Dawn Shield

by shirotora

Chapter 9: Zhatka

Chapter 9: Zhatka

Applebloom couldn't help but gawk at the newcomers. She, like most ponies, knew what tigers were, and had read about them plenty. They were common in comics and adventure novels, like Daring Do, but rare outside Tigeria. They usually only left in search of battle, which would explain their presence.

She looked at the five warriors, taking in their appearance. The one that spoke was well built but not huge, with kind, blue eyes. He wore a hardened leather chest piece and had a long sword across his back.

The one to his left was a monster of a tiger. If Big Mac had been born feline, this would have been him. He stood at least half again the height of the leader and wore thick, dull plate armor covering his torso and forelegs with a hammer as big as hers.

The next one over was of a similar build to the first, and wore the same leather, but instead of a sword, he had a spear.

The one to the leader's right was the smallest of the group, built more for speed than power, sporting a pair of short, curved swords.

The last, though, surprised the young mare. Based on the lithe, curvy figure and softer features, it was a female. What drew her eye, though, was the fact that she wore no armor and carried no weapon. Applebloom figured she was an assistant of some kind.

“So, You're Shiro's cousin?” Midnight asked.

“You are correct,” replied the leader. “He say in letter space aliens attack soon.”

Midnight regarded the feline for a moment before answering, “In a manner of speaking, though not from space.”

The tiger raised a brow at that. “Where else are aliens coming from?”

“Another dimension, and they're very dangerous.”

“You have experience with aliens?” the female asked, curiously.

“Yes,” Midnight said, simply. “I used to be one of them, and my brother still is.”

“Oh yes, the hairless monkey,” the leader said. “Cousin mentioned him. Oh, how rude of me. I just realized, I have not made introduction. I am Zhatka, leader of this group.” The tiger started from his far left. “That is Venser, Koph, Poda, and of course, Umi.”

“I am Colonel Midnight Star, commanding officer of Dawn Shield, and this is Captain Applebloom Apple, our heavy assault specialist.”

Koph, the huge one, chuckled. “This little girl heavy assault? Ha! She is so tiny.”

“Ya might not wanna let that fool ya, bub,” Applebloom replied with a smirk. “Ah'm stronger than Ah look.”

“Oh really? Prove it,” the massive feline challenged.

“Alright, how?” she replied.

“Hit me,” came his answer.

Midnight nipped that one in the bud. “No. If she hits you, at best you'll be hospitalized, at worst you'll be dead.”

The group of tigers laughed at that one, until they saw the serious look on the stallion's face.

“Surely you can't be serious?” Zhatka asked, not believing what he was hearing. “Koph has been hit by minotaur warriors, I doubt the Captain here can truly hurt him.”

Midnight retained his serious expression as he said, “Nine months ago, we were called in to deal with a dragon that was extorting the town of New Bridle. When we confronted him, he made a lewd comment about Applebloom's sister, so Applebloom punched him in the jaw, knocking him out cold and removing seven teeth.”

The five tigers looked at the filly with wide eyes, a combination of awe and disbelief.

“And before you underestimate anyone else in my team, just know she's not the only one that's dangerous. Amongst our numbers, we have a pegasus that could fly circles around the fastest Griffin Typhoon*, another that can literally see everything at all times, and has reflexes so fast, you would swear she knows what you're about to do before you do. We have an earth pony that can do things that would make you think she's Discord's niece, another pegasus that can paralyze you with fear with just a look, a unicorn that can manipulate nearly a hundred small objects at the same time and another with a power level nearly on par with Celestia.”

“And you,” Zhatka added himself before Midnight could continue. “Alien with powerful magic and has seen the horrors of war. I can see it in your eyes. Sounds like very good team. I can see why Sun Queen made it. The question, though, is if they can kill when they must. Tell me, have any of them taken a life?”

Midnight sighed. “No.”

“Then tell me, filly,” the tiger said addressing Applebloom again, “Do you think you can kill. Can you end the life of a being with thoughts, dreams, and a family of their own?”

“Ah...” she started defiantly, but then she realized what he was telling her. In two months, she was going to have to do just that. “Ah... don't know.”

“Good answer. Those who brag about how easy it would be are the fools that die first. They delude themselves and are not prepared, so when the time comes, it breaks them. It is a shame there are no small skirmishes right now. They could have gotten their first out of the way.”

“W-why would getting' the first done matter?” Applebloom asked.

Midnight answered, “The first is always the hardest, and you never forget it. Mine was when I was ten. The child soldiers were usually used for scouting, espionage and sabotage, my unit was no different. We were sent into West Intoro, a city similar to Detrot, to place explosive devices at the power stations and gather intelligence in enemy assets. As we were setting the charges, a security guard walked in. I just reacted. I sent a spike of ice through his right eye. I'll never forget the cry he let out before he died.”

