Study in Equinity

by Rhino

Chapter 10: Pre-sleepover

The afternoon finds Angel standing in front of her closet. She considers each of the outfits before her, wondering which one Rhino would appreciate the most. She glances at the coat nearly hidden to the left, a small blush on her cheeks, before shaking her head and grabbing the hem of her skirt. "I guess I should wait for him before trying anything on..." She pulls the article down off her legs and puts it in her laundry basket, taking her time with each action.

Soon enough, the tell-tale triple knock of a single knuckle announces the arrival of a certain green stallion. "Angel? It's me." Aural confirmation helps as well.

She smiles, her fingers undoing first few buttons of her blouse as she makes her way to the door. She pulls it open, giving him a warm smile. "Hey, Rhino!" She giggles, taking his hand and winking playfully. "Come on in. I insist."

"Umm... ok..." He follows, taking in her appearance. "Did I just catch you after a nap? You don't seem fully dressed yet..."

"Actually, you caught me while I was undressing." She giggles, closing the door before bringing him in front of her closet. "I did say you could choose what I wear for you today, didn't I?"

A blush quickly grows on his face. "Right, I forgot you said that... Wait, you weren't planning on answering the door stark naked, were you?"

"Yes, but I was going to hide behind the door and hug you when you came inside." She winks at him and sits on the foot of her bed, curious. "Which would you like me to wear for you?" She smiles, slowly pulling her shirt open one button at a time. "I'm alright with anything in there, stud."

He peeks in the closet, his blush strengthening a bit as he notices she really only left him costumes to choose from. "You know... I'm not gonna force you to wear anything... you don't have to if you don't want to..."

"But I do want to." She reaches out and places her hand on his hip, rubbing him slowly, teasingly through the cloth there. "I want to make you feel wonderful..." She stands up briefly, pressing herself against his side and stretching to whisper into his ear. "I want to make your fantasies come true..." She then pulls away, smiling coyly. "After we talk a bit, of course."

He shivers and mutters as he continues looking at the costumes. "You're either frisky or a tease... and I am strangely ok with either option." After discounting the more... risque ones, he makes a decision. "Perhaps this cat one?"

"Sure!" She slides off her blouse, revealing the black lace bra covering her chest. She turns and looks over her shoulder at him, winking. "Can you help me into it?"

"I..." After a moment, he squeezes each hand tightly with the other to ensure they are both under his full control. "ok..."

Angel undoes the straps to her bra, letting it slip off and placing it on the bed. She grabs the headband and puts it on, the 'cat ears' covering her real ones. She flicks an ear and smiles when the cat one reacts exactly like it should. She turns to him and smiles, giggling brightly at how well it was designed. "This is amazing! I didn't know there was a fabric that can do this!"

With only split second of his eyes getting distracted, he answers with a smile. "Amazing what some ponies can do with a bit of ingenuity." He rocks back and forth on his hooves a bit, not knowing which parts she'll want help with.

Seeing his uncertainty, she picks up the bodysuit section, smiling softly at him. "This has a zipper in the back. Could you help me with that?"

He nods. "I think I can do that." He quickly unzips the back and waits for her next move.

She steps up in between him and the suit, leaning down slightly as she lifts up a leg. Her panty-clad rump rubs up against him briefly before she removes said item and steps into the outfit, slipping her arms through the designated holes and her tail into the correct hole. She looks back at him, smiling warmly. "Ready, Rhino."

"Right..." He leans down, hooking the zipper together right above her tail, a hand accidentally brushing it at one point but only getting a small flick in response. As he starts to zip it upward, he teasingly sticks out a finger so that it brushes up along her spine just ahead of the zipper.

She shivers, biting her lip to keep herself from making a sound. As he reaches the end of the zipper she lets out a soft sigh of relief. She glances at the rest of the accessories, a thoughtful expression on her face. She picks up the collar and traces the heart-shaped tag on it, turning to him and holding it out uncertainly. "Do you... want me to wear this?"

