Starswirl's Journal

by AlesFlamas

Entry #60 August 12, 2190

Night Eleven of Attempted Application:

Success! Great Success! I have done it! Not only have I conquered my insomnia, but I am the first unicorn in nigh on a millennium to develop an entirely new spell that doesn't rely upon the mixture and application of some salve or similar substance therein. Actually, now that I think about it, those aren't exactly spells, more potions really. Whoever developed our system of spell classification obviously wasn't thinking clearly. But I digress.

Now that I've had the greatest night's sleep that I've had in months, I feel inclined to begin work on even more spells. But what to work on, what to make. . . and where will I find the time?

Orich actually isn't such a bad fellow when you get to know him. He seems to share many of my interests, in relations to magic, though he himself cannot cast any. And in relation to my still ongoing occupation as court fool. . . well to say the least, his sense of humor is lewd. I didn't even know you could make jokes about a mare's private parts like that. I mean really. And all those analogies about swords and hilts. . . eugghh.