Dawn Shield

by shirotora

An Elegant Engagement

An Elegant Engagement

The train rumbled into Manehattan station. Amongst the departing passengers, a dog and pony were filled with both excitement and nervousness. Said dog, a diamond dog husky that held himself with an air of nobility, and pony, an elegant unicorn with a white coat and luxurious violet mane, were there for a possibly life changing event.

Three days prior, the dog did what he never thought he would do. As he and his love walked along the Everfree River, under the full moon, he stopped, descended to one knee, and offered a jewel encrusted bracelet. The mare gave her answer in the form of much crying and repeating of the word, “yes”.

Now, though, they had to announce their engagement to his parents. They approached a rather large mansion, and knocked on the door. After a few moments, the door swung open revealing a middle aged mare. She was a cream color with a light blue mane. At the sight of the dog, her smile nearly retched her diamond adorned ears.

“Virgil!” the mare exclaimed, pulling the dog into a hug, “I’ve missed you.”

“And I have missed you, Mother,” Virgil replied, “You remember Rarity?”

At the sight of the other mare, the older mare’s smile faded, “Oh… of course, how could I forget. Please, do come in, please.”

“Is Father home?” Virgil inquired.

“He’s in his study, working on next quarter’s projections,” replied his mother, “He should be finishing shortly. Can I offer you something to drink?”

“Tea, would be lovely,” Virgil requested.

“Yes, tea is perfect, Mrs. Diamond,” Rarity agreed.

As Mrs. Diamond made her way toward the kitchen, the couple took a seat in the living room. Rarity had always admired the Diamond family taste in home décor. The couch was a soft white silk, with mahogany hoofrests. A family portrait, commissioned by Pallet VanBrush hung above the hearth. Virgil stood much taller than his pony parents, his paw resting on the withers of a brown stallion, with a short, blond mane. His mother sat beside the stallion, holding his hoof in her own. It was a lovely scene, Rarity thought. They were a very loving family, and she admired that. She knew Virgil’s mother, Rosy, didn’t much care for her, but that was merely her motherly instinct trying to protect him.

She saw the names on the plaque beneath the family portrait; Cut Diamond, Rosy Diamond, Virgil Silverpaw. Rarity asked her love once why he didn’t take his parent’s name. That’s when she first learned about the terrible fate that befell the Silverpaw clan.
Virgil was always a bit of an outcast, even when he was young. He used to love sneaking out to watch the pony city that was nearby. It was when he returned from one of these trips that he found his home in ruin, and his clan slaughtered. What was worse, the dragon hadn’t left.

Yellow eyes peered out from the cave and seemed to bore into his soul, seconds before the beast lunged. With a scream of terror, the dog fled. He was lucky his clan’s guard were able to wound it, or he would have been done for. Whether it was coincidence, instinct, or guidance by a higher power, he would never know; but he found himself running towards the city without even realizing it. The Manehattan guard saw the attacking dragon and responded with lethal force. Virgil didn’t even look back.

Eventually, he ran into a kind, young couple. Due to an illness when she was younger, Rosy was unable to bare foals, and so jumped at the opportunity to adopt the darling pup. His only request was to keep his clan’s name, if only so the name can live on for a little longer. The story always made her so sad for his loss, but also happy that despite everything, Virgil remained strong and loving.

Rarity was brought out of her musings as a saucer and cup was placed before her.

“Thank you, Mrs. Diamond,” Rarity smiled.

“You seemed distracted,” the older mare stated.

“Oh, my apologies,” Rarity replied, “I was just admiring the portrait, and thinking of the story Virgil told me of how he came under your care,” Rarity smiled warmly, but with a touch of sorrow, “I can tell you care for him, despite the fact that he is a diamond dog. And here I am taking him away from you. It’s no wonder you’re not particularly fond of me.”

Rosy sighed, “Miss Belle, it is not that I don’t like you, in fact I admire you. I have several of your designs in my wardrobe. The necklace I wear as we speak was commissioned to go with your fall line, number seven. To be honest, I fear for my boy. I know what you and your friends do, I admire you for that as well, but what if something happens? I fear that in your duties to Equestria you may lose your life and crush my boy’s heart.”

Virgil decided to speak up, “We have spoken at length on this subject, mother. I realize the danger of her profession, and acknowledge the possibility of losing her. I love her, and I would rather spend but a few short years by her side if her life is to be taken before her time, than to never know her touch.” He looked up to see his father descending the stairs. “That is why…” he took a deep breath, “I have asked lady Rarity to be my wife.”

