Deep Space Equestrian

by jidbrony

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Captain Sisko always enjoyed being on the star ship Defiant for lack of a better word it was his baby, his second most pride and joy after his beloved son 18 year old son Jake of course. This ship and him have been on many of adventures together, although for him his true home was back on the Space Station Deep Space 9 that orbited the planet of Bajor, but when he couldn't be on DS9 there was no where he'd rather be then on the Defiant with the rest of his crew.

"Mr. O'brien how long till we reach Vulcan." Captain Sisko said in his low booming voice that commanded respect among his fellow crew mates.

Miles O'Brien the Irish American engineer who was once the transport chief on the USS Enterprise six years ago, was checking the ships speed and engine status. "We should be there in a few hours Captain."

"Good. Remember people were running this ship with a limited crew so we can't take any risks." Sisko responded looking around at the rest of his fellow crewmates, many of them he considered family but he wasn't concerned he knew they could handle anything that was thrown at them .

As for the Defiant herself it was one of the fastest ships in the Federation Fleet, but it was also unique for it was the first ship designed for warfare in a very long time, since most Starships in the Federation were mostly used for space exploration or scientific discovery. But war had befallen the Federation and the rest of the Alpha Quadrant as a force simply known as The Dominion has threatened to conquer the entire quadrant and bring it's own unique version of order to it at any means necessary.

Sisko began to lean back in his chair rubbing his hand over his bald head as he began to think of all the events that lead up to this horrid war. From the moment Captain Sisko and his friends had discovered the very existence of the Dominion on the other side of the wormhole that lead to the Gamma quadrant they had posed a threat to the rest of the galaxy. After their first encounter with the Dominion, Sisko and his friends have had to deal with them meddling in the politics and affairs of other worlds. For starters the Dominion eliminated the "Obsidion Order," the former intelligence agency of Cardassian Union one known as the best and most powerful in the quadrant, then the Dominion provoked a war between the Cardassian's and Klingon's hoping to not only further weaken the Cardassian's but also weaken the Klingon empire itself thus when invasion came The Dominion would have a much greater chance of victory with little to no resistance. Then in a act that still haunted Sisko to this very day, the Dominion tried to force the Federation military to overthrow their own civilian government, this event forced Sisko to betray a old friend and colleague of his since his time at Starfeet academy. It was an event Sisko hoped would never be repeated again.

Sisko's thoughts were interrupted however by the musing of one former Cardassian tailor and spy Elim Garak.

"Captain are you sure it's safe taking such a straight route to Vulcan. Considering how close we are to the front lines, Dominion or Cardassian ships will obviously be trying to intercept any ships heading this way and I personally don't have a particular desire to die yet sir." Mr.Garak said as he continued to observe his monitors for any signs of Dominion ships.

"Well then Mr. Garak, we better not run into them now should we." Sisko responded in his usual dry sense of humor his face remaining emotionless as he continued to go deeper into thought .

Mr. Garak was the ships only Cardassian crew member, perhaps the only Cardassian in the Alpha Quadrant allied with the Federation at this point as the Cardassian's decided to become part of The Dominion in a effort to expand their power in the region. Their former leader Gul Dukat, an old adversary of Sisko became head of the Cardassian government until he was captured during the battle to retake the Space Station Deep Space Nine only to escape again a few months later.

Suddenly a cold breeze went down Sisko's spine as he thought about that name, Gul Dukat. Dukat, a Cardassian considered a traitor to the entire Alpha Quadrant, the man who had brought the Dominion close to victory. But to some he was more then just a traitor, he was a monster, a butcher who killed for he felt that as a member of a superior race he was justified to it. For many of the planet Bajor, a world once occupied by the Cardassian's for a long period of time before they were forced out by local resistance fighters, that was who Gul Dukat was, the man who had allowed genocide to come to their world, and now he was the man who brought war to the Alpha Quadrant.

"Captain Sisko." science officer , Jadzia Dax said once again snapping Sisko out of thought. "Apparently there is a message coming in from Major Kira back on Deep Space Nine, apparently Odo has intercepted some Dominion ships flight maneuvers they are heading our way."

"Blast! Looks like you were right Mr. Garak, will have to take the scenic route." Sisko said straighten up and ready to expect the worse as he felt the ship began to maneuver of its path and made its way into more turbulent space.

"The only other route to Vulcan is if we bypass a small unexplored planet near the horsefield nebula." Jadzia Dax said checking the maps on the screen for the safest route as to avoid any Dominion ships.

