Dawn Shield

by shirotora

An April Fools Special

An April Fools Special

Midnight opened the door to his office and motioned for Applejack to follow. The office was rather small, but plenty big enough for his purposes. It was nearly bare with the exception of an oak desk with a few folders to one side, an inkwell, and some parchment, a couple light brown chairs and a few family photos on the walls.

As Midnight walked around to his side of the desk he began. “The recruit lists are rather promising this time.”

“Ah'd think so,” Applejack said with a small laugh as she took her seat. “After we stomped those Korda creeps, everypony wants to be in Dawn Shield.”

Midnight took his seat and gave his second a serious look. “Yes, but now we have to sort through and decide who we accept.”

“And for that, you want mah help?” Applejack inquired.

Midnight leaned over his desk, grabbing one of the folders. “I'm going to put you, Rainbow, and Sweetie in charge of training recruits with you in charge of it all. I've went ahead and discarded a few that I felt...”

Midnight's eyes suddenly widened in shock. Applejack cocked an eyebrow at the display and asked, “You all right?”

Midnight's still-wide-eyes drifted down to his desk as a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead. “Um... I'm fi~ngh! I'm fine!”

“You sure?”

“Oh yeah~” Midnight practically moaned only to catch himself, “I mean, of course I am!”

“You kinda seem a bit flustered all the sudden,” Applejack continued with concern. “Ah could-”


Applejack's eyes shot wide as she realized that moan didn't come from Midnight, but from beneath his desk.

“Oh...” the farmer said as she stood up. “You know, Ah just remembered, Ah gotta go... talk to... Rainbow, yeah. Ah'll come back in an hour.”

“That's good!” Midnight squeaked.

Applejack rushed out the door and slammed it behind her.

“Dang, Twi,” Applejack said to herself, her face flared in embarrassment. “She's gotta be in heat, or somethin'.”

As she started for the training field, a familiar voice called out to her.

“Hi, Applejack.”

“Oh, hey Twilight...” Applejack stopped suddenly, blinking as she stared at the lavender unicorn. Wait... if Twilight's here, then who..?

Oblivious to her friend's confusion, Twilight asked, “Did you see Applebloom over there? I was told she was heading to Midnight's office.”