
by TheCoverBrony

Chapter 4: Painful Memories

Sweetie Belle woke up feeling terrible. She kept waking up during the night, and every time she did it took forever for her to get back to sleep. Sweetie Belle looked out the window, it was a sunny day, but she couldn't find herself able to enjoy it after all that has happened in the past two days. It's like her whole world was now shadowed in darkness after Scootaloo had said those cruel words. No matter how she tried to shake them off, they just wouldn't leave.

The wight unicorn found the will to get out of bed and get ready for another painful day. It was a Saturday so school was out, but she couldn't enjoy the weekend with all the things that had been going on lately. Sweetie Belle walked down the stairs, and into the kitchen. Rarity was making breakfast, and by the looks of it they where going to be having toast. Rarity finally noticed her sister and forced a smile.

"Morning Sweetie Belle" Rarity tried to sound happy, but Sweetie Belle didn't seem to buy it.

"What's wrong Rarity?" Sweetie Belle shook her own worry's off to hear what her sister had on her mind.

Rarity let out a deep sigh.

"When you came home yesterday, you didn't say hi or anything. You just ran up to your room. I can only assume that this had something to do with the situation between Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara. If you don't mind me asking, what happened when you guys went to go look for Scootaloo?"

Sweetie Belle took a seat at the table, and turned to face her sister who look worried.

"Me and Apple Bloom decided that the best place to look for Scootaloo would be at our clubhouse, but about halfway there we ran into Silver Spoon, and she proceeded to blame us for what happened to Diamond. Apple Bloom managed to get her off our tails thankfully. When we arrived at our clubhouse Scootaloo was there. Everything was going smooth until Apple Bloom mentioned the accident with Silver Spoon, and it all went down hill form there. Scootaloo said that Diamond deserved what she got, and me and her got into an argument. Scootaloo finally stormed out of the clubhouse for the second time this week, and me and Apple Bloom finally went home."

Somehow Rarity knew that this sort of thing was going to happen, but her sister only confirmed her fears.

"Listen Sweetie Belle, I am going to go visit Mr.Rich again today. I want you to come with me this time."

Sweetie Belle looked shocked, she had no reason to go with her to visit him. Why would Rarity want her to tag along?

"Why do you want me to come with you?"

"Because the last time I was there, I learned a couple thing's about Diamond Tiara that I think you should know." Rarity picked up a notepad, and turned back to her sister.

"Wouldn't it be better if you just told me instead of him?" Sweetie Belle was getting more confused the more she thought about why she wanted her to come with.

"I think it would be better if you heard it from her father. I think if you knew more about Diamond Tiara it would help your situation even if it only helps a little. From what you told me it seems that Scootaloo knows nothing about Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon. She just goes off off her own personal judgment of them without knowing the facts."

Now that Sweetie Belle thinks about it, if she knew what caused Diamond to snap, then maybe she could make Scootaloo feel remorse for what she did.

"Okay Rarity, I will come with you. I hope that this will teach us what we need to know to stop all this once and for all." Sweetie Belle said with a hopeful smile.

"Me too, now let's eat breakfast and get going. We shouldn't wait to long before we go to visit him."

After they where done eating, they set there dishes on the counter and started toward Filthy's mansion. It wasn't paralytically hot today. There where a few clouds here and there, and a cool breezes flowing through the tree tops shaking the leafs ever so slightly. After awhile they reached the gates of Filthy's mansion. Sweetie Belle's eyes widened when she laid her eyes on the scenery around her.

"Wow, what a nice place." Sweetie Belle was fascinated by the neatly cut grass, and the huge gate that surrounded the mansion. It's not everyday she sees something that was this fancy looking.

"yeah, I had the same reaction." Rarity giggled. "Anyways, that's not why we are here."

Sweetie Belle shook her head, and nodded in agreement. The two ponies opened the gate, and walked down the long path to the front door of the mansion. Rarity knocked three times at the door, and to her surprise Filthy's the one who answered. However as soon as he saw that it was Rarity his smile turned into a frown. It's like he knew why she was here.

"I assume you know why I am here Mr.Rich." Rarity cut right to the case, the longer they sat there, the less information that they would get before they had to go.

Filthy let out a depressed sigh, and nodded for her to come inside. As soon as he saw the filly, he raised his eyebrow.

"Why do you have a filly with you?" Filthy questioned wondering why she brought her along.

"Shes my sister Sweetie Belle, I hope you don't mind if she is here."

"I don't, follow me."

Filthy walked back inside the mansion with Sweetie Belle and Rarity close behind. He lead them into the same room that he lead Rarity into the first time that they had talked. Filthy took a seat in his recliner chair while Rarity and Sweetie Belle took a seat on the couch.

"I'll cut right to the chase Mr.Rich, I assume you know what happened at the schoolyard two days ago." Rarity said in a stern voice.

"I do, do you care to explain what happened? Diamond told me that she tripped and fail on a rock. Of course I didn't believe that story, but I let it go because she just needed to rest."

Rarity looked down at her sister, and nodded at her to tell Filthy what had happened. Sweetie Belle looked at Filthy who was waiting for an answer. Sweetie Belle took a deep breath, and started explaining the events of the past two days.

