Study in Equinity

by Rhino

Chapter 5: A New Friend

Mornings off are spent a variety of ways, some get up anyway, whether they want to or not, and start their day doing something productive. Some study, some go run to stay in shape, and some may practice their spellwork now with a refreshed form after a night of sleep. Others take the opposite route, and take the opportunity to sleep in when they can. Whether it be due to sheer laziness, a chance to relax... or in this case, to make up for the lack of restfulness the previous night's sleep failed to give.

Light filters in through the bedroom window, reflecting off a hand mirror and shining directly in the eyes of an unlucky white unicorn. She grumbles and covers her eyes, reaching out in an attempt to knock whatever interrupted her dreams away. As she reaches further and further, more of her barely-covered body hangs off the edge of her bed.

Eventually, she falls off and hits the floor with a yelp. With a small groan, she sits up, rubbing her injured snout. "...well. That's one way to wake up..." She rubs her eyes, slowly rising to her hooves and moving over to the window, confused. "...what time is it?" She peers out at the partially-cloudy sky, idly rubbing her belly, exposed from her night shirt riding up her body. She notices a few stallions walking in the courtyard, struggling to get her tired mind to work as one points in her general direction.

The one manages to get the attention of a few more who all look in her general direction with big smiles as they wave to her. More likely though, they are waving at her girls on her chest as they hold her shirt up while she scratches her stomach. A whistle from one of them practically assures what they are looking at.

She glances down in confusion and squeaks, quickly covering herself and moving out of their line of sight. "Well... that was a brilliant way to start the day..." She sighs, turning to look at her closet. "Better change before anyone else gets a peek..."

Meanwhile, down at the peanut gallery, some certain stallions find themselves berated by a few mares who live in the same dorm as Angel. Having seen what could have easily been them, words are being given to the wannabe peeping toms. The word 'gelding' may have been tossed around for emphasis.

With a clean shirt and skirt on, she peeks around the edge of the window, slightly concerned. She opens it, calling out to the mares. "Is everything alright down there?"

As the stallions walk away with their tails between their legs, one of the mares calls up to her. "All good down here, girl! They won't be bothering you anymore!"

Another one next to her decides to offer her own opinion. "Question though, how come they're the ones that got the show?" This earns her a punch in the arm and a playful shove from a third mare in the group.

She shyly smiles, a soft blush on her cheeks. "I guess that's what I get for sleeping in, huh?" She turns back to grab her purse and a couple articles of clothing with her magic before a thought occurs to her. "Say, would any of you know a good place to get clothes repaired?" She holds up her yoga pants and wiggles her finger in the tear to emphasize what she means.

The mares turn to each other and chat a moment before the first shouts up to Angel. "Nothing here on campus so you'll have to out into the city! If you need it done quick though, I suggest one of the small shops! Less likely to have to make an order out of it! There's a..." she converses with her group again before continuing, "let's call it a costume shop! You might try there! I don't know, I haven't been there, myself!"

"Thanks! I owe you one!" She turns to the second mare, smiling playfully before waving at them and closing the window. She turns away, tapping her chin as her horn loses its faint glow. "I wonder if I should've written that note to her..." She shrugs and walks to her closet, searching for a pair of shoes that goes with her outfit.

After finally deciding on a pair of shoes that both matched and would be comfortable in the large amount of walking she was about to do, Angel set off towards the campus entrance. As she steps officially out onto the street, the differences between campus and city become startlingly obvious.

Where in the campus there would be lulls of little to no walking traffic due to classes, out here there is a constant flow that one must immerse oneself in if one wishes to get anywhere. Instead of uniform buildings of similar design and many rooms, out here places comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes, each wanting to grab the attention of the passerby more than their neighbors. Of course, being right next to campus means that for a radius of a few blocks, almost every single building is a shop for the sole purpose of taking advantage of the excess of youthful customers. Everything from diners, bars, coffee shops, pizza places, and more cater to every whim a student might have. Unfortunately, the clothing shop she seeks does not appear to be in this first area, so she was right in thinking that she has some walking to do.

She glances around nervously as she moves further away from the campus. She hugs her purse close to her chest, wanting to make sure that no one would try to steal from her. As she strolls along, she notices one of the stallions she saw earlier that day - the one that pointed her out to the others, at that. She smiles warmly, waving to him as if he is an old friend of hers. "Hi, there!"

He notices her, waving back reflexively before recognition dawns in his eyes. His expression lights up in excitement before suddenly dying down to apprehension as his wave gets smaller and his smile sheepish and he quickly darts away in the crowd.

Angel blinks, surprised at the reaction. "Wow, those girls really made an impression on him." She shakes her head, making her way through a plaza full of ponies. "And here I was hoping he'd give me directions..."

Angel's journey resumes. As she walks in a back and forth pattern, she seems to see every shop type imaginable... except for the one she seeks. Finally, as she rounds a corner, she spots a shop with poniquens in the windows, each with a drastically different costume... more than one would even be considered on the alluring side of the spectrum. The sign above shows the name of the establishment: Silk's Select.

She blushes brightly, glancing around as she approaches the building. Cautiously pushing the door open, she slips inside and grabs the handle, making sure the door closes without a sound. As soon as it is, she lets out a small sigh of relief, resting her head against the frame. "Just get your shorts fixed and go... that's all you need to do..." She turns around and stops in her tracks, gaping in shock at the sight before her.

While small from the outside, the store more than makes up for that with it's interior. Somehow the owner has managed to find the perfect balance of showing off as much of their product as possible, while still leaving enough room for ponies to weave around the sop with no fuss at all. White is the predominant color on the walls, with a clever little artistry near the ceiling giving the image of a lace lining along it.

The products themselves deserve descriptions all their own. While at first glance one would describe this as a costume shop, and indeed it is seeing as one can see everything from replica princess regalia and royal guard armor to costumes of every profession one might see on the street. Then of course, there is everything else.

The walls start to show an array of accessories from the cute to the kinky, bows, bands, and undergarments galore complement what dominates the center of the store. Maids, nurses, sexy lingerie, and everything else that could be wanted or needed in the interest of seduction and role play. In pride of place even rests a single sophisticated garment of purest white, a combination of stockings, maneband, gloves, panties, and brassiere promising to bring the strongest stallion to their knees while maintaining a sense of purity about the wearer.

She gulps quietly, staring at this last outfit in awe. Before she realizes it, her legs have brought her right in front of it, a hand slowly reaching out to touch the fabric.

A voice speaks from a little off to her side, it's tone warm and welcoming with a hint of pride. "A gentle touch hun, that's my prized work."

Angel yelps and whirls around to find the source of the voice, a now giggling mare not much older than herself. She is of a bright yellow coat and deep purple mane of soft straight locks that grow curly at their ends. Her body is slender with curves in all the right places, but perhaps a bit smaller than average.

Her purple eyes twinkle as she regards the young student. "Sorry hun, did I spook you as you were looking at Miss White, here?"

She blinks, confused. "...Miss White?" She glances at the outfit before realization crosses her face. "Oh! Y-yes, kind of." She clears her throat, pointing to the pure white clothes. "How much for it - her?" She opens her purse, starting to dig through it for some of her bits.

"Well... To be honest, she is a bit pricey, but worth every bit in my opinion. I made her to last decades and still remain as so as a foals caress." She lovingly looks at the ensemble before answering the actual question. "She goes for about 300 bits."

