Dawn Shield

by shirotora

Chapter 7: All Grown Up

Chapter 7: All Grown Up

Silence filled the air. A single clay ball stood atop a hay bale in the early morning, in a field outside the small town of Ponyville. Like all things, though, the quiet didn't last. The clay ball suddenly exploded into dozens of shards, scattering in every direction.

On a hill one-thousand yards away, two ponies laid in the grass.

“Great shot, sis!”

“Thank you, Sweetie.”

Rarity peered over her rifle at her target in the distance. She was a natural with the weapon, and the past two months with it had only made her better. Of course, they were all naturals with the weapons they were given, especially Sweetie, Applebloom, and Scootaloo. Considering the Elements of Order were meant for battle, none questioned that fact.

“I believe that should be sufficient for the day,” Rarity said getting to her hooves, and placed her weapon in its case. “Shall we?”

Sweetie stood up and stretched like a cat. “Yeah. Pinkie's probably done by now.”

“Especially with Jacob helping her,” Rarity added as they began making their way back to town. “Is it just me, or have those two become rather close?”

Sweetie laughed at that. “Yeah. He's rather close to Lyra and Rainbow, as well. He's becoming quite popular.”

“Oh my, I wonder who will win his heart.”

Sweetie rolled her eyes. “Is that all you think about?”

“I'm sorry, Sweetie. I just have romance on the brain, as usual.” Rarity looked at her sister with a warm smile. “I can't believe my little sister is finally a mare.”

“Yeah, it's weird. I don't feel any different, but so many things are going to change now. I can get a real job, I can get my own place, I can enroll in the University.”

“You can be intimate with Spike,” Rarity said with a sly smile.


“What? I know that's what you have planned. That's why I arranged the trip to Canterlot. A mare's first time is supposed to be special, and I want to make sure it's an experience you will never forget.”

Sweetie gave her sister a flat look. “That doesn't mean I want to talk about it with my sister. Can we change the subject?”

“Oh, very well,” Rarity conceded. “What have you and your friends been up to?”

Sweetie thought for a moment before answering, “Well, Scootaloo has been trying to incorporate her fire rune into her stunt routine.”

“Oh? So she's taken up her scooter again?”

“No, Jacob gave her these runes on the bottom of her hooves that let her hover a few inches off the ground. It's kind of like ice skating without the ice or the skates.”

“What a shame,” Rarity sighed. “I still remember the day Rainbow Dash bought her that scooter. Oh, her face lit up as if it were Hearths Warming. She was named after that scooter, you know. It was the day Rainbow found her, passed out on the side of the road.”

“Scoots told me about it. It's her earliest memory.” Sweetie's eyes were off in the horizon, pondering questions that would likely never have an answer.

Rarity, not wanting her sister to linger on such thoughts, quickly pushed past. “So, what of Applebloom?”

Sweetie was snapped out of it. “Oh, well, you know how she is.”

Rarity smirked. “Still trying to convince Twilight and Midnight to form a herd?”

Sweetie furrowed her brow in thought. “That whole thing is weird.”

“How so?”

“Well, first, there's the fact that Twilight is so adamant about herds being a bad thing. I mean, even Midnight's starting to think they should at least give her a shot, but Twilight insists otherwise.”

Rarity shook her head slowly as she said, “I don't know. Twilight has always been against herding as long as I've known her. Even when we see herds in town, she gives the mares a pitying look, as if they're being hurt by it. I've asked her, but she just politely asked me not to pry.”

Sweetie thought about that for a minute but decided to continue. “Well, second, there's Applebloom. She's becoming more and more desperate, and angry. I get the feeling she's starting to see Twilight as some selfish stallion hoarder. She’s just not like her normal self. Did you know I once caught her arguing with nothing? As if there was another pony there, but she was by herself. I'm starting to worry about her.”

Rarity, realizing the subject had went sour yet again, searched for another change of subject. Thankfully, one was provided for her in the form of Sugar Cube Corner.

“Ah, here we are,” Rarity said. “Are you ready for your party?”

Sweetie smiled and said, “I'm just surprised she didn't try making it a surprise party.”

“You would have known it was coming, anyway,” Rarity said as she opened the door.

