Royal Princess on a Date

by JusSonic

Chapter 2: How to Avoid Trouble for a Date

Chapter 2: How to Avoid Trouble for a Date

Ben and Twilight makes final preparations as they head off on their big date. The Alicorn gets a checklist, mumbling, "Okay, make sure council is session...get bits to pay stuff with...come back often to see how things are doing..."

"Twilight," Ben said in disapproval, pushing the checklist. "The idea for this is for you to relax and enjoy my company. You can't do so if you're doing stuff by the checklist. That isn't how a date works."

"Yeah, I know, Ben...but I'm worried that..."

"Stop your worrying, Darling!" Rarity insists with a smile as she pushes Ben and Twilight towards the door. "We will take care of the problems that the kingdom will facing, you two just go ahead, having a romantic wonderful time."

"Fine! Don't be a boring poopie pants!" Pinkie giggles, bouncing around her two friends excitedly. "We will handle things from here like we said."

"Well, I suppose I can trust you girls and everything else." Twilight admits with a small smile. Going out on a date with her love does sound like fun right now. "Okay, Ben and I will trust you girls with the responsibilities of the kingdom, like we told you before."

"Make sure Nyx and Spike are in bed by the time we get back by ten." Ben said to his friends advisedly. He wants to make sure that his daughter is in bed by the time that the parents get back.

"Oh, what; we're foal-sitting now," Rainbow jokes, getting a laugh from her pals, especially an awkward Spike.

"All right; that should be it. We will be going now. Later, girls! I'm counting on you." Twilight said to her friends as she and Ben prepares to head off on their date, "Oh, and no wild parties!"

"Awww! Shoot!" Pinkie groans, wearing a party suit, covered in decorations and getting her party cannon out. The mare shrugs and pushes her party stuff aside. "Oh well, can't win them all."


"Next session come to order!" Discord booms as he pounds a big gavel onto the table, shaking the room and startling his friends. The new honorary member of the family is starting things off with a bang.

"Gentle, Discord, gentle." Fluttershy said to her friend gently. Discord shrugs, tossing the gavel away.

"Since the princess is away, I get to play. So, what is any new business?"

"Well, the princess and the prince are out on their date." Spike explains to Discord, putting down some papers. "And...right now we got these new ideas for a new and improved Ponyville."

Applejack took a paper, glancing at it carefully. She remarks, "Hoo doggy; Defenses against monsters? What? They done forgot about 'de shield?"

"Ponies are worried since the Mystic Shield wasn't enough to keep Tirek out the last time." Rainbow explains to Applejack with a shrug. "And with our Mystic pals not being in Ponyville all the time, I say we bring in an army!"

"Then the Pinkiestarmy is ready for anything!" Pinkie exclaims, putting on the bowl on her head and carrying a wooden spoon.

"Wonderful! I got some cannons in place!" Discord exclaims eagerly as he magically made cannons appear in an instant. "I think with only me and Pinkie, who needs anypony else?"

"Discord; I think we should let more ponies help us." Rarity said to Discord with a sigh, knowing that a wild Pinkie and Discord could do more harm than good. The white unicorn magically get out another paper, "'Ideas for banners'. Oooh! Sounds like fun. I believe I could make new logos for our new and improved Ponyville. They will be fabulous!'

"I'll say they would." Spike said with a smile, approving his love's suggestion.

"Well, we will check out new ideas fro' our fellow ponies an' then git back 'ta them fer 'de next meeting." Applejack said with a nod, making Rarity grin a bit in satisfaction. "Okay, what's next?"

"Just this." Rainbow said with an eager smile as she put down a map of some unknown place onto the table. "Found this place while I was flying the other day. It has no animals, just some mud, some muck, and some rotten trees. We could tear that place down and put in my theme park!"

"I thought Twilight told us that there is no budget right now." Fluttershy said, pointing out Twilight's refusal from before. "Plus, won't there be any animals there that we didn't notice?"

"Come on, Fluttershy. I checked the whole place. No animal in that area. Plus, it's close by Ponyville so ponies can come by from all over! Imagine the bits that our town would get donated by my theme park."