The white unicorn's purse falls to the ground as it slips from her fingers, eyes as wide as dinner plates. "300 bits?" She bites her lip, looking longingly at the outfit. "I... I guess that's fine, but..." She sheepishly smiles at the mare, embarrassed. "I don't have that much on me, at the moment... I mean, I have it at the dorm, and I do want it..."

"No worries, hun. She isn't going anywhere for now." She winks. "I only offer her to those I like, those who I think would appreciate her right, and I got a good feeling about you."

She blushes brightly, giving the mare her best confused look. "A... good feeling? What do you mean?"

The yellow mare just smiles. "I just think you seem like a sweet girl that would work perfectly with Miss White here. I saw you head straight for her, and you've been nothing but polite to me since we met."

"Oh, um, thank you..." She blushes a bit more, fidgeting a bit. "T-to be honest, I... I was hoping there'd be something in here for a guy, and... oh!" She smacks her forehead before her purse lights up, coming back up to her hands. "I was told you might be able to help with my little problem..." She pulls out her shorts, holding it out to her. "I need it for class tomorrow, and... well, I'm a little concerned it might gather more attention than I want."

"Ah, I see." The pegasus takes the shorts in her hand, flipping them over a few times before nodding. "I can certainly do this for you. Oh!" She holds a hand over her mouth a giggles. "Silly me, I completely forgot to tell you mine name and ask your own." She holds out her hand. "Silk Tease, at your service."

The unicorn smiles softly as she takes the hand, shaking it respectfully. "Angelic Grace. So, um..." She glances around the store, curious. "W-what would you recommend for a mare who... doesn't quite have her stallion, yet?"

"Hmm... well, that depends on his tastes as well as yours, hun." Silk walks towards the counter in the back of the store, unintentionally showing off her natural hip sway. "Are you looking for something for him to wear, or for you to wear? You mentioned looking for something for a stallion, and I do have a fair selection for them as well." She waves her hand over to one section of the store that certainly doesn't have quite the variety that the rest of the store has, but is still impressive nonetheless.

She gulps, noticing the clothing selection in the other gender's section. She bites her lip, trying to pull herself back out of the thoughts into which she'd started to wander before turning back to the older mare. "B-both, I think... but mostly for me?"

As she pulls out some fabric and thread, comparing colors to make sure she gets it right, the shop pony replies. "Well then, as you can see I have all kinds of things that you might find to your taste." She pauses and gives Angel an analyzing glance before smiling and returning to her work. "Judging by what I've seen so far, I'd suggest something in... perhaps a light blue would be best as white is too close to your coat color." She lays down the shorts and fabric as she arranges them. "Something simple and cute perhaps... though a sudden shift to sexy is likely to shock him, for better or worse..."

"Well... w-why not both?" She smiles shyly, gesturing to a sky blue one-piece swimsuit next to her. "Something like this, maybe?" Her horn gains a slight glow, an outfit from the stallion's section slowly floating over to the counter in front. "I just... don't know if it will fit me..." She frowns, looking at the swimsuit skeptically. " looks a bit small..."

Silk responds as she threads a needle. "Well, swimsuits aren't exactly the easiest thing to work with, especially since I work best with lace, but I do make them out of a fabric that can be let out or added onto if need be without too much trouble." She regards the piece again. "Not exactly bedroom attire, but I'm always pleased when my outfits serve both function and fashion."

"Yea..." Angel turns to the side, muttering to herself. "If only I could swim..." She clears her throat, smiling nervously. "Would you be able to find a good outfit that's already made if I, you know... let you take my measurements?"

"I could do that." She nods as the needle dives in and out of the fabric at her command. "While I'm doing this though, perhaps you would like to look around and see which ones you'd like me to look in first once we get the sizes? Feel free to browse the accessories as well." She gestures to the walls. "Those tend to be 'one size fits all'."

The unicorn nods, looking around quietly as she browses the wares. She picks up a few cute outfits, two sensual sets, and one downright kinky costume, though with a huge blush on her face. She returns to the mare, the clothes held close to her chest and partially covering her face. "Um... I-I think I have what I'd like..."

Silk looks up, her eyes widening at the student's selection. "Oh~. Looks like you were just waiting to find a shop like this one, weren't you, hun?"

"Well..." She blushes softly, averting her gaze. "I like the idea of... roleplaying..." She carefully places the clothes on a nearby table and sighs, turning to look at the mare. "So, um... do I need to do anything special for the measurements?"

"Hmm?" Silk looks up from where she had gone back to sewing a moment. "Well, there is one thing I'll probably need you to do, but that's what back is for, so we can make sure you have your privacy." The needle resumes its journey.

Angel blinks, glancing around the shop, empty of ponies save for herself and the mare before her. "...if you say so..." She rubs her arm, unsure of what to do. "What would that be, exactly? That you need me to do?"

The seamstress replies without looking up from her current work. "Oh, nothing much really, I'll just need you to lose the skirt. I used to just work around them, but the little things, cute as they are, make getting accurate waist and thigh measurements an absolute chore. The inseam is almost as bad."

"Oh. Is that all?" She giggles, heading towards the back of the store. "I don't see how that could be a big deal." She pauses, looking at the back wall quietly before calling over her shoulder. "Where should I go, exactly? There's, like, three rooms and an employee area, here."

"First room, hun. Just sit yourself on the stage if you want to. I'll be there as soon as I finish up this little patch job of yours and lock the door so I can work on you without worrying about somepony strolling in and taking something." The needlework continues.

She nods, pushing the door open and stepping inside. She notices the raised platform and, seeing that there isn't much else she could place herself on, decides that the mare wanted her to get on it. She removes her shirt and skirt, hanging them on a rod and sitting down in the middle of the small stage, waiting for the pegasus.

She arrives a few minutes later, a small smile on her face reflecting a job well done that grows as she sees her still eager customer. "Well, the shirt didn't need to come off, but it does make things easier." Her wing flicks out as she passes a shelf, flipping one tape measure out of a row of various sized ones into her waiting hand. "Ready to begin?"

She jumps to her hooves and salutes playfully, acting like her usual perky self. "Ready, Miss Tease!"

Silk giggles. "Oh, I'm liking you more and more, hun." She pulls a paper pad out of a pocket and a pencil from behind her ear. "Alright, hooves shoulder-width apart, arms straight out, stand up tall for me."

She nods and does as told, eyeing the mare and her clipboard thoughtfully as she gets to work. She doesn't say a peep about the thoughts her observations bring to mind, sure that she knows what she's doing. The one right after, however, gets immediately blurted out. "You know, you're really cute." She tenses briefly but keeps smiling, acting as though it was something anyone would say.

Silk smiles brightly at Angel as she pulls out a length of tape measure. "Aww, thank you! That's very kind of you to say!" She measures from wrist to armpit, writing the numbers down after.

"Well, it's the truth." She giggles, watching as the older mare works. "And to be honest, I'm a bit jealous."

"Jealous? Now what do I have that you could be jealous of?" She moves behind the unicorn and measure her shoulder width.

"Beautiful wings, for one thing." She glances down, making sure not to bend her neck and ruin the measurement. "For another, you've got a body that would have both stallions and mares staring for days." She smiles playfully, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes missed by the mare behind her. "In fact, I'd probably be staring if I didn't have somepony I'm pining for."

Silk's smile is warm as she comes back around to the front of Angel. "Well aren't you the flatterer... standing there in only your undergarments and making comments like that." She lets out a giggle and a wink as she measures around the unicorn's neck.

