Dawn Shield

by shirotora

Bonus Chapter

The Adventures of the Warrior Princess,

By Aurora Star

One day princess Selestia tried to rays raise the sun but it was gone.

“Oh no! My sun has been stolen!” she said.

“So has my moon!” said Luna.

“Only one evil doer could have done something so dass dastur evil. King Baddy!” Selestia said.

Luna gasped. “No! Not King Baddy! Hes the worst most evil bad guy in the whole world! What are we going to do? Not even we could beat him up.”

“There's only one pony that can save the day.” Selestia said. “The most powerfulest one of all... The Warrior Princess, Aurora!”

So they wrote a letter and sent it to Aurora. They gave it to Miss Derpy because she' the nicest mailmare ever and she likes to give me and my friends muffins.

Aurora red the letter and said. “Oh no! Equestria needs me!”

So Aurora flew to Equestria. She doesn't have wings but she uses her warrior princess powers so she doesn't need them. When she got to the castle, King Baddy had already got there and tied up the princesses.

“Hahaha! Your to late! I've already cocered taken over the whole world!” King Baddy said.

“Then I'm gonna beat you up and take it back.”

So Aurora punched him, but it didn't hurt him.

“Hahaha! I'm invincible! Not even a warrior princess can beat me!” King Baddy said and punched Aurora out the window.

“Oh no! Aurora was defeated! We are all doomed!” Selestia said and stated to cry because she was said that the bad guy won.

But then, Aurora flew back through the window. She was glowing.

“But how?!” King Baddy yelled.

“Beause I'm a super princess!” Aurora said.

Then she shot him with her super princess magic and made him be nice. Then she gave the world back to the princesses and the other people that have countrys and they lived hapily ever after.

The end

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Aurora closed her book, a huge smile on her face. “So, what did you think?”

“I thought it was a lovely story,” Twilight said.

“I think we have the next big writer here,” Midnight agreed.

“Really? Cool! I'm gonna write another!” the filly cheered just before letting out a jaw cracking yawn.

“You can write it tomorrow. Right now, it's bedtime,” Midnight said, tucking in his daughter.



“Do you think I'll ever be a princess?”

Midnight smiled down at it daughter. “No.” He gave her a kiss on the forehead, just below her horn. “You'll be a super princess.”