
by Razalon The Lizardman

Bloody Wrap Up

Frank and Sandy were sitting in a couple of chairs by Twilight's bed where James was resting, making sure to keep a close eye on him after what had happened earlier, when the lavender mare and the others materialized behind them soundlessly.

"Sandy? Frank?" Twilight said, drawing both their attention.

"Oh, howdy Twilight," Sandy muttered very unenthusiastically.

"Yeah, hi," Frank said, not much chipper than Sandy.

"Are you guys alright?" Yugi asked them. "Aza said one of those giant worm creatures was terrorizing you guys and James."

"Yeah," Sandy replied with a nod, "but that ain't all of what's been buggin' us lately."

"What do you mean?" Celestia asked.

Frank pointed toward the room's balcony. "Take a look," he said.

The group turned as one to the balcony, then briefed a concerned glance back to Frank and Sandy before stepping out onto it and peering down at the ground. Celestia and Twilight both recoiled at the sight that greeted them while Samus, Yugi, and Ryuk just watched it with interest.

Most of the zombie horde had since dispersed after Frank, Sandy, and James retreated inside Golden Oaks out of their sight. The ones that stayed, however, were left victim to the worm monster which had already managed to thin out the horde by a considerable amount. Whereas before there were zombies by the dozens swarming Golden Oaks' trunk, now there was but a scant few numbering in the single digits with a couple being dragged into the monster worm's mouth by its snake-like tongues, which the impromptu audience above got to see in explicit detail.

"Now I'm glad we can't eat anything while we're here," Twilight remarked as she watched the scene unfold, her face turning a light shade of green.

"I concur, Twilight," Celestia said, grimacing as the worm retreated underground with its undead prey. "My heart goes out to both the people whom those zombies used to be, as well as the citizens of this alternate Equestria for having to deal with those subterranean monsters."

"That's very nice of you to say, Celestia."

The group turned to see that Frank had joined them in watching the carnage on the ground. His face had a neutral expression, though everyone guessed the photojournalist had a lot of mixed thoughts in his mind, the emotions of which he was doing his best not to let show to them.

The group stared at him for a few moments before returning to watch the shambling corpses littering the streets of Ponyville around the library. They kept this up for a while before Samus primed her arm cannon.

"Well, if no one else is going to do something about these eyesores," she said, hoisting herself up onto the balcony's ledge, "then leave it to me; I'll take care of these rotting bastards swiftly and without mercy."

"Are you sure you'll be okay, Samus?" Yugi asked, plainly concerned. "What'll you do about that giant worm creature if it decides to attack you?"

From behind her helmet's visor, Samus smiled coyly. "Don't worry about me," she said, and patted one side of her suit, "this thing's got a specially-designed weapon for any and every type of enemy." She looked out over the streets of Ponyville, surveying her soon-to-be dead again victims. "Aside from that overgrown earthworm I can take out all of these guys with just my arm cannon, and I've got a plan in mind for how to deal with it as well if it attacks me."

"Alright then," Celestia said with a nod, "we'll leave you to it, but please be careful all the same."

Samus replied with a nod herself, then proceeded to leap off the balcony and to the ground below, just aside the group of zombies still hovering around Golden Oaks. The sound of shots firing down below began while the rest of the group made their way back inside.

"So," Frank said, eyeing Ryuk with interest, "who's the new guy?"

"Yeah," Sandy said as she scrutinized the god of death, "just who are you?"

Ryuk turned to Twilight, silently asking for permission to let them know. The lavender unicorn nodded her approval, and Ryuk floated over to Frank, his hand outstretched.

"Whoa pal," Frank said, holding his hands up defensively, "ever heard of personal space?"

Ryuk chuckled. "Twilight isn't the only one here that can impart memories onto others, which is what I'm trying to do right now." He tilted his head curiously. "Do you have haphephobia or something?"

Frank sighed. "No," he replied, and beckoned him closer, "get on with it."

Ryuk complied and closed the distance between them. He then reached out and lightly touched Frank's forehead with a single digit, select memories imparting a moment later. Frank, like most of everyone else, momentarily stared wide-eyed in alarm before settling down and looking at the death god with a neutral expression. Ryuk then did the same for Sandy, to which the squirrel reacted the same as Frank.

"Now then," Ryuk said once done, turning to the sleeping form of James Bond on Twilight's bed, "what about him?"

