Study in Equinity

by Rhino

Chapter 12: The night starts

Angel, starting back into awareness, slowly sits up, rubbing her eyes. She glances at Rhino, smiling warmly at the sight of his sleeping form. She stands and moves over to the door, opening it and smiling warmly, momentarily forgetting about her lack of pants and frazzled mane. "Hello, there."

Silk, a small bag on her shoulder, stares at Angel for a moment, not quite expecting this type of welcome. "Hey, hun... Not interrupting something am I?"

"Not really." She giggles, taking her hand and pulling her inside. "I'm glad you're here, though. I was worried you wouldn't make it, considering..." She trails off as a flash of light illuminates the window. After a moment of silence, she tilts her head to one side, finger on her chin. "Huh. I guess it didn't hit the ground."

The pegasus nods. "Yeah, couldn't exactly fly through all that nastiness, but I still made it on time." Her gaze falls to the sleeping form on the bed. "I wasn't expecting anypony else here..."

"I did say I was inviting him." She smiles, gesturing to the stallion. "Silk, this is Rhino. We have a xenobiology class together, and we also study together."

"Ah, the stallion I ran into on my way out the other day." Her eyes narrow at the prone pony. "The same stallion I need to have a talk with about appreciating you..."

"Right..." She clears her throat, blushing softly. "Can that wait a bit, though? He's just so cute when he sleeps..."

Maintaining her stare for a moment longer, Silk sighs and concedes. "Fine. I guess he is easy on the eyes..." With a small smirk she turns to the other mare. "How's his flank?"

She blinks, confused by the question. "Well... his cutie mark is nice, if that's what you mean... and he's well-built, but not... chiseled, exactly..." She thinks for a bit before shrugging and turning to her pegasus friend, grinning widely. "On a different note, I got him to agree to massage your wings. I'm sure you'll like that!"

"What?!" The yellow mare barely keeps her voice a whisper. "But I liked it when you did it..."

She stares, stunned by her words. "Oh. Well, thank you..." She taps her chin, thinking a bit before an idea comes to her. "Maybe we both could massage you, then. That way, you can see which one of us you like better!" She giggles, playfully booping her nose. "How does that sound?"

"I still don't know how I feel about you offering me to be massaged, but I really like them..." She sighs resolutely. "Fine, as long as you're doing it too. I don't know him yet and wing massage is a trust thing."

"Then get to know him first." She smiles, a twinkle in her eye as a list floats over to her. "I have a few activities planned, but I'd like to have your input on them, too." She grabs the list and turns it to her, letting her see them. "Do you have any you'd like to add?"

Looking over the list, Silk actually does come out of it with an idea. "Perhaps we can do each other's manes and tails? I know guys aren't usually into that, but I find it fun. Maybe you and I can come out of this with new manestyles we like."

Angel considers this for a moment and nods, smiling brightly. "Yea, that sounds like a fun idea. And hey, we could even try on some of my costumes!" She winks teasingly, writing down these thoughts. "I know for a fact that you haven't seen one of them, yet..."

The pegasus lets out a small giggle. "Putting on a show for me and your boy toy? I wonder whose reaction you're waiting for the most..."

She frowns softly, crossing her arms. "He's not my boy toy. He's my study buddy. And..." She trails off, nervously glancing at the stallion to make sure he's asleep.

Silk smirks, leaning forward. "Well, alright then. 'Study buddy' it is then. Either way, I think a little fashion show might be a great idea. Are you planning on being the only one dressing up though?"

"Nope!" She smirks, narrowing her eyes at the older mare. "I'm sure you didn't just bring pajamas in your bag... am I right?"

She looks down at her bag. "Well, no, I also brought my outfit for tomorrow and my underthings..." Her eyes slowly widen. "Wait... what are you planning?"

"Just a show for everyone." She giggles, winking playfully at her. "After all, you feel a small amount of attraction to him as well, don't you?" She smiles, slowly sitting down on the bed and putting a hand over the stallion's chest, making circles just above the fabric. "Picturing his strong body on display before us, or maybe holding you in his arms late at night?"

The seamstress huffs, but as she watches, the stallion lets out a pleased hum as one of his hands raises up and lays itself over Angel's. A sigh slowly slips from her. "Ok, fine, I can't exactly deny he's cute after that, and maybe I think he has a nice build and his fur looks soft." She holds up a finger. "But that does not mean I dream of him at night."

Angel blinks, tilting her head to one side in confusion. "I just said picturing... not dreaming..." She giggles, leaning up and pecking the mare's forehead. "Is there something you're not telling me, Silk?"