The two of them walked in only to be confused by what they saw... Or rather, what they didn't see; a party. The bakery was bare, not even a single customer was to be seen. Sweetie could feel magic in the air, though, and it put her on edge. Sugar Cube Corner was never without a few customers. She readied her plasma caster, just in-


The once empty bakery was suddenly filled with ponies, causing the two mares to jump back. In her panic, Sweetie fired off an emerald bolt of plasma that hurled toward the first target she saw. Spike let out a very un-manly scream as the plasma flew towards his face. Luckily, Midnight had seen Sweetie's caster ready, just before Twilight had dropped the illusion hiding them and had an extra quarter second to react. A blue, mage form shield intercepted the ball of super heated gas less than a second from impact. Sweetie, hoof still outstretched with the barrel of her weapon still smoking, took in her surroundings as her heart-rate slowed. The room was filled with the shocked, amused, and apologetic faces of friends and family.

“Okay,” Midnight said. “No more surprise parties for ponies trained to kill.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“I already said I'm sorry,” Sweetie apologized for the umpteenth time. “What more do you want?”

Spike gave his fillyfriend a lecherous grin.

“Other than that,” Sweetie deadpanned. “Geeze, can't you wait? It's one day.”

“I didn't say anything,” the dragon said innocently.

“Yes you did,” Sweetie objected. “Verbal speech only accounts for a small part of communication, varying slightly from one race to another. You didn't say the words 'I want sex', but you still said you want sex.”

Spike gave her a flat look. “You know, you're worse than Twilight sometimes.”

“Which is part of the reason you love me. Males often look for mates with similar features as their mother, and since Twilight raised you, you see her as your mother, subconsciously.”

“Even though she's his father,” Rainbow interjected.

Spike groaned. “What do you want, Rainbow?”

The pegasus grinned and held up a shot glass. “It's time for the birthday girl to be properly initiated into adulthood.”

“Rainbow, you had better not be pressuring my sister into imbibing alcohol,” Rarity scolded as she trotted up.

“Of course not,” Rainbow said before turning back to Sweetie and holding out the glass muttering, “Pressure, pressure, pressure.”

“Okay, I'll try it,” Sweetie said, taking the glass in her magic.

Rarity looked at the golden color and asked, “What is that? It better not be tequila. The last thing Sweetie needs is alcohol and salt, and knowing you...”

“Pfft,” Scootaloo scoffed as she trotted up to watch the show. “Tequila ain't that bad. I've drank...” the filly’s mouth snapped shut, cutting off what might as well have been a confession.

“Drank what, exactly?” Rainbow asked with an accusatory glare.

“Uh...,” the orange filly began nervously, realizing her mistake. “I-I've seen others drink it plenty?”

Rainbow's glare hardened. “We'll talk later.” The pegasus, without taking her sight off her daughter, addressed Rarity again. “Nothing too hard, just Fluttershy's honey liquor.”

“Fluttershy brews alcohol?” Spike asked skeptically.

“Yeah,” Rainbow said as if it were common knowledge. “How do you think she makes money? Animals don't exactly have money. No, they bring her stuff that she makes into whatever she can sell. Her booze is pretty popular, though.”

“Huh... I always wondered how she earned an income. Here goes nothing,” Sweetie said and threw the liquid down her throat. After a shutter and deep inhale, she said, “That... wasn't so bad. I mean, it's not something I would drink for the taste, but as far as drinking for relaxation or social purposes, I could do it.”

“Just make sure to learn your limit,” Rarity warned. “You don't want to be like a certain dragon we know.”

“Hey, I know my limit,” Spike protested. “I just... lose count sometimes.”

“Which is worse than not knowing,” Sweetie scolded.

Rainbow snickered at the poor fire breather. “So Sweetie, wanna get smashed?”

Sweetie bit her lip. “Well, it would be an interesting experience, but there are a lot of ponies here to see me if I do something stupid.”

Rarity put a hoof on her sister's whither. “Though I would prefer you didn't, I will ensure you don't act too much a fool if you do.”

Sweetie thought about it for a moment before answering, “Sorry, Rarity, but my curiosity won't let me pass this up, especially with ponies here to look out for me.”

“Alright, but before you do,” Rarity waved a hoof at Spike, “I think Spike has something to say.”

The purple dragon stood up slowly, seating bullets as he whispered to Rarity, “A-are you sure this is a good time?”

“Would you rather wait until she's drunk?” Rarity whispered back. She grabbed a glass in her magic and tapped it with a knife. “Excuse me, ponies, we have an announcement.”

Spike swallowed nervously, his gaze scanning the crowd as they all stared back. A part of him wondered how he ever had a crush on such an evil mare as Rarity. Swallowing nervously, he turned back to his fillyfriend. “S-Sweetie... Um... I love you... So much, and I was wondering,” Rarity's horn lit up and a small, long box floated from a hiding place under the counter. Sweetie's breath hitched, already knowing what was happening but still unable to believe it. Spike grabbed the box, took a knee and held it open to her. “Will you make me the luckiest dragon in the world, and marry me?”