"Even still, we don't got the budget to give you for a theme park." Rarity said, trying to turn Rainbow down as gently as possibly. "Sorry."

"Who needs bits? You forgot whom you're talking to! I'm Discord, the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony!" Discord reminds his friends, bowing to them anxiously. "I can make anything, even a theme park, appear in an instant! Just make me co-owner and it shall be done!"

"Yeah! Awesome," Rainbow exclaims, her eyes widen eagerly, "Who needs a budget when we got a trickster on our side?!"

"Well..." Fluttershy said in hesitation, pondering what to say. "Well, we will show previews of rides to the ponies, see what they like or don't like. Then we could see what to do from there."

"All right! Delay until further notice!" Discord exclaims, slamming his gavel onto the table hard, causing the room to shake some more, startling the ponies. "Next subject: some petitioners or guests."

"Might if we join the party?" A familiar voice asks as Golden Heart, Pinkamena, Omega and Gold Wing came into the room. The Alicorn nods as he speaks, "We heard that the princess and her love are going out so we offer our services."

"Affirmative; you will need the assistance." Omega said in agreement, beeping as usual. Gold Wing squawks as usual.

"Well, it will be nice to get some extra help." Rarity said with a giggle. "Feel free to stand or sit wherever you like."

"We don't need to sit. We should go into town, see the ponies, asked for their opinions or ideas." Pinkamena exclaims with a creepy smile, making Rainbow yelp a bit. She may've got used to this version of Pinkie...but the pink mare got ways of creeping her out STILL.

"Hey, I was thinking the same thing!" Pinkie giggles a bit. "Big minds think alike!"

"Okay, time to end session and see the ponies. Remember, stay out of Twilight and Ben's date." Discord orders the council, reminding them that Twilight and Ben are still on a date and shouldn't be disturbed. He slams his gavel down loudly. "Session adjourned!"

Of course, Discord hits the table so hard, it fell apart instantly, much to everyone's surprise. The spirit looks at everyone, chuckling awkwardly.


Ben and Twilight trotted into the market place as they heard a familiar voice. Due to them arriving on time, it's Flare Tiger who holler with pride.

Flare Tiger yelled, "Get ya' special pie! Get ya' special pie! They're made from rare berries!"

Ben and Twilight trotted toward Flare Tiger and are shocked to see different kinds of pies. Flare Tiger noticed them with overjoy.

Flare Tiger smiled as she exclaims, "Good day Twilight, Ben! What bring ya here?"

Ben smiled as he explains, "We're out on a date for while... Could you tell me what's these pies are?"

Flare Tiger gasped, "Oh, mah gosh! These rare berries came from mah homeland! Mah herd were very pride to care fer any kinds of berries! Why not have one, free as charge! This one is mah most favorite, the Oran Pie!"

Flare Tiger held out two pieces of the pie that was made from the Oran berry. The two took the food and taste the pieces. They're shocked at the pie to find how very sweet and healthy the pieces are.

Twilight hummed, "I didn't knew it, what berry did you called it?"

Flare Tiger nodded as she explains, "It's Oran Berry, it’s give others healing very well!"

Not until Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon walked into them as they heard about the pie that are made out of berries did the bullies snort with anger.

Diamond Tiara snorted, "I don't care about these so-called pies! I will take this one without pay!"

As the bully prepares to do so, Flare Tiger looked at her with horror, "Wait! That's...."

Diamond Tiara took a piece of the pie, which is Spelon Pie nds bit it and time is ticking by. She then realized that's something burning inside her mouth, causing Diamond Tiara to scream.

Diamond Tiara yelled, "HOT! HOT! HOT!"

Diamond Tiara ran off as Silver Spoon follows her; the adults watched them go until Twilight break the ice.

Twilight asked, "What's that in this pie?"

Flare Tiger explained, "That's Spelon Berry, it's gift that could burn like spicy, trust me, ya don't want to tried that since it's mah favorite too."

Twilight nodded as she remarks in amusement, "I could see that..."

Ben realized as he ask, "Speaking of which, are you're ambassador of the Digitrisland?"