"I don't see why that would make a diffa... diffi... change." Angel gestures to the mare's body with a hand, seeing how she wasn't focusing on that extremity. "I call it like I see it, and, well... I feel safe around you. Not lover safe, but great friend safe." She frowns slightly, idly scratching behind an ear. "If that makes sense..."

"It does, it really does..." Silk lets the tape measure drop to the floor as she measure from shoulder to ankle. "I really do appreciate it, both the compliments and the trust." With a quick note of the numbers, she starts speaking again as she wraps the tape around Angel's bust. "Though, if I may say so, I really don't see why you would be jealous, considering what you already have."

She pouts, turning her gaze away. "I feel like stallions only talk to me for my breasts... like I'm not a mare but an object." She places a hand on the other pony's shoulder, frowning softly. "You, however... you have more than that. I bet you have had plenty of ponies who were nice to you just to be nice."

"Well yes, but that doesn't mean there aren't those who only have the old tail-shake on their minds." She waggles her hips for emphasis, her tail swishing back and forth. "But come now, you give yourself too little credit." She moves down, her head and tape measure at Angel's waist height as she measures. "I mean, face it, you're at the place where most of the stallions are just getting through with their awkward teenage years and are now their fully-hot-blooded adult selves, of course some are gonna give the rest a bad name. Surely there are some who treat you right?"

"Just one..." She smiles, a soft blush coming to her cheeks. "He tries to act respectful to me... wants me to be comfortable when I'm with him..." She giggles, resting a hand against her cheek as her tail starts to swish behind her. "He's smart, he's strong, and he's got the cutest smile, yet..."

Silk looks up from where she has moved onto measuring leg length. "Yet what? Sounds like a good stallion for a sweet thing like you." She waggles a finger. "You let me know if he gives you any trouble and I'll straighten him out. I'm 24, I'm closer to my prime than he is to his."

Angel stares down at the mare, surprised. "Really? But you seem so... mature..." She shakes her head, trying to get back on topic. "A-anyways, I'm just not sure he's the one. I've been dropping hints but, well, he gets more flustered than anything..."

"Oh? Got something very specific in mind for your mate,do you?" She writes down the latest measurement before tapping the white mare's thigh. "Spread your legs a little for me, I need to be able to do some interior measuring."

Angel laughs, pulling away from the pegasus's hand. "C-careful! I'm ticklish there!" She grabs her shoulders to keep herself from falling as she calms herself down. "And, to answer your question, it's more like... someone specific..." She sighs wistfully, moving as instructed.

Silk wraps the tape measure around the upper thigh. "Ah, I see... It's not some silly celebrity crush, is it?"

"Not at all!" She blushes brightly, shuffling her hooves nervously. "It's a childhood crush."

"Oh~, how romantic..." She puts a hand flat on Angel's thigh. "Please stop moving for bit, hun. I need to get your inseam next."

She sheepishly smiles, rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment. "Sorry, Miss Tease."

"It's no trouble, just let me get this..." Her fingers hold the tape measure as she gets the tricky length from hoof to all the way up where her thigh meets her crotch.

As the mare's fingers pass over the inside of her leg, Angel gasps, her back arching as she bites her lip. Despite this, she can focus enough to grab the pegasus’s hand a couple inches from the hem of her panties. "Um... p-please be careful..."

Silk smiles reassuringly. "Don't worry, I know this is awkward, but this measurement is always like that for everypony." She removes Angel's hand from hers and continues measuring, getting within centimeters of the fabric, but not touching it as she tilts her head to look at the number. "See? Nothing to worry about."

The white unicorn turns away, muttering to herself. "Says the mare looking at my panties..." She clears her throat, trying to change the subject back. "S-so... do you have a special someone, Miss Tease?"

Silk pulls the tape measure away as she answers. "Unfortunately, no. That doesn't mean I won't want one if one comes strolling up to me, but being a fairly new business owner doesn't exactly leave one with a lot of free time when one is setting up. Luckily, I'm onto the easier part of actually running the thing now."

"I suppose that's good news... but I find it hard to believe you're still single." She looks down at her, tilting her head to one side. "Maybe you should... I don't know, actively look for one?" She pats the other pony's head, giggling playfully. "It should be easy for you, right?"

"Hmm... maybe..." The pegasus notes down the measurement. "I think I will start to have a more... attentive eye when it comes to spotting them. After all, if one finds the right one, then there's nothing quite like it, from what I hear." She stands up fully, brushing a few bits of carpet from her pants. "You can go ahead and get dressed if you want to, I only have a few more measurements to do and none of them go under the clothes."

"I'm fine!" She giggles, shaking her head. "I feel comfu... confa... good, right now!"

"Alright then, hun." She gently grabs one of Angel's hands, measuring palm and finger.

She blinks, looking at the yellow hands on her own white. "You... your hands are really smooth... and warm..." She giggles, winking playfully at her. "I bet your special someone will appro... appra... be thankful for that."

Silk giggles. You are just being the little charmer, aren't you?" A sparkling smile graces her face as she cheekily rubs Angel's hand once she is done measuring. "Yours have that smooth softness to them I don't see too often, so I think whichever pony you choose will be very happy."

"Aww!" She grins, pulling the other mare into a hug. "Thank you! I've never been complo... compri... praised for my hands, before!" She lets go and pulls away, rocking on her hooves with a silly smile on her lips. "Maybe I should have a certain someone take notice of them... what do you think, Miss Tease?"

The mare only laughs, a twinkle in her eyes. "There's a reason Miss White comes with gloves dear: to accentuate them just as much as anything else. Hands can be used just as well, if not more to draw attention, especially since you can do so many things with them... both subtly, or not, depending on what you're going for." She winks before continuing. "One last measurement dear, could you sit or kneel down for me?"

Angel brightly nods, lowering herself to her knees and looking up at the pegasus. "Subtly? How would I do that subtly?" She holds her hands up in front of her face and examines them, unsure.

"Oh, all sorts of ways dear." Silk leans over Angel's head, laying the tape measure from the back of her neck to the base of her horn. "I'll be measuring your horn placement, in case you're curious. Anyway, back to hands. You can use them in perhaps the most ways out of anything. A light stroke of a single finger, meant to cause shivers down the spine. there's also the playful pinch, the firm squeeze, the lustful grope, the relaxing massage, the sensual swirl, and of course, the sharp slap, though I admit I'm not particularly a fan of that last one."

The unicorn considers her words for a moment, her eyes closed. "So," she reaches up with a hand, "something like this?" As the last word escapes her lips, her finger makes contact with the tip of her wing, moving along the outer edge in a brief, gentle motion.

Silk stiffens as she suddenly inhales with a hiss, her wing seeming to shiver as it stretches outward, splaying the feathers outward almost like a peacock. It takes the pegasus a moment to catch her breath. "Phew... You sure you haven't done that before, hun? Yes... Exactly like that. Though I wouldn't go around doing that to every pegasus wing, mind you." She pulls away from the unicorn, her wings, which had been tucked in before, are now slowly folding again, but only halfway, as if in a more relaxed position.

"Why not?" She giggles, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "I thought your reaction was really cute." She teasingly sticks her tongue out at her, winking as she clasps her hands behind her back.

The faintest hint of a blush makes itself known just above Silk's smile as she writes down the final number. "You might go giving ponies the wrong idea... I didn't mind, especially with you sitting there looking so adorable afterwards, but... Let's just say wing touching is left strictly between good friends or above." Her feathers shuffle a bit behind her as she turns and puts the tape measure away.

