Dawn Shield

by shirotora

Chapter 5: Gear Up

Chapter 5: Gear Up

That week went by in a blur for Jacob. He would wake up and give one of their new recruits two runes as directed by Midnight. Then, he would work on making out schematics for various machines and devices from Determis. After that, he would give another recruit two runes and then work on improving the machines Midnight had built. Then, he would give one more recruit runes and relax for a couple hours before bed

The first machine Jacob fixed was the communicators system. It made contacting Canterlot much easier with the video actually working. Despite being rather good with machines, the man-turned-pony was no engineer. He was trained to throw together devices in times of need that would be abandoned or destroyed shortly after, not quality goods. The only exception to this was his golems

“Alright,” Jacob said to the newest runed pony as he unstrapped him from the runepress. “Report to the Captain for training.”

“Yes, sir,” the stallion said with a salute, making his way back upstairs and out the door.

Jacob leaned back in his chair, feeling the weariness wash over him. Doing six runes a day was within his capacity, like he said, but doing it every day was starting to catch up to him. Celestia had granted the funding of the machines needed to craft mana batteries, but he still had three days before the parts were ready for him to assemble.

“Three more days of feeding the runepress myself,” Jacob said out loud. “I need a break.”

“I know just the thing!”

Jacob hollered and fell out of his chair at the sudden, unexpected exclamation. Before he even realized what was happening, he was being pulled through the air. In a swirl of movement and disorientation, he found himself plopped into a booth.

Blinking, the human tried regaining his senses. He couldn't for the life of him figure out why a workshop would have a bunch of cakes on display.

It took a bit, but it finally clicked. “How did I get to Sugar Cube Corner?”

“Me, silly,” said the now-familiar voice of Pinkie. “Remember? You were all, 'I need a break',” her voice deepened in a poor imitation, “and I was like, 'I know just the thing!', and then we came here.”

Jacob regarded her for a moment, before shrugging it off. He'd still seen weirder... Though not by much. The pink blur sped into the kitchen, nearly taking the door off its hinges. The runesmith didn't have time to wonder what she was doing as not three seconds later, Pinkie burst back in with a tray of six pastries.

“We have a few leftovers, but I didn't know what you liked, so I just got you one of each,” the pink mare said with a warm smile. “It's the least I could do for the help with the new oven. The cakes loved it, by the way.”

“I'm glad they did,” Jacob said as he grabbed an apple turnover.

One bite and his eyes widened in joyful surprise. “Dear goddess, this is the best thing ever.”

Pinkie giggled. “I'm glad you like it. Mr Cake made those before he left for his anniversary. He's, like, the most amazing baker in Equestria. I mean, I’m pretty good, but my cupcakes got nothin' on his.”

“Did you make any of these?” Jacob asked.

“The cinnamon bun.”

Jacob popped the last bit of turnover in his mouth and grabbed the gooey, spiraled sweet. It, too, was amazing. Pinkie Pie left him with his treats and went back into the kitchen to get back to work. Just as he finished the last pastry, a gray mare with a blond mane, goofy golden eyes, and a brown work shirt walked in with a clipboard in her mouth. Jacob struggled not to glomp the adorable pony.

She walked up to him and took the clipboard out of her mouth. “Jacob Corbin?”

“That's me,” he replied.

“I have a delivery from Canterlot Royal Artificers... wow. Um, sign, please.”

“Really? That’s great. I wasn’t expecting this for a few days.” Jacob signed where indicated with the offered pencil. “Alright, you know where Star Industries main office is?”

“Of course. I make deliveries there all the time.”

“Can you take it there for me?”


Jacob watched the pegasus fly out the door. That ought to make things easier.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Twenty-three out of thirty are runed and undergoing training as we speak,” Midnight said into the small screen that held the image of his superior. “I canceled the third for today. Jacob needs a little bit of a break. The strain is taking its toll on him.”

“I understand,” Celestia said. “Have him do one more in the morning and then give him the rest of tomorrow off as well. How is training?”

“Surprisingly, the unicorns seem to having the most difficulty, though none are really struggling.”