"Leave him alone for now," Frank said, waving a dismissive hand in James' direction. "He's not ready for another shock after what he's been through."

Twilight frowned. "What happened to him?" she asked, concerned.

"The poor fella plum near went crazy after seein' them zombies outside," Sandy explained, looking downcast. "He's the one that ended up lurin' them over here by tryin' ta shoot 'em all dead again."

"I suppose it's to be expected," Celestia said, turning to the sleeping spy with a pitying expression. "From what he's told us, it sounds as if such a threat as the living dead is non-existent where he's from, so to see it now must've dealt a huge blow to his sanity."

"Definitely," Frank said with a nod, turning to James himself, "and it was so great he passed out just a little while ago." He then turned to Twilight with a wry expression. "You don't mind if he uses your bed, do you?"

Twilight smiled and shook her head. "I don't mind, and I'm sure that this Equestria's version of me wouldn't either." She turned to face James herself. "He can stay as long as he needs to."

"Good to hear," Sandy replied, looking a bit exasperated, "'cause Ah've got a feelin' he's gonna be there fer a while."

"Well, a while can't be more than what would equate to five or six hours if time existed here," Aza said, catching everyone by surprise momentarily, "because that's when the next Council happens, so I suggest you cure him of his mental instability as quick as you can."

Everyone briefly frowned upwards before turning to James. The British spy slept soundly in Twilight's bed, his chest rising and falling at a rhythmic pace and his breathing coming out regularly. He looked, for all intents and purposes, at peace, and everyone was extremely hesitant to break him out of such a state. Everyone remained silent for a short while until Frank spoke up.

"Well, we've got plenty of time to do that." He turned to Twilight. "But for now, can we talk, Twilight?"

The lavender mare returned his gaze with a small smile. "Sure, Frank," she replied. "What about?"

". . . Can we talk in private?" Frank sheepishly replied back.

Twilight's smile fell into a frown. "Um, well . . . okay; how's downstairs sound?"

"That's okay," Frank answered, and began making way toward the staircase.

"Wait, Twilight," Celestia said, drawing everyone's attention. The solar alicorn approached her student and charged up her horn, summoning the Element of Magic a second later. Celestia floated the tiara over to Twilight, and continued. "Before we're interrupted again, what's your answer to my proposal?"

Twilight stared at the tiara for but a few seconds before smiling and taking it in her own magic. She then floated it over her head and set it down. A soft glow immediately shined from it, signaling Magic's acceptance of its 'new' bearer.

"Thanks, Twilight," Celestia said, doing her best not to start crying tears of joy.

"You're welcome, princess," Twilight said softly, then turned back to Frank. "Okay, let's go."

Frank nodded, and the two quickly disappeared down the staircase. The remaining five did and said nothing for several moments, only the sounds of Samus' distant cannon fire breaking the silence. Finally, Ryuk turned back to James and spoke up.

"Well, I guess we've got nothing else to do other than wake him up." He turned to everyone individually for a brief moment, searching for an eager face among them. "Any volunteers?"

No one said anything for several long moments, which irritated Ryuk despite his face not showing it. "Fine, I'll do it," he said, and began approaching the bed. "But who knows how he'll react to seeing a Shinigami when he wakes up."

"On second thought," Celestia said, quickly stepping in front of him, "I'll do it."

"That's the spirit," Ryuk said, more condescending than jovial in tone.

Celestia looked him square in the eyes. "Just make sure he doesn't see you until I've had a chance to reassure him."

Ryuk nodded and floated up through the ceiling, which startled everyone briefly before returning their attention to Celestia. Everyone watched as she approached the bed and gently nudged the sleeping spy with her muzzle. He stirred lightly, but didn't wake up. Celestia nudged him a little harder, and James groaned before finally cracking an eye partially open.

"James?" Celestia said soothingly. "Are you okay?"

He slowly opened his eyes the rest of the way and sat up. James then took a moment to rub the sleep from his eyes before focusing on Celestia. "What happened?" he groaned.

The solar alicorn smiled wryly. "It seems you suffered quite the psychological breakdown upon witnessing Ponyville's newest visitors," she replied.

James stared confusedly at her before a look of realization crossed his face. "Ah yes, the living dead," he said, trying and failing to sound totally non-chalant. "Not something I'm used to seeing, of course."