"Oh?" She steps up behind the pegasus, pulling a feather back into its proper place. "Would you say we're good friends, Miss Tease?" She giggles, wrapping the older mare in a gentle hug, her arms loosely draped around her waist. "I don't speak with just anypony about my crush, after all."

The pegasus lets out a slight squeak from the second unexpected wing touch followed by the hug. "I'd say we've become very good friends Angel... more than enough for you to just call me Silk." She lets out a quiet giggle as she places her hands over the unicorn's. "You are a very touchy one, aren't you?"

"Yep!" Her left hand slowly trails upwards along her exposed, yellow-furred belly. "I felt that you are special, and I was right." Her hand is almost at the hem of her shirt. "You've got a big..." She suddenly moves her hand to the other mare's back, giggling playfully. "Heart. Thank you for listening." She pulls away, waiting to see her reaction as her hand rests on her new friend's back.

Silk quietly lets out a breath she had been holding as her tail flicks happily back and forth. Shifting her wings a bit, she looks back over her shoulder. "It's been a pleasure getting to know you, hun. So no need to thank me." One purple eye winks.

"The pleasure's all mine. Though I have to wonder..." Angel giggles as her horn lights up, and she brushes some dust off the edge of a wing. "...whether you were hoping for some. Maybe I'm mistaken, though?" She slides her skirt on, turning away. She grabs her shirt, discreetly watching the pegasus in a nearby mirror.

Silk chooses her words carefully as her feathers shuffle again. "I hardly think life is near as worth it if you don't enjoy it... and I think we've both been having fun so far." She grabs her clipboard and looks over the white mare with a smile, that expression that can mean so many things. "Of course, we're not done yet either, we still have to get those outfits for you, and I think I'll have a few size adjustments to make to Miss White later today..."

"Thank you, Silk." She slips her shirt back on before turning to the mare, curious. "Oh, and do you have any bras?" She cups her cloth-covered breasts, frowning down at them. "As you saw, I don't have any."

"It was quite obvious..." She mutters a moment before speaking up as she motions Angel to follow her. "I do have some, yes, as long as you don't mind that I don't really make... standard ones, as far as design goes. Though I have been told mine as very visually appealing." Her finger points to one of the back corners of the store. "I've got front and back snap ones as well, so you should be able to find something you like."

"Actually, I think I'd prefer fancy ones." She smirks coyly as she saunters over to the section indicated. "As long as you have panties that go with them."

Silk smirks as she starts going through the store, clipboard in one hand and Angel's outfit suggestions in another, slowly switching different parts for different sizes. "Of course I do dear, what would the point of selling lingerie be if I didn't?" The first one she switches out is the light blue one-piece swimsuit, just getting a slightly larger size.

"Oh, duh!" She smacks her forehead, laughing brightly. "Of course you would! So, can you help me find out which look best on me?" She smiles warmly, rocking on her hooves as she watches her work.

"Well, I'm always willing to make suggestions," she trades out a skirt on the cheerleader outfit, "did you want to just hold them up to yourself and see what you and I think?"

"That seems best." She blushes, bowing her head in embarrassment. "I tried some on in a store, once. I left without buying anything..." She pouts, crossing her arms. "I still don't think that stallion worked there..."

"Oh dear..." Silk stops from where she was choosing different leggings for a cat costume. "You are just too cute and innocent for your own good sometimes..." She wraps her arms around Angel in a comforting hug. "Don't you worry, I'll do my part to make sure you don't have any problems if I can help it."

She returns the embrace, smiling warmly. "Thank you, Silk. You really are a good friend..."

"You're quite welcome, Angel. Now then, scoot along." She lets go and lightly pushes her in the direction of the undergarments. "Go pick yourself out some nice things to look at and come back when you found something you like. I've still got to finish sorting out these other outfits for you. Oh, wait! Really quick..." she pulls a collar with a bell on it from the display case next to the cat suits, "did you want one of these to go with this?" She holds up the cat outfit.

She blinks, considering it for a moment before turning to her. "Could I have two? That one and a forest green one?" She smiles, her hand tracing the locket around her neck. "With a nice heart-shaped tag on it?"

Silk gets a sly smile. "Sure thing, hon." She pulls a green collar, which comes with a bell, and a blue one, which comes with the locket. A bit of quick finger work and the two charms are switched. "There we are. One black with bell and one green with locket. Now, go on with you, go pick yourself out some things to keep some ponies from staring when they can't see them, and yet make them stare more when they can."

Angel salutes, giggling brightly. "Okay, Silk!" She turns and strides over, the motion of her hips more pronounced that usual and her tail swaying behind her.

The seamstress watches the mare walk away, her expression unreadable before she turns to the next outfit in the pile. A small giggle escapes her lips as she starts heading over to the schoolfilly outfit section to fine tune the piece.

Some time later, after many more incidents of lacy things, quips, teasing, comparing, complimenting, and of course giggling, Angel is finally all ready with her purchases. Neatly folding all of that garments and setting them in an extremely large bag, Silk recites them all as she goes in order to keep track and make sure she didn't miss anything.

"Let's see... ten undergarment sets, cheerleader, swimsuit, cat, schoolfilly, night guard, four pairs of gloves, two short and two long, a stallion's doctor coat, and... a sleeping mask." Silk lets out a long whistle. "Dang, hun. With all that in one trip, I think you might officially be my best customer."

"Thanks! You forgot one, though." She points to one outfit off to the side of the counter, a feather duster and a handkerchief on top of it. "I just love all of these clothes you've made!" She turns to look at the racks, smiling softly and her ears twitching slightly. "It was so hard to pick just those out of all of these... and you know..." She glances at her friend, blushing slightly. "I think I'll come here later. There's more I'd like to check out... maybe see if he'd like them, too..." She wags a finger playfully at her. "Don't expect this big a purchase, though... I'd be more likely to bring clothes to get touched up, anyways."

"Woops, can't forget the maid costume!" She stows that in the bag as well. "And of course I don't expect this big of a purchase every time you come here. It's better to have one, or two I suppose since you might end up being a package deal, returning customers than just a one-timer." She scribbles down a few numbers on a pad before nodding. "Ok, all together that comes to... 930 bits."

Angel audibly chokes on her words, almost dropping her purse in shock again. "W-what? 930 bits?" She starts to tear up, placing a hand on the counter to steady herself. "I only have one hundred on me... I-I left the rest of my money back at my dorm room..."

Silk just keeps smiling, placing a reassuring hand on Angel's. "It's alright, hun. It would be kind of silly of me to expect ponies to carry almost a thousand bits around with them. I'd think that many coins would start to make your shoulder sore after a while." A small giggle comes out before she continues. "I've got various ways of working with ponies for larger orders like this. I work with monthly payments, though those do have small interest on them, I've also held items until funds can be brought. I'm willing to work with ponies as long as they are reasonable."

"B-but I need these for tonight!" She bites her lip, her eyes darting about frantically before almost lighting up. "Hey! Maybe you can come back with me to my place?" She giggles, almost bouncing in her excitement. "I can pay you and get a headstart on buying Miss White! It's perfect!" She reaches over the counter, grasping the other mare's hands in her own and beaming brightly. "What do you say, Silk? Will that work?"