Tears filled the young mare's eyes. The only thing that kept her answer from being instant was shock, but that didn't last long before Sweetie threw her hooves around her love's neck. “Yes! Yes, I'll marry you!”

Spike lifted the necklace from the case and fastened it around the unicorn's neck. Everyone present burst in cheers of congratulations and well wishes, as their favorite dragon and klutz found one of the happiest moments in their lives.

Nearby, Twilight and Midnight watched with smiles on their faces. Eventually, Midnight turned to Twilight and said, “So, is it tradition for Sparkles to marry someone who almost kills them at a party?”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“I know the first thing I'm doing when I get to Canterlot,” said a hungover Sweetie Belle as she slowly descended the stairs. “I'm going to murder Celestia.”

Rarity chuckled. “I take it your curiosity is sated?”

“Fuck you.”

“Sweetie! I don't care if you're fifteen or fifty, I will not have that language in my home,” Rarity scolded before offering a strange liquid concoction to the pained mare. “Now come here and drink this.”

“Sorry.” Sweetie took the offered drink and took a sip before spitting it out. “What is this? It tastes old hoof clippings.”

“It helps. Drink it.” Rarity stated plainly.

Sweetie took her sister's word for it and downed it as quickly as possible as to taste as little as she could. It still tasted like something pumped from a sewer in Tartarus. “Oh gods, what is that?”

“Just a little something Pinkie invented.”

“Really?” Sweetie asked, already feeling a little better. “But Pinkie doesn't drink.”

“Her friends do, and that's enough for her to find a cure for a hangover. Besides, she does drink, just not very much. You've never seen her because until yesterday, you were a filly and Pinkie has a strict rule about drinking in front of foals.”

“Well, it seems to work,” Sweetie said, feeling much better. She was still in some pain, but at least it was manageable.

“Good,” Rarity stated. “Because your train leaves in an hour.”

“What!” Sweetie exclaimed, the leftover pain forgotten.

“It's ten o'clock.” Rarity pointed to the clock on the wall, proving her point. “Why do you think Virgil isn't here?”

“I have to get ready!” Sweetie shouted as she darted up the stairs.

I hope that teaches her about the consequences of over indulgence, Rarity though to herself.

After about forty minutes Sweetie was bathed, made up, packed, and ready to go. Rarity was waiting at the door for her by the time she made it down stairs with her saddlebags.

The young mare beamed as the pair left the boutique and headed down the road. “Today is going to be so great. I'm so excited!”

“I'm sure it will be a marvelous day, but I would like to speak with you about tonight,” Rarity said in a serious tone. Her horn glowed, casting a sound-proof barrier around them for privacy.

Sweetie groaned. “Rarity, please, not this.”

“I only want to ensure nothing bad happens as a result,” Rarity continued, despite her sister's protests. “Now, remember, dragons can breed with any race naturally. Now, I know you aren’t due for estrus for another few months, but heat has been known to strike early, so you will still want a contraception spell. Do you think you can cast it properly?”

“Scootaloo isn't pregnant is she?” Sweetie asked in reply.

“Oh... I see. Well, you're a good friend... You know, for, um, doing that, I guess,” Rarity said awkwardly. Thankfully, the train station came into view along with the familiar purple dragon. “Anyway, I just want you to enjoy yourself. Have a night you will remember forever.”

Sweetie smiled at her big sister. “I will, sis, and thanks.” With one last hug, Rarity watched as her little sister trotted off to greet her fiancé.

Fiancé... That word alone made emotions stir within her, a mesh of sorrow knowing her little sister was grown up and joy at witnessing the magnificent mare she had become. One thought, though, was held above the others; She played a large role in that. She helped raise that fine mare.

Rarity watched, only half aware as Applebloom and Scootaloo said their goodbyes to their friend. She managed to give a wave as her little sister boarded, but her thoughts still dominated her mind. Not even the departure whistle could bring her back to reality.

The posh pony made her way down the road after the train left the station, her mind was occupied by one thing, one desire, and her mind was made up. She made her way to Rich Jewelers, the local jewelry shop and place of her husband's employment, and walked in. Upon seeing her deep in thought, Virgil came around the counter and greeted his wife.

“Love, whatever is the matter?” he asked. “You seem lost.”

“Virgil,” Rarity began, looking deep into her other half's eyes, “I want a baby.”