He tilts his head at her. "I don't see why not... It does look cute. Cute accessory on a cute mare seems like a good idea to me."

She nods and slips it on, clicking it closed in the front. She gulps and grabs the gloves, sitting down and floating the socks over to him. "Could you please put those on for me?"

"Sure..." He takes the sock, idly realizing as he rolls them that they are thigh-highs. Lifting one of her legs, he places the bottom of the sock against her hoof and starts rolling the rest up her leg, his hands guiding it. His hands glide over the inside of her thighs as he gets to the top.

She laughs immediately, placing a gloved hand on his head. "R-Rhino! C-careful!"

He chuckles mischievously as he starts pulling the other sock up. "Be careful about what? Oh, you meant this?" He does the same to the current leg he's working on.

Her back arches and her eyes squeeze shut, a low moan escaping her lips. Her hand grips him tightly to keep herself from falling backwards, the only action she seems to be in control of, at the moment.

He blinks. "Wow... that was some reaction." Playfully, he adds at the end, "I wonder if I should touch there again..."

Angel shakes her head, pulling his hand away and pressing her legs together. "L-later... f-for now, I want to talk..."

He straightens up, sitting on the bed besides her. "I'm fine with that. What did you want to talk about? Your elemental exam, maybe?"

"Oh, yea!" She giggles, smiling brightly at him. "My element is fire. I already knew that, though." She snaps her fingers on her ungloved hand, a blue flame appearing above the thumb. "Everyone was stunned at the show the test put on. I..." She falters, the flame flickering out. "I didn't expect the reaction, myself."

Rhino chuckles. "I heard that those orbs they use react more to ponies with either training or talent in their element they are best with. I guess it turns out you're a little firebug, aren't you?"

She flinches at the nickname but nods, smiling sheepishly. "I-I guess I am..." She clears her throat, gesturing to him. "D-did you ever take the class?"

He nods. "I did, actually. Learning how to harness or manipulate natural elements was something I saw great potential in."

"R-really?" She tilts her head to one side, curious. "And... what is your element?"

"It ended up being water actually. Of course, my talent isn't tied to it, nor did I have training in it, so the reaction wasn't legendary." He shrugs. "Still, there is some small amount of pride in it if you went in and had no idea what to expect."

Angel stares blankly at him, confused. "Your talent is... water... and mine is... fire..." She frowns, concern overtaking her. "Isn't that... kind of bad?"

A green arm goes across her shoulders in a half hug. "Nah, it's fine. It's an affinity test, not a matchmaking program."

She looks up at him, an eyebrow raised. "I-if you're sure..." She leans up against him, gently stroking his chest through his shirt. She stays silent for a minute before she remembers something. "Hey... would you like to come to a slumber party, tomorrow night?" She smiles up at him, hopeful.

His expression wary, he responds. "Umm... where, and who all will be there?"

"Here, and another friend of mine." She smiles, gently tapping his nose. "It'll be fine, silly. She's a nice mare, and I'm sure you two will get along swimmingly!"

"If you say so..." A hand rubs the back of his head. "Why do I have a feeling I'm going to get ganged up on by the two of you to do something, though..."

The white mare blinks, reaching up and gently cupping his cheek. "Would that be such a bad thing?" She winks teasingly, reaching over and picking up the last piece of her costume. "Two pretty mares, all yours for one night?" She slides the glove on, rolling it up to its full length, almost reaching her elbow.

After struggling and failing to find an answer, he shakes his head, chuckling. "Why is it I have such a hard time coming up with responses for half the things you say? It's like you know exactly what situations I have no answers to, so you force me to wing it."

She giggles, shrugging playfully. "I guess that shows how well I know you!" She places her hand on his chest once more, slowly rubbing in circles. "I still would love to know you more..." Her hand trails lower, barely passing over the band of his pants. "If you know what I mean... though, I'd like to ask..." She pulls her hand away, smiling coyly at him. "What would you like to do this... 'study session'?"