Silk blinks a moment, exactly what was just offered running through her mind. "Are you this eager about everything? I mean... I could have sworn you just invited me back to your place... after buying sexy items from my store... and saying that you need them for tonight..."

"Yes, I did, and yes, I am!" She tilts her head, confused. "What's wrong with asking that? I trust you, and I think it'd be a good idea. Do you not agree with it?"

"I never said that..." Silk sighs. "I guess just given the context... I saw something else in the invite..." She shakes her head as she looks behind her at the clock on the wall. "What time is it anyway... I feel we've been at this a while... Four o'clock?" Her gaze turns to the door that she had unlocked once she had finished measuring Angel, but that had not opened since. "I suppose Tuesday's aren't exactly my busiest time..."

"Yay!" She grabs the bag and heads towards the door, gesturing for the other mare to follow her. "Come on, Silk! I want to get ready for tonight as soon as possible!"

"Alright alright, let me close up..." She locks the register and gathers her purse, muttering to herself as she does so. "I swear it still sounds like there's something else under that..." Sh shakes her head. "Probably just me." She walks over to the door, flicking the lights off and flipping the sign before finally turning to Angel. "Alright, I'll lock it behind us and we can be on our way."

The mare smiles and takes the pegasus's hand, leading - or rather, dragging - her back to the campus, giggling the whole way. Without even realizing it, she was giving the yellow pony quite a show with her swaying hips and tail due to how she was rushing.

This of course, does not mean Silk is complaining as she follows the student. As they travel, even when on campus, they looks like nothing more than a couple of friends, one more eager than the other, after a successful shopping trip. Silk finally says something once Angel slows down in order to unlock her dorm door. "Well, the foyer was nicer than I expected. I take it the room also defies that whole 'cramped box they generously call a room' rumor that most have about on campus living arrangements?"

"I like to think so." She pushes the door open and ushers her friend in. "I'm the only one who lives in 219, after all." She puts her bag on a chair and starts to carefully unpack everything, laying them on the bed.

Silk looks around. "Lucky... Umm... where can I sit while you find the bits?"

"Oh, you don't have to leave, yet!" She removes the bag from her chair and gestures to it. "Please, make yourself comfi... comfu... at home!"

The pegasus smiles. "Oh, well alright then." She takes a seat, crossing her legs and setting her hands in her lap as she watches Angel continue unpacking her purchases. "Still like what you picked?"

"Definitely!" She lays the last outfit on the bed and puts the bag to the side. "Now I just need to figure out which to wear, tonight..." She taps her chin and shrugs, turning to the window and closing the blinds. "There we go." She pulls off her shirt and skirt without any ceremony, her small, pink-and-white-striped panties all that are left on her form. They aren't going to much longer, considering how she hooks her thumbs around the band.

The other mare meanwhile, is struck speechless as the clothing just seemed to fly off her friend. Too stunned to look away as Angel, her back to Silk, bends over and slides the last article of clothing off her form. The pegasus' eyes widen as she sees absolutely everything the unicorn has to offer, her mouth hanging slightly open while her wings unfurl all the way. It even takes her a moment to remember to blink.

She picks up one of the sheer underwear sets and one of the simple, lacey sets, turning to the dumbstruck mare. "Which do you think would look better? This one?" She holds the former in front of her body. "Or this one?" She switches it with the other, the whole time apparently oblivious to her mental state.

Silk responds after a moment, sounding slightly mystified as she continues watching the show. "Depends on what you want to convey... if you just want the stallion, you might be best off just going as you are now..."

Her smile falters, and she lowers her hands, the clothes floating off to the side in a blue aura. "He won't look at me if I'm not wearing anything... he's a bit too respectful, that way..." She shrugs, turning to look at the rest of the articles laid out on the bed. "I suppose it's better than him being unable to look at my face at all..."

Silk recovers a bit now that she only has Angel's backside to taunt her. She coughs a moment. "Well, I doubt you want to be the kind of mare to go stripping for a stallion she isn't dating anyway... Although I admit, this is the opposite of the usual problem. Usually it's stallions who stare too much, not one who doesn't stare enough... Again though, what exactly are you going for? what message are you trying to send with your body?"

"I..." She trails off, confusion filling her face. "I don't know... I mean, I want him to see me for who I am... that I think he's handsome... but I don't want to seem desperate, at the same time..." She sighs, sitting down on an empty space on the comforter and looking at her friend. "I... I guess that's a bit much to ask, huh?"

Silk focuses on her friend's words, finding it easier to deal with seeing her body when she is genuinely helping her with a problem. "Not at all, hun... you said you're not sure exactly what you're trying to say, but let's try something: what exactly are you trying to have him say back? Are you expecting him to confess his undying love for you, sweep you off your hooves, then passionately make love to you? Or are you going for something a little tamer and still trying to get a sense of the whole picture of who exactly this stallion is?"

"I... I guess I'm just... trying to see who he really is..." She fidgets and blushes softly, averting her eyes. "As much as I'd like him to say he loves me... I'm still not sure if he's the right stallion..."

"That's a good filly." Silk smiles. "If you are unsure, it's best not to take big steps like this. There's nothing wrong with wanting to know a stallion better before making big decisions." After a moment's hesitation she adds onto that. "Decisions such as letting him see this lovely view."

Angel opens her mouth but stops herself, closing it and twirling a lock of her mane around a finger. "I guess you know best... but I still want to wear something nice for him..." She giggles, putting a hand against her cheek. "He's so cute when he blushes..."

"Oh, I can understand that sentiment." The yellow mare looks at Angel's mane for a moment before she looks back to her face. "Although there is something I want to be sure of, you said he wouldn't look at you when you were bare, right? Well, what do you think was the least he saw you in, and how did he react?"

"Well... he saw me once while I was in just a shirt and panties..." She taps her chin, brow furrowed in concentration. "I think he was fine with it... but his cheeks were rosy while we talked... he sat next to me, held my hand, rubbed my back... all in all, he was a great listener."

Silk rubs her chin with a hand. "Well... that's certainly not what I would suspect..." As she runs down the list of things Angel said he did, her eyes widen and she looks at Angel seriously. "Do you think he might be gay?"

"I... what?" She stares in confusion. "Gay? But..." She whines, her ears going flat against her head. "But he said he'd wait for me... a-and if he is, so what? T-there's nothing saying he can't still love me, right?" She smiles, but it's obviously forced, and small. "Right?"

Silk stares at the mare and her... extreme reaction. Getting up, she walks over and sits next to her, avoiding sitting on the clothes. Bringing an arm around the now distraught unicorn, Silk pulls her into a hug, tucking Angel's head against the front of her shoulder. "There, there... it was only a question, hun..."

She shakes, hugging the mare back tightly. "It can't be true... I..." She looks up at the mare, her misty eyes searching her friend's for some kind of hope. "...S-Silk... w-what should I do? W-what if he is?"

The yellow mare looks down at those big blue eyes and can't help but to hug her again. "Well, why don't we cross that bridge when we come to it, ok? It was just a question, and really, a question is the best way to find out if he is or not. Just ask him." She pats her back. "I mean, given what you apparently plan on doing, I'm fairly certain you'll know if he is or not tonight, right?"

She goes quiet, considering the mare's words before nodding. "I suppose that's true... thank you, Silk." She gently pecks her cheek, giggling softly. "So, I still have to figure out which outfit will work best..." She smiles, the energy back in her voice and actions. "Shall we get started?"

