turns her attention back to Silk, removing her fingers and pushing her tongue deep inside, wriggling it rapidly to let some sexual frustration out.

"Oh yes~!" Silk coos, barely paying attention to the others in her bliss.

Sighing and taking the lotion, Rhino dabs a bit of it onto a finger, popping it into her tail hole and swirling it a few times before popping it out and starting to press his head against it again, hoping to avoid the sort of start-and-stop start they had last time.

She squeals as he pops in quickly, pressing her hips back at his wantingly. She wraps her lips around the seamstress's slit, another object floating over from her closet and under her chin. Taking the lotion back, she applies lube liberally to the item, waving it over her shoulder to show it to their stallion.

Distracted by both the squeal and the item, Rhino soon finds himself almost hilted in Angel again. He clears his head enough to focus on what she is waving, determining it to be a mottled green toy modeled after a stallion's phallus. Personally he preferred his own length's solid color, but seeing a small label near the bottom proclaiming the toy to be 'large' size despite the fact it is two-thirds the size of his natural one, he can't help but feel a bit of pride as he starts pulling out to begin his rhythm.

Angel moans softly, letting her tongue roam about in the pegasus's sweet pussy as she puts the toy in position. She slowly rubs the unflared tip of it against her tight ass, pressing forward every third stroke in an attempt to help her relax for it.

One can actually see the muscles in Silk's ass relaxing as it feels the becoming-familiar feeling of something at it's entrance. Her legs spread slightly wider as her pussy clenches and unclenches around the tongue inside, wanting to keep it inside but not wanting it to stop.

Meanwhile, Rhino guide himself almost all the way out of Angel's own tailhole, waiting until only his tip is left in before going all the way until he is hilted. He continues this pattern, starting slow and massaging her flanks as he does so, but the speed that slowly gains foreshadows what will come soon enough.

She mewls hungrily, pushing back in an attempt to have him speed up. She pops the head of the toy inside of Silk, moving it shallowly in and out of her before pressing deeper. Her tongue slips even further inside the yellow pony's pussy, searching for the spot that would get the best reaction from her.

Silk has moved on to full-on groping herself as she lets out small continuous whines of pleasure from the double penetration. Her hooves wiggle slightly as she lays there getting rubbed in all the right ways. A small eep comes from her as Angel's tongue crosses a certain spot inside.

At the same time, the 'doctor' obliges his patient's preference as starts to speed up his pumps. A slapping sound occurs every time now as their hips meet. His hand also holds her tail to one side now in order to keep it from blocking his view. A small side effect of this is the fact that when he jerks her backwards towards him, it pulls her tail slightly.

Angel moans and squeals into her friend, seeing her reaction and paying special attention to what caused it, pressing harder against it with each pass. The psuedo-shaft inside of her moves faster, matching each of Rhino's thrusts in intensity and speed, holding the pegasus's legs wide in her firm grip.

The sounds of the room devolve in lude slapping, slurping, squealing, moaning, and grunting. Of course, for all those involve it is just another sign of how much they are enjoying this. Silk tries to buck her hips into Angel's face but is unable to from her body disobeying her, only driving her more wild. Angel's fluids freely flow from her slit, sprinkling the area under her as her other hole is pounded by the stallion behind her. he even ends up helping her pleasure Silk as his thrusts gain so much force behind them that they force the white mare's face into the other mare's snatch.

Finally, the mare in the middle finds herself struggling to hold her climax back. In an attempt to make the others finish before her, she withdraws her tongue and wraps her lips around the tiny button, sucking and licking it lustfully. Her muscles clench down on Rhino's pride, trying to milk him of his seed before she goes crazy from her desire, the toy pounding into Silk all the way to the base with each thrust.

Fortunately, her two strategies work together for her. As she sucks on her clit, Silk lets out a piercing shriek as both of her holes clench at once, one of them flooding and drooling fluid out. This shriek serves to drive Rhino crazy as he frantically hammers Angel's ass until he lets out a loud growl and buries himself into her, emptying himself deep within her.

As for the mare, herself, she cries out in ecstasy and pushes back against him, splashing his lap with her juices and her rosebud sealing around him, keeping his seed inside her. She promptly collapses on Silk's belly, panting softly, her eyes glazed from the ecstasy.

All three stay panting on the bed for a time before Silk, surprisingly enough, is the one to break the silence. "So now the big question, I can't move my legs still, can you, Angel? Don't be too worried if the answer is no, after all, we have a nice strapping stallion to look after us until we can."

She giggles quietly, gently kissing along Silk's belly. "Yea, I can't move them... at least it gives us an excuse to not move..." She looks over her shoulder at their stallion, fluttering her lashes at him. "You'll get us all into bed, right, sweetie?"

He raises an eyebrow at her. "Didn't I already accomplish that in more ways than one?"

She pouts, tapping the inside of the pegasus's thigh. "You know what I mean. I want us all to sleep in the same bed..." She picks up the sleeping bag from where it lays on the floor, tossing it inside the closet. "No need for that..."

