Study in Equinity

by Rhino

Chapter 9: Job hunting

Morning finds a certain white unicorn laying in bed, a small smile on her lips as she mumbles in her sleep. "Oh, Rhino..." She turns, pressing back against empty air and scooting closer to the edge of the bed, further wrinkling the sheets beneath her. "Say that you love me..."

Unfortunately for Angel, a confession of love is not the sound that rings out. Instead, it's two sharp knocks on her door.

This is enough to rouse her from her rest, much to her disdain. Sighing softly, she gets up, rubbing her bare belly as she makes her way to the door, calling out half-heartedly. "Be right there..." She reaches the door and yawns, opening it as she does so. "May I help you?"

Revealed on the other side of the door is a familiar looking pale green unicorn mare with light blue mane. She gives a small hand wave as she starts to speak. "Hey, sorry, I didn't realize you were still asleep. Do you remember me from a few days ago? You know... that incident with those stallions getting a show out of you?"

"Oh, right." She blinks blearily but opens the door a bit more, gesturing with a hand. "Would you like to come in?"

The mare smiles apologetically. "Sorry, I would but I can't. I have a class soon. I just wanted to drop by, make sure you were okay and ask if those stallions had been bothering you anymore."

"Not really." She giggles, shaking her head as she starts to become more clear-headed. "I saw one of them later that day, and he just bolted away. Woosh!" She makes a grand sweeping motion with her hand, laughing to herself. "I think you really left an impre... impro... mark on him!"

The mare laughs with her. "Well, if a little mental scaring keeps them from trying to get more free shows through dorm windows, that's fine by me. Oh, don't forget your windows are enchanted to be immune to most spells when they are shut, so the only time you have to worry about being seen is when it's open. This dorm made sure to have the appropriate privacy measures in a mostly unicorn school."

"I'll keep that in mind." She tilts her head, curious. "Wait, what about tela... telu... object-moving spells? Could they push the windows open?"

The dormmate shakes her head. "Nope, they can close them, but they have to be opened by hand. Annoying sometimes, but it's just a small downside."

"Mkay, then!" She giggles, leaning against the doorway. "Thank you for coming over to check on me, though. It really means a lot."

"Hey, no problem." One of the mare's fingers starts playing with her mane. "Just looking out for a fellow dormer. Wouldn't want you to go giving out any more shows than you wanted to, right?" She winks.

"Nope!" She smiles, shaking her head. "I try not to flash random ponies, anyways. It seems a bit... odd." She shrugs, putting a hand on the door. "I have shown them to a few friends, but that's because I felt I could trust them. You know?" She pauses, blushing brightly. "I'm rambling, aren't I?"

"A bit, but I don't mind. You're a very... open mare. That's not bad." She holds out her hand. "My name is Lucky Charm, what's yours?"

"Angelic Grace, but you can call me Angel!" She takes her hand and shakes it, smiling warmly.

"Nice to meet you, Angel!" Lucky takes her hand back, resting it on her purse. "Let me know if you ever need anything, company included, okay?"

"I'll be sure to do that!" She leans forward and hugs the mare quickly, giggling in excitement. "I'm glad I made a new friend."

While stunned at first, after a moment the mare eagerly reciprocates, hugging Angel tight to her. "Me too..."

The white mare pulls away, her eyes twinkling as an idea comes to her. "Say, I need some new clothes, soon. Would you like to go shopping with me and a friend, this weekend, Lucky?"

"Sure, I could do that! It's been a while since I've gone on a shopping trip." She beams as she continues. "Are there any details yet? If not, my room’s just down the hall, room 225."

"None, yet." She giggles brightly, patting her shoulder before starting to close the door. "See you later!" She seals the portal and pauses, waiting to hear if the mare says anything.

"See you too!" Hoofsteps signal the mare has left for her class.

Angel nods, sighing as she removes her shirt and gets ready for the day. "That was nice. I think I'm getting used to this mare's mannerisms, again."

"You should." She rolls her eyes at the voice crackling from her locket on her nightstand. "You made her, after all." She completely ignores him at first, pulling a pair of black lace panties and the matching bra out of her dresser. There's a squeal mixed with a loud buzz before he continues. "I'm not on mute again, am I?"

"No, you're not." She pulls off the yellow pair she was wearing. "I just didn't need to reply to that."