Rarity smiled, “To which I agreed readily.”

Cut beamed at the news and rushed down the last few steps, “That’s my boy! See, I told you there was the right girl for you somewhere out there, be she dog, pony, or even griffin, and I must say, you’ve lucked out, Virgil. Gorgeous, successful, a national hero, and friends with royalty. My boy, you’ve made me proud.” The stallion squeezed his son in a bone crunching hug.

“Cut!” his wife scolded, “Try to show a little propriety in front of company.”

“Oh, I don’t mind,” Rarity waved it off, “You should meet my friends Applejack and Rainbow Dash.”

“Besides, she’s not company anymore, she’s family,” Cut chuckled, “I’d say this calls for-“

“A PARTY!!!” he was interrupted by a pink pony with a poofy mane appearing out of nowhere, pushing them out the door.

“Darling,” Rosy whimpered to her husband, “I’m frightened.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Come on, honey, dance with me,” Cut pleaded with his wife.

“I... Oh, fine, but I'm still not comfortable with being foalnapped to be taken to a party.” Rosy let herself be led to the floor of the small party hall. She didn't want to admit it, but she was enjoying herself. The jovial atmosphere, the upbeat music, and the simple yet delicious snacks made it impossible not to.

Virgil watched as his mother finally let go and had a bit of fun for a change. She always worried about him. He and his father, tried time and again to get her to relax, before she gave herself a heart attack, but it was a futile battle. His ears perked at the familiar sound of light hooves.

“Hello, my love,” he said, still looking away from her.

“Is the sound of my hooves really so unique?”

The dog turned to face the alabaster unicorn with a smile, “They are the only hoof-steps as elegant as their owner.”

Rarity blushed slightly and looked away. “You certainly never let me forget why I fell for you.”

“I'm merely stating the reasons I fell for you.”

The older unicorn couldn't help but overhear the exchange between her son and his future wife as she and her husband danced. When they had enough, she took a seat on a bench, a thoughtful look on her face. She was brought out of her daze by a cup being presented to her.

“You look like you could use a drink,” Rainbow Dash said to the older mare.

“Thank you, Miss Dash,” Rosy replied.

“Just call me Rainbow, or Dash, or RD if you want, but drop the miss. I hate all that formal stuff.”

“So I see,” Rosy replied with a smirk.

“You know,” Rainbow began, sitting with her new acquaintance, “We got a lot in common, you and I.”

“Oh?” Rosy inquired. “How is that?”

Rainbow tilted a head toward the group of the youngest ponies. “You see the orange pegasus with the blindfold? She lost her eyes four years ago, and I adopted her. That's one thing we have in common; we took in a child that needed us.”

“What else would we have in common?” Rosy asked, curious where this was going.

Rainbow smirked and she looked into her own cup. “I'm ridiculously protective of her.” Rainbow smiled warmly at the older mare. “I know what you're going through, honestly I do. Several months ago, she started dating this colt, Storm Feather, and two weeks ago, I caught them in bed together.”

“Oh my,” Rosy put a hoof to her mouth in shock.

“I blew up about it,” the weather mare admitted. “I told him if I ever see him near my daughter again, I’d beat him so bad he would have a phobia of fillies.”

“Rightly so,” the rich mare stated.

“I apologized to him a few days ago.”

Rosy stared, mouth agape, at the colorful pegasus. “Why? If he did such things to your daughter, you were right to be angry.”

“Well, yes, but not to threaten him like that.” Rainbow looked over at Scootaloo as she laughed at something Sweetie was telling her. “Thing is, he's a good kid, and Scoots loves him. Yeah, they shouldn't have given in to their hormones, but at least they didn't do it when Scoots was in heat. See, I was so blinded by the need to shield her from everything that I forgot something important. I forgot that I can't. I can't stop them from having sex if they really want to, so instead I asked them not to, but if they had to, to ask Twilight or Rarity to cast a contraceptive spell. I told them that it would be completely confidential and no one will know, not even me.”

Rosy thought about it for a moment, but had to ask, “What exactly does this have to do with me?”

“The point is,” Rainbow continued, “You can't stop them from moving forward, and even if you can, you shouldn't. You just gotta do your best to help them out and let them live their lives.”

“You said you've only been a mother for four years?” Rosy asked, impressed by her fellow mother's words.

Rainbow grinned, “When your kid's a Crusader, you learn a whole lot, really quick.”

