Where I am Needed

by Saviour From The Dark

Awakened in Paradise

Where I am Needed

Chapter 10, Awakened in Paradise

"You should know better by now boy…."

"Forgive me master but it's…..its just…"

"Just what?"

"I want to save them all…..and I couldn't save one!" The voice of the ten-year old became high pitched as he then started sobbing. The pitter and patter of tears was heard as the liquid slid down his cheeks and onto the cracked concrete ground.

"One day you will save them all….."

The emotions those words carried were of the like he had never seen from his master….it gave him hope…somewhere deep down he felt it….something sparked within him…..his soul…..

"Hmmm ahum oooh aaaah uuuuh aaaaah…The ever bright light still shines so strong…Darkness once reigned now rules no mooorre….We dance, we sing, we live for todaaaaay. For who does know when darkness shall come…

Sad memories were slowly rinsed away by the divine voice…..it brought memories of happiness…..

"You did it!"

"Master you were right! All I had to do was focus then I just cut straight through it!" The young boy joyfully exclaimed in delight having finally learned to cut through steel.

"I am proud to call you my student Salvatore…..you study every hour and for every hour you do not study….you train. I am proud that I am your master and have the honor to teach such a dedicated student. I am proud of you…."

A sensation brought him out of his dreaming….it was wet and cool, not uncomfortable but it gently roused him from a deep slumber. As his eyes slowly opened he saw a light, not blinding but illuminating, a figure could be seen. When his sight cleared he saw a woman…this woman had long and wavy golden hair which seemed to be brushed to perfection. She had big blue eye, like the blue sky of a perfect summer's day, which gleamed due to the light coming into the room….And wings….wings of a pure scarlet white….

She was rubbing his stomach with a damp cloth and with good reason his body was filthy and with some bits of blood yet she was still humming and oblivious to the fact that he was watching her. From what he was seeing it was also clear that he was without the bandana he had been given by Rarity…yet he was wearing some new pants…

They were very loose but felt reasonably tight at his waist and the material felt so soft! Yet firm it was as for the clothing to keep shape. This was different from the white robes that the woman was wearing….what was also different was that she was now cleaning his chest with the cloth.

Whilst he was observing everything and being in his own little world she had finished cleaning away dirt and blood on his stomach and had now moved on to his chest. She was watching him….he smiled lightly and surprisingly had it returned. The cleaning continued as they both silently watched one another….eventually she finished cleaning his chest and moved stood from the wooden stool at his bedside and went to a basin which rested on a table across the room.

He slowly got up himself and wondered why he was in the room which dare he say seemed to be made out of marble bricks. The first thing to do was inspect himself yet he already knew he had some injuries which amounted to a few bruises and healed cut on the left side of his neck however his body felt very stiff which was abnormal for his usually supple and flexible body.

Standing up he stretched his arms out as far as he could whilst hearing a few pops from his bones. Salvatore saw that the light was coming through windows square gaps in the walls yet the light was very bright and did not allow him to see much beyond bits of blue and white. He looked to his left to see the winged angle walk towards him with something in her hand….

She reached out her hand and presented a damp cloth. He smiled "Thank you, very much". She nodded whilst replying with a smile of her own and exited through the doorway. On the table where the basic rested there was a mirror so Salvatore walked over to the table to see what he needed to clean off his face.

When finally there he grabbed the mirror by its silver handle and brought it to his face….was it a bloody mess….literally….he dunked the cloth into the water and then started rubbing the dried blood from his face whilst leaning over the basic, from time to time he splashed his face with water to aid his efforts. When he finally succeeded in cleaning his face he just stared at himself in the mirror for a awhile…he had changed.

He hadn't seen his own reflection for a long time. His chin had a faint stubble and his hair had grown longer…..it was now way past his shoulders….His face expressed….something hidden….things were left untold as if there was a calm surface to the violent waters which crushed any who dared attempt to cross it and seek its secrets.

The sound of something heavy pricked his ear…it was something moving…someone…..someone in armor? Turning around he saw a tall and proud figure emerge from the doorway. This figure wore golden armor ….it brought memories of two….angels? They were angels yet they did not stand as this one did…THEY WERE ANGELS!?

It all started coming to him….to a certain extent however he did have shards which could be pieced together to a fitting example of this particular Angel. He remembered this one for some reason….he had dark skin with his clean cut beard and close cut hair. The angel seemed to be measuring him…..judging him?

"I remember you….." Salvatore spoke with a quiet voice.

"I am glad you do for I remember the blows you gave me". It was obvious this was the Angels strange form of a casual greeting.

"Do forgive me for what I did yet I don't have any recollection of ever fighting with you…..I remember fighting two others though". Salvatore recalled his duel with the winged swordsmen.

"Indeed you did and wounded they were yet now they are recovering back to a good condition. Do you remember anything after that?" Salvatore was visibly relieved that he hadn't killed them mostly that they were recovering so well…..yet what was the thorn in his side was that he didn't remember much after that and if there was then it was blurred images or visions which had no chronological order what so ever.

"I am sorry for what I did….Sir?"

"Xander, just Xander".

"Xander I have an…..ailment of sorts which-"

"I know". Salvatore's eyes widened with surprise and fear.

"Are you going to kill me I guess, to be honest I wouldn't blame you". Xander could tell the young man was speaking in honesty…..it was pleasant.

"I could of and nearly did…that's where you got that little scratch on your neck. I was going to cut your head off but he stopped me". Salvatore felt enlightened about his minor cut yet he was left with another question.


"He stopped me from taking your life. All I can say is that he knows something I don't and he has a big plan which will most likely involve you". Salvatore's lips tugged upward….it felt like the formal talks he would have with his master which were secretly their casual and relaxed way of speaking.

"So then I guess He sent you to come and get me?" A nod was his reply. "Well let's go then". Xander raised his hand toward him."What?"

"You are not going out without a full set of clothes". Salvatore stared blankly at him….for a while…..a good while…then after what seemed like ten minutes it was clear he was not getting his way. Salvatore began searching around the room. "Beneath the bed". The shirtless teenager looked under the bed and found a piece of clothing….

Once he put it on Salvatore saw that it was a tunic…..a comfy one at that. Once again it was pure white which matched his new pants.

"Now that you are properly dressed we can now take our leave". Salvatore walked over to stand in front of Xander.

"Shall we then?" Xander beckoned Salvatore to follow him.

Xander walked out of the doorway from which a light which Salvatore's vision could not penetrate. Following his…..companion….he too walked out of the doorway. Only for the ground to disappear from right beneath his feet…