"As I figured," Celestia replied. She then wrapped a wing around his body. "Are you okay now, though? Can your sanity stay strong from here on out?"

James sighed and hung his head. "I'm out of my element in dealing with such a threat." Celestia retracted her wing as James laid back on the bed. "I honestly doubt I could stay strong under current circumstances."

Celestia frowned. She was about to provide a counterargument when Yugi beat her to the punch.

"You managed to stay strong when you first arrived here," he said with a soft smile while approaching the bed. "Sure things are a little more dangerous right now, but isn't that what spies live for?"

James let out a small laugh. "Being a spy entails many things that would spell death for the reckless or uninformed." He turned to face away from everyone. "This, however, is above and beyond anything I thought I'd ever have to face in my career." He sighed. "For once in my life, I don't feel up to the task at hand."

"Ah, quit yer whinin'!" Sandy chastised him with a furrowed gaze. "Y'all can take down baddies plottin' world domination but get scared by a couple'a walkin' corpses? Get the anchors outta yer pants and help Samus outside!"

James sighed in irritation. Sandy just rolled her eyes and stormed off to the balcony, leaving Yugi and Celestia alone with him.

"You know, James," Yugi said, almost as softly as Celestia as he held up the Millennium Puzzle around his neck, "I felt the same way the first time I completed the Millennium Puzzle and realized what fate had in store for me and my friends." He smiled wryly. "To be perfectly honest, I thought I'd signed my own death warrant at first."

James shifted uncomfortably in the bed while Celestia briefly turned her attention to Yugi as he continued. "But I realized quickly that the more support I got from my friends, the better a chance I had at overcoming whatever challenges fate threw our way. The same holds true now, because no matter what Aza decides to hit us with we'll all have each other to help shoulder the load."

Yugi smiled warmly as he continued still. "I don't expect you to help with the zombies outside after what you've gone through, but we'll need your help in the future. Just know that we'll return that help in kind, always."

James said nothing in response for several moments, all the while Yugi and Celestia waited anxiously for him to do so. They hoped that the British spy would come to his senses and realize that he wasn't useless in the current situation.

"I see you're quite skilled at pep talks, Yugi," he finally said, and turned to face them with a smile. "I won't lie and say that your words haven't made an effect on me, but I would prefer to stay inside for now." He lifted up part of the bed covers. "If, for no other reason, than this bed being too comfy for me to part with it."

Celestia fought back hard the urge to snort out a laugh while Yugi just maintained his kind smile. "That's okay," he said, briefly glancing at the bed with interest before returning his gaze to James. "One last thing; we need to introduce Aza's newest victim to you."

"So you do," James replied with a nod. "Well, bring them in then."

"Be warned, though," Celestia said, looking rather nervous, "he's rather creepy at first glance, and his background may seem alarming at first. Rest assured, though, that he is indeed an ally of ours." She looked upwards. "Ryuk, are you still there?"

The Shinigami phased through the ceiling of Twilight's bedroom. James looked up and could only raise a curious brow at the newcomer.

"I see you weren't kidding about the 'creepy' part," he mused.

"Believe me, there's Shinigami much scarier than me where I come from," Ryuk said with a chuckle. He held up a clawed hand to James' forehead. "How about if I show you?"

James wasn't given time to protest as Ryuk touched a finger to his forehead, instantly imparting his select memories into the spy's brain. Yugi and Celestia winced in anticipation of James' reaction to knowing what Ryuk was, hoping he didn't have another nervous breakdown as a result.

To their immense relief, James only looked briefly shocked before tilting his head curiously. "So, you can kill people just by writing their name down in a book?" he asked.

"In a Death Note," Ryuk clarified, "and there's a lot of rules to take into account when using one, but yeah, that's the basic gist of it."

James smiled and shook his head before laying it down on the pillow. "What's next, I wonder?" he said out loud, possibly so Aza could clearly hear him.

The sentient universe didn't speak next, however; Celestia did.

"Well, I'm glad to see that things are looking brighter for us."

"Yeah," Ryuk said. He then began floating toward the balcony. "I'm gonna go watch Samus."

"And I'm finding myself quite tired all of a sudden," James added as he turned his head to one side again. "Wake me when it's time for Council."

Once again silence descended upon Twilight's bedroom, with only the echoes of Samus' shots being audible once again.

"So, what do we do now?" Yugi asked Celestia.

