Hope/ An Angel in Equestria

by brandsca123

Lord Mooneater

At the edge of the everfree forist, two demon like creatures were watching a yellow pegasus trot into a village with a small child in a carryer by her side. Kabold and Sheraa growled and turned and went back into the everfree they continued walking until they came too a small vortext. They went inside and the vortext closed behind them.

On the other side of the vortext was another world. This world had fire and brimstone everywhere, pools of lava and blood covered the ground and everywhere there were living monstrosoties. they all seemed to be made of a mish mash of different animals. Some had bodys like an ape but a head of a deformd dog, and made small chhoking noises as they talked. Some looked bipedal but had scaley skin and spikes coming out of thier spine, the heads looked humanoid but the tops of their heads were sqished to a point, while the lower jaws were missing, a long cord like tounge was dangeling down. they made gurgleing like burps as they talked. there were even one's that looked like Kabold and Sheraa.

The sky was blood red and an eternal eclipse was in the sky. All around them there were craters and ruined buildings corpses of humans litterd the streets. The two creatures continued thier jurney toword a small pyramid like structure. They climbed it and stoped near the top and bowed.
"Lord Mooneater." Both creatures said. A Human like figure waved his hand and stood. He had jet black eyes and red pupils with a cat like slit. He had a huge malevalent smile on his face showing rows of sharp teeth, His fingers were knife like claws, His ears were pionty like an elf. On his back he had jet black angel wings. He wore armer that looked like something a roman gladeater would where.

"So did you find her." His voice sounded soft and sad with a hint of wickedness.

"Yes we did your honor." Kabold said.

"But she was with another creature." Sheraa said.

Kabold spoke up again. "But we couldn't get the child of harmony without raising suspicion."

"Hmmmmm....this does pose a problem." Mooneater said. "But we need to act fast. We don't want the childs chaos gene to awaken. If it does she would pose a huge threat to us."

"Now what my lord." Kabold said
"We wait, and when the time is right we strike and kill the child." Mooneater said befor breaking out into a laugh. "Then nothing will stop us from conckering the universe."

Back in Equestria.

"The little tiyke has ah mighty set o lungs on her." Applejack said as she tried to quite down the crying baby.

"I Just don't know what could be wrong." Twilight said.

"I have a bad feeling about this." said Fluttershy. Rareity and Spike where busy trying to find a book on parenting and were running around panting.

"Uh Oh! uhhh.. Girls my pinky sense is trying to tell me something." Pinky pie said. "I think something bad is about to happen." Little did she know a portal was biggining to form on the other side of the everfree.