"Agreed, set a course... Old Man." Sisko responded as the ship made another huge turn.

Sisko had always trusted Jadzia Dax advice on many of occasion. Jadzia and Sisko have been friends a lot longer than most people would realize. For Jadzia was a trill with a symbiont lifeform in her that has had several other trill host in the past and their memories. One of them was a man by the name of Curzon who was once a mentor of Sisko for nearly twenty years and even though, each new host was it own person with it's own personally, sometimes Sisko still felt as if the "Old Man" was still with him this whole time. But now was not the time for Nostalgia, there was work to be done.

Sisko turned to the Chief for a report on the ship. "Mr. O'brein how much speed can you get the ship to go."

"Not much, the engines can only handle so much considering we took some damages during that skirmish with Dominion ships on ...agh!" O'Brein grabbed his shoulder and started.

"What's wrong chief." Sisko asked sounding concerned.

"Nothing, just my shoulder aching after a little friendly competition with Dr.Bashir." O' Brien looked up as the young bright doctor came up to check his shoulder.

"Oh come now, it was hardly a competition, to put it simply...I whooped your ass." Dr.Bashir said in his very boyish British accent a victorious grin on his face has began to heal the Chief.

"Only by a one point." Miles retorted angrily trying to keep some his dignity intact.

"If one is twenty points in some strange other dimension then yes." Bashir retorted back keeping his joyful attitude. Even Miles couldn't help but smile a little at his joke.

"Gentlemen please, as much as I love friendly competition as much as anyone else I would prefer it if we discussed this later after we avoid any incoming Jem'Hadar attacks." The former Cardassian tailor and spy said the sound of fear could be heard creeping his voice.

A small smile appeared on Sisko's face, Miles O'Brien and Julian Bashir friendship had matured into a complete bromance for lack of a better term. Those two were always in competition with one another, darts, chess, simulating the battle of the Alamo, at this points perhaps they were more then just friends, they were brothers.

However the time for jokes and thoughts had ended as the sound of photon torpedoes were heard, for Dominion ships had intercepted them, firing everything they on the defiant already causing the ship massive damage.

"Evasive maneuver's." Sisko ordered as the ship began to try and outrun the Jem'Hadar attack ships.

However it was not enough as the Defiant took more lazier fire from the Jem'Hadar beams. Electrical shots and sparks began to burst from the monitor's and screens causing the ship even greater turbulence.

Down at the Engine room a young Ferangi officer named Nog tried his best to keep single handily keep the engines stabilized until they could avoid the Jem'Hadar ships.

"Captain Sisko, I don't how long I can keep the engines going under these conditions." He communicated back to the ship's main deck.

"Keep it steady long enough. We have to out run them." Sisko ordered as he saw on screen the two Dominion ships coming around for another attack's their proton beams this time directly taking out their shields and creating damage in their hull.

"I don't know how much we can take sir, were losing power fast." Chief O'Brien said trying to avoid getting hit by the stacking bursting from his control panel after the last photon attack.

"Is there anywhere we can land." Sisko asked sounding desperate.

"Yes sir, we thankfully managed to reach that unexplored planet in the horsefield nebula, it's right below us. From what I can detect it's mostly forest and grasslands." Lieutenant Dax said.

Garak was the only one of the crew who seemed emotionless about the entire situation. "Well then I suggest we thank the forces of coincidence and land their."

The screens on Cheif O'Briens panel began to glow red as the power on the ship began to flicker on run out. "I don't think will have a choice in the matter, our dillethium crystals are shot. Were losing power."

"Tell our crew to begin evacuation. I'll stay here and try to get the dominion ships off your tale till then." Sisko said knowing that he might not make it back from this mission.

"Well if your going I'm staying to." Miles'Obrien said buckling his seat.

Dax and Bashir also nodded in agreement.

Sisko then looked at Garak waiting for the Cardassian spy to give his response to the situation, Garak looked back at Sisko and then at everyone else confused.

"Just because I would rather not die means I'd rather have the risk of being captured by Dominion forces."

Sisko nodded. "Well then, Chief, evasive maneuvers."

The Defiant did a complete 180 degree turn as it began attacking Dominion ships at escape began to jettison themselves from the ship, Dominion ships distracted by the defiant to take any action against them.

Back on the bridge the turbulence of the proton beams could be felt as the ship power began to fade.