"Sure..." Silks rubs her cheek softly a moment before nodding. "Ok, so let's see... clothes are one thing, but what you do with them will be up to you... Hmmm..." Her gaze falls onto Angel's chest, lingering there a moment before going to the collection of undergarments. "It might be easiest if we start from the bottom... Do you plan on him seeing which ever set of these you put on?"

She nods, looking at the clothes for a moment before turning to her friend, tilting her head to one side. "Do you have any like these on?" She holds up a hand, stopping her. "I just... wonder if you have a preference."

"Well..." Silk looks over them and points to a set. Both the top and bottom have a small bit of design in the main areas then small borders of lace along the top of the bra, and on all edges of the panties. Silk takes a thumb and pulls down one sides of her pants enough to where Angel can see the side of a purple pair of panties of the exact same design. "In a word, yes."

Angel giggles, winking playfully at her. "I bet it looks nice on you." She picks up the one with the similar design, turning it over in her hands and feeling the fabric. "Wow... it's just as smooth as your hands... I like it!" She beams, standing up and bending over to put them on, her tail barely covering her personal area.

Still, barely is enough for Silk to not get nearly as flustered as she did the first time. Ignoring that instinctual part of her mind that tells her to flap her wing to move that tail of out the way, Silk stays still as Angel successfully puts the bottoms on, the light blue fabric cupping her cheeks perfectly.

The unicorn laughs brightly, slowly trailing her fingers along the sides of the garment. "This is amazing - it's like I'm wearing nothing at all!" She covers her mouth and grabs the matching top, wrapping it around her chest before turning away, holding the ends with her hands. "Can you get this for me, Silk?"

"Certainly." The mare stands and grabs the ends, spreading her fingers through Angel's fur and pushing it down as she snaps them together so her coat doesn't get caught in it. However, instead of moving her hands away, she rubs Angel's back for a moment as she speaks. "There we go... doesn't it feel good to have your girls covered and supported again?"

"Oh, very much so." She sighs blissfully, leaning back against her friend's hands. "It's been awful... a pain in my back since their 'growth spurt'..."

Silk nods as she rubs a bit more. "Ah, the dreaded-yet-loved last minute bloom. I guess I got lucky that mine came at a steady pace and the only problems I got from it was not being able to sleep on my stomach for a few years."

"I'll say." Angel sits there quietly as the pegasus continues her motions. After a while, however, she turns to look over her shoulder, smiling warmly. "You know, I'd like to return the favor... may I help you with your wings, Silk?"

"Well..." Silk pauses in her motions as various thoughts run through her head. "That would depend on your answers to two questions: Do you realize that once you start giving a pegasus a wing massage it's like rubbing a dog's stomach? They never want you to stop. Secondly, won't your... I guess I call him your potential stallion friend... be jealous?"

"In order," she turns around, placing a hand on her shoulder, "I think I can handle that fact, and we're good friends. I'm sure he won't mind."

"Well, far be it from me to deny a barely-clothed friend to rub me down..." She looks to the bed, which is still mostly covered by clothes. "Plus we can still chat about which outfit you're going to where over what you have on... unless you just wanted to meet him in that?" She raises a questioning eyebrow.

Angel raises one of her own, crossing her arms. "He wouldn't look at me without a shirt on. I think I need a bit more." She rolls her eyes and floats the outfits onto the desk, dresser, and chair, leaving the bed clear once the other underwear went into drawers, all folded neatly.

Silk lays herself down on her stomach, her arms folded under her chin. "Did you want him to look?"

"Well, yes..." She climbs onto the bed, straddling the other mare's hips to get in a good position. She carefully pulls the back of the crop top up, letting the joints of her wings be visible. "I want him to think I'm beautiful." She doesn't bother moving the bra off the pegasus, as undoing the straps was enough. She tenderly places her hands on the back before her, rubbing tiny circles into the area just below each wing. "Do you use your wings often, Silk?"

The pegasus' voice is softer than usual as she hums before speaking. "Well... as much as I can. I do run a shop, so most of the day I am stuck cooped up in there. I fly to and from work since it's faster and it feels good, but I only ever get in a good flight during some evenings when I manage to find a nice clear area of sky that the weather ponies aren't messing with." she lets out a sigh. "I guess... if anything, they'll be stiff from lack of use..."

"Oh, my." Angel moves a hand up to the joint of its side's wing, carefully stroking it to see how that affects her. "Maybe you could come to the gym, sometime. I have access due to being a student, and there's a court the size of town hall in there." She gives the base a tentative squeeze. "Would that work?"

Silk's wings unfurl fully, one touching the wall and the other stretching halfway across the room. She lets out a small groan before speaking. "Maybe... sounds big enough for leisurely flight at least..." Laying her head on its side so she can see Angel, she continues. "Back up though, you said you wanted to do all this outfit stuff so that he thinks you're beautiful... but why work so hard to make him realize something that should be obvious?"

"Because..." She falters, her hands pausing in their path along the front of her wall-facing wing. "Because I'm afraid he might have forgotten me..." She resumes her motions, stroking the edge and pushing feathers back into place.

The pegasus lets out a long almost purr-like moan before her voice works. "Ah... I'm starting to see the picture here... Correct me if I get this wrong on any point: When you were little you and a colt were little sweethearts, things happened so you weren't able to see or hear from each other again. Now, years later, you found somepony who looks like him, maybe has the same name. You hope that it's him so you are trying to catch his eye and make him yours again, but a part of you also knows it could possibly not be him, so you don't go too far until you're sure. Meaning that you're always sitting there fighting between the urge to go fast and the urge to go slow."

Angel blinks, staring down at her friend. "That... that's exactly right." She pauses when something falls against her hand and looks down to see a yellow feather. "Are... are these normally supposed to fall out?"

"It's fine... they slowly fall out and are replaced by new ones... though they do it more just after winter." She continues from where they were. "So... do you have a plan for this little potential stallion? I don't need to know the details of course, but I'm just wondering if you had a general idea besides chatting him up, dressing sexy, and letting him indulge on all those urges you make him have once you are sure who he is."

"I... guess I don't..." She sighs, pushing the last feather of that wing into place. "I mean, I'd like to get married to him, be accepted by his family..." She shakes her head, idly rubbing the tip of the wing as she thinks. "A perfect romance-story ending... you know?"

Silk grits her teeth and her tail thrashes around as Angel plays with one of the top sensitive spots on her wing. "Wow... really going the whole way... huh? I like that... shoot for a happy life, right?"

"That's what I hope for..." She finally moves to the other wing, fixing the feathers found there. "I... I don't really have a backup plan, though... aside from what my mom would've wanted from me..."

"Well..." She turns to the chair, lifting the dark metallic costume off it in a blue aura and bringing it to the edge of the bed. "It's something similar to this. She was a high-ranking officer, after all..." Angel puts a hand between the mare's wings, stroking her back as she continues to work.

The pegasus' purple tail twitches rhythmically, occasionally even reaching up and flicking the taut cheeks of the mare right above it. It takes Silk a moment to work herself out of a long pleased moan before she answers. "Military mare and married mare are not impossible to combine... most choose not to though. No offense... but I see you being a... lover... not a fighter."

"That's what I want to be... a lover..." She smiles softly as she moves to the underside of her limb, smoothing out the feathers and pausing when her fingers bump something. "One sec, I think I found a knot..." She places her free hand on the top edge, gingerly yet firmly holding it in place as she presses into the tense muscle. She goes silent as she focuses on this, not wanting to injure her friend on accident.

