A spy within

by Gryphon Gaming

Cursed Dreaming

I'm one of those people who stayed on the outskirts and never truly got involved in anything. I mean, there never was anything really GOOD about being popular in school. You have douchey people all around you if were popular in my high school and those who were popular never made it the furthest grade-wise. Personally, I used to coast on As and the lowest being a D.
You could say it slowly spread like a plague. First one person watched it, but didn't say anything. Then another person stumbled on it, and then another, and it just continued until they all came out about it. At first, the bronies received TONS of criticism in my high school.
"It's a girl's show, you sissy!" Was common from the uptight whores who were either making fun of people or stuffing dicks into all of their orifices.
"Faggot parade!" came from the asshole jocks and guys whose testosterone burst through the ceiling and into the sky and clouds like an atom-fucking-bomb.
Like I said before, I never truly got into being a main figurehead in major things but when someone would ask me, I'd always respond with," Hey, if they want to watch the show, let them. Who are we to stop them?" And I truly meant it. I never watched the show and truly didn't want to. That being said, I wouldn't criticise people for finding something they like. That's like someone finding a neat knack that they never knew they had, say drawing, and they found a bunch of people with similar talents. Everything is fine until those people meet assholes who just hate everything come up and poke every single flaw and use it as a foothold to put up the illusion that they aren't talented at all.
So naturally everyone thought I was a brony and I couldn't escape being called fag or sissy. And to be honest, life sucked at that time. I wasn't angry at the show, but I was angry at the ignorance and bigotry. I wasn't even a brony and yet I found myself defending them!
Also, since I was defending them, I made a few friends. One of them, my best friend, was named Will. He was moderately tall maybe clocking in at about six foot, more or less. He had dirty blonde short hair that came down just to the tips of his ears. He was rather pale white considering how even I had a tad bit of a tan compared to him. I never went outside unless I even needed too! He always either wore a black pair of pants or a black shirt. When he didn't wear either, you could guarantee he had black socks on. That always struck me as kinda weird, I mean, he was always an upbeat person and so black just didn't seem to fit him. He had a vertical scar in the middle of his forehead. I never questioned it. I always guessed he maybe fell and bumped his head on something though that wouldn't account for many things. For example, he seemed to have split personalities. One moment he's nice and helpful, the next he was mean, greedy, and acted like a king and everyone owed him. Everyone except for me. It seemed that when we first became friends, he became much more of a friendly "king" to me. Maybe he thought I was a jester or a general or some shit, I don't know.
One other friend I made was a girl named Ally. She had dark brunette hair. well, anyone else would call it black but she insisted it was dark brunette. somehow she managed to get straight As all the time. It was weird, especially since she was more focused on her love life than anyone else. She always had a crush on the principal's kid who was in our grade. She usually wore a green beanie when no one was looking. Her wardrobe included a black shirt with dark green jeans or vise versa. She usually wore pink socks which never matched.
I never saw myself as handsome. Bright blond hair that went down low enough to cover my eyes and bright blue eyes accompanied my look. I always tried to wear red, but not like Will or Ally who try to wear it everyday. If I had a red shirt, I'd wear it. I usually tried to follow it up with blue jeans.

One day when I was at my locker. I managed to remember my locker number by heart. many others just remembered it by "Third from the left of the Art room" or something relating to that. My locker number was 5301 and next to me to my left was Will. His locker was actually neat. He bought a red robe-like carpet for his locker which brought life to the dull navyblue they were all painted.
"Hey, um, do you have a pencil I could borrow?" Will asked me. I obliged with a rather small, yellow pencil. He smiled and took it. He began to etch something into the back on his locker. I could hear the point break and then the rest of the pencil slowly whither away. I tried to stay in my own business which was actually biding time to find out what the Hell he was doing. Though it was very muffled and quiet, I could still hear him whisper,"Yessssss, one trip to there and then one back, if need be."
I gulped, got my books, and tried to walk away. The next thing I knew, I had a hand on my shoulder.
"If you tell anyone, little buy, I'll personally make sure you dig out as much crystals as your weak body can carry..."
"Woah now, w-what could you possibly be talking about?" I said, not wanting to face him. I bit my lip and looked away from his hand,"I really need to get to class.... and you do to!"
He only smirked. He kept the pencil in his pocket and let go of my shoulder. I heard him close his locker and then my locker. I guess I forgot to close it. I just had this sickening feeling that I should keep him away from his own locker the entire class after the incident.