“I'm not surprised,” the princess said, much to Midnight's confusion. “Unicorns are accustom to channeling and molding mana in the same action. Pegasi and earth ponies don't need to mold, only channel, for their magic.”

Midnight nodded in understanding. “And runes only need to have mana channeled. That makes sense.

“Also, princess, I was hoping to arm the girls. Right now they only have their hooves and their runes, but that won't be enough. I had asked Rarity, but she just doesn't have enough metal or time. My sword and shield took a couple months by themselves.”

“I see. Standard issue weapons would not last, so that is not an option. Perhaps if we...” Celestia trailed off as she looked at something behind the communicator. “Are you certain?” another voice was barely audible, but it was too quiet to make out what was being said. It sounded like Luna, though. “That is very selfless of you. I suppose that is the reason you wielded Generosity.”

Celestia looked back at the screen with a warm smile. “Luna has given you permission to use her personal collection.”

Midnight cocked an eyebrow. “Why am I not surprised to hear she collects weapons?”

Luna's face pushed her sister's out of the way. “Because I am, as my dear friend Pip puts it, 'best princess'.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

The next day saw the entirety of Dawn Shield, as well as Spike and Virgil, in Canterlot Castle. The group made their way toward Princess Luna's personal vault, lead by the moon princess herself and two of her guards. Numerous flights of stairs and hallways passed by monotonously. They had seen it all numerous times, and the fine tapestries and beautiful sculptures and paintings, sadly, didn’t hold the awe they used to.

“So, why are we here?” Spike asked asked. “I mean me and Virgil. We aren't DS.”

Midnight glanced back and answered, “No, but you have ties to us and I feel it would be a good idea to ensure you are able to protect yourselves, if someone were to try to get to us, through you. Also, Virgil has asked to join, so I'm giving him a chance.”

“It is only right that I stand by my wife's side,” replied the diamond dog.

“Well, heck,” Spike said, jogging up to Midnight. “If he's joining to protect the one he loves, so am-”

“No,” Twilight interrupted.

“Uh, wh-what? Why not?” Spike asked, indignantly.

“Because you don't need to be put in danger,” Twilight answered simply.

“You just said I'm already in danger, besides Sweetie is in it, and I’m older than her.”

Twilight sighed. “Only because she's the bearer of Knowledge. If it wasn't for that, she wouldn't be DS either. Nor would Applebloom or Scootaloo, if not for their elements.”

“I'm eighteen, Twi,” Spike reminded the unicorn, his irritation showing in his voice. “I'm an adult, and have been for three years, but you still treat me like I’m eight.”

“Spike,” Midnight gave the young dragon a stern look. “This isn't the time or place. We'll discuss it in private later.”

Spike nodded his understanding and fell back to Sweetie's side. The young mare leaned over and gave a him a peck on the cheek.

“This can give you time to think of your arguments,” she told him.

Spike smiled lovingly at his fillyfriend and put his claw on the back of her neck, scratching just where he knew she liked.

“Ah,” Luna said as a rather plain, unassuming door came into view. “Here we are.” Luna turned toward the group and said with a stern, serious voice, “What is in here is more precious to me than any other material thing. Touch nothing.”

With her warning delivered, she turned and inserted her horn into the magic lock. Recognizing her magical signature, the security device disengaged, allowing the door to swing open. Luna went in first, followed by her guard and finally the others filed in.

Everypony, dragon, and dog could only stare in wide eyed wonder at the artifacts around them. It wasn't paintings, sculptures, or treasures of gold that greeted them. The room was filled with true treasure; a couple cribs, some high chairs, toys, foal's drawings. Several photographs adorned one wall. Most depicted Luna, but there were a total of three different stallions beside her, never in the same picture. Also with her were foals, a total of five; Two with the first stallion, one with the second, and two with the last.

It was no secret that Celestia and Luna had taken husbands and had foals before, but few alive had ever seen them with their families. The last time one of the princesses had taken a lover had been, Silver Quill, a famous writer from just over a hundred years ago.