"What, bored of talking to me already?" He sticks out his tongue at her. "And here I thought we were bonding so well..."

She rolls her eyes, leaning back and looking at him. "Well, then," she moves over, sitting on his lap, "did you have anything you wanted to discuss, Rhino?"

His hands move to her sides and rub as he speaks. "Well, I wanted to know what I should bring to this sleepover..."

Angel taps her chin, thinking a bit. "Well, some pajamas, a change of clothes, maybe a snack to share..." She smiles, leaning up and giving him a brief kiss. "And your sexy self, stud." She brings a hand up to his lips, stopping him from saying anything. "Only bring a sleeping bag if you don't want to share the bed with me." She winks, a hand slipping under his shirt as she adds an afterthought. "Bring your wallet, too, if you want to go shopping with Silk and I, Saturday."

"Well, I didn't really have plans other than to hang around the house this weekend, so I guess shopping sounds good." He shivers slightly as her hand explores his chest. "There are two issues with the sleepover I feel need to be addressed though... First, where is your friend going to sleep? Were you just planning on a long night of all three of us cuddling together to sleep on the bed or something?"

She pauses, considering his words. "I guess I imagined all of us sleeping together... or something..." She looks up at him, blushing slightly. "B-but only if you're okay with that. I don't want to... you know, upset you."

"It's less upset and more uncomfortable... I'm not exactly one for sleeping with ponies I don't know..." He averts his gaze. "Maybe I'll just bring a bag or something and we discuss it with your friend?"

She sighs softly, nodding her head. "I guess that's fair." She shrugs, raising her arms and lifting his shirt over his head. "Wouldn't want to feel someone you just met hugging you as you sleep, huh?"

"Something like that." He agrees. "Though, that does bring up the other issue... I don't exactly have... pajamas. Not from lack of ability to have them, I just... get warm and sometimes roll during the night, so they tend to not be the best thing to wear. I always just sort of sleep in only my boxer-briefs..."

"Then..." She frowns, the gears visibly turning in her head. "I guess that should be fine... I'll have Silk go into the bathroom when it's time to go to sleep." She grins, glad she came up with such a solution. "That way, you won't have to be nervous. And hey, you can sleep in my bed - I don't mind sleeping on the floor!"

"What?" He raises his eyebrows. "There's no way I'm letting you sleep on the floor. That's what my bag is for, in case one pony sleeps separate, in which case it will be me in the bag. I was just letting you know how I sleep since it may make you or her uncomfortable... I'm not particularly worried about either of you seeing me in them because at most what you'll see is my chest due to me likely keeping pants or shorts on and just slipping them off whenever I'm under the covers or in the bag. Whichever ends up happening."

"But..." She frowns, looking up at him. "I don't want you to be uncomfortable on the floor... are you sure I can't convince you to take the bed?"

He crosses his arms over his bare chest. "Not if someone else is going to be on the floor."

"Then..." She quirks an eyebrow at him, crossing her arms as well. "You're going to either sleep in the bed with both of us mares, or you're going to let me sleep in a bed with her?" She taps her chin, thinking a bit. "Did I mention that she seems to be into mares?"

He freezes momentarily, ear flicking a moment before he sighs, leaning back until he is laying on the bed with his legs hanging off and her still sitting on his lap. "Well, it's either that or she and I sleep together, which is obviously not ideal, or you and I are in the bed, and obviously we are into each other on some level so it seems to be the same situation." Another sigh. "I hate to say it, but this seems like another thing we need her input for..."

She shrugs, leaning forward and pressing her covered breasts against his chest. "She did say she wanted to speak with you..."

He raises an eyebrow. "I thought you said she seemed to be into mares?"

"She does. She also wanted to speak with you..." She blushes, averting her gaze. "Probi... probo... likely because I mentioned how you... seem to enjoy playing with the girls..."