“You were ten?” Applebloom asked in disbelief. She knew he, like all children in his birth country, was forced into service at a young age, but not that he had to kill so young.

Midnight nodded solemnly. “Yeah, and I froze up after. I even had to be carried out.”

“That's disgusting,” the female, Umi spat. “To use cubs like that. Tell me, are these the one we are fighting?” Midnight nodded. “Then I shall enjoy tearing their throats out.”

“Actually... I have another use for you five.” Midnight started for the building, motioning for the others to follow. “You five have something no pony does; dexterous digits. That coupled with the fact that tigers usually fight upright means you guys are best suited to use something.”

Midnight opened the door and stepped in, making his way to the far end where Jacob kept his equipment. He opened a crate and reached in, pulling out a large tube with a box attached to one side and a handle.

“This is one of the weapons recovered from the scouting party's camp. It fires very powerful rockets that could pierce the shell of a sand tortoise.”

Zhatka whistled. “That is some weapon, but why do you need us to use it?”

“The only ponies that could wield it are unicorns, but it wasn't made for quadrupeds,” Midnight explained. “Either they would have to hold it too far away from themselves to aim, or the backblast from the back end would burn the flesh from their flank. I was afraid I'd have to assign two pony teams to them; one to hold it, standing on their hind legs and the other to hold them steady so the recoil doesn't knock them down and ruin the shot.”

“So we will be turning their own weapons against them?” Zhatka asked in amusement. “I am liking this.”

“Come on, then,” Midnight handed one of the launchers to the lead feline and grabbed a second. “I'll show you how to use them. Only this one is operational at the moment, but you can practice the motions with that one.”

“Good, then we can meet the rest of your Dawn Shield and have a bit of training,” Zhatka said.

“Sounds like a plan.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

In Equestria, domestic violence was exceptionally rare. For a mare or stallion to strike their spouse was a crime that usually resulted in that pony's friends, family, and neighbors taking turns returning the favor. Though this kind of vigilante justice was technically a crime, the guard always seemed to conveniently “lack sufficient evidence to determine the perpetrators of the attack.”

It was this that made the scene of several ponies and a handful of tigers cheering on as a dark blue stallion's hoof collided with his lavender wife's face such an oddity. Of course, most couples weren't members of Dawn Shield.

Twilight twisted in mid air before slamming into the ground hard, jarring her and causing stars to explode in her vision. With a groan, she lifted a hoof and mumbled, “I'm done.”

Midnight laughed as he offered his hoof to his love, pulling her back to her hooves. “You've improved. I doubt the average grunt would stand a chance.”

“Tell that to my face... oww,” Twilight groaned as she settled on her haunches and rubbed her jaw.

“Your face lasted fourty-seven seconds against a guy that used to be one of the most elite warriors in a world where everyone knew how to fight.”

“Yeah, Twi, you were great!” Rainbow Dash fluttered over. “I can only go a minute seven, and I mostly train in close combat. The only ones of us that ever have a chance are Fluttershy and Scootaloo and you know how good they are.”

“I know,” Twilight said, trying not to move her jaw too much. “I just don't like having to rely on somepony else to save my tail if the enemy gets close.”

Midnight gave her a peck on the lips. “With your skill in combat casting, you don't have to. Now come on, Aurora's waiting.” He turned toward the others and said, “You guys keep training. Twilight and I have to get going.”

“Oh yeah, your 'family fun day' thing, right?” Rainbow asked.

“That's right. We'll see you guys tomorrow.”

With that, Midnight and Twilight left the training field, heading toward the shower room. It was nearby, just through a door in the training equipment room, so they were there in no time. As Twilight turned one of the showers on, Midnight noticed she was deep in thought.

“You're distracted,” he stated.

“Huh?” Twilight responded dumbly, being pulled out of her thoughts. “Oh, sorry.”

The lavender mage let the warm water wash over her, soaking into her fur. Soon, Midnight joined her under the spray.

“What's up?” he asked.

“I was just...” Twilight began, trying to put her thoughts into words. “What if something happens to us? We're going to be fighting an army of technologically advanced killers with only the ten of us bearers, a thief, a nurse, your brother, five tigers and thirty royal guard ponies. That's forty-eight of us while there's hundreds of them, and they have war machines. The chances of any of us surviving barely exists.”

Midnight pulled her in with forehoof, giving her a quick kiss. “I won't lie to you and say we'll be fine. You're too smart to fall for it anyway. You're right, chances are we'll die, but Aurora will be fine. Shining Armor and Cadence will take her in. Besides, if nothing else, I'll do everything in my power to make sure you survive.”

Midnight came in for another kiss, this one more passionate than before.