The photograph that drew everyone's attention, though, was one with a single unicorn mare and two foals. The mare’s off white coat and red mane were rather stunning, and the look of happiness was heartwarming, but it was the foals that drew their attention the most. Two young fillies, both seemed about the same age, were beaming beneath. One was a brilliant white with a long pink mane while the other was a deep indigo with a shorter midnight blue mane.

“Princess, is this you?” Twilight asked.

Luna smiled warmly at the image. “Yes, that is my sister and I with our mother.”

Twilight looked at the picture in confusion. “Princess, exactly how much younger are you than princess Celestia?”

“Twenty minutes, why?”

Shocked expressions were suddenly standard among those present.

“You two are twins?” Pinkie asked.

“Yes, why?”

Applejack was the next to remember Equish. “But you always call 'er 'big sister'.”

Luna giggled. “That's because, despite our equal age, she has always been more... mature.”

“So, she's more the 'big sister' in spirit than body,” Sweetie offered.

“That's an excellent way to put it, yes,” Luna said. “Come. Our destination is beyond this door.”

She opened a door along the far wall and stepped through. The others followed and looked around. The room they found themselves in couldn't be more different than the last. Where the previous room was full of heartwarming feelings and fond memories, this room was filled with tools meant to stab, slash, and crush.

“I have pondered on which weapon you would be best suited to wield, and I believe I have come to the proper decisions.” The moon raiser's horn lit up. “First, for you, Twilight, I have selected this,” A poll-arm with a long, curved blade floated over to the purple unicorn. “The glaive of Archmage Nexus, the same who aided in my defeat after I fell to the nightmare.

“For Applejack, the ax of Stone Cleaver, commander of the fourth ranger division, and a distant ancestor of the Apple family.” A large bearded ax floated to the farmer.

“Thank you kindly, princess.”

“For Rainbow Dash, the war scythes of commander Hurricane. I trust you know whom he is?” A pair of short handled polearms made their way to the pegasus, their curved, double edged blades folded into the shaft.

“Whoa! This is so cool!”

“Pinkie was a difficult one, but I believe I have chosen well; The Fangs of Ta'lil.” A pair of daggers with black, curved blades were given to the hyper mare. “These have an enchantment that pierces most defensive magic.”

“I guess that would be a surprise.”

“Fluttershy, Midnight told me your fighting style is reminiscent of some of the animals you care for, so I chose something a bit more bestial.” A pair of clawed hoof coverings were laid before the shy pegasus. “The claws of my dear friend and captain, Dohi Waya, who stood by my side against Celestia even though he knew what I was doing was wrong. He never stopped trying to convince me to stop fighting.”

“O-oh my. They look... sharp.”

“Rarity... I'll let Midnight take this one.” Luna smirked as she threw a glance at the mentioned pony, as he accepted a strange device from the princess. Some kind of long metal object.

Midnight cleared his throat and began. “This is the M-323 Overwatch, a sniper rifle from my former world. It was one of the few things recovered from the camp Jacob told us about. This will allow you to remain at a distance and cover us, as well as give important intelligence on enemy movement and tactics. Your eye for detail is why you're the best one to fill this role.” He hoofed it over to the fashionista, who received it gratefully.

“Just so long as you assist me in making this dreadful looking thing as fabulous as the one using it.”

Luna Smiled and turned toward the team's medic. “Redheart, your roll is medical, so a weapon is not needed, though healing in the midst of battle is a dangerous feat.” Luna magiced a rather large round shield to the nurse. “This is called a 'smart shield'. It is enchanted to detect and intercept threats automatically allowing you to focus on treating the wounded.”

“Thank you, princess.”

“Blue Streak. Being a scout and thus not one to enter combat, I give you this.” She presented him with a long, smooth metal staff. “It belonged to a scout named Ash Cloud. He called it his 'boom stick'. You simply strike the staff against any surface and it emits a flash and a bang that blinds and disorients all but its wielder.”


Luna turned toward the Crusaders and chuckled at Scootaloo's continued attempts to look at Rainbow's weapons for her again. “You three I had to give extra consideration. Being the Elements of Order, you will likely see more violence than the others, so I needed to find something that will serve you in your future trials.”