“Ah yes, the Cutie Mark Crusaders,” Rosy chuckled. “I had heard they originated in a small town.”

Rainbow looked at the other mare curiously. “How do you know about them?”

“I had volunteered to chaperone one of their charity drives.” Rosy said plainly.

“Wait, what? So, you know Babs?” Rainbow inquired.

“No, but they do such good for the youth of the city that I couldn't resist.”

The pegasus was rather surprised they had a reputation in the city like that. “So I guess they're bigger than I thought. How many foals we talkin' eight, nine?”

“They celebrated their two hundredth member last winter.”

Rainbow's jaw dropped. “Wha? Holy llamas that's a lot of property damage!”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Rosy stared into the flames crackling in the den, the events of the day running through her mind. Cut was upstairs in his office writing letters to a couple acquaintances, a caterer, a jewel maker, and a travel agency. Virgil and Rarity were cuddled up on the couch beside her chair.

“Miss Rarity?” Rosy finally broke the silence. The white mare looked up at her future mother-in-law. “I feel I really must apologize.”

“Oh, Mrs. Dia-”

“Please, call me Rosy, and let me say what I must.” Rosy took Rarity's silence as the sign to continue. “I've treated you coldly ever since I first learned you and my son were courting. Even after I learned what a wonderful pony you are, I was still rotten. After today, though, I realized that you truly are the best thing for my little pup.” She took a deep breath, squeezing her eyes shut. This was still hard for her, despite her preparation. “You.... have my blessing.”

The sound of hooves approaching her echoed through the room. Suddenly, she felt hooves wrap her in a warm embrace.

“That was very brave of you to say,” the dressmaker whispered. “I know you're scared of losing him, but believe me, you won't. He speaks of you often, and always with love. You are more than his mother, you are his hero. You took him in when he lost everything and asked for nothing in return. He will never stop loving you.”

Rosy returned the hug. “I suppose I should look at this from another angle. I always wanted a daughter.”

Rarity smiled at that. “Than I shall be glad to make your dream a reality.”

They separated and gave each other a warm smile.

“As fun as today has been,” Rosy said, suppressing a yawn. “It has been exhausting. I shall see you in the morning.”

“Goodnight, mother,” Virgil called after her as she ascended the stairs. “Pleasant dreams.”

“Shall we retire as well,” Rarity inquired.

“Yes, let's,” Virgil replied with a smile, happy his mother conquered her fear.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

The door opened to the diamond dog's bedroom. Rarity took in the simple, yet elegant décor of the room. The earth brown walls and mahogany desk, table, and chairs gave the room an almost 'underground' feel. The large, alicorn sized bed was made of the same fine wood as the other furniture, with red silk sheets. Rarity approached the desk in the corner, a picture grabbing her attention. It was a picture of two diamond dogs with four pups sitting around them. The edges were singed.

Rarity realized who the subjects of the picture were. “They were a lovely couple, and your siblings were quite adorable.”

Virgil gave a sad smile as he sat beside her. “Yes, they were.” He pointed at the pup that had found something on the ceiling more fascinating than the camera. “That one is me. There was a curious looking bat hanging from a particularly interesting rock that day.”

Rarity giggled. “I can tell.”

“By the gods, that sound is beautiful.” Virgil whispered.

Rarity blushed deeply. “I'm going to go wash up.”

The pony trotted into the bathroom and, with a flash of magic, turned the water on in the sink. After a quick washing of her face, neck, and hooves, she turned off the water and turned around to be greeted by Virgil standing behind her, smiling lovingly.

Rarity looked at her fiance, staring into his loving blue eyes as he stared back into hers. Slowly they began leaning in until their lips met in a passionate kiss. Virgil reached up and ran a paw through Rarity's perfect mane. She shuddered at the contact. She always loved when he played with her mane.

They reared up on their hind legs to hold each other closer. Rarity wrapped her hooves around Virgil's shoulders, as his other paw descended down her back to her shapely flank. He caressed her cutie mark, brushing circles around it. Rarity gasped at the contact, her arousal building, but as thoughts of making love danced through her mind, her old fear took over.

Rarity broke the kiss and pushed herself away from the dog. “I-I-I'm sorry... I can't.” The look of disappointment on Virgil's face broke her heart, but her phobia wouldn't allow her to do anything about it.