Flare Tiger looked at him and answers, "Eeyup, mah business is very huge and Ah'm able to keep track of them! Ah'm pretty darn proud of it."

Twilight awed as she ask Flare Tiger, "So, you can held different type of jobs that you got?"

Ben wondered while asking, "What kind of jobs you had?"

Flare Tiger hummed, "Ah working as Farmer and sell those rare fruits or berries, also, business on the trade by dealing with other. Ah'm also held very skill with being an Ambassador."

Twilight gasped, "What!?! That's a huge work for you!"

Flare Tiger smiled as she said, "It may be huge for ya, but for me, it's good business which kept bits running!"

Twilight wondered then ask, "That's mean, you're a rich family?"

Flare Tiger looked at her and answer, "Eeyup, but it's doesn't do us good, Tis' prefer to share each other and always being there for each other."

Ben gasped with an idea, "Speaking of Rich type, could you come over to the Council of Friendship for a meeting? Please?"

Flare Tiger wondered then respond, "Well, since ya asked nicely, so Ah agreed to come over, so tomorrow?"

Ben nodded as he answers, "Tomorrow it's is."

They waved farewell to Flare Tiger as they're trotted by side to side as Twilight sighed with wonder.

Twilight asked, "Ben, why you want Flare Tiger to come over?"

Ben answers, "Remember what Flare Tiger said about their bits, I know it's very rude but I thought why not to try to trade with them? I need to asked something that Flare Tiger would like happily to help out."

Twilight thought then realized what Ben meant.

Twilight smiled as he said, "Well, it's worth to try to make trade with her and her family!"


At this moment, something of an interview was going on. As Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash & Pinkie Pie were interviewing two ponies that had arrived at the castle. Their names were Fred Flintstoneward and Barney Rubblestone, two Pegasus ponies that once had experience as acting guards in Grimdark in keeping prisoners seal up. And their resume seem pretty good when they were in charge of guarding the Brotherhood before the mysterious Alicorn called Trix Lulamoon helped in their escape, and the two got blame for it by their boss; Mr. Slate. But apparently, when Flash heard about the Rainbow Kingdom needing guards, he thought of giving the two the chance to help out.

"Well, boys, I've looked at your paper, gotta say, look pretty unique among the others we've seen." Rainbow Dash spoke off to say this to the two gents.

"Wait. I thought they were the only ponies that we could get that had any guard rank careers?" Pinkie Pie asked off this question in recalling what they were doing.

"Oh, really; and here we thought we end up dead last." Barney spoke off to say this with a puzzled face.

"Zip it, Barn! I told you, let me handle the talking." Fred hushes his pal's mouth so that they don't look stupid or incapable of being Royal Guards for the Kingdom of Friendship.

"Oh, um, right-o, Fred," Barney spoke off in hearing this warning from his pal.

"Now, we heard of this by lieutenant Flash Sentry and he saw us as capable new guards for your kingdom." Fred spoke off in being very high and mighty of their skills from their superior from Canterlot.

"Right, even if we did bungled our last case back in Grimdark." Barney stated this off cluelessly which annoyed Fred that they are trying to not LOSE this job career.

"According to this, you are two married stallions. You seem to have lovely children. Anything about them," Rarity spoke in seeing pictures of the two stallions and know they are married to be family men of their homes.

"Sure, my Wilma is a great cook, a real beauty, the best I could ever ask for. And my little Pebbles, cute as a button. So cute, she's as innocence and pure as a maiden." Fred smiled off to speak very highly of his family, the Mane Five liked the guy being so honest and proud of his family, shows much of caring, compassion, loving, great works for a guard.

"And my Betty, wow, she's a mare that stole my heart. Heheh, and my boy Bam Bam, he maybe young, but he could be the strongest in Equestria, even at his age." Barney replied off to speak of being a romantic type of his own wife and his proudness of his boy, is he lucky or what.

"Hold up, strongest? Are ye pullin' our hooves?" AJ asked off in hearing something that sounded off.