Mr.Obrien tried to get the engines as much power as possible but with little avail. "Sir we've lost all powers to the shields. Our engines are shot, were going to crash!"

"Brace for impact!"

The Defiant began to head downward towards the planet at a alarming rate a small ring of fire begging to surround as it entered the planet's atmosphere some of the ships metal hull began to tear off a bit.

"Mr, O'Brien, Lieutenant Dax steady as she goes. Lets try to crash this ship in once piece." Sisko ordered as he saw on screen and could feel with his own body the ship began to quickly make's way towards the planet surface.

Finally their was a heavy crash causing most of the crew to be thrown off from their chairs and power of the ship to go completely dark knocking everyone unconscious.

Twilight Sparkle, the young Alicorn princess was setting up her telescope on the second story of her library tree home as she was preparing herself for another night at observe the skies constellation as she normally did on Saturday nights, "Star Saturdays", she liked to call them.

"Oh, I can't wait, I wonder if any of constellations have changed position since last Saturday. Maybe there's a new one I haven't discovered yet." Twilight continued to think out loud her voice filled with excitement as she continued setting things up. making sure her telescope lenses were fully focused and the stools were nice and tight so they wouldn't break and fall apart like a few Saturday's prior.

Once everything was set and all her pens and papers were nice and organized, just in-case Twilight needed to take a note or jot something down she began to make her observations. Twilight then looked in her telescope ready to see the beautiful stars, what she got was something, unexpected.

Twilight looked up at the sky in fear as he mouth was slightly opened at a loss for words, the only thing she could say was, "Is that....a giant ball of fire!"

Yes it was a giant ball of fire heading straight into Equestria's atmosphere only to land with a loud exposition in the middle of the Everfree Forest causing the sky to illuminate eliminating the darkness from it.

Twilight headed into her home to wake up her number one assistant and baby dragon Spike from a very comfortable looking rest. "Spike, wake up, wake up Spike.

"What...who...why...huh." the young dragon slowly opened his eyes as he saw Twilight looking at him with a look of panic in her face. "What's wrong?" he whispered as he was still trying to open his eyes.

"Spike I know it's late, but I need you go get our friends at once, it's a emergency, a giant fire ball fell into the Everefree forest. "

Spike immediately awoke after hearing this piece of bad news. "FIRE BALL!"

"Yes, so I need you to help round up our friends, it be quicker if we go get them separately. I'll round up, Applejack, Rainbowdash and Fluttershy, you get Pinkie Pie and Rarity, meet me at Fluttershy's cottage once you get them okay."

"On it." With that the dragon and Alicorn headed off wondering what had just happened and what they were about to discover.

High above in space on the Dominion Ship, the Jem'Hadar were scanning the planet to insure that the Defiant was destroyed, only to get a communication from the Dominion Headquarters on Cardassian Prime.

"On screen." The First commanded.

They activated the communication to discover it was senior Dominion diplomat and administrator Weyoun, a Vorta.

"Sir...What can we do for you." The Jem'Hadar commander responded.

"First, I want a report on your attack on the Defiant." Weyoun asked in a shrill yet graceful voice.

"The Defiant crash-landed on a the planet that it was orbiting when we attacked it. As of now we have no conformation on their psychical conditions....

"Then find out!" Weyoun responded a tone of anger bubbling up from his voice.

The Jem'Hadar however was not shaken by his masters frustration and continued on with his report as if nothing has happened. "But we do have something that might prove of value to founders." The Jem'Hadar commander reported.

"And what mightt that be." Weyoun asked his blue eyes narrowing sounding skeptical.

"There seems to be a high degree of energy emanating from the planet, not only that but there are signs of life on this planet as well. I'll transfer the data so you can see for yourself."

Weyoun bright blue eyes widened a bit and a slick smile appeared on his face as he began to observe the data the Jem'Hadar had acquired. "Hmm...interesting, very interesting in deed." Weyoun began to stoke his chin as he continued to ponder over the data "Either this planet contains a power source that we could use. Or perhaps new allies for the Dominion to align with. Maybe this time more worthy allies then our current Cardassian failures. Either way, it's a win, win." Suddenly Weyoun snapped out of his scheming thoughts and returned to his more serious posture "Very well, I shall arrive their with Legit Damar of Cardassia in a few days, during that time send a scouting group onto to the planet to confirm the death of Captain Benjamin Sisko."

"It will be done sir. Our Loyalty to the Founders!"