"Like Tartarus you don't." He scoffs, shaking his head. "I had this whole speech planned out about how you are silly for making a pony instead of taking one's place. I was even going to bring up how much it cost to make all those documents for her!"

"I know how much it costs." She latches her garments behind her back, smirking playfully. "I paid for it, remember?"

"Oh, right." He clears his throat. "Anyways, what are your plans for today?"

"Oh, nothing you haven't heard before." She slides a few shirts around, considering each for a moment before turning to the next one. "Heading to that shop to get Miss White, spend some more time with Rhino..." She sighs wistfully, clutching a blouse to her chest.

"What was that?"

She snaps out of her thoughts, blushing brightly. "What was what?"

"Lieutenant Gel." His voice carries an edge to it. "You know what happens when one of our own develops an unnecessary relationship, don't you?"

Angel gulps, shaking her head. "I-it's not that kind of a relationship! It's two friends having some fun together, I swear!"

"You better hope so." He sighs. "Look, I don't want you to be court-marshalled, so I'll tell the General that this is for more love, if he asks. Just be careful, okay?"

She bows her head, ashamed. "Yes, sir." When he doesn't respond, she approaches her nightstand, pulling open the drawer. She eyes the containers inside before nodding. "That's fine..." She turns to the bits on her desk, still in stacks from Tuesday. "Need more money, though... maybe I should get a job..."

"Noted." He chuckles at her squeak, listening to her scramble to pick up the necklace and mute it.

She groans, shaking her head and putting it back around her neck. "I make one mistake, and now I have to be monitored on missions..."


With her relatively uncluttered day on her mind, Gel strolls blissfully out of campus, deciding to make the most of her time and peruse the local oversaturation of shops for a likely job on her way to Silk's Select. Stepping onto the main street, he head swivels back and forth until it centers on a classic type of part-time job for college students: a restaurant. With a quick check to ensure nothing is on her bright blue skirt and that her pink blouse is on straight, she strides forward optimistically.

Inside it only takes her a moment to spot the hostess, an earth pony mare busy writing down a few things as she waits for the next customers.

She smiles warmly, stopping in front of the mare. "Hello, there! I'm looking for a job. Are you hiring?"

The mare looks up, glancing over angel a moment. "Ah, another student? Here, let me go see if we have some room." She quickly weaves through the restaurant, dodging a few ponies Angel's age before entering a door stating 'Employees Only'. After a few minutes, she comes back, making her way to the front and back to her station. She gives an apologetic smile to the unicorn. "I'm really sorry, but it looks like we're fine on staff right now. Did you want to stop and eat something anyway?"

She blinks, surprised, but gives an apologetic smile. "I'm actually on my way somewhere, right now, and my bits are kind of low..."

"I understand." She smiles regardless. "Do keep us in mind if you're ever looking for a nice lunch or dinner, then."

"Will do!" She waves and turns to leave, frowning slightly. She steps out onto the street, muttering to herself. "I guess it's not that bad." She glances up the street, a twinkle in her eye. "There's still a number of stores to try!" She giggles, making her way down the cobblestone path.

The next store she comes to, this one thankfully with a 'Help Wanted' sign out front, is a sandwich shop. The store, though relatively small, seems to have a constant flow of customers both in and out of it. Stepping inside, she spies the reason ponies are in and out so quickly: every employee behind the long counter seems to be working in perfect sync, some even facing and chatting with customers while simultaneously dealing with building three different sandwiches, never missing a beat. A sign on one part of the counter next to a mare at the beginning of the assembly line states 'Employment Questions Here'.

She pauses, wondering if she should try to get a job here, before she shakes the doubt off and steps forward, smiling softly at the first mare. "Hello, there. I hear you're looking for employees?"

The mare looks up at Angel for a split second before turning to the stallion next to her and tapping his shoulder twice. "Cover me." He nods as he shifts a few steps toward where she was working. She then walks over to the the counter, sitting down and looking at Angel seriously. "You looking to work here?"

She nods, smiling nervously under the mare's stare. "Y-yes, I am."

The mare nods once. "Ever worked in a sandwich shop before?"

She shakes her head. "No, I haven't."

The next question comes at the same rapid speed. "Ever worked on anything like an assembly line?"