The solar alicorn turned to him with a neutral expression. "Actually, Yugi," she said, her tone perfectly calm, "I would like to speak with you in private for a moment."

Yugi tilted his head. "About what?" he asked her.

"Come," Celestia replied, gesturing with her head toward the bathroom. She began walking toward it, only to stop and turn back when Yugi didn't follow.

Celestia frowned before the blush on his face made her realize why he was hesitating and she giggled. "Don't worry, Yugi; I only ask that we talk in the lavatory because it's the one room that's currently unoccupied."

Yugi's blush relaxed and he sighed. "Right, sorry," he replied, and scurried after her. Celestia held the door open for him before stepping inside herself and closing it.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Yugi asked, taking a seat on the bathtub's rim.

"Something that I've been formulating ever since Aza brought this alternate Equestria into itself," Celestia replied as she sat down upon the shag carpet adorning the floor. She maintained a serene expression as she continued. "I already made the offer to Samus, and just now Twilight accepted it as well."

"You mean the thing with the Elements?" Yugi asked.

Celestia nodded. "Yes, and now I'd like to make the same offer to you." She charged up her horn and summoned the box containing the remaining Elements of Harmony. Using her magic to open it, she levitated out the Element of Kindness.

"Wow, really?" Yugi asked, taken aback in surprise. "But why me specifically?

"An Element of Harmony can only be wielded by someone who exhibits its associated trait to a notable degree," Celestia replied, letting the corners of her mouth turn upwards. "After your impressive display of compassion toward James just now, I have little doubt that you can wield the Element of Kindness, Yugi."

She levitated the necklace over to him and he grasped it in his hands. "Just put it around your neck," Celestia continued, "and if it glows then Kindness has judged you to be worthy of possessing it."

"Okay," Yugi said, and lifted it to his neck, making sure to avoid clasping it around the strap securing the Millennium Puzzle to his neck. He locked it in place, and soon after Kindness let off a bright glow like Magic had done earlier.

"I thought so," Celestia said with a smile, nodding in satisfaction. "Now we're that much closer to having a full set of bearers; only Generosity and Laughter remain."

Yugi stared at Kindness in thought for a moment before turning back up to Celestia. "So, does this mean I'm officially part of your alliance now? he asked.

"Indeed it does," Celestia confirmed. "However, don't think you're bound by my rules or anything of the sort; we all have equal authority here." She looked forlorn for a brief moment as she spoke this.

Yugi let his eyes wander down to the Millennium Puzzle hanging below Kindness. The pharaoh had listened to the entire exchange, but hadn't said anything or reacted in any noticeable way to Celestia's offer.

". . . Celestia?"

"Yes, Yugi?"

"Is this offer for both me and the pharaoh, or just me alone?"

Celestia frowned. "What do you mean?"

Yugi sighed, and met her concerned gaze. "I'm asking if you consider both of us allies, or just me alone?"

Celestia stared blankly for a few moments, trying to figure out the meaning behind Yugi's question. When it finally dawned on her, however, Celestia couldn't help but give a small smile.

"I take it you're worried about what I think of the pharaoh now after the Shadow Game, right?" she asked.

Yugi nodded in reply.

"Don't fret over whether my thoughts toward the pharaoh are different now because of one questionable action, Yugi." Celestia shook her head. "Besides, all turned out well in the end, didn't it?"

"Yeah, it did," Yugi replied, some trepidation in his tone.

"Then all is good," Celestia affirmed, standing up and turning to face the door. "And to answer your question, the offer extends to the pharaoh as well as you."

Yugi smiled. "Thanks, Celestia," he said.

Celestia nodded. "Well then," she said, opening the bathroom door, "if you need me, I'll be keeping watch over Samus in case she finds herself in trouble." She stepped out, leaving the bathroom door open.

I'm rather surprised Celestia was willing to make such an offer after what I did to her and Twilight.

Yeah, I was kinda surprised too, but at least we know now that she doesn't hold resentment for what you did.

Because she said the offer extended to both of us?


I hope you're right, then, because there'll come a time when I have to wear Kindness myself and she'll have to see me as an ally in your stead.

I'm positive she'll be willing to do that.

We'll see, Yugi, we'll see.

"So let me get this straight," Twilight said from where she stood, the barricade still up meaning she and Frank had nothing to sit down on, "you've got parasites in your bloodstream that'll turn you into a zombie if left unsuppressed for too long?"

