Six wishes for six elements

by Malcolm Merlyn

Sanya Litvyak

"My full name is Aleksandra Vladimirovna Litvyak, I am 13 and I am from Orussia." Sanya began. "And um..."

"Eh. Frau Litvyak, I have a question..." Medic began.


"Where is Orussia?"

"It's the very big country in eastern Europe that stretches into Asia. It's very cold there during the winters, especially in Stalingrado."

"Vait... is zis place Russia?" Medic asked curiously.

"No. Orussia. Not Russia."

"But zere is a place called Stalingrad!"

"No, I said Stalingrado.... um... should I speak up?"

"That'd be for the best kid." Slade said. Even with enhanced senses, trying to make out what she was saying is hardly even possible.

"Okay. So um, I am 13 years old and I am from Orussia in a small village near Stalingrado which is a big city. My birthday is August 18th 1930..."

"You're born in 1930?" Slade asked with disbelief. "Oh right... you're 13...but that'd mean..."

"It's 1943 for you..." Rogers said knowing exactly what that'd mean. "And that means..."

"Yes. We are in a conflict. The second Neuori war."

Imagine the looks on almost everybody's faces when all things considered. Things like how Rogers had personally fought in the war. How Slade and Medic had both lived through it and how Raynor had read before it was the greatest armed conflict in the "olden" days of mankind. Armin on the other hand, had no clue to what she was saying though after noticing the looks on everyone's faces, something was up.

"Is.... something wrong?" Sanya asked.

"No... I am actually confused. You see... I fought in the war during 1944 and it had been going on since 1939... but... we didn't call it the second Neuori war... wait... does Neuori mean world or something in Russian?"

"It doesn't." Slade said. "And it's ORUSSIAN."

"Slade is right. The Neuori are a race of aliens who seek to consume the earth. They first attacked in 1914 but we as humanity were defenseless then. Luckily for us about 21 years later, we developed the striker unit which allowed any witch to have her powers amplified. While we have some basic powers we can use such as creating shields and our own token abilities, these striker units allow us to fly, have enhanced strength and amplify our basic powers."

"We? Wait a minute... you're a witch?"


"So that was what that.... thing was back then..."

"Yes. My power allows me to hear things from extremely long distances. I can also listen to radio broadcasts or any form of radio based communication. I can also make it so anyone near me can listen to what I am listening. Of course... my ability isn't good without the striker unit but Twilight made me these gloves which allowed me some use. One of them being the enhanced strength."

So that's how she broke the steel chestplate...

"Ah... now it makes sense." Slade said as he looked back at the shattered armor. "So I take it without this striker unit, you are at a weakened state?"

"Yes. I am still immune to some of the effects of the Neuori and can use some powers... but they won't be as effective. Right now, Twilight is trying to make something so I can use them at full power. I still have to thank you for the gloves."

"No problem! See if I can't get a better pair sooner or later! But in the meantime Sanya, please continue."

"Okay. So I am a flying officer stationed in Britannia against the Neuroi."

What Sanya had to say about her friends really didn't match to Steve. It was confirmed. She was a soldier fighting in a war. A war against a race that sought to exterminate humanity and devour the earth. Perhaps that was why she was so silent? Because she may suffer from PTSD? But for some reason... Slade was smiling. That disgusted him.

"You're a soldier huh? You seem to be able to handle yourself." Slade commented. "You're 13 now?"


"I think you do remember, but I was 16 when I became a soldier. How do you like it?"

"It's fine... my friends are really nice and all but I am usually on night patrol. I don't like the day. I really don't."

"What made you want to be a soldier?"

"I was separated from my parents. I just hope that one day, when the war is over, I can see them again. We're separated not only by several thousand kilometers but a Neuori hive as well."

"That's harsh." Slade said and perhaps for the first time this night, he actually sounded like he sorta cared about someone else's predicament. "But please, continue."

"Anyways. I was on night patrol as usual when I heard a sound... I thought it was the Neuori but when listened for it, there wasn't anything. Just a sweet whispering sound that no Neuroi would ever make. So I thought to check it out."

She stopped for a moment to recall the event while everyone listened attentively.

"It was pretty hard to find it. I can hear things, but I can't see them. It took a while for me isolate the sound and when I did, I realized it was actually off the coast of Britannia in a small island. More like a large rock if you know what I mean but I found it. That along with this large chest."

Sanya took a sip of her drink as she remembered what happened next.

"The Neuori appeared then. While was busy trying to find out what the box was the Neuori managed to sneak up. At least I was able to dodge the beam or I may have died then... but what happened was strange. The box was hit along with the island which sank into the ocean, but what was odd was this bright purple light. The next thing I knew, my striker unit was crippled and I was about a few meters in the air and falling into a pond."

She smiled for a moment at the memory and at Twilight.

"My thanks to your brother. I wasn't a very good swimmer but he managed to get me out of the water through magic. Without him, I may have drowned."

"He kept telling me about there was a strange newcomer that was drowning and how he saved her life. Wouldn't shut up about it."

"But also, thanks to him I was able to get stay here."

"Actually... that'd be the Princesses. You see, from what Princess Celestia told me, you seemed to be new here and when you told us what had happened, about how you magically vanished from where you were, she thought you'd be really confused and probably even scared. By the way, we got that box... thing... from out of the pond. We have it in your room."

"That's really nice. Thank you. I may need it again when I get home."

"Yeah... about that..." Slade began. "Can we..."

"Yes. I know. You want to get out of here ASAP." Twilight said rolling her eyes. "We're trying. Right now, I don't even know."

"Well... Sparkler..."


"Okay Sparkle... I know how you have no clue how we even got here, but I am going to ask... can you please give me updates?"

He said please....

"Okay. Fine... I'll give you what I can get or anything that the Princesses can get. Okay? I know you probably would rather be off killing pon... people and robbing banks or whatever it is you do... and chances are, everyone else probably wants to be home too but it's not like I can just go POOF and make that happen!"

"Well... you told me earlier you can use magic..."

"But it's not that simple! It's not omnipotent! It's not like I can snap my fingers and... make...things...happen..."

"Frau Sparkle? Iz somefing wrong?"

"No... not at all... actually... Sanya... are you finished?"

"Pretty much. But there's still the part about the room you gave me. It was very comfortable and so was the food."

"Glad you liked it."

"And then we met." Raynor said. "You know... you think we can find that Striker thing of yours and fix it?"

"What makes you say that? We don't even have the tools."

"Not right now. But you see, my ship may have the means to do so. And now I dunno, but we can't exactly stay here..."

"What do you mean? The Princesses would love to have you all here... well most of you..."

"I don't really want to overstay my welcome. Though I appreciate it. Luckily, my ship has enough room for all of us and anything we might need. Hell. We got a bar in there if anyone wants a drink that's not made of apples."

"Sounds actually pretty good." Armin spoke up. "Is there space for all of us?"

"Son, this thing was made for living in the stars. We have enough room for twice our number. Which is a good thing because something tells me we might need room for someone's van."

"Did I neglect the part about the motorcycle?" Steve brought up. "I ditched it in the forest too...."

"Okay. I think we should have enough room anyways. There's lots of things in my ship y'all might want to see."

"I bet. Everything we have must seem medieval to what you have."

"Oh not so bad. This place doesn't even have running water... no offense."

"What's running water again?'


"So... may I go now?" Medic asked rather impatiently.

"Of course doc! Ready when you are!"