Rhino blinks, musing. "...huh... I wonder if she's jealous or something..."

"Maybe." She giggles, leaning down and kissing him tenderly. "I guess you're lucky that my being bi won't stop me from wanting to be with you." She sticks her tongue out at him teasingly.

Running his fingers over her back, he smiles. "Good to know... Was there anything else you wanted to talk about?"

"Nothing much..." She taps her chin, thinking a bit. "Do you think our professor is the kind to pull pop quizzes?"

He looks upward as he thinks. "Well, considering he didn't put any quizzes on the syllabus... I'd say yes."

"Then we really should study, later..." She smiles coyly, giving him a lidded gaze as she starts to rock her hips against his. "After we finish the current subject, of course..."

His hands comes up to her sides again as he chuckles. "As you wish..."

Angel giggles, leaning down and pulling him into a deep kiss. Her hands cup his cheeks gently, almost lovingly, as her chest presses a bit more against his.

Rhino's hands slide around her back in an embrace, pulling her closer against him. He kisses back tenderly, closing his eyes.

Smiling into it, she pushes further, her tongue licking against his lips before retreating, an invitation. She adjusts her posture, a hand sliding down and attempting to undo the button on his pants, fumbling slightly from the angle.

The movement near his pants starts the growth within said clothing. At this point though, as Rhino opens his mouth and extends his tongue into Angel's mouth, seeking hers, he doesn't notice.

Eventually, she gives up removing the clothes, instead slipping her hand inside and rubbing him directly. She giggles into his mouth, her tongue shyly flicking against his.

He lets out a groan as she touches him, one hand migrating south on her until it begins kneading her flank and occasionally playing with a lock of her tail. His tongue stretches further into her mouth at the touch, exploring and trying to find her own.

She breaks the kiss, gasping and moaning softly. She tries to focus, her magic slowly, shakily undoing his button as she dives back into the kiss, her horn brightly illuminating the two of them.

Humming into her mouth, his south hand starts exploring. It traces a line down the inner edge of the cat suit between her legs. As he nears it, he lightly presses into the spot that mirrors her ticklish one.

She squeals, her body immediately tensing against his. She breaks the kiss, panting softly and smiling seductively. "If you wanted to lead... all you had to do was ask..." She wraps her arms around him and rolls onto her side, careful to not pin his arm underneath them. "And... I actually like it when you lead, anyways... please take the lead?" She shyly smiles at him, her cheeks red from embarrassment.

"I could give it a try..." He smiles as he brings his hands back to him, extending a single finger. With a sly smile, he presses it to the tip of her horn, pressing his finger against it and trailing it down along the grooves, down her head and face, neck, transitioning to her chest and swirling around both breasts before guiding it over her stomach, down past her waist and turning just before he reaches her flower, making sure to graze that spot again as he removes the digit.

Angel is biting her lip in ecstasy by the end of it, moaning sweetly from his teasing. She gulps, gently taking his hand and placing it on her plot, the index finger over her taint. "You can do better than that, stud." She winks playfully at him, floating a card from the costume's bag over. "Notice the list of special features..." She trails off, waiting to see how he'll react.

His eyes widen as he passes over a particular sentence. "'Quick release strap below the tail in order to release the bottom fabric without taking the entire outfit off'.." His index finger performs small circle ass he debate what to do with this information.

She giggles, pushing back against his hand. "That sounds useful, doesn't it, stud?"

Focusing his eyes back on her, he dips his head down and does a quick lick up her neck before replying. "Maybe..." His hand starts searching for said snap.

"Hold it." She takes his hand, smirking playfully at him. "Let me get in a better position for that..." As soon as she finishes the sentence, she rolls over onto her stomach. With a wink, she pushes herself up, now on her hands and knees and her tail flagging over her back. "Better?"