Frank, leaning against one of the tree's wooden walls, eyeing the interior indifferently, nodded his head. "Pretty much, yes," he said. "Though, as long as Aza doesn't let time pass here they won't be able to grow, so there's no reason for us to panic yet."

"'Yet'," Twilight repeated, and leveled a furrowed gaze at him, a slight scowl crossing her features. "Why didn't you tell us this when we first met?"

Frank sighed. "Because we didn't know all of what was happening then," he replied, keeping his expression neutral while returning Twilight's gaze. "Besides, if I told you I was a walking liability, no, a walking biohazard, would you or anyone else have wanted anything to do with me?"

Twilight pondered this for a moment before visibly relaxing her face and sheepishly rubbing the back of her head. "Probably not," she admitted. "But why are you telling me this now, and why me alone?"

"Because I've got a favor to ask of you," Frank replied, looking very serious, and slightly hopeful. "Can you fix me with your magic? If not, I've got another favor to ask of you."

"And what would the second favor be?" Twilight asked.

"Vote me out."


"You heard me," Frank replied, exasperation clear in his voice. "Aza could let time pass whenever it wants, and it wouldn't take long after that before I'm a shambling corpse like the ones outside." Frank gestured with his head towards the barricade, and the zombies that lumbered around Ponyville still getting picked off by Samus on the other side of it. "Better to be safe than sorry, after all. So, can you do it, are am I gonna be getting my torch snuffed tonight?"

Twilight scuffed a hoof across the floor while looking downcast. "Most spells are made to serve a single function, and I know for a fact that none exist for such a case as yours." She sighed. "I'm sorry Frank, but take solace in knowing that I'd waste no time curing you if I was able to."

"I'll take solace in knowing that I'm not putting anyone in danger, regardless of how that's achieved," Frank replied, smiling softly.

Twilight stared solemnly back at him. "Thanks, Frank," she said softly. "I'll talk to everyone else about voting you out tonight."

Frank nodded in acceptance as the shots from outside ceased. He then stood up to stretch before making way toward the front door barricade. "Sounds like Samus is finished," he said. "Let's put this stuff back."

Twilight nodded in agreement. She began heading toward the barricade herself when she caught sight of something in her eye's corner on the bookshelf; a misaligned book.

Odd, she thought, I know all these books were aligned properly the last time I was in here.

Twilight changed direction and approached the book. She was about to push it back into place with a hoof when she caught sight of its title, and promptly froze stiff.

HUMAN? Why is it . . . wait, did someone take it out to read!? Panic gripped her as she began fantasizing about who could've done such a thing, as well as whether any of the actual humans among the group knew that she and her friends had written it. Even if it was her alternate self's possession, it wouldn't take much to figure out that she'd also written it back in her own Equestria.

Maybe it doesn't matter, she eventually reasoned. Anything can exist in the multiverse, even metaphysical links to other parts of it. Surely they'll understand that it isn't a big deal.

She lifted her hoof up to push it back into place, then hesitated. She stood there in silence, the only audible sound being Frank shifting furniture around behind her. Finally, after what felt like forever, she lowered her hoof and used her magic to pull the book out of its place.

I'd better be safe, though, she thought, and made way toward the basement.

Twilight pushed in the doorlock leading to Golden Oaks' basement and opened it. She then tossed the book in with her magic and closed the door again. Feeling more relieved now, she began helping Frank dismantle the barricade.

Ryuk and Sandy watched from the balcony as Samus unleashed her assault upon the shambling corpses stalking the streets of Ponyville. The hunter fired upon the zombies mercilessly, not stopping until each one slumped over re-dead, with or without their head intact. Blood splattered everywhere, easily visible against the bright green grass, and fleshy chunks of some of Samus' more unlucky targets littered the ground for meters in all directions.

Princess Celestia stayed up in the air, keeping a watchful eye out for any stragglers Samus missed, as well as the worm creature they'd encountered before. The subterranean monster hadn't been seen since the group arrived, and the longer it went unseen the greater the sinking feeling in Celestia's stomach became as she thought something bad was in store for them.

Eventually, Samus popped the head of what appeared to be the last remaining zombie and knelt down to catch her breath. Fallen zombie corpses were scattered all up and down the main street of Ponyville, and the smell was so strong that had she not been wearing her helmet Samus would've undoubtedly gagged.