“What would I do without you?” Twilight asked through the kiss as she lead him back until her rear touched the wall.

“You're strong,” Midnight replied, pushing his wife up so she was on her hind legs, back to the tile, barrels pressed together. “You'd survive and move on.”

“No I wouldn't,” Twilight moaned as her leg was lifted. “I'd get too horny.”

“Good point,” Midnight teased as he pressed into her.

Their lovemaking was simple and straightforward, but the passion between them could shake the world. Afterwards, they washed each other in silence, just enjoying the company.

“You know,” Midnight interrupted the quiet as they were leaving the shower room, “we probably should have locked the door. Who knows who could have walked in.”

Twilight giggled. “I'm sure Applebloom wouldn't have minded seeing us. It would have given her something to think about tonight.”

“Quit teasing her. Even if she isn't here right now,” Midnight scolded playfully, giving his wife a light shove. “Oh, by the way, she and I had a chat this morning.”

Twilight sighed. “About the herd thing again?”

Midnight nodded. “I told her that if she could convince you, I’d be okay with it.”

Twilight gave him a flat stare and said in a deadpanned voice, “Really? What, you didn't want to deal with it so you put it all on me?”

“No,” Midnight answered. “I just... think maybe we should consider it. I mean, her feelings aren't changing by telling her 'no'. If we give it a chance it will either fail, letting us say we tried and it didn't work, or it'll work and we're all happy.”

Twilight groaned and replied, “Midnight, you know how I feel about herding.”

“Yes, but not 'why'. I can tell there's something personal behind it, so tell me what made you hate it so bad.”

Their conversation was paused as they went through the lobby, not wanting the receptionist to overhear. The door opened for them as they approached, letting them back into the fresh air. It was around three in the afternoon and the sun was shining brightly. A cool autumn breeze sent a slight chill through the lavender unicorn, causing her to lean into her husband.

“I've already told you,” Twilight said, continuing their conversation as they started toward town. “It's not my place to say. Besides, since when have you been for it? I thought you retained the human ideals of monogamy.”

“The idea is still weird to me, but so was being involved with a quadruped at all,” Midnight explained. “I'm not saying I’m for it, just that we should consider giving it a chance.”

“Midnight, I love you, you know that, but those three still have you wrapped around their hooves,” Twilight said. “Any of them could convince you to do anything they want to, and you know it.”

Midnight laughed at that, “I'll give you that, but... I don't know. I... think it might have a chance of working.”

“And if it doesn't, it can tear this family apart,” Twilight replied, concern heavy in her voice. “I understand you care about Applebloom, but I've seen herds destroy so many relationships. It isn't worth it.”

Midnight sighed. “Like I said, I'm leaving it to you. All I ask is that you consider it.”

“Fine,” Twilight conceded. “I'll consider it.”

As they entered town, they once again halted the private conversation and opted for a subject change.

“So, where do you want to eat?” Twilight asked.

“Well, we could always go to Souffle's Diner?” the stallion offered.

“I don't know,” Twilight said, scrunching her face up in thought in that way Midnight loved so much. “We always go there or Sugar Cube Corner. Why don't we try something else? What?”

Twilight's suddenly stopped and looked at the door to the famed bakery in confusion. More specifically, she was looking at the 'out to lunch' sign hanging from the door. A jiggle of the door handle confirmed that it was locked up tight.

“Let's go around back,” Midnight suggested.

As the two went around, they heard something that made them stop dead.

“Mmm,” came the moan from inside. “Oh, that feels good.”

“Wa...Was that Pinkie?” Twilight asked.

“It sounded like her, but she's watching Aurora,” Midnight replied.

“Damn, Pinkie, you're so tight,” said a second voice that sounded suspiciously like Jacob.

“They're...” Twilight tried to speak, but words failed her.

“Oh gods, right there,” moaned Pinkie again.

“But... where's Aurora, then?” Midnight asked, his worry building.

As if to answer, a third, much younger voice piped up. “Do me next, Uncle Jacob!”

“Okay, just wait your turn, Aurora.”

Midnight and Twilight both froze up, eyes widening in shock. Twilight nearly wrenched the door from its hinges in her effort to get inside. She and her husband rushed in... and once again froze.

“Hey David, hey sis,” Jacob said with a smile from his place beside the table Pinkie laid on, his hands pressing into her back. He looked back down at the mare and said, “Seriously, though, I never knew you had so much tension.”

“Making parties just right is stressful,” Pinkie said. “I'd go to the spa more, but it's really expensive.”

Midnight regained his senses and cleared his throat, closing Twilight's mouth with a hoof before speaking. “Alright, Aurora, it's time to go get something to eat.”

“Aww, but I want a massage. I got all kinds of tinsel.”

Midnight could only laugh.