He gulps, sitting up, but still staying next to her. "I suppose so..." His hand quickly finds the snap and undoes it, causing the strip of fabric between her legs to slip off up to her waist, hanging straight down under her now and her nethers exposed. Rhino's pants are tenting quite severely now, and it's obvious his stallionhood has need to grow but not the room to do so.

She giggles brightly, her tail moving to brush tantalizingly against his crotch. "Your little friend wants in on the fun, silly. Why don't you let him out?" She shakes her ass at him, her flanks jiggling slightly from the motion, even within the cat suit. "You know you want to..."

After a moment thought and a bit of shifting, Rhino removes both his last remaining pieces of clothing. His member flops out, already visibly lengthening and thickening to it's maximum size after being held in for so long. Rhino places a hand on angel's back, leaning in and kissing her from his position next to her.

She closes her eyes and returns the kiss, moaning sweetly and cupping his cheek with a gloved hand. Her tail continues to rub up against him, teasing and tickling his pride.

He breaks the kiss, giving her a wolfish grin as he makes his way behind her. Spotting his prize, his member gives an approving pulse. Rhino brings a hand up and starts to tease her again, running it just around her slit but never touching it.

She coos softly, pushing her hips back in an attempt to get him to touch her.

He does so, but only lightly. Starting below her flower, he slowly drags the tip of his finger over the entirety of it then keeps going over her taint and to the base of her tail.

She shivers, gasping in need. When he runs over her rosebud she squeals once more, louder than before. She looks over her shoulder at him, whimpering softly. "P-please... more..." She bounces her rump slightly, hoping it would entice him to speed up.

He repeats the action, this time quicker and with his middle finger pressing down a bit.

She bites her lip, purposely stifling her noises as she spreads her legs. With an offhand thought, she squeezes her eyes shut and concentrates on finding the right muscles. After a few moments, she succeeds in getting her snow-white pussy to wink for him, framed perfectly by the silver suit.

The action causes his length to instinctively pulse, a grunt coming from its owner. "You are very tempting... you know that?"

She giggles, winking playfully at him in two different ways. "I know... but so are you." She glances down, blushing brightly at the sight of his pride. "H-have you... ever measured yourself?"

"No... never had a reason to. I figure knowing a definite number only takes away from the experience." He starts rubbing a single finger and and down her lower lips.

She moans softly, dropping the subject as she pushes back against him. She squeaks in surprise as the tip of his digit slips inside the slickened passage, instantly clamping down on it.

Rhino's eyes widen as his digit starts wiggling around to feel the unfamiliar terrain.

She gasps and shudders at each motion, her flower and his finger both getting wetter by the second. She bites her lip and focuses, looking over her shoulder at him, every ounce of energy trying to keep her from falling forward. "W-why don't you try... t-tasting it?" She giggles before her arms collapse, leaving her face in the comforter and her ass in the air.

Feeling adventurous and with the smell of her arousal all around him, Rhino nods. Removing his finger, he crouches down behind her, leaning forward and extending his tongue, sliding it flat over the outside of her entrance.

Angel moans sweetly, her already glistening pussy leaking another few drops onto his tongue. She pushes back against him, trying to get his tongue deeper.

Urged on by her moans, Rhino slowly slips his tongue into her slit. He swirls the dextrous muscle inside the sweet-tasting passage, slowly wriggling it in further.

She cries out sharply but is muffled by the pillow. Her tunnel squeezes against his tongue as another wash of juices rush against it. Above her taint he can see her pristine pucker, flexing in time with her tunnel. The mare doesn't know what to make of this, her body starting to heat up from his actions.

He locks his lips around her lower ones, making sure not to lose of drop of her liquid as more comes out. Meanwhile, his tongue continues probing her virgin tunnel. His hand not being used to brace himself comes up and starts to tease her other hole with its tip.

As he reaches a few inches deeper, she feels him press up against a fleshy wall. She yelps, her hips bucking away from him as her face turns beet red.