A blush comes to the mare's cheeks. "Maybe... I don't think you know what exactly it is though."

"I suppose not." She shrugs and glances at Rhino, smiling warmly and leaning down, tenderly kissing his cheek. "Wake up, silly."

"Mmm?" Rhino's eyes open as he stretches. "Sorry... must've dozed off for a second. Did I miss anything?"

"Just a certain mare's arrival." She places a hand on the pegasus's shoulder as the other helps the stallion into a sitting position. "Rhino, this is Silk Tease. Silk, this is Rhino..." She trails off as she realizes something, a small frown on her lips. "I forgot to ask, do you have a last name? Or maybe a family name?"

"Nexus, family name." He replies, focusing on the new mare. "Nice to meet you, Silk, especially after that brief meeting the other day." He holds out his hand.

She takes it, a sheepish smile on her face. "Ah yes, sorry about that by the way. Didn't mean to run into you."

Smiling back, he replies. "No harm done, don't worry about it."

"Yay, bonding!" Angel giggles, clapping her hands together. She stops as a thought occurs, standing abruptly. "I'll be right back. I need to... do something." She nervously smiles and backs into the bathroom, giving the other mare a meaningful, concerned glance before closing the door.

The pegasus straightens up, her eyes narrowing at Rhino. "Alright, you, listen up because I have something very important to talk to you about."

Shaking off the rest of his slight drowsiness, the stallion pays attention. "I'm listening. What's this about?"

"This," she begins, "is about that sweet mare who just left our company, and how you are treating her. Now, let me finish. You seem like a nice stallion, but that filly is literally an angel, and I will not have you hurting her in any way." A single yellow finger pokes him in the chest. "If I get any whiff of you using her, abusing her, or making her cry, I will find you and there will be hell to pay. Got it?"

He holds up his hands placatingly but his voice is calm. "Silk, I assure you, you have nothing to worry about. I'm not going to hurt Angel, nor would I want to. If anyone else does it, you'd better believe I'm going to be right there with you when you find then." He narrows his eyes right back at her, meeting her gaze.

They maintain this little staring contest a moment longer before she smiles and pats his head. "Good. I just wanted to get that out of the way and see what you were made of. You passed."

He chuckles. "Good to hear."

A small wisp of blue fire appears nearby, cursive words forming out of the energy. 'Are you two done? May I come out, now?'

Silk rolls her eyes, calling out. "Yes, hun, you can come back."

The door creaks open and Angel pokes her head out, nervously glancing from one to the other. "Is... is everything okay between you two, now?"

Rhino nods as Silk answers. "All good, hun. We both agreed you're an adorable little thing that we never want to see hurt."

She giggles, blushing at her words. "You're really nice... thank you..." She steps back into the room, dropping her now-wet shirt into the hamper next to her. "I'm sorry I took that off, b-but I have a good reason! I tried brushing my teeth, and the faucet gushed the water out and splashed all over my belly." She sheepishly smiles, rubbing the back of her neck. "At least it didn't get my underwear, right?"

The stallion averts his eyes politely, remarking as he does so. "I swear you are very accident prone sometimes..."

The seamstress offers her own observation. "And for one so innocent, you've ended up in your unmentionables quite often in the short time I've known you."

Angel blushes softly, nervously trying to cover herself, forgetting she has lacey pink undergarments on. "It's not my fault... these situations just seem to happen..." She moves in front of her dresser, sitting down on the floor. "S-so, what would you two like to do first?" She floats the list over to them, hoping they wouldn't question the abrupt change of subject.

Silk takes the list from the air, Rhino making no move to stop her. "Well, it's not like we can only do each thing once. I've heard truth or dare at the beginning of a party can differ drastically from one near the end. Just an idea though. Hmm... cards is probably a tad boring right now... " She pauses a moment as the thermos floats out of the fridge and to it's owner, has a sip taken, then floats back in. "Oh... I'm not sure..."

Rhino just shrugs, not making a move to stand up. "I'm good with whatever you two decide."

The teenage mare pouts slightly, the gears in her head visibly turning as she tries to find something for the three of them to do. "I... I can't think of any-" She gasps as she starts to shrug, her hand immediately gripping the opposing shoulder. "Great... I guess I stressed myself out too much, earlier..." She shakes her head, ignoring the tightness in her muscle and turning to her closet. "As I was saying, I can't think of anything... well, unless you count that makeover, Silk..."

Both the unicorn and pegasus look at her in concern, Rhino speaking first. “Angel, are you sure you're okay? You looked like you really hurt for a moment..."

She waves a hand, smiling sheepishly. "I-I'm fine. Just a... pulled muscle, I think."

