Equestria Zero

by isjor1

Lost and Found

(Present) P.O.V: Celestia. A few minutes before Heller's escape.

Please let day court end soon. Princess Celestia, wise, noble, majestic and bored out of her mind was being forced by her royal duties to sit and listen to her subjects complain about trivial things.
"So you see, this is why I should have to pay less on taxes then the...common folk of downtown Canterlot."

Dear ancestors please let something happen so I don't have to listen to this any longer.
As if tempted by faith, the room started to shake. Vases were falling off of there stands, ponies were doing all they can to stay standing, and Princess Celestia had a look of shock hiding her look of relief.An earthquake? When I asked for something to happen I didn't mean quite that.
"On account of the earthquake I am ending day court. If still wish to be heard, return later tonight." Celestia was cut off as the entrance door slammed open from random guard #46. He runs up to the throne and tries to calm himself to get a word out.
"What is the meaning of this."

He bows and says, "My apologies your highness, but there was an eruption of some kind in the gardens. The only thing I know is that two statues are missing."
Two statues are missing? Please don't it let it be either of those two. "Tell me, which statues are missing."

"Black light and Discord your highness."

Why do you hate me ancestors "Gather the rest of the guards and prepare a chariot to pick up the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. Also if you spot anything suspicious report it immediately."
The guard salutes and runs off.
Everyone has left and now Celestia is alone. She uses her magic and summons a quill and parchment. "My dearest and most faithful student, Twilight..."

(P.O.V. James location: Royal Garden

"Ah it's good to be free. I wonder how long it will take the guard to respo..." I was cut off as a laser shot past my head.
"Eh they were faster 1000 years ago.... and better shots." I slowly turn to face the guard. Kids, this is why you don't try to be a hero.

"Stand down monster." I just stare blankly at him.

"And if I don't."

"Then I will be forced to remove you." After saying this he runs at me. The fool never stood a chance. He shot another magic beam at me and I didn't even try to block it. It hits me and then he pulls out a sword and stabs me through the abdomen. It tickled.

"Psst.Hey buddy." The guard looks at me in horror.

"You just f'ed up." I b**** slapped the guard off of me and pull the sword out. Deciding that I wasted enough time, I ran out of the gardens just to be teleported to a random tower of the castle.

"What the."

"Oh my what is this." I turn around and I gaze upon something I can't explain. This thing was like a kid who couldn't choose a favorite animal and just threw a bunch of them together. It had a green dragon leg, a regular horse leg, a long, brown slender body, a red dragon tail, a lion's foreleg, the arm of a griffin, a weirdly shaped head of a horse, one fang, a deer antler on the right of his head and a blue goat horn on the left, a bat and Pegasus wing on his back and overall ugliness everywhere. This guy just looks like a pain. So in response I transform my right arm into a blade and jump back.
"Who are you and why did you bring me here."

"And who said I brought you here, hmm."

"Stop playing games and answer me."

"Oh poo your no fun. Well anyway." He makes a lawn chair appear out of no where and lays back. "My name is Discord and I just wanted to thank you." He then makes two glasses of chocolate milk appear out of thin air. "Would you like some." I swat the glass to the side and it explodes as it hit the ground. The milk then dissolved the floor like acid

"You sure do have a funny way of thanking me." I say as I continue to stare at the hole in the ground. "Why thank me anyway?"

"Simple young James. It was the chaos you caused with your little show that allowed me to escape. So let me give you a gift." He snapped his fingers as he said this and I felt a foreign feeling. I felt like I was being drained of something. What that something was is the question. I didn't even notice that my arm turned back to normal.

"What...did....you.....do?" I saw in between pants.

"Oh I just made the game more interesting." Game? What the hell is he talking about.

"What are you even going on about. Is this just a game to you?"

"Yes and no James. It's a game that I am watching and you are in the middle of. Consider this a fresh start for you. Now I must be going, I have a group of ponies to entertain." He snapped his fingers and left me. I never felt so weak before. Standing just seems like a challenge now. I look around the room and found my exit. Man that was weird. What exactly did he mean by in the middle of a game. I haven't felt this confused since I first arrived in this place.

(1000 years ago Location: ??? P.O.V James

All I could see was darkness. Not a single sound was heard. I was falling. No, that's not quite right. I was floating. I couldn't feel anything. My whole body was numb. I stayed in this state for a while until something brushed up against my entire backside. I opened my eyes and then was assaulted by the harsh rays of the bright sun.
Ah s*** that hurt. Why is there a sun? The convention was inside. Bracing my self, I slowly opened my eyes and waited for them to adjust. What the hell? I was not at the convention. As far as I could tell I was nowhere near civilization. I was in the middle of a forest.
"Where am I? Jen! Josh! If this is some type of prank then ha ha you win please come out. Hello!? Is anyone there?"

Now let me ask yall a question. If you are alone in the woods and you scream, will someone hear it. Sometimes you don't want the answer to that question. *rustle rustle*
I turned my head to the east and see nothing but trees at my side. I turned and looked towards the west. Just another place where trees abide. *rustle rustle*. I looked in front of me and saw a row of bushes that were shaking.
"Jen? Josh? Is that you two?" I asked with totally no fear. Ignore the sounds of knees shaking and teeth chattering. I grab a stick laying near by and step towards the bush.
"Come out. I'm a wanted man with a death sentence in 12 countries."
The bush shakes one last time before going still. A rabbit jumps out. I fall on my back and just lay there with my eyes closed and a look of relief on my face. I lay there for a few minutes and open my eyes again. There is a set of fangs getting ready to close around my face.
"OH S#@%" I roll out of the way and get up and make a mad dash in a random direction. I chance a look behind me to see the wolf chasing me. A few of its friends decided to join the chase.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I continue to scream at the top of my lungs as they chase me. In fact it seems that I am running faster then I ever could. I chanced another look. The wolves were lagging behind. *Thwack* I ran into a tree. Shaking the pain away I scurry up the tree and started praying for help to arrive.

(P.O.V Change to ??/)


"What?" It was small but I thought I heard someone shouting.

"Help meeeeeeeee someoneeeeeee!!!!!!!!"

Okay I definitely head that one. Grabbing my walking staff, I turn and ran in the direction of the screams.

(P.O.V change James )

"Okay calm down Nate. You are up here and the wolves are down there." I look down and see that a pack of 8 wolves have surrounded the tree. Then I realized something. The wolves were made of wood. What are those things? As if some divine force decided that I wasn't in a bad enough situation, the branch I was sitting on started to creak and slowly started breaking.
With one last and totally full of courage shout I yelled, "Someone HEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLPP!!!!!"
*thwack thwack thwack crash thwack*
I looked down again and saw the wolves were no where to be seen. Instead all I saw were piles of leaves and sticks. In the middle of it all was a....... girl? Starting from the bottom I saw she was wearing brown leather work boots. Worn and torn pants. A tail. A red and white checkered...........A TAIL?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Focusing on my savior I noticed that she wasn't a human. I had no idea what the hell she was. She had the figure of a human girl but that's about it. Her face was horse-ish. Is that even a word. We just continue to stare at each other. In unison we both say, "What are you?" Then the branch breaks and I fall. Welcome back darkness my old friend.