
by Journeyman

Log of Anomalous Items #1

Note from Researcher Sora, Catalog Office at Site 16:
Sometimes the Foundation collects items that are, while intriguing, do not warrant continuous or lasting research like most SCP objects and life forms. Should the Foundation come into contact with such items, report them to your immediate superior or site director for processing along with a complete list of current documentation.

Item Description: A clock with no gears or functioning source of power, yet still reliably tells time.
Date of Recovery: ██-██-████
Location of Recovery: ██████████, Equestria
Current Status: Placed in Research Area-24’s break room.
Notes: Can I at least try and see how it works? -Doctor Stable

Item Description: A shaving straight razor with an edge far too dull to cut, yet is still capable of reliably shaving every time.
Date of Recovery: ██-██-████
Location of Recovery: ███████, Equestria
Current Status: In Doctor ███’s personal bathroom kit.
Notes: Smooth as a baby’s bottom. -Doctor ███

Item Description: An unremarkable Equestrian bit cast in Manehatten that changes into other types of currency depending on how tightly it is held.
Date of Recovery: ██-██-████
Location of Recovery: ████, ███████
Current Status: In anomalous item storage at Site-16.

Item Description: Plastic cup with no signs of wear or damage, yet still leaks whatever liquid contents are placed within it.
Date of Recovery: ██-██-████
Location of Recovery: ██████, Zebrica
Current Status: Incinerated

Item Description: Plastic aloe vera juice bottle. When any liquid is placed in the bottle, even aloe vera juice, it is reported to taste like grape juice.
Date of Recovery: ██-██-████
Location of Recovery: Canterlot, Equestria
Current Status: Site-04 mess hall

Item Description: Cookie sheet where anything baked on it makes anyone speak several octaves higher when eaten. Effects wear off over the course of several hours.
Date of Recovery: ██-██-████
Location of Recovery: Recovered by Agent Avers at a bakery in Ponyville.
Current Status: Site-04 mess hall with a notice describing its effects.
Notes: I sound like a fucking gelding. -Agent Avers

Item Description: A mana battery composed of beryllium, copper, and brass with a mean, constant output of 300 volts. Constant usage shows no decrease in output.
Date of Recovery: ██-██-████
Location of Recovery: Discovered by Agent ████ in a Baltimare brothel storage locker
Current Status: In storage.
Notes: I’m morbidly curious about the story behind finding this. -Doctor Silva

Item Description: A single auburn mare hair measuring 55.7 centimeters (21.92913 inches). Item has proven unbreakable in every known stress test.
Date of Recovery: ██-██-████
Location of Recovery: ███████, Equestria
Current Status: Used as a garrote by Mobile Task Force Beta-4 (“Storm Chasers”).

Item Description: A single bronze-colored Griffon feather that writes with iron gall ink, despite not being dipped in ink of any kind.
Date of Recovery: ██-██-████
Location of Recovery: Desk of clerk ██████ at the Equestrian embassy.
Current Status: On the desk of Assistant Director Zed, Containment Area 23.

Item Description: Roll of duct tape that always sticks to the one who peels off a strip, regardless of how carefully it is removed.
Date of Recovery: ██-██-████
Location of Recovery: A hardware store in Fillydelphia.
Current Status: Incinerated with extreme prejudice.
Notes: Are we sure maintenance isn’t just clumsy? - Doctor Silva

Item Description: An unremarkable sheet of Hearth’s Warming Eve music that sings to whomever looks at it.
Date of Recovery: ██-██-████
Location of Recovery: In a self storage locker in the Manehatten slums.
Current Status: Shredded. Remains show no unusual or anomalous properties.

Item Description: A 7x7 centimeter mirror that reflects all light across its surface directly into the eyes of the closet individual.
Date of Recovery: ██-██-████
Location of Recovery: In a Crystal Empire Castle lavatory.
Current Status: Incinerated

Item Description: A bottle of fifty (50) chemically accurate █████ brand codeine painkillers. The tablets in question seem to only operate on the placebo effect and are not chemically triggered once swallowed.
Date of Recovery: ██-██-████
Location of Recovery: ██████████, Equestria
Current Status: Site-16 medical wing.

Item Description: A golden scepter equipped in the likeness of a unicorn female at the head and contains an octagon cut garnet at the base. When held, the wielder hears voices in a child’s tenor describing various methods to eliminate those in the immediate vicinity.
Date of Recovery: ██-██-████
Location of Recovery: [REDACTED]
Current Status: Item in question was thrown into Site-04’s trash compactor and subsequently destroyed. Agent responsible has been summarily reprimanded for destruction of Foundation property.
Notes: Fucking thing should have stayed in the garbage. -Agent Witherwings

Jufn Eftdsjqujpo: B tuboebse #2 hsbqijuf qfodjm uibu, xifo ifme, jotufbe pg xsjujoh uif joufoefe mfuufs, gpsdft uif ipmefs up xsjuf ps uzqf uif gpmmpxjoh mfuufs.
Ebuf pg Sfdpwfsz: ██-██-████
Mpdbujpo pg Sfdpwfsz: Nbofibuufo tqfdjbm offet tdippmipvtf
Dvssfou Tubuvt: Jodjofsbufe
Opuft: Xiz epft uijt uijoh fwfo fyjtu? -Es. Tjmwb

Staff, please note that it is a breech in professionalism to organize reports while under the effects of memetic, especially infohazard, SCPs, even minor, anomalous ones. -Researcher Sora, Catalog Office

Item Description: A 3x3x1 centimeter lodestone that only sticks to cutie marks instead of magnetized surfaces.
Date of Recovery: ██-██-████
Location of Recovery:In the possession of a bounty hunter office on the border of Equestria and the Badlands.
Current Status: Used in research with SCP-███

SCP Foundation Homesite
Foundation Log of Anomalous Items
Pre Readers: The amazing Softy8088