Silk watching him, Rhino walks over and gently places a hand on the white mare's shoulder. "Do you want me to try to help?"

Angel glances at the seamstress, leaning in and lowering her voice so that only he can hear her. "Are you sure? You don't have to... and you know how I get under your hands..."

He thinks a moment. "Hmm... maybe I just work on your shoulder while you're sitting?"

She goes silent before nodding quietly, smiling at him. "I... I'd like that, Rhino..."

Silk tilts her head at the two. "Well, judging by her smile I assume you two came to a decision. So, I take it we are putting our little mane makeover on hold while we help you out, hun?"

"Not at all." She giggles, waving her friend closer. "I'll just do yours while Rhino works, and you can do mine afterwards." She glances to the stallion, raising an eyebrow at him. "Is that alright with you?"

He shrugs again. "That's fine with me. Umm, did you just want to do it while like this... or did you want to put something on before we move to the comfy bed?"

"I'm fine, I think." She stands up, still holding her shoulder gingerly as she makes her way over to the bed. She sits down on the edge, bringing the chair over with her magic and positioning it in front of her. "That should do it."

Silk looks at Angel worriedly. "You sure you aren't gonna hurt your arm, hun?"

The younger mare rolls her eyes playfully, tapping her horn. "Unicorn, remember? I'll be fine, Silk."

She looks at her skeptically, but nids and takes her seat as Rhino does the same slightly behind and to the side of Angel. The stallion rubs his palms together to warm them up. "Alright, shall we get started?"

The white mare nods and winks at him, already taking some of the purple mane up with her magic. "If you wouldn't mind."

Rhino smiles as he sets his hands on either side of her shoulder strap and gets to work, feeling his way around as he locates the exact muscle that needs work.

Angel, meanwhile, starts to intertwine strands of the pegasus's mane, a hand resting on her friend's shoulder to at least have a bit of physical contact with her. Not wanting to have everyone work in silence, she nervously clears her throat, talking to both of them. "While we're doing this... does anyone want to share about themselves? Since this is rather-" She squeaks as the unicorn next to her touches the muscle he's looking for. "Um, friendly, right?"

Silk responds as she leans back, eyes closed. "Is this 'open sharing' time as opposed to truth or dare's 'forced sharing' time?"

"In a way, yes." She giggles, nuzzling the mare's mane and ears. "Do you?"

"Well..." after a moment's hesitation, she goes on, "Since I started getting my business off the ground... I admit I haven't had many friends, really none after a bit. I just didn't have the time what with moving here and getting everything set up. So... it's nice to have some again..." Her face is pink as she refuses to look at either of them.

"Aww!" Angel hugs her as best she can with one arm, smiling warmly. "I love being your friend, and I'm sure Rhino will, too!" She glances at him over her shoulder, her free hand gently caressing his thigh. "Right?"

His grip tightening a moment at the touch, he still nods. "Right... you seem nice."

Silk giggles. "Thanks hun... same to you."

The mare between them waits for a moment before speaking up. "Is it my turn?" She giggles before straightening up, pushing back against Rhino's hands. "I guess you both should know this... I, um... never really felt comfortable in my body... not since these came in..." She cups one of her cloth-covered mounds, blushing softly. "And... my friendships suffered for it... at least, that's what the one friend I still have from before I moved here said..."

Silk turns her head slightly. "Well, if it makes you feel better, hun. It wouldn't matter to me if you did or didn't have those."

The stallion however, perks up with a question. "Why would you not feel comfortable with yourself for having those?"

"I don't know..." She fidgets, moving on to the fourth braid, now. "I guess it's because I... had a second 'growth spurt'?" She makes air quotes with her hands. "Less than a month ago, in fact... and I'm still used to how I looked back then..."

"That's... not unheard of, I suppose, but I can see how that would surprise you." He slowly works the tension out of her shoulder. "For what it's worth... I think you were probably still cute without them. It's not like you're not you anymore, you just look different. As long as you still act like you, then there's no problem."

The pegasus lets out a giggle. "Well aren't you a sweet-talker?"

Rhino shakes his head. "I'm just saying what I think."

Angel gently grabs his hand, smiling warmly at him. "Thank you, Rhino..." She squeezes it and leans over to nuzzle his cheek. "You... you honestly have no idea what that means to me..." She lets go and turns her attention back to the mare in front of her, a playful glimmer in her eyes. "Your turn, stud."

"Hmm... well, it's not like it's a secret, but it's not something that usually comes up in most conversations." He starts rubbing and squeezing with his palms. "l can't actually use magic like a normal unicorn can unless it's basic levitation."