She blinks, her brow furrowing slightly. "Um, no..."

"How are your reflexes?" As she asks this last question, the mare tosses up a small ball from behind the counter, lobbing it high and toward Angel.

She looks up and attempts to catch it. Instead, it tips over her fingertips and hits her between the eyes, causing her to squeak. She looks at the mare before her, off-handedly catching the ball after it bounces off her face.

The mare speaks frankly, but not unkindly. "Sorry sweetie, I don't think you're quite what we're looking for."

"I understand." She sighs, holding the ball out to her. "I guess you want this back, huh?"

She nods, taking it back and putting it back under the desk while letting out a small laugh. "Yeah, gotta spring the same thing on the next pony to want the job."

She smiles and waves as she leaves, speaking under her breath. "May the Princesses have mercy on their soul..."

Moving to the next road, Angel spies another 'Help Wanted' sign, this time on a bank. Heading inside, she patiently waits in line until she is motioned forward by a teller.

The stallion looks at her with a smile. "And how may I help you today, ma'am?"

"Hi, there, sir." She returns the smile and points over her shoulder at the window. "May I ask about the job opening?"

He raises an eyebrow and leans to one side in order to see the sign. As his eyes alight on it, he frowns apologetically. "Oh, I am sorry, miss, but it seems that was mistakenly left up despite us filling the position last week. I apologize for the misunderstanding, and I'll be sure somepony takes it down so this doesn't happen again."

Her smile falters but she nods, bowing slightly in respect. "Thank you, sir. Sorry to waste your time." She turns and walks away, sighing dejectedly. "Maybe one of the other places around here are still hiring..."


The bell above Silk's shop door rings, causing the mare to look up. Seeing the silhouette of her newest friend, she gets up and heads toward her. "Angel, good to see you again, hun. How've you been?"

The white unicorn, to put it bluntly, is on the verge of tears. She collapses into Silk's arms, trying her hardest to keep herself calm. "D-dreadful. I could really use a friend..."

The older mare instantly becomes supportive as she slowly guides the student towards the counter so she can have a seat. "I'm right here, hun. Come on, lets see if I can help with what's bothering you. What could possibly have a sweet thing like you this down?"

She turns to her, whimpering softly. "I-I need a job. I'm almost out of bits, and..." She trails off, covering her face with her hands. "None of the stores I've been to have been helpful! The sandwich place was too in-tune, the bank had a mistake with the sign, and... and..." She collapses on the counter, groaning. "The herbal place said I was unqualified. The post office wanted an out-of-town-bound mailmare. And the antiques store said I couldn't use magic in there." She waves a hoof dismissively over her head. "Something about dangerous artifacts and combe... combo... fierce reactions..."

"Oh dear..." The pegasus strokes Angel's long blonde mane. "I guess you got a taste of the part time job market, huh, hun? Still," she scoops the mare into a hug, "you shouldn't let that make you cry... a pretty mare like you should never be made to cry."

"B-but..." She sniffles, looking up at her friend in despair. "W-what can I do? I-I only have twelve bits left to my name..."

Silk flinches. "That's not good... but then, why did you spend so much here on Miss White and everything else? I didn't want you to go broke..."

"I... I liked the designs..." She nervously taps her fingers together. "I wanted to have them... to help you out..."

"Hun..." The yellow mare rests her head against Angel's. "You don't starve yourself to feed someone else... I'm happy enough knowing that you liked my designs so much, and having you as a friend."

"I don't mind. Really." She shyly giggles, hugging her close and nuzzling her gently. "I'm happy to have you as a friend, too..."

Silks hums a little as she reciprocates the nuzzle. "Did you... maybe want to return some things to lessen the financial burden? I mean as you haven't worn something..."

"But... I wore everything, remember?" She tilts her head to one side, curious. "I tried the outfits on for you... and I don't want to return them, anyways..."

"Oh, right..." She thinks for a moment. "Umm, perhaps some of the undergarments?"

"Silk..." She frowns up at her, upset. "I don't want to return anything... because they're made by you. That makes them special to me."

"Aww..." the pegasus plants a kiss on the unicorn's cheek, "you are just too sweet sometimes. Do you really enjoy wearing what I make that much?"

"Absu... absi... of course!" She giggles, leaning up and pecking the tip of her muzzle.