"I believe that's the last of them!" Celestia called from above, drawing the hunter's attention. "Let's head back to Golden Oaks and inform everyone!"

Samus nodded and stood up before beginning the task of stepping around slain corpses to reach the library. She hadn't taken more than twenty steps before a sudden rumbling emanated through the ground, causing her to stumble a bit before regaining balance.

"Is something the matter!?" Celestia called down to Samus, the knot in her stomach tightening as fear gripped her.

Samus flashed a thumbs up to her, only to immediately flail as the ground beneath her collapsed and she fell into an enormous pit below.

"Samus!" Celestia shouted, and quickly descended to the pit's edge and peered over the side. "Are you okay?"

Samus took a moment to get to her feet before nodding her head. She then looked at the earthen walls of the pit around her in confusion. "Where did this come from?" she asked through the helmet, just barely audible to Celestia's ears.

"I'm not sure," the solar alicorn replied. She then charged up her horn and enveloped Samus in her magic. "I'll get you out, Samus, just hold on tight!"

Samus nodded again and didn't struggle as Celestia began levitating the hunter out of the pit. Suddenly, one of the worm monster's snake-like tongues shot out of the wall and latched onto Samus' ankle.

"Samus!" Celestia shouted. "Hang on!"

She began increasing the strength of her telekinesis, pouring every last iota of magic she had into her pull. But just as Samus was being lifted up again the monster's two other tongues also shot out and wrapped around Samus' waist, quickly pulling the hunter toward the earthen wall. Celestia didn't let up, however, and only kept increasing her magical output to match the monster's physical strength.

Samus soon found herself in a tug-of-war between the alicorn and the worm, with neither side willing to hand her over to the other. All the while they pulled, Samus herself contemplated the best course of action.

Okay, what are my options here? I know my suit can withstand most digestive tracts, so if I end up getting eaten by this bastard I'll be fine. Then again, I don't know if this thing is special in that regard. Okay, time to- oh yeah, it's hiding in the dirt. Crap, so much for using my scanner.

Samus was briefly jostled from her thoughts when Celestia's grip on her loosened, allowing the monster to pull her closer to the earthen wall.

"Urgh," the solar alicorn grunted, sweat pouring from her brow as she kept pulling with all her might. "Don't . . . worry, Samus; I've . . . got this."

Doesn't look like it, Samus thought as she inched closer to the dirt wall where the oversized worm waited to consume her. Looks like I'm gonna have to kill this thing right here and now. Alright, what should I use?

By now Samus was just a scant few inches from the earthen wall, the snake-tongues' 'heads' being all that was visible of them. Celestia was on her knees at this point, no longer able to stand as both the combined stench of so many slain zombies around her and the strain of prolonged telekinesis put an extra heavy burden on both her mind and body. Nevertheless, she continued pouring every last bit of strength into pulling with her magic.

"Celestia," Samus said, to which the solar alicorn could barely hear under all the strain she currently felt, "I need you to let go of me."

"No, Samus," Celestia grunted. "I won't let you go."

"I've got a plan to kill this thing," Samus argued, "but I need you to let go of me for it to work."

"How certain are you that it will work if I do?" Celestia asked. She could feel the last of her strength slipping away as she spoke.

Though the solar alicorn couldn't see it, Samus smiled coyly behind her helmet. "I'm one hundred percent positive," she replied. "Just get far away from this area quickly so you aren't harmed by the explosion."

Samus was right up against the dirt wall of the pit by now, the monster lying in wait within it to consume her. Finally feeling the last of her strength ebb away, and trusting Samus to come out alive, Celestia released her telekinetic hold on the hunter and slumped to the ground in exhaustion. She watched as Samus was pulled through the dirt, causing it to cave in a bit as she disappeared from view.

"Princess Celestia!"

The solar princess flicked her ears in response to the sound of Twilight's voice behind her. She slowly turned her head around to see that, indeed, her faithful student was galloping like a madmare toward her along with Ryuk, Sandy, and Yugi. Celestia tried to turn her whole body around to face them but her strength was still too diminished to succeed, and she collapsed again on her stomach as they reached her.

"What happened!?" Celestia winced at Twilight's shouting so close to her. "Where'd this pit come from!?"

"Twilight," Celestia wheezed out as she desperately struggled to get to her hooves. "We need to get away from here, now."

