
by bass-and-the-siren8976

Plan of Action? What Plan of Action?

"No- I- I'm not a mistake- I-" Derpy screamed before a warm heat enveloped her. She opened her eyes, a blue mare hugging her "T-Trixie-"

"Your not a mistake." Trixie stood up, her back to Derpy "Nopony is ever a mistake. Thank you for the blanket..."

Trixie cleared her throat "I- The Great and Powerful Trixie is leaving to meet Sparkler outside, meet us when you are ready."

Derpy rubbed her eyes as Trixie opened the trap door and climbed up.

"Oh good morning Derpy." Sparkler looked at the mare, her map back in her hooves.

"Hiya Sparkly!" Derpy grinned, Trixie eyeing her carefully as she put her hat back on her head.

"What is the plan today, then?" Trixie walked over behind Sparkler to look at the map.

"Well Vixie," Trixie rolled her eyes, not even bothering to try again " Actually I don't know... The blast was pretty big, it went down the mountains so Canterlot isn't the only city destroyed most likely... Derpy, can you fly up and tell me if you see anywhere not... well in ruins?"

Derpy saluted clumsily before flying up in a twirling pattern "Um... Ponyville's pretty bad... I think Manehattan is OK... It's really hard to tell from this far though!"

Trixie looked over the map "So... Manehattan then?"

Sparkler sighed and passed the map to Trixie, who placed it into her cape for safekeeping "I suppose... but first, we should head to the castle, I left my saddlebag. I have some books in there that might help I think..."

Derpy flew down "To the castle then? OK!"

Trixie picked up the street light she had left outside the theater causing Sparkler to look at her "Just in case there are more... things."

As they walked, Sparkler sighed "I got up yesterday and looked outside.. the moon was up."

Derpy cheered "So the princess' are-"

Trixie sighed "That doesn't make sense, we know there not dead but- where are they?"

"What if it's hide and seek?" Derpy narrowed her eyes looking around.

"I don't think they'd destroy Canterlot for hide and seek." Sparkler pushed open the small gate of the garden which fell over.

"Let's just get the saddlebag and then get out of here." Trixie stepped over the gate looking around the gardens.

Sparkler trotted to where she had been yesterday, the bag under a rock "Yes!" she lifted the rock with her magic and quickly pulled out the bag.

"Is it always so empty?" Trixie deadpanned.

There were only two books, a quill, ink, and a crystal she used for lighting left "Of course... why wouldn't it be like this..."

The books in question were her pink planner and a book entitled "Spells of the Old- Volume 1".

"Wha-" Sparkler opened the book "I don't own this!"

Derpy pulled out a sticky note from the inside cover "Uh... You should read this when you get the time. You'll need it now. Sincerely PD. PS. This is only really useful for the two unicorns, huh? Derpy will get her gift later. I'm sorry, this is all I can do, I'm busy with my own things."

Trixie thought for a second "PD?"

Sparkler tucked everything into her bags before throwing it onto her back "We'll figure out who PD is later! We've got to get moving! Vixie! Can you see if there are any chariots or carriages left in the castle?"

"Fine." Trixie trotted of as Sparkler remembered to open her planner, using the quill she scribbled in Get to Manehattan, find other ponies.

"I found one!" Trixie walked back with a small carriage attached to her back "I don't think it's a royal chariot. It's kinda more like a cart..." it had four small wooden pillars going up in the corners, connected to a small wooden roof draped in green fabric, a small built in seating are inside the cart.

"That's fine." Sparkler piled into the carriage "We'll take turns driving. Vixie goes first."

"What!" Trixie huffed.

"Who ever say 'not it' last then!" Derpy suggested.

"1,2....3~" Derpy chimed.

"Not it!" Sparkler closed her planner.

"Not it!" Derpy sat down.

"Not- dang it..." And with a small grunt, Trixie began pulling the cart down the street, away from the castle "There better be something in Manehattan."

"I hope so." Sparkler sighed.

"Incoming!" Derpy pulled out her cannon again just as a small pack of timberwolves ran towards them.

"WHY!!" Sparkler held her head in her hooves "THEY DON'T EVEN COME HERE!"

Trixie laughed and whispered to herself "No wonder people mistake you for Twilight Sparkle..."