The Life of Zanti

by ZeroZi

Chapter 3

I woke up in the middle of the morning. Judging by the sun out of the window it was late enough to say I had good sleep, and early enough to know I could take the most out of this day. I stretched my body out and wiped my eyes trying to fully wake up. I thought to myself “Mm mm that was a good night sleep. Alright, time to go get some breakfast and then go to see that mare again, so I can finally go check that house out.”

I got up, showered and began to lock up. So I locked the doors, closed the curtains and opening a small lock box in my luggage. I checked to see how many bits I had left.

"Hmmm lets see.... 7000 bits thats more than enough for breakfast and even the house! Hopefully, I'll have enough to spend on some basic furniture."Well!" I said to no one but myself as if to boost my determination "Lets do just that!”

I packed my stuff and checked to make sure I had everything. After I grabbed my bags and checked out I went looking around for a place to eat.

I thought as I walked through the streets of Ponyville “Hmm I wonder if that gingerbread house I saw the other day serves breakfast... sounds like a good place to start, better go check.”

After looking around for it for a few minutes, I finally found it. Not like it was something easy to lose...
Taking a deep breath, I walked inside. To my surprise there was no pony inside, so I walked up to the counter and rang the bell, but nothing happened. I decided to just ask. “Hello? Is anypony here?”

Nothing. Nopony replied, so I turned around to leave, but right before I could start heading for the door, I heard a happy and energetic voice

“Hi there! Welcome to SugarCube Corner. What can I get you?”
I turn around and see a pink earth pony with a puffy mane and tail that looked like cotton candy, light blue eyes, and 3 balloons as her cutie mark.

“Oh yeah. I was wondering if this place served breakfast.”

The pink pony smiled apologetically and then said "Sorry, but currently, the kitchen is closed because the bosses aren't around. So we can just serve you some muffins.”

I smiled back reassuringly “That will be enough, don't worry. May I have a blueberry muffin?”
The mare behind the counter smiled widely and nodded “Sure thing! I will be right back, go have a seat at one of the tables over there.”

She left so fast all I saw was a pink blur. Shrugging I did as told and went over to the nearest table and sat down.
After couple of minutes the pink earth pony sat a tray with a blueberry muffin in front of me. I gave her a big smile “Thanks, it smells delicious.”

She smiled back and said "And it tastes just as good!”

I grinned “I'll be the judge of that...” I took a bite from the muffin and my eyes widened.

The pink earth pony tilted her head in confusion “So... how is it?”

"It's... its..." I said, in shock "its...DELICIOUS!” I exclaimed with a big smile on my face as I ate the rest of the muffin at once.

The pink pony smiled and bounced up and down “I told you so!" Suddenly, she stopped and looked at me "Oh, by the way, my name is Pinkie Pie.”

I chewed the last piece of the excellent muffin “Pinkie Pie... is Pinkie really your first name.”

Pinkie smiled “Well... Actually, my whole name is Pinkamena Diane Pie, but my friends call me Pinkie.”

I smiled “That's cool my name is Zanti.”

Pinkie giggled “Zanti? that's funny! Who chose it, your mother or your father? Oh, oh, oh, or maybe your godfather or godmother?”

My face went to from happy to sad in a second.

She must've noticed that, because she stopped at once "Oh... I'm sor-”

I cut her off before she could apologize as I put up a the best fake smile I could “I-its ok, Pinkie. It was my mother. She chose it....”

That didn't change her sad face... I didn't like seeing her that sad, so I smiled as big as I could and said "Come on, smile again please. Its alright, really!”

Then she gave me the biggest smile I have ever seen in my entire life. It made me feel happy again. So much, in fact, that I just started laughing. Her smiling face just filled me with so much joy. Soon enough, though, the laughter subsided and I asked as serious as I could “How much for that muffin?

She gave a smile “ Just 15 bits.”
I gave her 30 bits then I got up and started for the door but she stopped me.
“Wait you gave me way too much!”
I gave a quick turn and smiled "The extra 15 is your tip. Have good day, Pinkamena!” I walked out the store and headed straight for the Town Hall.