"Why?" Yugi asked, then looked into the pit. "And where's Samus at?"

"Underground," Celestia replied, and tried again to get to her hooves, this time with more success. "She said there's going to be an explosion."

"Wait, what?" Sandy asked, staring at the ground in panic.

Ryuk chuckled. "You'd better get running then, guys," he said.

"Or better yet," Twilight started with a smile, and charged magic into her horn. She then cast a force field around the group, making sure to encompass the ground under their feet/hooves so as to ensure absolute safety. "Let's watch."

Yugi looked at the barrier in concerned curiosity. "Are you sure this thing will hold?" he asked.

"As long as the explosion doesn't happen right under us, then all is good," Twilight stated matter-of-factly. She then turned to Celestia with concern. "What exactly happened, princess?"

"Samus fell into the pit and was attacked by the worm monster," Celestia explained, no longer wheezing as her strength returned to her. "I tried to pull her back out, but the creature was too strong."

Twilight's eyes widened in surprise at that. "Really?"

"I'm not as almighty as some would claim, my faithful student," Celestia replied, smiling wryly. "Do you remember the wedding, and my fight against Queen Chrysalis?"

"Yeah, I remember," Twilight replied, wincing at the memory.

"Having to pull against that which is lodged in solid ground isn't something I'm accustomed to doing," Celestia continued. "Much less doing so in the company of several dozen horrid-smelling corpses."

Twilight looked around at all the fallen zombies laying around on the ground and grimaced. "Yeah, I imagine that would be kinda ha-"

Twilight was cut off by a hard tremor which shot through the ground underneath them, instantly knocking everyone except Ryuk to the ground. Right next to a cottage along the street, a giant plume of dirtied blood and guts shot out of the ground accompanied by a rising dome of white light. Everyone shielded their eyes while Twilight's shield was bombarded by flesh and dirt, managing to stay intact all throughout its duration. Everyone waited until the barrage ended before opening their eyes to see the devastation.

They were nothing short of amazed by what they saw. The explosion created a second pit right next to the cottage about the same size as the first, but far enough away that no structural damage was in danger of occurring. Further adding to the carnage littering the ground was the bloodied remains of the monster. Bits and pieces of its body could be seen scattered among the area, the innards within clearly visible for all to see.

But everyone's attention was drawn elsewhere, specifically, to an orange spherical object laying upon the ground just a few feet away from the pit. Everyone then watched, amazed, as the object transformed into the tall, bulky form of Samus. The hunter took a moment to inspect her surroundings before spotting the group and waving to them.

Twilight immediately dispelled the shield. "Samus!" she called, and the group began running across the bloodied ground towards her. "What did you do!?"

"I used a Power Bomb," Samus replied once they neared her. She wasn't willing to remove her helmet due to the stench of all the corpses around them. "I can lay them when in my Morph Ball form, after which they explode, as you just saw."

Ryuk whistled. "I'll say, it's more fun than writing names in a book, that's for sure."

"Just how many functions does that suit have, anyway?" Sandy asked in amazement.

Samus shrugged. "As many as I can find," she replied coolly.


"What the heck!?" Everyone turned up at Aza's sudden exclamation. "Sweet me, what happened to you all!?"

"I slaughtered every last zombie you brought here, as well as one of those giant worms," Samus replied, wearing a deadpanned expression behind her helmet's bloodied visor. "Don't tell me you weren't expecting this to happen?"

"Yeah, but this is more . . . well, gruesome than how I thought you'd deal with them."

"You're talking like you weren't paying attention to us," Twilight mused, arching a brow. "What were you doing just now?"

"Meh, nothing worth talking about."

No one bought his reply, but they all decided not to inquire further and began making way toward Golden Oaks, careful to avoid slipping on the blood and guts coating the ground.

"Listen, guys," Twilight said along the way, drawing everyone's attention to her, "there's something I need to say before tonight."

"Sure thing, Twilight," Celestia said. "What is it?"

The lavender mare looked downcast for a moment before adopting a resolute expression. "It's about Frank . . ."

Well, I'd better start visualizing how Council should look this time.

Since I went for a suspenseful, moody atmosphere last time, I should probably go for something different to keep the lab rats on their toes. So then, what shall I subject them to this time?

Hmmm . . . something more comical and bizarre would be a nice change. Alright, time to search for such a something.

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . . Perfect.