Royal Princess on a Date

by JusSonic

Chapter 4: The Date Aftermath

Chapter 4: The Date Aftermath

The gang quickly got to work, cleaning up the whipped cream mess and hiding the remains of the prank bomb. Fluttershy during that time took Nyx and Spike to bed and help them to sleep. After a while of cleaning the mess and putting the young ones to bed, the Mane Five sat in the living room part of the castle, exhausted. Omega went to the lab to recharge himself while Pinkamena, Golden Heart and Gold Wing head to the fridge to help themselves to a snack.

Just then, as if on cue, the couple laughs as they came in, with Ben holding a trophy on his back. He calls out, "Hey, we're back!"

"Yeah, so we see." Rarity said, smiling as she sat up. "So how about the dance party, Darlings?"

"Oh, it was amazing. Discord put on a good show and even performs tricks for us." Twilight giggles to her friends as Ben put the trophy on a stand nearby. "Ben and I won first place in the dancing contest. Can you believe it? It was a great date!"

"Right; we're glad to have done this, we should do this again sometime." Ben said to his friends, making them a bit exhausted.

"Right, but can you do it almost every other day?" Rainbow asks Ben exhausted. "I mean, the royal duties are fun and all, but we miss doing what we do the most every day."

"Yeah, right. True." Some of her friends remarks in agreement.

"Where were you girls anyway? You disappeared right after Discord begins our dance." Twilight said, giving an arching eyebrow to her pals, pondering where they have ran off to.

"Long story, sugah cube, long story," Applejack groans a bit as she sat in the chair, sighing a bit.

"Let me guess: there was a disaster that you were dealing with and you didn't tell me and Twilight earlier because you didn't want to interrupt our date?" Ben asks his friends curiously, making them sigh a bit.

"Yes." The Mane Five said in exhaustion. No use in trying to hide it anymore.

"Well, I will have to say...thanks." Twilight said gently to her friends while smiling. "You are the best friends a pony like me could have."

"You're welcome, Twilight!" Pinkie squeaks a bit, bouncing up and down. "We just want you both to have a Super Duper Fun Time!"

"You're right, Pinkie."


A while later, the Mane Five, as well as Pinkamena, Golden Heart, Gold Wing and Omega left to go on home. Despite the Kalidahs attack and the fake prank bomb, tonight wasn't a bad one.

"You know I had fun fighting them creatures." Pinkamena said with a delighted giggle. "They really gave me a work out."

'Indeed that it did." Golden Heart said to his sister, nuzzling her a bit. "I feel lightly sorry for what you do with bandits or raiders."

"Yes. I wonder that myself." Omega said, pondering what Pinkamena would do should any bandits or raiders were to show up.

"Well maybe if any of them show up, I might show you." Pinkamena giggles as the others give a light chuckle. As if on cue, as they travel on home, there were a few bandits and raiders who had a cart load of goods that they took. The good guys see the group as Pinkamena smirks. "Friends, Big Brother, you return the goods, I will be getting some work out with these Bandits and raiders."

Pinkamena charges and tackles the group of bandits as the others puzzled decide to get the goods back to their owners.

As Pinkamena was done fighting with the Bandits and Raider, they're fearful and are about to ran away, unfortunately, they bump into somepony, landing on the ground. The voice send shiver up their back which sound like a Stallion however, theye looked up and saw Flare Tiger.

Flare Tiger growled, "Try to steal my work? Not a chance! Do you want to face my wrath of burning?"

They shake their heads 'no' as Flare Tiger grinned with fangs showing and sound like an evil-laugh in the background as she come face to face with them.

Flare Tiger smiled while saying, "I think you better run away before I could go crazy on you, One..." They're realized that she's not kidding as the bandits and raiders rushed, and picking up their things as they hear her spoke deeply. "Two..."

They yipped and ran away, not looking back as Flare Tiger snorted in a mumble, 'they're idiots...', she turned and come face to face with the group, smiling in a cheerful mood.

Flare Tiger smiled while saying, "Oh, Ah thank ya, for saving mah good stuff!"

Rarity gulped, "Um... Why..."

Rainbow Dash covers Rarity's mouth with a snicker, "I didn't knew that you did pretty good to scare those low lives!"

Flare Tiger nodded while saying, "Eeyup!"

Applejack asked, "Speak o' which, what's 'de hay are those?" The mare points to some pies that were lucky to not been damaged.

Flare Tiger gasped, "Those are rare berries pies!"

Pinkie Pie gasped as she points to a pie, "Pie! I'll take that one!"

Flare Tiger horrified begins to speak, "Wait, Pinkie..."

Pinkie Pie grab a piece of the Spelon Pie and eat it. They watched her until Pinkie Pie hummed in song.

Pinkie Pie smiled while saying happily, "Yummy! What is that in there?"

Flare Tiger look shocked as she answers, "Um... That's Spelon Berry, a spicy berry as in a hot, hot berry." The mare is surprised that Pinkie didn't get hot throated like Diamond Tiara did!

Pinkie Pie giggled, "Oh, I'll take these, how much are they?"

Flare Tiger answers, "That's three bits, if ya get three pies, then that's six bits per free change."

Pinkie Pie giggled, "Done!"

Pinkie Pie pay six bits as she took three pies while humming. They watched her go with baffled looks, their friend amazed them sometimes! Flare Tiger held out pieces of the Oran Pie with a smile.

Flare Tiger chuckled, "Take these, these pieces are Oran Pie, they'll would help ya be fresh and healthy!"

The others took a piece each and eat them. They are surprised that their sores and scars disappear. The gang awed at it with Flare Tiger chuckling to see their reaction.