"Oh, um, no sir, uh, ma'am; Trust me, if Fred and me did such things, we face the consequences of our wives." Barney spoke off in trying to be honest to never deceive the mares here.

"Why? What would happen?" Fluttershy asked off a bit puzzled of not knowing the life of being married.

"Believe me, its best you don't know." Fred stated in knowing that the facts are too painful to go into detail. "But we really would like to be guards for the new Rainbow Kingdom, right Barn?" He pleaded that the gents wanna get this job very much.

"Right, and not just the special free meals from the Apple Farm along with free desserts from Sugarcube Corner, free uniforms for ever season from Miss Rarity's fine work, but to help out if we can." Barney was stating they like to have the job, and not because of all the free stuff that comes with it, though he may have said too much.

"Hold on, wha's 'dis A'm hearin'?" AJ stop the discussion to find it suspicious now.

"Rainbow; did you make such offers in the banner fliers for our requirement of Royal Guards?" Rarity raised an eyebrow in hearing what these two stallions spoke; did their friend give some 'offering' in the wanted aid of Royal Guards needed for their kingdom's army?

"Hey, have you seen this town, we'll be lucky if we even get more guards if we don't give them offers!" Rainbow Dash stated that she had to do something, after many attacks, they gotta give ponies something to get themselves into things.

"Well, many of the other Royal Guards are working under Princess Celestia, Luna, even Cadance, so they already have their own lives to live by." Fluttershy spoke in knowing that other Royal Guards of more experience are with the other princesses.

"Okay, huddle up!" Pinkie Pie spoke to want to discuss things in private.

Soon the mares huddle up while the two stallions watch without hearing what they are saying.

"Wha ye girls think? They don't seem like much threats or enemy spies, they don't got 'de brains. They're like Tough Apple." AJ issued off her own thoughts in hiring these guys.

"Well, they seem a bit...slow, I'm amazed they were given Class 9 of watching the Brotherhood." Rarity stated her thoughts that Fred & Barney were even lucky to have handle a big responsibility, only for their old foes to escape.

"But they seem so nice, and it wasn't their fault. Plus, they have families to feed." Fluttershy spoke in feeling they shouldn't be mean, these guys are wanting to do what's best to support their families.

"Right, plus they seem like funny guys. I like them." Pinkie Pie smiled off to say this in what she thinks of them.

"And can you imagine it, we can use this as a way to earn more bits. Their foals are one so cute and the other so strong, it's a perfect shot to earn so much!" Rainbow Dash spoke in thinking they can have an event where there's Fred's baby filly Pebbles who they saw was really cute and adorable, and Barney's kid Bam Bam who is so strong, it really attract a crowd.

"Ah don't know about dat, but if one of their youngster is dat strong, our enemies could try 'ta go after them fellas." AJ spoke in concern about their enemies going after a small target to turn them evil.

"Oh no, that would be terrible! We have to make sure that they stay here and their children aren't endangered." Fluttershy spoke in caution and worry if such a thing were to happen.

"Alright, it's in agreement. But we'll make them work hard to help Twilight and her family. After all, we won't know how many more guards we'll get, so, best to cut them a break." Rarity humbly spoke her own two cents over the manner of thinking they give the two gents a shot.

"Agreed," The others responded in silence while breaking off their huddle while the two stallions sitting down were whispering their own thoughts and worries here.

"Hey Fred, you think by the way they're whispering, it's good or bad news?" Barney asked in feeling nervous, it sounds like they might not be qualified after all.

"If not Barn, then we may have to break the news to the girls." Fred stated in having a feeling they'll need luck to get this job or break the news to their wives.

"Okay, we've come to an agreement, you both must do hard work in being Royal Guards of the Rainbow Kingdom, to your new princess and our council members. You'll have to do some daily cleaning, helping the Sparkle Family and though you get some nice stuff, your pay feed will be small, so you'll have to work it up!" Rainbow Dash was stating all these things in how Fred and Barney will have to work hard, (and be paid cheaply to save up more bits on money) and to help out in any station.

"In short, congrats, ye got de job!" Applejack smiled off to say this to the gents.

