Wrath, The Seventh Sin

by CaptainAlbanos

Maneiac? Mypuns hurt. Part 2

Part 2

When the bright light faded I found myself under a pile of ponies, none to pleased to be there I quickly shoved them off, in a gentlemanly manner.

"Get the hell offa me!" they ended sprawled across the stre- "What the hell?" I put my hand down on the paved wonder, I took a quick glance around, it looked almost like Manhattan. Then I felt it, a massive surge of hate, not near what the real Manhattan had, but it was near twenty times what Equestria had. Spike and the girls where talking over in the middle of the street. I started to laugh, not an 'it was funny laugh, no this was from the gut scared happy relief. A booming laugh that drew the attention of everyone around me.

"Dude are you alright?" Rainbow hovered above me in some ridiculous outfit but I didn't care just being in the place would expand my life by several thousand years in a few minuets. "I'm fine, No! better than fine I'm amazing! hahaha!" I would have kept on laughing and being stared at like a madman but I was pelted, in the face, by a postal box.

The laughing died instantly. And the box started to melt.

I let a grin split my face. "Who threw that?" My answer came from a green haired...Pony? I think her hair was like octopus arms, friggan weird. "I am Maneiac and none can stop me!" with a powerful swipe I was quickly tossed into a nearby shop which crumpled under my weight. When I yanked myself out of the rubble the girls and the freak were gone, taking no chances I used the opportunity to make my way to the most hate infested area of this pitiful city. most of it was alot like Equestria but in an old warehouse by a pier, how cliche, I found basically a cesspool of criminals and without a second thought I jumped out and started my messy job.

By the end of the night I was having the time of my life, and these villains wished theirs were over.

That's when I heard what sounded like Rarity scream and I took off, from roof to roof. I ended up inside a shampoo factory hanging in the rafters listening to that hair-freak monologue, then she turned that giant hairdryer on the girls I watched spike move a tarp around and I waited. Spikes little plan went pretty well up to the point when Fluttershy...well I'm not gonna go into that but it all ended pretty well, I got good and juiced so when that bright flash happened again I was pretty content.

Until I ended up under a pile of pony again.

So I ended up writing what I guess could be called a report to the Princess. after which I asked spike to send a not to Celestia for me, in secret.