The smaller mare squeaks softly, her cheeks burning bright red in embarrassment. "R-really? Does that... have to do with your cutie mark?" She gulps, leaning back and whispering to him. "G-getting a little... too good, there, sweetie..."

He whispers back without breaking his motions. "I'm not really sure I can do anything about that if I want to get this spot out... I think it's the one you landed on when you fainted earlier, which is why it's being stubborn. I'm getting it though." Speaking louder, he answers her question. "In a way, yes. Anything beyond levitation, I am confined to using arcane circles and runes in order to cast the spell."

Silk quips in. "I've heard of ponies rarely using circles to cast complex spells... but to be forced to use them for every spell... That's new."

"So, say, illuminating your surroundings... would that require a circle?" Angel nears the end of her friend's mane, which, for all it's worth, looks impressive, to say the least. Not magazine-worthy, but enough to turn the head of stallions, and maybe a few mares.

He bears down on her shoulder as he answers. "Well, technically running magic through my horn makes light, but it's fairly dim so yes, for more useful light I would have to use a circle. Granted, a simple single rune circle, but a circle nonetheless."

The white mare mewls softly, the pleasure from his hands causing her to bolt straight before falling forward. Her hands catch her, but not before her face is buried in the feathers of her friend's wing. It doesn't help appearances that her fingers appear to be wrapped along the seamstress's rib cage and that she froze as soon as she realized what just happened.

Silk's wings shoot outward in surprise as she protests from her position under Angel. "Hey, what gives?! What did you do back there?"

Rhino blinks. "I just... got the last bit of her muscle relaxed..."

The pegasus grumbles. "Seems like you relaxed a bit more than her shoulder there."

Slowly, cautiously, Angel gets herself back upright, a fierce blush on her cheeks and a small wisp of steam coming off the top of her head. "I-I'm so sorry, Silk. I-is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" She pinches the tip of a wing, pulling on it as she inspects the mussed feathers on it. "Maybe push that massage up for you?"

Silk lets out a quiet yelp as Angel pinches her wingtip. "I don't know... I'm starting to worry about the side effects of Rhino's fingers when he gives a massage."

"Trust me." She giggles, putting a finger on her chin and turning her head to look at her. "You don't have to worry about any embarrassment." She winks and the light from her horn dies down. "Finished. What do you think?"

The pegasus takes a peek through the bathroom door, fingers playing with the end of the braid as she does a quick turn. "Oh~ now this is very nice... I never really did braids before because of how long they take, but I have to admit... I like this. It's like one of those styles you can go anywhere with and it wouldn't look out of place."

Angel giggles, hugging her friend happily. "Great! Oh, it's my turn, right?"

She nods. "That's right, hun. And I think I have a little something in mind for you." She peeks over at Rhino. "Though... I'm not sure if I want to pass out on your back from magic-fingers over there."

"I wouldn't mind." The white pony smiles, nuzzling the mare's cheek. "Though, if you really don't want to, I suppose he can get the next activity ready..."

Silk sheepishly smiles. "It's not that I don't want a massage, just maybe not yet."

He tilts his head. "What one were we thinking of next?"

Angel grins, pulling up her list and pointing to the second item. "Cards!"

The stallion nods. "Alright, I guess I can clear a space and get some spots ready for us to use."

"And in the meantime, I get to play with this golden mane." Silk finishes.

"Great!" The younger mare giggles, turning to the side on the bed so Silk can more easily get behind her. "I think one of you two should choose the game we play with them, though."

As the pegasus gets on her knees behind the white mare, Rhino chooses. "Well, go fish can kinda stagnate the fun mood. Poker sounds like the better choice, I think."

Angel smiles, nodding in agreement. "Poker it is, then." She pauses, a thought occurring to her. "So... what do we wager with?"

Silk answers now as she starts taking some of angel's locks, and well as a brush from her own bag. "Well, I'll assume we don't have chips... maybe food? I have some crackers and cheese in my bag...not too much though."

The mare nods, a hand to her chin as she thinks. "I, um, have a handful of pretzels... and three apples..."

Rhino chips in. "I have those half a dozen cookies."

"Then that should do... if only for a bit." She watches Rhino as he sets everything up, silent for a few moments. "What do we do... when we run out? I don't really want too short a game..."

Silk shrugs. "I'm sure we'll think of something. It's not too hard to find stuff for betting." She starts brushing one lock of Angel's mane forward, always pulling it back so she can do it again.

"I suppose you're right..." She trails off, trying to think of something to keep the conversation going. All she's able to pull are blanks, however.