His tongue suddenly yanked out from her, the stallion is stunned for a few seconds before commenting. "Guess that was the limit."

She nods, burying her face in a pillow and mumbling her response into it.

Ears twitching, he rears up, leaning over her back. "What was that?"

She gulps softly, turning to look over her shoulder at him. "I-is it bad... I wanted you to go deeper?"

He shakes his head, leaning over more and nuzzling her, causing his length to rub it's side along her nethers. "No, that's just a natural urge. We both know that we can't do that though, we have to wait for the ones we choose to be with."

She opens her mouth to respond but catches herself. She groans softly, resting her head on the pillow, turned so she could still talk to him. "You're right..." Her tail wraps around his pride, rubbing it against her pussy. "But still... that doesn't mean you can't have..." She aims it higher, pressing the wet head against her other orifice. "My other cherry... right?"

He grunts, resisting the natural urge to thrust forward. He nuzzles her again. "Are you sure?"

She smiles, turning enough to give him a tender kiss before answering. "I'm sure, Rhino. Please..."

"Ok..." He leans back up, placing his hands on her flanks and adjusting to a slightly more comfortable position on his knees. Lining up his shaft, he starts to push forward, the outcome uncertain in his mind as his flared head pushes against the tiny hole.

She whimpers, shaking her head. "W-wait... m-maybe you should... get it a bit more wet?" She glances at her dresser, thinking a bit. "O-or... m-maybe lubed up?"

"Do you have some in there?" He asks.

"Y-yes..." She nervously laughs, her ears flattening in embarrassment. "I... I brought it when I came here... me being hopeful, I guess?"

"Ok." He backs off her backside. "Do you think you could levitate it over? I don't know what drawer it's in."

She nods, her horn lighting up as the bottom drawer opens up, revealing towels and a few bottles of lube. She picks up one with an apple on the front, bringing it over to him in a bright blue aura.

He takes it in a hand, reading the back a moment. "I guess I just... put some on me, and a little on you..."

She mumbles an answer, biting a pillow in preparation for what might come.

Rhino uncaps the lube and squirts out a line onto his length, flinching the instant it touches him. "Gah! Cold..."

Her ears twitch, her anxiety clearly showing though. "Um... i-it should heat up a bit... r-right?"

"I certainly hope so..." He smears the substance all over his member, a wince on his face the whole time. "Well... maybe the friction will heat it up..." He dabs of bit more of the lube onto his finger and touches it to her rosebud.

She squeaks, clenching instinctively at his touch. "R-really cold..."

"Yeah..." He agrees as he smears it all around the rim, even barely sticking his finger inside and getting there too. "That should do it..."

She shivers softly, struggling to keep her hips still for him. "T-that... actually started to feel nice..."

"Well, maybe this will feel better." He lines up with her again, pressing his now slick tip against her still tight hole. He pushes forward, not feeling any progress other than more pressure.

She squeals, feeling him slip out and slide up against the base of her tail. She looks back at him, uncertain. "I... I'm not too small... a-am I?"

"I... don't know..." He looks at her worriedly. "I don't really want to force it in and hurt you..."

She gulps, glancing down at her flanks. "W-well... i-it was feeling nice, before... m-maybe you should use your fingers a bit?"

He tilts his head. "To loosen you up, you mean?"

"Y-yes." She bites her lip, embarrassed. "T-that's what I meant..."

He looks at her flanks, ignoring his that his length is starting to slightly ache from being teased with no usage. "I think I have a little idea to make that even more fun for you..." He shifts again until he is sitting behind her. Then, taking one finger, he works it into her rosebud, wiggling it in until it is up to his second knuckle.

She moans softly, her body starting to tingle from the sensations he's giving her. "And... what is this... idea?"

As he works his finger around her hole, he replies. "This." He raises his other hand and suddenly pops two fingers into her wet slit, mimicking the motions of his other hand.