"We did?" Fred and Barney spoke in union in hearing this from out of nowhere.

"Yes, and to start, you can have your family move to Ponyville, where we'll have Mayor Mare get you homes near the castle." Fluttershy smiled off to say this in what the two are gonna do, move to their village and be close by.

"Huhuh, ya hear that, Fred? We're hired!" Barney laughed off in joy in hearing this news.

"Yabba dabba doo; I heard it, Barney!" Fred shouted out loud to cheer in loving this news.

"Wow, what a neat-o cheer!" Pinkie Pie smiled off in liking what Fred shouted there, it sounded so full of spirit.

"All right, gents, hurry now, time for you to get packing and help the kingdom progress." Rarity instructed to the two to get going and get ready to start their jobs.

"Oh, you won't regret this, Miss Rarity!" Barney spoke to stand up to salute, same with Fred to.

"He-heh, we gladly even do anything at this point." Fred chucked off to say this in being so happy, the two don't care what boring or chore work, so long as they got the Royal Guard job here.

Soon, Fred and Barney left making more cheer noises in being so happy; they are gonna be Royal Guards to the Kingdom of Friendship.

"Wow, now we'll have a Flintstone OC Pony cast here, boy, what fun we'll have in our adventures when they appear." Pinkie Pie broke the fourth wall to say this while earning some stares.

"And again, Pinkie, you are so random." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes in seeing her friend being random again.

With that, the scene goes dark with but the first step to helping Twilight as princess, get some guards.


Out on the streets, Discord is holding a mic speaking to a camera held by Michael Trotter. He speaks up, "Greetings from Ponyville. I am out on the streets trying to get new ideas to improve our kingdom."

"Ugh, is this even necessary, Discord?" Michael asks Discord bitterly.

"Oh, come on. It's fun! Besides, I did this once to advertise for Total Drama Equestria!" Discord exclaims to Michael with a chuckle.

"Ugh." Michael groans.

"Ah, here's one now." Discord said, giving the microphone to Derpy. "So Miss Hooves, what suggestions would you give to the princess Twilight to make your town better?"

"Uh, muffins," Derpy exclaims happily, making Discord roll his eyes. "Oh! And maybe some healthy stuff for us disabled ponies!"

"I see." Discord said. He then spots Big Macintosh and floats over, "And Big Mac? What is your suggestion for Princess Twilight Sparkle?"

"Shucks, I done need some more rain for the fields." Big Macintosh explains to Discord with a shrug.

"Chocolate rain," Discord asks with a wide grin. Big Macintosh just stares at him, making him groan, "Never mind."

"Are we done?" Michael Trotter asked with a groan.

"Just one more," Discord said, turning without bothering to look. "And how about you, sir or madam? What would you suggest to help Princess Twilight improve her kingdom?"

"Why ask me?" The familiar voice of...Twilight ask as she and Ben looks at Discord oddly. "We're out on a date, remember?"

"AWKWARD! Sorry, pretend you didn't see us! Bye!" Discord yelps as he grabs Michael and running off, leaving the couple bewildered.

"Well, that was weird." Ben said to Twilight who shrugs as the two heads off to resume their date.


"So, what do you think of my fabulous designs?" Rarity ask her friends as she shows some papers showing the designs for the banners that she got planned: the banners has the five of the Cutie Marks of the Mane Five circling around the sixth one, Twilight's. "Do these fit as our royal banner?"

"Rarity, those are doggone perfect!" Applejack exclaimed with a wink.

"Right; Very awesome," Rainbow exclaims with a smile of approval, "Awesome with a capital 'A'."

"I'm glad you like it." Rarity said, batting her eyelashes proudly.

"So far this job appears to be doing fine." Pinkie said with a giggle as she hops in with a plate of cupcakes. "I'm glad we're helping Twilight with this."

"Same here," Fluttershy giggles a bit. "I am glad not bad will happen for a while."


Now then, right now our royal couple is at the top...on a top of a spire in a rotating restaurant called 'Top of Ponyville' which can be accessed via elevator. Twilight and Ben are in a booth right now, laughing a bit.

