Button Mash plays Flappy Bird

by HowDoIEvenBrony

Button Mash plays Flappy Bird

Button Mash entered the door to his house and rushed to his room. "Hey Mom, I'm home!" he yelled out but got no response. Button Mash reared up and let his saddlebag slide off of his back with a loud THUMP! Now, it was time to play! He ran to his room, but he was back in an instant. He forgot his new game! His friends at school had talked about a new game called "Flappy Bird" and he wanted to play it. Well, not really his friends, he just overheard a conversation. He had bought it on the market and he was ready to play anyways, so why think about that?

He ran back to his room and popped the disk into his JoyBoy and a menu screen popped up. He was just about to press start button to begin the game when his mother interrupted him. "Button, why did you leave your saddlebag on the floor?" He automatically dropped the JoyBoy and ran into the living room where he dropped his saddlebag.

"Why do you never put it in your room instead of me telling you to move it all the time?"

She is so demanding! he thought. He obliged his mother and took it with him to his room. He could play the game now! He closed the door to his room and turned on the JoyBoy. He was shaking with excitement, and pressed the A button on the right side of the console. "Press A to fly." he read out loud, and pressed it. The yellow bird fell face down.

"Huh? It said press A to fly!" His ears drooped and he pressed the A button to start the game again. He tried again, and the same happened. He tried again, but still the stupid bird faceplanted like he did when running home.

"Gah!" he shouted, he had never become this angry at a game before! Well, maybe he got a little more angry while playing Miners & Monsters and always losing all of his life.

"Maybe I'm doing something wrong?" he asked out loud. No one was here, so why bother? This time he tried pressing the A button two times in a row. It flew longer! But it still fell down...

This time he tried pressing it alot of times, it kept the bird in the air, and after a couple of seconds, two pipes appeared. He didn't know what to do, so he tried to smash throught them, it was less epic, though. The stupid bird fell down again. He tried multiple times before realizing he had to make the bird go through the gaps between the pipes. "Oh..."

Button always figured out how to play games fast, except in this case. It had taken him ten minutes to get through the first pipe, and he was not happy about his progress in the game.

After a couple of minutes he got a record of 3. He secretly wished it was easier so he could brag to his friends about having a higher record than them. Time flew by and he got more and more frustrated with the game.

After thirty minutes or so, his mother opened the door and asked worried, "Button, why are you screaming?" He got quiet and tears were flowing out of his eyes.

"MomthisstupidgameissodumbIcan'tplayit!" he blurted out without taking a breath. She had a very confused look in her face and asked him what was wrong. He answered much more calmly this time, though he turned the definition of calm upside-down.

He took his JoyBoy and began playing the game again, and his mother just sighed and left the room without him noticing.

"This game is so stupid..." He wiped the tears off his face. Big colts like him were not supposed to cry over a game! He huffed and pressed the A button again. He was lucky this time! He flew through five pipes, though on the sixth he accidently pressed the A button three times so the bird fell down on it's face again.


He was jumping in happiness and tried again. He couldn't make it through the first one. The same happened the next two times he tried. He got more and more frustrated every time he played. Every time he got through number five, he failed. It was different where he made the bird fall, but he never got over five.

After fifteen minutes he got so angry that he threw his JoyBoy on the ground and jumped on it. It didn't smash it, so he pulled his table over to it, and put all of the books he could find in the house on it, and pushed them down on it. Neither did this, so he threw it out the window.

This did, actually, break it. He watched in agony at what he had done. He began to cry out loud like a baby and his mother rushed in and calmed him down. It didn't work so well, but it was enough for him to speak clearly.

"So tell me, what happened? And why are all of my books on the floor?" Her voice calmed Button a little more.

"My J-JoyBoy b-broke!" He said after building up courage.

"How, sweetie?" She had a worried look on her face, but she kept trying to calm him down.

"I th-threw it out t-the window..." he cried.

"Why would you do that?" She asked, still worried about her son. He looked at the direction of the window, and was about to say something, but his mother interrupted him.

"My book!" She ran over to said book and picked it up. She watched as some pages flew out of it.

"Button Mash!" She almost screamed. "What have you done?!" She was extraordinary angry.

"Stupid game..." Button said quietly to himself.