She gasps sharply, not expecting the sudden, welcome intrusion. Her front half falls to the bed again, and she eagerly pushes her hips back against his fingers. Her flower is glistening and his fingers soaked, every one of the digits squeezed tightly by muscle around them. "Y-yes... I-I like this idea..."

He grins, enjoying the sounds of her pleasure. "Good." Slowly, methodically, he starts pumping both hands out of their respective holes, even slipping in a second one in her rosebud.

The mare moans wantonly, purposely tightening against his fingers now to turn him on even more. "More... p-please, Rhino, more..." She bounces her hips for him again, hoping that her jiggling, heart-shaped ass would get more attention from him.

In a way, it does. He bends his hands so that as his fingers pump into her faster and faster, his palms now slap underneath her holes. For her slit, this means he is now pressing repeatedly on and off against a particular nub.

She cries out, shuddering a moment, barely able to hold herself back. She whimpers at him, unable to focus enough to bring a hand back to stop him. "N-no... I-I want you..." She bucks her hips back at him, almost leaking like a faucet on his hands.

Instantly, both hands stop where they are the moment the stallion hears the word 'no'. His ears fold back as he peeks around to her. "Did I do something wrong?"

She shakes her head and looks back at him, pleading. "Please, Rhino... I-I'm ready..."

He nods, slipping his hands out of her and lining himself up with her for a third time. He starts pushing.

She squeaks as the flared tip pops inside her, eyes wide in shock. "It... it's in?"

He grunts in affirmation. "Yeah... and constantly squeezed now. I'm gonna have to go slow at first for me too..." He shifts his weight forward, slowly sliding in.

She groans softly, feeling him spread her tight hole around him. She tries to relax, but the sensation is unexpectedly pleasurable to her, and her muscles clench him every few moments.

He continues grunting, resisting the urge to just plunge into her. "Making me work for every inch... aren't you..." He gets to the halfway point, the slowness getting to him, but not wanting to risk bodily harm, he continues at pace.

"N-not my fault... y-you feel so good..." She laughs brightly before a particularly long moan cuts her off, and she bites her pillow.

Rhino finally reaches his breaking point with that moan and suddenly thrusts forward to suddenly sink the final part of his length into her. Their hips slap together as he pants from having to restrain himself for so long.

She whimpers, her body stiffening at the unexpected motion. She slowly starts to relax but doesn't move, a bit stunned at the moment.

The stallion, on the other hand, starts pulling out, his entire shaft scraping her walls as he moves.

She whines, pushing her hips back against him as the feeling of aching emptiness overtakes her. "D-don't leave me..."

As soon as he gets a quarter of the way out, he suddenly slams back into her, letting out a groan as he does so and grabbing her flanks heartily.

She cries out, eagerly grinding her flanks back against his hips. "Yes! Just like that!"

Letting out a growl, Rhino suddenly leans forward onto Angel's back. His hands snake around her and latch onto her breasts as his hips pull out partially again before going back into her and repeating the cycle.

She moans and mewls lustfully for him, trying to get into character as she bucks against each thrust. She brings one hand up and holds one of his, starting to rub it in circles over her breast to run her arousal - and hopefully his - to new heights.

He squeezes and starts to rub them the way she guides. His weight unintentionally shifts forward as he does so, pinning her front to the bed more than it already is, and the angle of his thrusts meaning he is literally nailing her into the bed at this point. He lets out another growl as his hot breath wafts across the back of her neck as he pounds.

She is nearly overwhelmed by the sensations, and her mind has no idea how to respond. Her body, however, tightens around his pride, milking him for everything he has as her pussy gushes on his legs. She cries out in ecstasy, her eyes clenched shut as she flies over the edge.

Rhino, for his part, lasts a few more rapid pumps before hilting into her and going over the edge himself. His head flares larger as his seed spills deep inside her, coming in pulsing blasts as it shoots out.