So after math I had lunch. My entire class was dismissed and we were off. I quickly Beelined to my locker. I couldn't tell if he was at the lockers or not already. So I just laid my stuff in my locker and slowly trudged to the cafeteria.
The cafeteria was like a giant rectangle I bet you could perfectly fit five full size school busses and then one small one if you tried hard enough. There were food stalls all in one crowded area from which a condiment table sat at the end if you were to go through it in a line. the tables were set up like branches: some being bent yet adjacent and others just scattered as if they were fallen leaves.
I ordered my lunch which consisted of pizza with hard crust and a small milk. I paid for the food and left for my seat in the corner of the cafeteria. For awhile no one bothered me. Since my seat was close to an exit to the outside, many faculty would go in and out with the occasional "hi"
It seemed my luck of being remote ran out this day.
It began when a bunch of girls, three to be precise, sat on my table. Not on my end or even close to me, but they stared at me, gossiped, and laughed. Then some of the testosterone-snorting sports players came over, probably to get set up to get blown later. They looked at me. there were maybe four of these guys. I tried to look away and eat my tire-rubber pizza. I gave up about three bites in and just drank my milk. they still stared at me and the guys looked more aggravated by the second.
Across the lunch room, staring right at me was Will. Even though he was across the lunch room, I could see he was in for some mischief. I tried to look to another part of the cafeteria. I panned to the right of Will and I saw Ally also glaring at me. Only she had a look of concern. That's when it hit me, the tables those guys were sitting at had meaty, tough looking bronies. Those who looked like they could bust a few heads if they truly wanted to.

And I was all alone...

My heart suddenly began to race a bit quicker. I looked over at the six visitors. They were slowly inching toward me. Will looked away. I swore I saw something that looked like a purple mist exit his eye as he turned away. Ally just stared, tapping her shoes with many holes in the sole on the ground in jitteriness as she continued to gaze at me in worry. I looked down. "Maybe if I get up and throw my food away, I could escape to the library and help the librarian sort out books or something...." I whispered to myself.
Getting up and grasping my ticket out of here, the plate with my trash, I quickly tried to get the Hell out of there. As I expected, one of the guys stuck out his foot. I quickly jumped up and over, but then one of the girls quickly got up and kicked my groin. I buckled over in pain, landing on the ground with a thud. The entire cafeteria went silent. My first instinct was to get out, get help, and get free. I cawled for my life as soon as I became aware of my situation.
"Pony fag!" One of the guys said, walking over to me with a cruel grin on his face. I grabbed the first thing I felt. It felt metallic. I looked at it. It looked as if is was a normal boot made of brown leather. I looked up at the wearer. It was Will.
"Help.... me...." I tried to speak before a sole of a shoe pushed my head to the ground.
"Look at this wimp!" the same guy said. A roar of laughter came from the cafeteria as most of the bronies saw themselves out. I scrambled, reaching for everything I could to get some kind of leverage, kinda like a snake.
"Take a picture of him naked and post it to all the gay Tumblrs!" Some low-life suggested.
"See if he has any pony tattoos!" another yelled at the top of their lungs.The teachers, they were either all outside or weren't near enough to the cafeteria to hear the yelling. They blockaded the door to the outside and I just calmed down, regaining my breath. It was a full-on riot...
Suddenly I saw other bronies being brought in and beat. Will and Ally just stood over me. Will was smiling and Ally was just shocked. Suddenly, as if some inner rage was unleashed from a cage deep within me, I felt this surge of burning heat. It went from my brain to the rest of my body. I rolled out from under him and quickly jumped to my feet. He tried to throw a punch at me. Time slowed as I began to register my surroundings. People were looking at me and others were coming to knock me back down. I ducked beneath his punch and rammed him to the wall, holding by his neck and slowly sliding him up it. This guy had to have been nearly a hundred and ninety pounds. I flicked my arm and the heavy guy went flying into running fools who were running towards me.Time slowly sped back up. I looked at my hands. The very veins were glowing green. Inside them was a black liquid.
Something about it didn't seem right, besides the fact it was green and black. I looked over at Will. He wasn't there. Ally was, however, just beginning to run after who I presumed to be WIll. I began to give chase, jumping over tackling buffoons who were out for my blood. I entered the main hallway and saw Will at the end of it, the hallway right before our lockers. He was gazing at me with a satisfied grin. I began to sprint right at him. He held out his hand. It grew a black aura and that aura had a green glow. He suddenly formed into a fist and I grew weaker instantly. I began to limp, but I was determined to getting him.
"DON'T YOU DARE GO TO YOUR LOCKER!" I yelled. Ally wasn't anywhere to be seen as I slowly but sure lost distance between the two of us. I finally lost my balance and tripped over my feet at the same time. I grabbed his boot as he stared down at me. I began to black out as I felt him kick my hand away. I slowly saw him walking away I crawled for my life.
"There he is!" I heard at the end of the hallway as my heart picked up a beat which kept me conscious a little longer. I grappled my hands over the ground and kept going. I saw him open his locker. He stared at me. I was sweating hard and still crawled. I heard footsteps behind me slowly becoming louder. Will grinned deviously. My vision suddenly went blurry. I saw his arm reach into his pocket as he pulled out my pencil. He began to finish etching in what he started. I climbed for my life and before I knew it, I could grab onto his boot again.
"Worm...." He said, never stopping his smile. I looked up at him with pure hatred in my eyes. I saw he grew fangs. His eyes grew a red tint and purple mist exited through his tear ducts.His boots turned into armored hooves. He grew a muzzle. A horn jutted from his forehead. the tip of the horn was red. His skin grey to a dark grey and a robe materialized on his back.
"W-what is this?!" I yelled out in confusion. He put his hoof on my shoulder.

I snapped back to reality, looking around I could see it was the same hallway. I blinked hard.I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Will. He took his hand off my shoulder and walked in front of me and kept going casually,"You look like you've seen a ghost....Now I need to get to class...

...And you do too."