Flare Tiger giggled, "It's the same thing that happened to Ben and Twilight! They asked me come over for a meeting tomorrow!"

Rarity nodded while saying, "Then it should be. However, this thing was bothering me for for while..."

Rainbow Dash whisper into Flare Tiger's ear. As she's done with it, Flare Tiger nodded to realized what's going on.

Rarity asked, "Why you speak like a stallion's voice?"

Fluttershy meekly nodded but Rainbow Dash looks shocked at Rarity while Flare Tiger sighed.

Flare Tiger groaned, "Pinkie Promise on this one, never speak of it."

They nodded as Flare Tiger explained everything what and why to them. The others are shocked at the explanation between normal and stallion accents.

Flare Tiger sighed, "Now ya know of it. See ya later!"

Flare Tiger trotted away with her good meals in her cart. As she pulled it away, they looked at each other with wonder.

Applejack sighed, "Ah'm wonder why Ben and Twilight want Flare Tiger 'ta come over..."

They shrugged and trotted toward their homes. It will wait for another day.


The scene changes to the Secret Dungeon at this moment of time. Pinkamena comes back along with Golden Heart, Omega and Gold Wing, they take a sit on a sofa nearby, seemingly exhausted. They apparently had finished having quite the time in helping to keep Ponyville safe while Twilight & Ben were having their date without a care in the world. But who would have thought it be so much work to keep two ponies from stressing out that things go crazy, it was another mystery of life.

“Wow that was rough. But in the end, it seems all well and….muh…heheheh…” As Pinkamena was speaking from being pooled out, she suddenly begins to lightly giggle.

Golden Heart and Omega are puzzled by the pink pony giggling at this moment, even as they were tired, what was so funny? But Gold Wing sees the matter and points a wing over on a bed nearby them and the others see something. As they are surprised as what they see, it was Sombra and Autumn Gem lightly sleeping, holding each other close lightly cuddling. Just as Havis slowly opens a door nearby, he sees the others and lips the words 'tip toe' to them.

“You heard him.” Pinkamena nods and says whispering to the others with her. “Let's go and leave these love birds some alone time.” Seem like Sombra and Autumn Gem have had their own excitement to tire them out.

Goldie nods to that as the two tip toe while Gold Wing carefully flaps to where Havis is one by one before only the mechanical pony was left. But Omega was having a hard time with his metal hooves, he yelps from each time that almost made those asleep yelp from the noise to wake them up. Pinkamena gives a signal wave that said 'Picks up the pace, Omega!' and Omega did so before he join them to where Havis is at.

“Well folks until next time see you later.” Pinkamena whispered this out to the readers in breaking a fourth wall while keeping it low to let the lovers here sleep.

The group head inside as Havis closes the door gently and quietly. Just during the moment that happened, Autumn Gem opens her eyes and looks around as Sombra wakes to from thinking something was noisy enough to wake them.

“Gracious, what was all that noise that sounded like heavy metal steps? You okay.” Sombra spoke off tire to let out a yawn while checking on his love.

“Yes, but I get the feeling that the others came back. I hope they did not see anything” Autumn Gem spoke from feeling concern if Goldie’s group return and saw something or anything the two were doing in bed.

Sombra chuckles lightly and nuzzles Autumn Gem as she nuzzles lightly back in response.

“They did not bother us, so it was no hard feelings, right?” Sombra shrug off to say that if they weren’t bothered, they’re good.

“Right, I guess so.” Autumn Gem lightly responded to the question here.

“I love you. My sweet Gem, you will always be my loveliest Crystal and I will always love you.” Sombra softly responded to hug his love while giving her words of comfort.

“I love you too, and no matter what happens, I will always be by your side to the very end.” Autumn Gem closed her eyes to hug Sombra back in responding to his kind loving words with her own.

Then the two lean in slowly, for a long kiss at the moment. As they go back to sleep and cuddle with another under the covers, as everything fades in black as the two love birds go on with their lovely moment without having a care in the world.


Twilight and Ben went upstairs to check on Nyx and Spike in their own bedrooms. They smile as their children are in bed sleeping with Phobos sleeping near Nyx.

"Well, got to say, our friends did good in filling in for me." Twilight chuckles a bit softly as the two leaves to head on to bed. "And they allow us a chance to have a date in the first time in years."

"Yeah, we are lucky to have so many good friends...and we're lucky to have a good date too." Ben said gently as he kisses Twilight on the cheek. "So, it's good?"

"Yep, and I can't wait to get back to my royal duties. The date has been fun and it gives me plenty of rest to prepare myself. It helps me prepare my mind to be a great ruler in spreading friendship and helping the ponies in Ponyville."

"Yeah, too bad it doesn't help you in your dancing! You almost broke my toes, left hooves."

"Oh you!" Twilight remarks as she slugs Ben in the back, laughing.

The two lovers smiles as they kiss, hugging while heading back to bed. Tonight has been a fine night with no problems (except with what their friends deal with by themselves) whatsoever. This truly has become a happy ending...


Unknown to Ben and Twilight, a foe that Brave Heart told them about but they have not yet met in pony is watching them right now from another place.

Watching from the Superior's crystal ball in the shadows, Fafnir's blood red eyes were seen and his three clawed winged black scaled hands waved around the ball as he snarled, "Enjoy your time with Twilight as much as you can, Benjamin. Your true love may have defeated my former master, but when I'm through with the both of you…all of Equestria will bow before me…once I dispose of that idiot Superior. And the first thing I will do…is burn you alive…and take your precious Twilight…as my Queen. After I torch Boris, that is. Watch your back, Benjamin Maregillian. Watch your back! "

Fafnir laughs secretly, preparing big time for the day when he gets what he wants.

The End?