Silk blushes lightly as she looks around her store, one hand still idly stroking the white mare's mane as she thinks. "Hmm..."

Angel sniffles, wiping her eyes as well as she can. "Is... is there something on your mind, Silk?"

"Well, you obviously..." Her other hand dips down, reaching into a drawer and pulling out a clipboard as the business mare stokes the embers of an idea.

The unicorn smiles, pulling away from her to try and peek at the board, curious. "Anything specific about me?"

Silk continues thinking as she responds. "You... Your situation... Me... Your body... Your personality..."

"My... body?" She tilts her head to the side, confused. "Can you... expand on that, a bit?"

"I think I can..." She turns back to Angel, a mysterious glint in her eye. "Hun, what would you say you enjoy most about wearing my clothing, besides the fact that it's from me?"

"How comfortable it is." She smiles, holding a hand out. "Why do you ask?"

"Well... I think I may have an idea that would help both of us out." She sets down the clipboard, which appears to be her last month's financial statement. "What if I hired you to do a twist on a conventional job here?"

She blinks, surprised. "I'd be honored. Then I'd ask what the twist is."

"Well..." Silk draws out the word as she decides how best to word this so as not to be misunderstood. "Retail work is a fairly normal option for part time workers. Cashiers, salesponies, and all that are fairly easy to pick up and maintain. Technically, you would be hired to do those jobs. As you saw the other day, I do run this shop by myself and so if I go back to help a customer, I have to either close the front of the shop, or risk some of my stock being taken. Having you up front would ease my mind greatly on that, but that's not the twist." She pauses a moment. "The twist... would be that I would like you to advertise for me, by wearing some of my outfits while you work. It sort of offsets the costs of paying you an hourly wage when this is a specialty store with sporadic traffic at the moment." A hopeful smile dons her face as she looks Angel in the eyes. "What do you think?"

The white mare brightens up instantly, jumping up and hugging her tighter than before. "I'd love to! Oh, thank you, Silk!"

As the pegasus blinks and returns the hug, she speaks incredulously. "Wait, really? Just like that?"

"Of course!" She giggles, playfully tapping her nose. "I'd do anything to help you. Being able to wear your creations is just an added bonus, not to mention having a job!"

"I'm... surprised." Silk admits. "I thought you only liked wearing my outfits in front of friends or that stallion you speak of."

She tilts her head to the side, confused. "But... you are my friend."

"Well, I'm just trying to make sure you understand that it's not just me who will see you in these." She gestures around them. "Any pony who comes in will see you... in fact that's kind of the point. They see you in them, they are encouraged to buy it and others like it."

Angel's eyes immediately shrink to pinprick and her jaw falls open in shock. "W-what? I have to... wear them in front of strangers?"

Silk nods. "The point of a shop is to sell things... most often to strangers. You're pretty much going to be in store advertising as well as a helper..."

She bows her head, considering her offer for a moment. "I... I'll do it." She looks up at her friend, determination in her eyes. "If it'll help you, I'll wear them both for you and for customers..." She falters, blushing slightly and holding up a hand nervously. "C-can I keep the more... s-sensual stuff between us, though?"

The yellow mare nods as she smiles. "Of course dear, they don't get the privilege of seeing you in the better things. Though," she tilts her head, "what do you mean, keep it between us? Planning on doing some private shows for me? Hmm... actually... that might be an idea... and I could probably pay you a little extra for it..."

"Of course, and I appreciate the little bonus for it. Besides," Angel giggles, shaking her head, "didn't I promise to let you be the first to see me wear Miss White?"

"You did say that, but... wait," Silk pauses with wide eyes, "did you just agree to my little joke about private shows that turned into an idea?"

"Um, yes?" She smiles but furrows her brows slightly. "Was that... out of line?"

"I... I don't..." The pegasus shakes her head. "Angel, what exactly do you think you just agreed to do? I don't mean the job, I just mean this last part."

"Letting my friend see me try on some of her work." She giggles, playfully tapping the older mare's nose once more. "I trust you, Silk. Don't you remember me saying that?"

"Right..." Silk clears her throat a moment before slyly smiling. "But I think I have a little more in mind than you doing a sexy fashion show. It's something I only do in private, but trust me when i say it's much easier, and more fun, with two ponies. Now, it's a little outside the job description, but like I said, I can toss in a little bonus for it... and personally..." one of her fingers lightly traces up Angel's arm as Silk looks her over, "I think you'd be perfect for it..."

