Twilight is Catched in a Pokeball.

by dtlux1

Chapter 9 part FINALE!

Pokemon Trainer Green was just walking when he heard a swooshing sound.

"What is that swooshing sound?" asked Pokemon Trainer Blue.

"Red got out of the Tardis and greeted Gary. "Hello Blue." he said.

"Why are you big?" asked Gary Oak.

"Because I am from the future," said Red, "I came to see you."

"Hello," said Twilight the TOM, "I am with Red."

"WHAT KIND OF POKEMON IS THAT!" screamed Trainer Green.

"That's Twilight the James type Pokémon." said Red, "I caught her in Ponyville."

"I can't wait to catch one of my own." said Trainer Blue, "I am only 8 now, but I will catch one when I am 10."

"What ever you say Gary," said Red, "What ever you said.

"Hello," said Lucario, "Nice to meet you, and bye."

They then walked out a Door shaped like the letter N that said exit above it.