"It started two days ago when my friend Scootaloo came into our clubhouse covered in mud. She told us that Diamond pushed her into it. She said that she was going to get her back for it somehow then stormed out of the clubhouse. The next day after school let out Diamond came up to us and started messing with us again. Scootaloo got up and started yelling at her to go away, but she didn't. Diamond said that her parents must be ashamed to have her as there daughter, and before we knew what was happening Scootaloo tackled her to the ground and started landing a storm of punches to her face. We managed to get her off of Diamond, and after we got her off Scootaloo broke free and ran away. We didn't see her again that day."

Filthy let out a deep sigh, and looked back at Sweetie Belle.

"I am sorry for my daughters behavior, she has gone through so much before we moved here, and she thought that being mean was the only way to keep it from happening again."

"It's okay, I just want to know what happened to make her turn so mean in the first place" Sweetie Belle was interested to know why Diamond is the way she is. There had to be a good reason for it, there just had to be.

Filthy sat up in his chair and looked over at Rarity who was getting her note book out, and Sweetie Belle who was waiting for him to start. With a deep sigh Filthy finally spoke.

"Before we moved here Diamond was a nice filly, and always wanted to be around me, her older brother, and her mom. However when she started to go to school that all changed. On the first day of school she came home crying saying that everypony at that school hated her. At the time we thought that she was just over reacting to some teasing. I told her that sometimes in school you will get teased, but it would stop eventually. She believed what I said and life went on normally for awhile. She came home smiling saying that she ignored the teasing. But things got worse, one day she came home crying her eyes out, and she had a black eye. We where shocked silent at the sight of our daughter injured, and at school no less. We called the school up and told them what had happened that day. We went to the principles office and Diamond explained what happened in detail. He said that it wouldn't happen again, but he was wrong. She came home everyday with some sort of bruise, or cut on her. The fillies found her after school when she was walking home. Her brother started walking her to and from school. For a whole month she was safe from harm and she started being happy again."

Rarity was jotting down all the notes she could. Once Rarity finished with her notes, she nodded at Filthy to continue.

"One day her brother didn't show up to pick her up, so she was forced to walk back home by herself, but what she found on the way there will haunt her for the rest of her life. There laying on the side of the dirt road was her brother. His head was busted open from what looked like a blunt weapon. All his ribs had been broken. Diamond rushed back to us crying, and told us what had happened. We rushed over to him, and we called the hospital, but they where to late. He was already dead when they had arrived at the scene. After this Diamond locked herself in her room and refused to come out. In the same week her mother died of a heart attack, and that's where she snapped. Shortly after we moved here I started getting reports from school about her bullying the other fillies. I kept telling her that this wouldn't solve her problems, but no matter what I would say she just didn't listen. One day she came home with another pony with her. Silver Spoon I do believe her name is. I was glad she made a friend, and I was hoping this would get her to be her normal self again, but I was wrong again. Her friend does the same thing she does now. I don't know why Silver Spoon goes around bullying others with her, but I can't stop it now."

Filthy rubbed away the tears that where forming in his eyes.

"That's terrible..." Sweetie Belle whispered as she wiped her own tears away.

Even Rarity was in tears. Sweetie Belle couldn't remember many times that her sister cried over something that didn't involve her line of work. For a long while everything was silent. Rarity closed her notebook and got up.

"Thanks Mr.Rich, I think we got all we need for now." Rarity said, some tears still showing in her eyes,

"Welcome Rarity, come by anytime you need anymore information." Filthy said forcing a smile.

Filthy got up and walked over to Sweetie Belle who was just now getting up, and got down on her level.

"Thank you for trying to get Diamond back to the way she used to be. It means a lot to me."

"It's my pleasure Mr.Rich, I would do anything for her to be happy again. Everypony deserves to live a happy life." Sweetie Belle said with a smile.

Filthy padded the small filly on the head and returned to his chair. Rarity smiled and waved goodbye, and they exited the mansion. As they where walking home Sweetie Belle spotted Silver Spoon sitting on the same bench that she had been on when her and Apple Bloom first ran across her. Silver Spoon only gave Sweetie Belle a glare and walked away. Sweetie Belle didn't know why that hurt her so bad.

"I don't know what I was expecting" Sweetie Belle whispered as they approached the boutique.

Rarity set her notebook off to the side, and turned back to Sweetie Belle who looked to be already thinking about what she heard today. Rarity tried to find something to say, but couldn't think of anything to lighten the mood. Sweetie Belle looked over at her sister.

"What should we do Rarity?" Sweetie Belle was at a lost on what to do. Everything she had thought up on the way back just wouldn't work. There was no way she could relate to what Diamond had gone through, and she already tried being nice to her when they first met.

"I don't know to be honest." Rarity admitted. "I think the best thing to do right now is to tell Scootaloo about this as soon as possible."

Sweetie Belle was saddened by the mention of her friends name. All Sweetie Belle can hope is that Scootaloo can understand why Diamond is the way she is now, and if she didn't then she wouldn't know what to do. Scootaloo has always been a loyal friend, and helped her out of bad situations, but it just seemed like after all of this there friendship just started fading. Sweetie Belle couldn't handle the thought of losing a friend so close to her.

"I am going to go up stairs Rarity." Sweetie Belle said as she got up.

"Okay, try to relax, it's the best thing you can do right now." Rarity said as she was looking back over her notes.

Sweetie Belle nodded, and started up the stairs to her room, once inside she sat on her bed and thought about all the things she has learned toady. All she hopes is that Scootaloo can see why Diamond is the way she is. She would have to tell Apple Bloom all the details tomorrow, the day has just been to emotionally tiring. Sweetie Belle closed her eyes and thought about how she was going to explain this to Apple Bloom once morning came around.