
by DtdFIMBrony

Feelings discovered and broken

"oh no, oh no, Angel, I'm going to be late!" said Fluttershy in a hurry to get all her things, "I need to be leaving soon, but I can't seem to remember what I am missing, Angel, you have to help me, from what I have, what am I missing?"

Angel glares at Fluttershy, almost as if to say 'Shouldn't it be obvious?' but all the same, Angel hops over to a drawer and grabs the mane brush and hands it to Fluttershy.

"Oh thank you Angel, you're right, I do need to brush my mane, its a mess." soon after brushing her mane, Shy looks outside and sees Twilight Sparkle, but for reasons unknown to even her, she starts feeling a throbbing feeling in her chest, dismissing it she continues to get ready, though in the back of her mind, she was curious about that feeling she had.

"Shy! we are waiting for you!" said Twilight, but Fluttershy still felt like she was missing something, but no matter how much she looked around, she couldn't seem to figure it out.

"Coming!" she said as loudly as she could bring herself to do. As she walked outside she looked around, almost as if seeing the world as a new thing altogether "Oh boy, I can't wait to get to the gala, its going to be so much fun, I just want to see all those little furry animals." She finished saying just to realize that nopony was listening, dejectedly, she looked toward Angel, who in which decided to tag along this time, and found that not a single soul was paying attention to her at that moment, not even Twilight, but as she thought that she felt the throbbing in her chest again, and found herself staring at Twilight, almost as if hypnotized by her stunning mane and how magnificent her wings looked, was this feeling because she was now an alicorn? Was she really all that interested in the existence of alicorns that it could make her feel this way? This feeling never happened when she saw Spike though, and she loved baby dragons, so why all of the sudden is she feeling it now?

"Uhh, Shy? You okay?" asked Twilight, "You look like you are distracted by something." Fluttershy shakes her head realizing how intently she was staring, and quickly cowers.

"S-s-sorry, I must just be really tired, I'm okay." She knew somehow that what she was telling Twilight was far from any truth, but she didn't even know what the truth was, maybe the answer would come about soon enough.

The more Fluttershy thought about the feelings she had, the more confused she was, and she would wonder to herself if she felt this way the whole time. Surely it couldn't have gone out of notice to herself this whole time. She looked out the window of the train on its way to Canterlot, desperately trying to think of other things, but the only thing she could think of was Twilight. She decided to lie down for a bit, and quickly fell asleep, but what she saw in her dream only made everything she was feeling that much more complex. In the dream she was trotting along the beach next to her was Twilight, her mane glistening in the sunlight, wings extended, and looking so beautiful, Fluttershy saw all sorts of animals around the area, but in the dream all she cared about was Twilight. She was wondering why she did nothing with the animals when suddenly she saw Twilight turn and tackle her. Standing above her, Twi had a glimmer in her eye, and she said so delicately and sweetly, "I claim you, Shy, I will never--" and just like that she found herself stopping Twi with a kiss, waking herself in a start she looks around to see that nobody noticed that she had been frightened awake, at least that was a relief to her, she just didn't know why she had that dream, but when she thought about it, she did want to be near Twi more often than usual. She was about to finish the thought when Angel jumped on her head alerting her that they had arrived at Canterlot. She was still confused, but was much closer to understanding her feelings.

During the gala, Fluttershy would find herself thinking about her dream while she lay in the garden, wanting to explain to Twilight what she had felt and seen, but too afraid to do so, but she knew what it was she felt, finally after the whole day, she needed to just lay in the garden and think to figure it out, she fell in love with Twi, not only that, but she felt a sort of obsession. She felt it kind of weird though, of all the people she could fall in love with, it was Twilight, it wasn't even a stallion. She sighed to herself, and heard a snap in a bush behind her, knowing it wasn't any animal, she quickly turned around "Wh-who's t-there?" she demanded in a low squeak "I-i-i'm not afraid of y-y-you." There was no reply, only silence, she quickly moved on, somehow knowing somepony was there, and they were following her. She ran into the main ball room of the gala, and sought out Twilight to tell her about her feelings, but when she found Twi she saw that she was nuzzling noses with, Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy, with a broken heart, fell to the floor, realizing that her feelings were unrequited, and began to cry quietly to herself in a corner, somewhere nopony would see her, or even notice she existed, there she stayed until the gala was over.

On the way back home, she could only stare out the window, she couldn't even bring herself to look at Twi, nor acknowledge the other pony watching her from the car behind them, because she knew it would do her no good, she just wanted to tell Twilight how she felt, but at the same time, she wanted to be loved back. She laid her head down and said quietly "What am I supposed to do now? I cannot just forget these feelings, I am lost, like I have never been before, but I don't understand why I could be this lost already, I mean, I just realized my feelings, but I don't really know how long they have been there either." She sighed to herself, and continued to watch out the car window, waiting to get home and go to bed.