As he finishes unloading inside her, she collapses onto the bed, supported only by the stiff organ inside her. She moans softly, feeling his warmth in her belly, but finds it difficult to move.

The stallion pants more, making no attempts to pull out of her yet as he leans forward and kisses the back of her neck. "Well... that was something..."

She turns to look at him with one eye, laughing quietly. "Sorry... I thought I'd last longer..."

He smiles, nuzzling her. "I count foreplay too, so by my count, we both lasted quite a while."

"That's good... I guess..." She glances down at her hand, watching as her index finger twitches. "I... don't think I'll be going anywhere, soon..."

He takes her hand in his, shifting his hips side to side for a moment. "That's not such a bad thing is it?"

"I guess not..." She giggles, winking at him. "Especially given my company."

"Well, the same to you, Kitty." He chuckles, kissing her neck again.

She rolls her eyes, purring from the affection. "I'm fine with being your kitty, Rhino."

He just lets out more chuckles, rolling so they are both on their sides. "Feel like cuddling a bit until you can, or want to, move?"

She smiles, nodding to him. "I'd love that." As they lay there, a thought occurs to her. "Say, Rhino?"

"Hmm?" He asks as he moves his arm down to where it hugs her abdomen.

"Just out of curiosity..." She gets her arm to move a bit, holding his hand tenderly. This is offset by the teasing smile on her lips, however. "Does the thought of two mares making out turn you on?" She sticks her tongue out towards the ceiling, unable to completely turn to face him.

He blushes, despite their still compromising position. "Well... I..." He stays quiet a moment before whispering. "Yes..."

"Thought so!" She giggles, covering her mouth to hide a smirk. "I have to see if you'd enjoy Silk and I kissing..." She trails off, waiting to see what his reaction is.

He mutters as he continues to snuggle her. "I don't want to force your friend into something just because you think I'd like it..."

She turns a bit more to him, an eyebrow quirked slightly. "And if it wouldn't be forcing her?"

He hides his face. "Well... that's different then."

She grabs the tip of his horn, using that to turn his head back to her. "Different how, exactly?"

He still averts his eyes. "Well, I mean... I would kinda like that..."

She giggles, kissing the tip of his nose. "And if we wanted you to join in?"

He makes eye contact. "... I don't know... I mean, I trust you but... I don't know her..."

"Then use the time tomorrow to get to know her." She smiles warmly, shifting a bit to lay on her back, still pressed up against him. "That way, you won't be as appri... appro... nervous sharing the bed with us."

"I... suppose..." He concedes. "I'm really not used to thinking about more than one mare though..."

"Aww..." Angel wraps a hand around the back of his head, pulling him closer and smiling coyly. "Do you think that highly of me? I thought we were just study buddies..."

"It was more on principle... not saying I don't think highly of you of course." He pulls out of her tailhole.

She squeaks, blushing brightly as she finally moves her lower half into a comfortable position. "Principle? What do you mean?"

He shrugs. "I was raised by two parents and always thought of a single partner as the standard, nothing too complicated."

"Oh?" She smirks, turning to face him. "So you've never considered herding?" She runs a hand over his bare chest, marveling at his form once more. "I'm sure a strong, virile stallion like you would be an excellent leader..."

Blushing, he starts mumbling again. "I just... it's not that simple to undo a lifetime's way of thinking. If I do consider it... it will take time."

"Fair enough." She shrugs, leaning up and kissing him. "If you do make the herd, though... and my friend doesn't want me... may I be included?"

He looks at her and smiles after a moment. "If I do, for some reason, start a herd, you are welcome to join."

"Yay!" She hugs him happily, kissing him passionately.

He kisses back for a time before eventually breaking it and chuckling. "I guess we need to get cleaned up again..."

"I don't have anywhere to go, and besides," she playfully bats her eyelashes at him, "I thought we were going to cuddle for a while."

He leans his head against hers. "I guess we can stay like this a little longer..."