She looked at Sweetie first. “You took some thought but I believe I found the one for you.” A spider silk belt with a long, light sword. “This rapier once belonged to one Scarlet Dress, an assassin. It is light, and quick. Though not as powerful as some of the larger weapons, it has a dagger’s precision, with a sword’s range.”


“Scootaloo, you were by far the easiest to decide on. I needed something fast that doesn't sacrifice power.” A sword with a long curved blade was given to the filly. “This belonged to Blood Feather, a griffin mercenary, and is an ancient griffin weapon called a katana.”

“Awesome, Sweetie, gimme your eyes for a sec.”

While the orange pegasus posed for herself with her new ‘toy’, Luna gave her guards a nod. They ran off to an adjacent room, and the royal turned to the last pony. “Applebloom. I have something special for you.” A loud screeching sound came from the room the guards entered, making everyone jump. “Long ago, there was a great minotaur warlord named Tremor.” Another screech. “He was called that because his presence on the battlefield would cause the very earth to tremble.” Yet another screech, this one obviously closer. “He carved a bloody path through the world until my sister and I were able to subdue him.” Another screech and the guards were back in the armory, dragging something with them. Luna went to them and with one last heave, the three pulled a warhammer in with them. It was solid black and about as long as a pony with a head a big as a dog, one side tapering into a wedge shape. “This was his weapon, God Crusher. It is said it was forged in the heart of a dying star. Whatever the case, it is incredibly heavy and immune to outside magic.

“Outside magic?” Twilight asked, noticing the choice of words.

“It is a bonded weapon.” Luna looked at Applebloom. “If you can lift it over your head, it will recognize you as its master and will come at your call, wherever you are.”

Luna smirked as the guard behind her laughed quietly.

“Is that all?” the filly said as she just pranced over.

“Watch out, little girl,” one of the guards said, trying to sound as if hes giving an honest warning. “Don't hurt yourself.”

Applebloom grinned and, with one hoof, lifted the weapon over her head where it shined ever so slightly and brought it to rest on her whither. She gave the gaping guards a smug grin as she turned and called back, “I'll be careful.”

Luna snickered and turned to the final two. “Because you aren't members of Dawn Shield, at least not yet, your weapons will be something a little more suited to training and self defense as opposed to war.

“Virgil,” Luna levitated a metal quarter staff to the canine's waiting paws, “this is called a shock rod. It emits a non-lethal dose of high-voltage, low-current electricity, disabling your opponent with as little injury as possible.”

“Thank you, your highness.”

“Spike,” Luna turned toward the drake, floating a short spear with a broad, blood-red tip, “you shall wield this. It was originally made for dragons to slay dragons.”

Spike looked at the weapon in disgust, but Luna explained, “They were originally made during the dragon war. Have you heard of the Dragoons?”

Spike's eyes widened. “Have I heard of them? They were only the greatest dragon warriors to ever serve the crown! They were legends! Even dragons that fought against them admire them for their strength and ferocity.”

Luna smiled down at him. “Though not actually wielded by a dragoon, that weapon was made using the same methods and enchantments, only much smaller. The enchantments use your own natural magic to fuel powerful offensive and defensive magic.”

“I read all about them. Thank you princess.”

“I'm sure you will use it wisely. Now, one last weapon we need to see to.” Luna turned toward the Captain of the Dawn Shield. “Midnight, unless you already have another in the making, the golems you possess will be of little use in a battle like what is to come.”

Midnight pondered the question for a second before answering, “Yes, but to make one that is powerful enough, I would need a lot of help. I doubt anyone other than Jacob is competent enough with machines to be of any help.”

“I would disagree,” Luna said with a knowing grin. “There is an expert in automatons here in Canterlot. He and his wife own a shop and are often hired by my sister and I for various reasons.” The indigo royal levitated a piece of paper to the stallion. “This is his address as well as directions.”

Midnight sighed. “Very well, your highness, I'll see if he's up to snuff.”

“Very good.” Luna walked past him and the others, leading them out of her personal vault. After they stepped out and Luna locked the door, she spoke again. “Oh, and Midnight. Just a warning, but they can be a bit... Eccentric.”

“Well then, it's a good thing I live in Ponyville.”