The pegasus is the one to break the silence. "Don't worry so much about keeping everypony talking all the time, hun. Silence is natural." She looks up to see Rhino moving furniture a bit to make more room. "Like ‘Mister Focused’ over there, immersing himself in his job so that he forgets to talk."

"I guess that makes sense..." Angel gently sighs, reaching back and placing a hand on her friend's thigh. "I really am glad you became friends with me. With us." She gestures to herself and Rhino. "I also want to say... that you're welcome over whenever you want." She giggles, jerking a thumb at the window, darkened by the stormclouds outside. "My window's always open... or, rather, unlocked."

"I do appreciate that." Silk smiles as she continues brushing. "But I'd hate to end up unintentionally peeking in on something I'm not supposed to see."

The teen barely resists the urge to turn around, her ear flicking slightly to show her interest. "Like what?"

"You know..." She switches to a different section of mane. "Like when you're not decent or you're doing something private."

"You have seen me naked before, Silk." She giggles, rubbing along the other mare's leg gently.

Rhino's ears flick up as Silk blusters slightly. "Well, yes, but it's still not one of those things you intrude on..."

"But if it's just us, then it shouldn't be a problem." She smiles warmly, continuing to caress her friend's thigh. "Besides, I kind of... like how shy you two can get. It's cute."

"Angel," Silk asks with mock seriousness as her wings shuffle behind her, "is making other ponies blush your fetish?"

"Maybe." She shrugs nonchalantly, her ear twitching slightly. "I'd say it's more of... making ponies flustered." She suddenly lights up her horn, using it to pick up a stray bottle with an apple on it and tap Rhino's shoulder.

He turns and looks at the bottle, eyes widening in recognition as he coughs awkwardly. "I.. uh... Angel, I really don't think this is the time for that..."

The pegasus peeks around her friend at this statement. "What are you talking about-" she cuts herself as her eyes widen at the sight of the bottle of lube, "Angel... you dirty girl..."

She looks from one to the other, confused. "What wr-" She freezes as she realizes just what she grabbed. She quickly tosses it into the closet, trying to hide her burning cheeks and explain herself. "I-I just wanted to get your attention. Y-your reaction to that line in the thestral chapter is still on my mind - t-that's all!" She covers her face, ashamed at her blunder.

Nopony speaks for a few minutes until Silk stops messing with Angel's mane. "And... done." The golden mane, normally a simple straight style that parts to either side of her head, is not adjusted as much as one might expect, but it's the little things the make all the difference. One side now hangs forward, teasingly covering one eye as the other now hangs and curls just in front of Angel's neck. It's subtle, but it gives that sort of model look.

She gulps, looking into the mirror from where she's sitting. She immediately brightens up, spinning around and hugging her friend eagerly. "Thank you! It looks fantastic!" Before she realizes it, she pecks the other mare on the lips and turns to Rhino, gently tapping his shoulder to get his attention. "Rhino?"

Silk has a small blush on her face as she touches a finger to her lips.

Rhino, meanwhile, turns around from setting out the last cushion. His eyes widen in shock and awe. "Wow... you look amazing... both of you do, actually. Amazing what a new manestyle does."

The pegasus lets out a quiet giggle. "Thank you..."

"I'm glad you think so!" She rocks on her hooves, running a hand through his mane. "Would you like one of us to do something with your mane while we play?"

"I'm not quite sure how you'll manage that, but sure." He sets the cards in the center. "Ready when you ladies are."

She turns to the seamstress, gesturing to Rhino. "Would you like to do him? You're better at it than I am."

Silk puts a finger to her chin. "Well... I don't really have experience with short manes that stallions are fond of... I might have an idea... but what would you do if you could? Just so I can see what that mind of yours thought about doing."

Angel taps her chin, regarding the ceiling for a moment before smiling softly. "I'd make it windswept... maybe a little less tangled than it already is..."

"Hmm... what do you think about..." She leans over, whispering the rest into her ear.

The younger mare giggles, nodding brightly. "Yes, that sounds great!" She picks up the deck, attempting to shuffle it but causing the cards to scatter on the floor, instead. She silently stares before turning to the other unicorn, shyly smiling. "Um... m-maybe you should handle that, instead?"

He looks at the two mares curiously, but shrugs after a moment, his horn lighting up as he starts picking up the cards a few at a time to make sure he doesn't miss one. He stacks them all back into a deck in no particular order, setting it down in the center again. "Well, on the bright side, they're shuffled now."

"T-true." She lowers herself to the floor, crossing her legs. A bowl with a few pretzels inside floats into her hands, and she places them off to the side. "So... how do the rules work?"

Rhino nods. "Alright, the game is basic Appleloosa Hold-em..."