She blinks, staring blankly at her friend a moment. "I suppose it sounds fine... and I do need the money..."

The pegasus giggles. "Don't worry about the money dear, that's a bonus. I think both of us will have more fun with this private stuff than you realize."

She tilts her head, confused and curious. "And by 'private stuff', you mean... what, exactly? Checkers?"

Silk actually full out laughs now. "No, no, nothing like that. I was wondering if you'd be my private model! Don't get me wrong, ponnequins serve their purpose, but having a living breathing model to work on is so much better! You can have conversations, ask them to pose, and everything just seems to look better. I may even ask you for ideas for new designs if I hit a slump or you think you have a good one I can bring to life."

"Oh!" She brightens up, clapping her hands together in glee. "I'd love to help you out, Silk!"

"I'm glad to hear that." The older mare hugs the unicorn again. So, I'll ask officially now: would you like this combination job of being salespony, in-store model and advertisement of clothing, and my personal model?"

"Yes, I would! In fact," she giggles, pointing to the back, "maybe I could be the third one, right now? As a form of practice, of course, with Miss White?"

"Well..." Silk looks towards the door to the store. "I could just call it my lunch break." She quickly makes her way over to the door, locks it, flips the sign to 'Be Back Soon' and returns. Motioning Angel to follow her to the back, Silk can't help but let out a little giggle as she dips into the employee area and comes back out with a flat white box. "Oh, I can't wait to finally see her on somepony. I just finished making her so she'll fit you last night. I guess we'll see how successful I was." She offers the box to the unicorn.

She blinks, tilting her head to one side. "Um, not to be rude, but... I thought I was going to be your life-sized doll. You know, to play dress-up with?" She playfully sticks her tongue out at the mare and winks.

Silk catches the wink and gasps dramatically, bringing a hand to her mouth. "My dear Angel, are you suggesting that instead of doing it yourself, you would rather me to undress and redress you? Such a thing would often be considered scandalous, and those of less moral fiber would certainly take advantage of a young mare in such a situation."

"Good thing you aren't one without morals." She laughs, shaking her head. "I said it before and I'll continue saying it. I trust you." She smiles coyly, taking the pegasus's hand in her own. "Besides, you're good enough of a friend that I don't mind if you touch... and I'd let you know if I get uncon... uncan... nervous."

A short and awkward time later, Silk takes a step back to admire her work on her model. It's just as grand as she imagined. The frilly headband keeps the mane out of the face while naturally positioning so that ir border the top of the head. Delicate gloves that fit, well... like gloves, all the way up to just before the elbow, a single small white bow at the top of each. The socks are tall, almost stockings as they reach halfway up the upper leg, hugging tight enough to stay in place but being soft enough to never be noticed. Their very design draws the eye up and down the toned legs of the subject before the mind can even process what it is doing. The chestpiece is shoulderless of course and ends right above the navel, inspired by corsets, it has multiple laces in the back, but is never meant to constrict. Hugging the chest like a lover, points of fabric extend upwards, covered the most important parts of the chest, but look as if they could be peeled away at the lady's desire without having to take the piece off. Then there is the smallest but most important piece: the panties. They are of course, richly embroidered with a constant complicated swirling pattern, becoming partially transparent as they hug the sides of the hips, but returning to their white form at the front and back. They promise a present that looks so beautiful, you almost hate to unwrap it... almost.

Silk's wings are extended fully outward as she gazes, her voice airy. "Magnificent..."

Angel observes her hands, the only part of her that can easily be brought into her line of sight, smiling warmly. "She really is. Thank you for refitting her for me." She glances up, noticing the mare's wings. "Are you stretching your wings out, Silk?"

" a way, I am." The seamstress walks around the unicorn as she speaks. "Now, how does it feel? anything too tight? Too loose? Not supportive? Too supportive?"

"Well..." She cups her chest, blushing a bit. "It's a little too tight, here... not a big deal, but it's a little uncomfortable..." She clears her throat, placing a hand on her hip as she tries to follow her friend with her eyes. "I'm not sure what you mean by those last two questions, though. How can I tell how supportive something is?"