Before he could respond, she ran past him, into the bedroom. When her ears picked up the sink turning on again, she slumped, sitting on her haunches. She berated herself for her irrational fear. She wanted this, to feel him as intimately as two could, but every time she tried to tell him to take her, her fears take hold. Even when she knew he wouldn't use her like that... Even when they were to be wed. She wondered if it would be the same after the wedding. Would she still be afraid that he would use her like the last stallion she loved?

Oh, how she wanted him, the moistness beneath her tail was enough to tell her that. Yet every time she opened her mouth, she stopped it from happening.

With a sigh, she stood up and moved toward the bed, putting her front hooves on it as her magic adjusted the sheets. It wouldn't be the first time they shared a bed, but it would once again be wasted. Virgil was always a gentleman and never did anything she did not wish to do, but just once she wished he would take control and-

Her thoughts were interrupted when she felt a sudden weight on her back.

“Before you speak, listen to what I must say,” Virgil said, the love on kindness filling his voice calming the mare. “I know you are afraid to become intimate. You were hurt before and it has left a scar, but I also know that you want this. Every time you try to say it, though, your fear speaks for you.” Rarity almost laughed hearing him say the very thing that had been racing through her mind. “So don't speak.” That caught her off guard. “If you truly do not wish for this, tell me to stop and I will, no questions asked...but if you do want this, and your voice betrays you, don't speak.”

Rarity gasped as she felt something long, smooth and firm brush against her nethers. Fear and desire battled for supremacy in her mind. Virgil rocked his hips slightly sending jolts of pleasure through the unicorn's body. Her mouth opened, that dreaded word forming on her tongue, that word that would leave them both unsatisfied... So she bit.

The whimper she let out as her teeth dug into her tongue caused Virgil some concern, but that she would do that for him, filled him with warmth. He knew her answer now, and so drew himself back until the tip of his shaft rested against her winking opening.

Rarity levitated the pillow to her and wrapped her hooves around it. Feeling him press his first inch into her, she let out a quiet moan. After a quick readjusting by Virgil, hugging her around the barrel, the rest of him began to move into her. Rarity buried her face into the pillow to muffle a loud, pleasured cry as he finally hilted himself.

“You need not worry about making noise,” Virgil assured her. “Thanks to the numerous social gatherings and a still-active sex drive, my mother had a silence spell put on her door. She can hear nothing.”

Rarity looked back at him with lust in her eyes. “And I'm sure you wish to hear me cry your name in pleasure.”

Virgil blushed and looked away. “I... I'm not sure if that will honestly happen. This is my first time.”

Rarity's eyes widened, tears starting to form. “You mean, I am your first. Oh, Virgil. If that's the case, do with me as you will.”

Virgil gave his lover a warm smile, “Then if you will forgive my clumsiness...” With that, the diamond dog pulled himself out until a mere inch remained and slowly thrust back in, eliciting a moan from both his mare and himself.

Virgil smiled at the joyous sound of his love. “So, I take it I have cured you of your fear?”

Rarity pulled the pillow in closer. “I would dare say you have. Now, please, make love to me.”

“As my lady wishes.”

The canine slowly began the rhythmic, sensual dance of lovers, sliding his member in and out in long, slow motions. It was driving Rarity wild, her marehood dripping with excitement as she let out sweet moans of bliss.

“Oh, why ever did I fear this,” Rarity asked breathlessly. “Is... is it good for you as well?”

“So... good... tight,” Virgil tried and failed to form a coherent sentence.

“I, mmm, think w-we found you silver tongue's weakness. Ah!”

The lovers lost all track of time as they were lost in the heavenly feeling of each other's bodies. Rarity's moans and cries made it increasingly difficult for Virgil to not just give in to his base instincts and rut her like an animal. Instead, he forced himself to go at a measured pace, taking just more than a second for each thrust.

“R-Rarity,” Virgil managed, “I-I-I...”

“Me too,” Rarity replied. “Please, don't hold back.”

At her words, he gave in, plowing into her love tunnel with a reckless abandon. Not twenty seconds later, Rarity let out a loud moan as her vag clamped down. At the same time, Virgil spilled his seed deep in the mare's insides, spreading warmth through her body.

Virgil lay across Rarity's back as the mare slumped onto the bed, both panting from exhaustion. The diamond dog pulled himself up, his rod making a wet popping sound as it was freed from its new favorite place, and climbed into bed. He pulled Rarity to his side and held her tight.

“I love you so much, Rarity,” he said. “Thank you for being my first.”

Rarity smiled up at him and replied, “Thank you, for helping me conquer my fear.”

And with that, they held each other until sleep claimed them.