This, for better or worse, leaves Silk with sensations as the only input her mind is getting, and it is all too eager to work with what it's got. Her mouth hangs open from the feeling of her wing being worked, and soon her eyes cloud over a bit as her imagination flares up. Her legs stretch out behind her as her hooves twitch, meanwhile her hands clench the sheets below her as she bites lightly on a finger to muffle any sounds she might make. She is not completely successful though as a few squeaks slip out. Even her wings seem to shiver from sensations both real and imagined.

Angel, seeing her wing twitch in her hands, frowns slightly and grips her a bit harder, her fingers increasing their pressure as she tries to get the mass of muscle to cooperate. Her thighs move to grip the pegasus's hips to hold her body still, her own just high enough to prevent contact to her most intimate of areas.

The increased force on both wing and hips that serves to pin her down does not help the pegasus at all. Her breath starts coming in pants as even though her wings are being held still, muscles in her back still seem to flutter. Her tail is fully flagged at this point, her dock pressed up against Angel as her eyes roll back into her head.

"Done!" The unicorn sighs in relief, letting go to put the last few feathers back in place. "That was a toughie, but I knew I could handle it!" She giggles brightly and gently rubs along her friend's wings one last time before getting off the bed.

"Eh... buh... wha?" Silk lets out a small whine as she looks over to the white mare. "Is it... over already?"

She blinks, staring at her for a moment before smiling, gently putting a hand on her back. "You really weren't kidding, huh?" She laughs playfully, taking the tip of her wing and softly pinching it. "Your wings look fine, now... but, if you really want, I'll preen your feathers for you whenever you need me to." She lets go and turns around, bending to grab a fallen costume off the ground as she continues. "Is that fair, Silk?"

Heard only by herself as she watches Angel bend over, Silk whines again. "That's not fair at all..." After a few moments of contemplation, she sighs disappointedly, shifting her legs as she snaps her bra back on and pulls her shirt down. She moves back up into a sitting position as she speaks a bit stronger. "I'll be sure to take you up on that offer."

"Great!" The white pony giggles, turning to the mare with the faux-armor in her hand. "I enjoy spending time with you, anyways!" She heads over to the closet, hanging the clothes up before stretching to the top shelf. "I still don't know what to wear, though. And he's supposed to be here in two hours!"

The pegasus gives herself a slight pinch so she can focus. "Umm, well, perhaps you could just try them all on and we can go from there? I have an idea of which ones might work, but it's best to be sure."

Angel blinks, turning to her friend with a small box in her hands. "I guess that makes sense." She glances at the outfits, running a hand through her mane. "Which should I try on, first?"

Over the course of the next decent chunk of time, Silk has Angel ritualistically try on each of the outfits. Angel of course, is all too willing to do so, even trying some on more than once or doing little poses when the other mare asks. She even tosses in a shake and a wink a few times which only causes the pegasus to smile more.

Finally, as Angel once again strips down to her undergarments at shocking speed, Silk says the anticipated words. "Ok, I think I've narrowed it down to two options, and I'll tell you which one would work best depending on the strategy you're going for. If you want to go for having your motivations be a bit more subtle, I suggest the cheerleader one. Though it's true the design is more towards eye-pleasing than an actual cheerleader costume, it would be perfectly viable for you to normally have that on, or at least that's what he'll assume. If you want your intentions to be slightly more well-known, I would suggest the cat suit. For that one, you'll either have to come up with an excuse for having or putting it on, or come flat out and say you did it for him. Both are definitely on the lower end of the sexy spectrum compared to everything else you got, but from what you told me, we need to try not to overload the poor stallion."

The unicorn considers this a moment, regarding the outfits on the bed next to the other mare. "I suppose you're right... I want to wear the cat suit, but..." She holds up one of the collars, blushing slightly. "I have to wonder if he'd be a bit offput by it... so I think I should know him a bit better before trying that out..." She switches the collar for the cheerleader outfit, putting it back on. She pauses, staring at the pom poms before putting them back down, shaking her head. "I think that's a bit much, though."

Silk nods approvingly. "Yes, pom poms are meant to draw attention to them, and you want his attention on you."

"Yep!" She giggles, leaning down and hugging her friend happily. "Thank you so much for your help! I'm sure he'll love it!"

Silk's wings twitch as she finds herself buried in the mounds of her friend's chest. She smiles. "I'm sure if anypony else saw it, they probably would too..."

"True." She lets go, taking a hold of the pleated skirt, lifting and feeling the soft fabric. "I wonder if my actual uniform will look like this..."

A slight pink tint comes to the yellow mare's face as she looks down at the skirt, seeing what was once under it as well. "Well, they'll likely actually give you shorts to wear under it... and a slightly longer skirt."

"Oh." She pouts, letting it fall back over her lap and turning around, heading over to her desk. "I suppose that's a nice thing to prevent pervs from sneaking a peek, but I like to think my ass is my best asset... aside from my hands, I mean." She picks up the box from earlier, sifting through the contents while soft metallic clinks come out of it.

Silk raises an eyebrow. "Weren't you just saying earlier you were tired of stallion's just staring at you for physical reasons?"

"Well, yes..." She pulls out a number of coins, setting them off to the side. "But I thought staring comes as part of being a cheerleader. You know, get the crowd riled up and their attention on you while you're there?"

"That's a part of it, yes, but it's not all about the ass, hun." She thinks a moment. "I'm sure they'll explain it to you better than I can, but for now, suffice to say it's called 'cheerleading' and not 'modeling' or 'teasing' for a reason. You are beautiful, but they'll tell you how to use it for their purposes."

She blinks blankly, tilting her head to one side in confusion. "Um... if you say so, Silk." She stacks a few more coins on the desk before walking forward, offering the box. "I believe this is one thousand two hundred eighty bits. Is that alright?"

Silk blinks. "But... that's 350 more than you needed to buy everything..."

"Yes, it is." Angel giggles, shaking the box a bit. "Three hundred for Miss White and fifty for the advice." She places it on her friend's lap, a hand straying up to stroke the tip of one ear teasingly. "That sounds fair to me. What do you think, though?"

"I... well..." The other ear twitches while the first one stays still to enjoy being touched. "I guess... so you really do want Miss White then?"

She smiles warmly, moving to sit next to her. "I do. If it's alright with you, of course." She moves her hand from her ear to the yellow pony's own, holding it tenderly. "I know how much she means to you, and I promise I'll take good care of her..." She cups her cheek with her free hand, gently caressing the velvety fur. "I'll even let you be the first to see me with her. You are the expert, after all, and I'd appro... appra... like help learning how to put her on."

"I... would be honored." Silk smiles at Angel, her eyes going half-lidded as her wings spread. "I'll need a day or two to get her to your measurements... but in the end... I think will all be worth it." Her face slowly moves toward the unicorn's.

Before anything could happen, however, there's a series of three knocks on the door. Angel squeals happily, jumping up in her excitement. "That must be him!" She turns to her friend, bowing a bit. " Thank you again for your help. I know it's a bit silly, but could you let him in as you leave? I, um... n-need to do one last thing." She backs up to the one door that hasn't been opened during the pegasus's visit, her cheeks flushing pink.