Silk has Angel lift up her arm as she starts to work on the chestpiece threads. "Well, generally that refers to either the chest of the rear. Some clothing is designed to sort of... push up from under them. This can either simply take the weight off you, or if pushed further, raise them up a bit to make them look bigger or perkier." She moves to the front of the mare and starts to adjust a piece of the garment on the lower part of her sternum. "Admittedly, you are very perky in front so I didn't push it too far here, but I just like to check and make sure of these things."

"Oh. That makes sense." She looks down at her friend, seeing her wings blocking her light. She smiles warmly, lifting a hand to gently stroke her mane. "If your wings are giving you trouble, again, I wouldn't mind giving you another massage. And, in regard to your questions..." She glances over her shoulder, blushing slightly. "I think it's a bit too supportive, back there... everything else is perfect, though."

The pegasus' wings shuffle slightly but remain as they are. "I might take you up on that massage... but right now this is about you. Besides... I can't just take off for a massage in the middle of store hours, that would be silly... not matter how much I enjoy it."

"Well, maybe you can come over tomorrow evening, then? Shall we say, at seven?" She giggles, starting to rub her ear. "Maybe I could wear Miss White for you, and you could sleep over! I need a friend for Saturday's shopping trip, after all!"

Silk leans into the hand petting her ear, sticking around a moment after she finished adjusting the chest. "A sleepover? I haven't been to a sleepover since I was a little filly." A sly smile comes to her face as she looks to Angel's, standing up and preparing to work on the next section. "You sure you want to have a girl's night instead of one with that stallion of yours?" Her eyes narrow. "Or are you even more clever than I thought and you're having him come too?"

The unicorn blinks, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "Actually, that's not a bad idea. I'll invite Rhino, too!" She giggles, clapping her hands together once. "That way we can all be a big group of friends!" She pauses, a thought occurring to her. "Oh... I hope he won't mind not being able to study with me..."

The yellow mare's face takes on a strange expression as she walks behind Angel, crouching down and tugging on the fabric as she loosens it bit by bit. "I was actually joking about inviting him... but you do seem excited about it..." Shaking her head, she continues. "What did you mean, him minding about not studying? Is he that much of a scholar?"

"He says I should take more notes." She shrugs nonchalantly. "I think it's more that he worries I won't pass my classes... oh, and thank you for the advice. It took another day, but I was able to get closer to him!"

"Well, good to know that's working out for you." Silk continues to loosen the fabric, Angel's tail to one side of her head so it doesn't get in the way. "What point in your little plan to make him yours would you say you are at?"

"Oh, I'd say..." She taps her chin, thinking a bit. "Second base?"

Both of Silk's delicate eyebrows raise. "Wow, got him feeling you up willingly and with your permission already? I'm impressed with you... that or I'm disappointed with him for loosening his morals so quickly... I'm not sure."

She glances over her shoulder, frowning slightly. "I don't think he loosened his morals... it actually took some effort to get him that eager..." She blushes, glancing away. "And... he's really good with his hands... and his tongue..."

The pegasus fumbles a moment. "E-excuse me?"

"He, um... he's a really good kisser..." She blushes, fidgeting on the pedestal. "And I... I got him so eager because of my breasts..." She pouts, looking down at the mentioned mounds.

Silk, having peeked around to look at Angel's face to see if she was telling the truth, tilts her head at the pout. "Is that a bad thing? They are very nice."

"I guess I just... want him to desire more than the girls... I know he's not shallow, but... I just don't think my chest is my best attribute..." She shakes her head, putting her smile back on. "Enough about that. Would you come to sleep over, if Rhino is there?"

Finishing up in the back, Silk responds as she stands up. "Considering I have a feeling he'll come whether I'm there or not, I think it's best I go too. If nothing else, you and I will have some time to hang out... and I can maybe have a... chat... with him about appreciating you."

She turns to her friend, concerned. "You won't be too harsh on him... will you? He's really not a bad guy..."

The pegasus rolls her eyes. "Fine... I was going to wear some long nails to threaten him with, but I guess I can just talk to him..."

She smiles, leaning over and gently pecking the mare's cheek. "Thank you, Silk." She glances around, thinking a bit. "When did you want me to start working here, by the way?"

"Well, that's what I wanted to talk about next..."