"Ah, right..." He slides back, popping out of her backside. "Well, I guess a shower is out of the question, right?"

"Not unless you plan on carrying us in there and washing us, yourself." She smiles wryly, pulling the toy out of Silk's bottom and staring at it in silence. She sighs and looks up at him, winking playfully. "I'm surprised how small this is, compared to you... and I swear, it was the biggest in the store!"

He chuckles, rubbing the back of his head. "Just got lucky I guess... I originally asked about the shower thing to see if we could get cleaned up and change the sheets, but obviously that won't be the case. Part of me wants to go through with the plan of carrying you two into the bathroom and washing you, but maybe that's best saved for in the morning."

"Good idea." She giggles, pulling him down by his hand and tenderly kissing him. "I'll enjoy a shower with both of you... when I can actually stand, of course." She glances over at the seamstress, smiling nervously and rubbing the back of her neck. "Sorry we forgot to give you your massage, Silky... can you forgive us?"

The pegasus giggles, waving a hand to the two of them. "Oh, I think it was a fair trade, I got a massage of my insides instead. Plus, I got a new friend, a fun evening, and if I'm not misinterpreting, perhaps a potential for more fun times in the future with my two new favorite ponies?"

"I'd love that. It's what I was going for, anyways." She turns to the other unicorn, smiling warmly and gently running a hand along his leg. "Do you feel the same, stud?"

His face goes blank for a moment, but in the end, he smiles. "For simplicity's sake, I'm gonna say 'yes'. But we did say we would talk in the morning. For now... I'd rather just enjoy the rest of tonight." He slips off the bed, standing and turning around.

"Enjoy, how, sweetie?" Angel places her hand on his cutie mark, tilting her head curiously. "Cuddling together, I hope?"

He nods. "Yep. For now though," he leans over the bed, putting an arm behind either of them. "Grab on, you two. I need to get the bed ready."

Silk giggles. "With pleasure." Her arms snake around his neck, which prompts him to pull in his arm, grabbing her flank and using it to support her like a swing. "Eep! Oh~..." She nuzzles against the half of his chest she is cradled against. "Now I could get used to this..."

Angel hugs him similarly, squeaking when he grips her flank in much the same manner with his other arm. She giggles, cuddling up against him, as well. "So can I... I wouldn't mind if I could come home to this every day..." She mutters the last sentence, hoping that neither of them would hear.

With a lighting of his horn, Rhino makes the rumpled sheets and folds them down near the floor so he can set the mares down. "Alright ladies, now how did we want to arrange ourselves tonight? Who gets middle and who gets sides?"

Silk looks between the bed and the other two ponies, pouting. "Isn't there a way for all three of us to be near the other two? I don't really want any of us to be limited to only one..."

"I don't know..." The white unicorn considers the bed for a moment, then looks at their current position. She brightens up immediately, laughing jovially. "Like we are, now! Except with Rhino on his back, of course. Then we can all be in contact while we sleep!"

"Wonderful idea." Silk leans across the stallion's chest and gives Angel a kiss. "Look at you, being clever."

She titters nervously, her cheeks flushing bright pink. "I have my moments..."

The pegasus pats Rhino's chest. "Alright you, take us to bed one last time tonight."

He chuckles, hanging onto the mares as he turns around, sitting on the bed before scooting further inward, twisting ninety degrees and laying his back down, taking them with him. Him a flick of magic, he brings the covers up to about his neck and the mares' shoulders. "Everypony comfy?"

"One second..." Silk takes a moment to pull her breasts out a bit so they are resting on his chest. "There we are, got a little squished in the shifting."

She giggles, reaching over and playfully poking the other mare's soft golden mounds. "We wouldn't want them to be squished, would we?" She sticks her tongue out before turning to their stallion. "I'm peachy, sweetie. However, your fingers are probably wet, now." She glances back at where she feels his hand touching her inner thigh.

He chuckles, wiggling both sets of fingers in the same spot for both mares. "I think I can live with that."

Angel bites her lip, pulling away slightly. "C-careful. You know I'm ticklish, there..."

"Yes..." he pulls her in tighter. "But I also know you can't go anywhere right now. Don't worry, I'm just teasing." He gives her a nuzzle, giving one to a giggling Silk right after. "Alright, we ready to sleep?"

"I think I am... and she definitely is." She smirks, stroking the tip of the half-asleep mare's ear. She looks to Rhino, whispering softly to him. "I wonder... whether this would be considered... well, a herd..."

He averts his eyes, snuggling down into the pillow a bit as he answers. "We'll talk about it in the morning..."

"Okay, Rhino..." She tilts his head towards her, tenderly kissing him before laying her head on his chest. "I do know... I had a lot of fun tonight, Rhino... thank you... and thank you, Silky..."

A small mumble comes from the yellow mare as she suppresses a yawn. "My pleasure... hun..."

Rhino just smiles, giving Angel a peck on the forehead before closing his eyes. As the dark clouds pour out their light rain overhead, Rhino's horn flickers once more to turn out the lights.

The last of them sighs, closing her eyes and whispering to herself. "So close... yet so far..."