"And so, after hitting the metal thing in mom's room, Aunt Luna woke up and is grumpy?" Ben ask his love curiously.

"Yeah; I was freaked out...but after a few days, it was funny!" Twilight laughs a bit. "You could've seen Luna's face. She looks like Applejack after the cowpony didn't work for a few times."

"Ha ha ha. I'm so glad we're here, relaxing a bit."

"Yeah, I know, and not going out on a crazy adventure or doing royal stuff for once. Say, you remember when we thought Chris McClean was a murderer and end up trapping his players in Ponyville?"

Ben scoffs a bit as he remarks, "Don't remind me, Twiley. I'm glad that problem was straighten out; But to get into our dreams for a challenge? Wow!"

"Also, I didn't even know that Celestia and Luna have an Uncle Tuerto." Twilight said, recalling the main pony villain in that whole ordeal. "I almost forgot what happened to him."

"Let's not talk about that. I'm sure we will remember it in due time."

"Right; Also, do you remember how some ponies rooted for Boris to kill you back when you were a Demon Pony?"

"Ugh. Don't remind me, Twilight. It's like being in a fic where some folks dislike it enough to root for the bad guy." Ben remarks with a groan, not liking that incident a bit. "At least Boris made a few mistakes of being a Earth Pony hating jerk as well as confessing to his crimes. Bad guys should keep their mouth shut."

"Right, 'Boris the Animal' doesn't know when to!" Twilight jokes, making herself and Ben laughs a bit. After calming down, the Alicorn sighs. "I'm so glad we're on this date together. It's good to get away from the responsibilities of being a ruler."

"Here's your meal your majesties." A waiter said as he brought in the two's meal. "Also, I will put it on the Royal Tab."

"Thanks, and compliments to the chef, even though we didn't start eating yet." Ben said as he begins eating into his meal.

"And since you two are here, I am hoping you would..."

"Please, please. I got the day off from my royal duties today." Twilight said gently to the waiter, not wanting to get into royal stuff like now. "Anything you like to say, give it to my friends."

"Actually, this isn't a royal suggestion, I was hoping you would come back in the future, that way, our restaurant would get more customers." The waiter explains to Twilight with a hopeful look. "You know: so ponies would know that a princess has ate here!"

Twilight and Ben roll their eyes a bit. Typical!


While Twilight's friends are busy, Pinkamena, Omega, Golden Heart and Gold Wing stays at the edge of the Everfree Forest. If anything were to come out, they will be ready for them.

"Booooooring," Pinkamena exclaims as the Pinkie Pie lookalike sat on the ground, bored. "I thought some animals would come out, looking for a fight or something."

"Well, we can't just leave and let the inevitable happen, sis." Golden Heart explains calmly to Pinkamena. "We will stay here, make sure no Dragons, Ursa Minors or whatever come out and do something funny. It's a way to keep Ponyville safe and to keep Twilight and Ben happy on their date."

"I know, but on border patrol duty; BOOOOOORING!"

Gold Wing screeches a bit, flying around as Omega made more scans. He booms out, "So far, nothing is happening. Perhaps the animals aren't coming out today."

"Yeah, you're probably right." Golden Heart said with a nod. If nothing is coming out of the Everfree Forest, perhaps it's best to just leave for now. After all, the sirens will let any pony know if there's an attack, "At least we got the sir..."

Suddenly a roar is heard, startling the trio. Pinkamena pauses, then ask Goldie, "Uh, Goldie? Quick question; is today the day that they're changing batteries for the siren?"

Sure enough, out from the Everfree Forest comes a ferocious monster with a body of a bear and a head of a tiger, roaring like mad.

"Apparently yes," Golden Heart said dryly, "Omega?"

"Scanning," Omega said, scanning the new creature. "That is a Kalidah, a monster with a head of a tiger and a body of a bear."

"And there's more like it!" Pinkamena exclaims as she saw four more Kalidahs coming in, roaring and growling like mad.

"Omega, get our pals on the phone." Golden Heart said seriously as Omega quickly got the phone function of himself out. "We may need some help in dealing with these guys."