Keeping up a brave smile in the face of disappointment, Silk nods. he stands up, grabbing both the box and her purse. So distracted is she with what almost happened, that she doesn't pay attention as she opens the door and steps out, only to be stopped suddenly as she presses against something larger than her. The pegasus lets out a quiet yelp as she is shocked back into attentiveness, registering the mass she is pressed against. She gulps as she realizes her head is pressed flat against a fabric-covered chest... a very nicely shaped and furry chest if what she can feel is any indication.

Quickly stepping to the side, she clears her throat as she looks up at the gentle but confused green face of the stallion with her own flushed one. "Angel said to go in. Sorry for running into you, but I really have to be going now!" She darts off down the hall before he can get in a single word, seriously considering jumping out a window and taking flight if such an action wasn't so frowned upon. Instead, she contents herself with quickly going down the stairs and out of the building, taking flight instantly and heading straight home.

Rhino, meanwhile, blinks at the strange mare's sudden appearance then disappearance. "Ok..." Stepping into the room, he closes the door behind him. "Angel? Sorry I'm a little early, but I sort of overestimated the amount of time I could kill wandering around when traffic wasn't bad."

She pulls the door open enough to see out, smiling softly when she sees the stallion facing away from her. She steps out of the bathroom and silently closes the door, leaning back against the wall next to it. "I don't mind. I'm just glad you could come." She clasps her hands behind her hips and, after a moment's hesitation, pushes her chest out a bit. "I've been wanting to see you all day."

"Well, I'm glad to hear... that..." His voice trails off as he turns around to see her, his eyes darting up and down her for about a second before he regains control and locks them onto her face. "Trying out a new look?"

"Yep!" She giggles, moving forward with a subtle sway of her hips and tail. "I'm glad you noticed, stud." She traces tiny circles on his shirt with a slender, perfectly-manicured finger.

He looks down at watches her finger. "Well, it looks very cute on you." His eyes flick toward the door a moment. "I guess that pegasus helped you pick it out or something?"

Her smile falters for just a second before she grabs his hand. "She did." She slowly walks around him, turning him so he's facing her as she sits on the edge of the desk. "Do you like it?" Every move appears natural despite being calculated, up to her skirt moving to reveal her patterned panties.

The barest hint of a blush comes to his face as his male mind managed to lock onto the light blue fabric before he quickly reined it in again. "Personally, yes, I said it looks very cute on you and I meant it. Although..." He hesitates a moment before saying the next part. "I'm not sure I would suggest wearing it out... it might draw the kind of attention you don't want from ponies who are walking by you."

"I don't plan on wearing it outside, stud." She winks, placing her hands on the table in such a way that her breasts become more pronounced. "I just thought it'd be a nice treat for you." She glances behind him, her horn lighting up.

"Oh..." One of his ears flicks as he thinks. "Well, you really didn't have to go through the trouble of buying an outfit to wear just to say thanks for studying together..."

Angel blinks, staring at him in stunned silence. She slowly gets up, walking up until she's a yard away, tilting her head to one side. "You... you're not gay, are you?"

He blinks in silence a moment. "What? No! Nothing wrong with it of course, but no, I'm not. Why would you think that?"

She pouts, crossing her arms. "I've been giving you hints, yet you still haven't figured it out..." She sighs, shaking her head and turning away. "Maybe I really was mistaken..."

Rhino stays silent a moment before sighing. "I take it that this is about this whole..." he waves a hand at her, "seduction attempt, as well as your actions yesterday which I thought was just you being physical among friends?"

She tenses up, fur bristling in fear. "You mean... y-you knew?" She doesn't turn around, not wanting him to see how shaken she is.

He continues being frank. "Well, as I said, I thought it was just you being just very physical when you were happy, but the outfit plus what you said makes me rethink that a bit." The stallion turns around, walking over to the bed and sitting down on it. "I'll be honest, I'm not sure what you're going for with all this, but I'll warn you now: I refuse to be part of a 'sex for homework' deal, and I am not a one-night stand."

he finally looks at him, pain in her eyes. "You really think I'm like that?" She strides over, flicking his horn. "I may need help, but I have never pushed my work on others." She sits on his lap, gently rubbing his shoulders with her delicate hands. "And... I'm not looking for a one-night stand. I just... want a chance."

A low hum comes from Rhino as he rolls his shoulders. Still, with his hands flat on the bed to either side of him, he looks at her quizzically. "Sorry for assuming... but I still don't know what it is you want, especially having only just met. What is it you want a chance for?"

Angel bites her lip, blushing gently. "To be with you?"

His blush matches her own, but he still has a curious look. "Why?"

"I... I want to know you, better... I trust you... and..." She averts her eyes, bowing her head shyly. "I don't want to be alone, anymore..."

"Well..." He looks her up and down. "Don't you think you're taking things a little fast for someone you just met?"

She laughs brightly, shaking her head. "This is the least sensual of my costumes. Besides," she reaches down and teasingly strokes the slowly-growing bulge in his shorts, "your little friend doesn't seem to mind."

Rhino stiffens, in more ways than one, at her touch, but shakes his head and looks seriously at her. "He doesn't get the final say. I do."

She flinches, pulling her hand away and nervously tapping her fingers together. "O-okay..."

He sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose with a few fingers. "Look, I just... this is a lot to take in after a day, you know? I'll be honest, you seem like a nice girl, and you certainly look nice, but this is just... not how I imagined a relationship trying to start. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, it's just sort of not what I expected to happen, certainly not the order I expected."

"Sorry..." She bites her lip, glancing to the side. "I just... never had to start a relationship... everyone always came to me..." She looks up at him, her hands moving to his chest. "It always ended when they... tried to have me..."

"Well, good to know you know how to stop a bad relationship..." Sighing again, he lays back onto the bed, looking up. "I just... I don't know if I can do this..."

"Do what?" She crawls up his body, staring down at him with blue eyes full of concern. "You can tell me."

He replies after a moment, sounding tired. "Be with you... or anypony, for that matter. I just feel like that would be betraying her... even if it's been so long since."

She furrows her brow, frowning slightly. "Her? Her, who?"

"An old friend." The stallion answers. "Might have even been my first friend. We made a promise... and I still feel I owe it to her to keep it..."

Her eyes light up, but she moves away, sitting on the bed next to him. "Oh... you're very considerate of her, aren't you?"

He nods, tilting his head up slightly to look at her. "She was something special. She deserves that much, at least." He shakes his head. "Sorry... you probably don't want to hear all this..."

"No, please, go on." She smiles, pulling him up and placing a pillow under him. "I'd love to hear about this friend of yours. What is she? Pegasus? Unicorn?" She gasps, eyes widening slightly. "Dare I say it - Gryphon?"

He averts his eyes. "It's probably best I don't say..."

She blinks, tilting her head to one side. "Okay..." She sighs, reaching for her nightstand and grabbing the book atop it. "I still wanna know why she was so special... but I suppose that can wait until later." She holds up the book, smiling warmly at him. "For now, we have to study."

"I suppose..." He looks her over again. "What about all that stuff you talked about earlier?"

"I guess, for now..." She takes his hand, gently squeezing it. "I can be patient."

Rhino regards her, his face a bit down as he replies. "You do realize... there a chance nothing will come of this, and we'll just stay the same as we are now: friends?"

"I do." She giggles, leaning down and kissing his forehead. "Either way, I won't mind."

Smiling warmly, he brings her into a hug. "Thank you."

Angel squeaks, squirming from the unexpected action at first before calming down and returning the gesture, nuzzling his cheek. "You're very welcome, Rhino."

He levitates the book above them, flipping it open. "Now... let's see what we have here..."