Fight or Flight

by Wildheart1337

Chapter 13

Chapter 13
Weaving Silver blinked her eyes open as a sudden chill came over her; a deep chill that seemed to penetrate her to the soul. Something’s happened, Weaving Silver thought to herself as she sat up strait and walked through the chamber.
“Hey, watch it,” Vinyl Scratch protested as Weaving Silver stepped on her tail.
“Sorry,” Weaving Silver said un-soothingly; as she continued her way through.
“Mind telling me where you’re headed,” Vinyl Scratch demanded following Weaving Silver.
“None of your business,” Weaving Silver retorted quickening her pace. Vinyl Scratch growled inwardly and caught up to Weaving Silver and spun her around slamming her against the wall.
“Look I know Twilight Sparkle has given you permission to wonder about, but to me you are still a Changeling,” Vinyl Scratch growled. “So, tell me where you are going.”
“Get off me,” Weaving Silver hissed pushing Vinyl Scratch away, “and maybe I will tell you.”
“I felt a strange feeling come over me; like something was out of place,” Weaving Silver explained, “so I came out here to investigate.”
“Well I’m not leaving your side, Changeling,” Vinyl Scratch argued. Weaving Silver glared at Vinyl Scratch then snorted and turned around.
“Alright, just don’t expect me to appreciate your company,” Weaving Silver growled.
“Am I making you nervous, Changeling,” Vinyl Scratch said as she followed. Weaving Silver sighed and ignored Vinyl Scratch’s taunt.
“Good evening, Vinyl Scratch,” greeted a dark stallion; Weaving Silver stiffened as the stallion passed.
“He’s a Changeling,” Weaving Silver murmured to Vinyl Scratch.
“What, he’s been with us for years,” Vinyl Scratch protested.
“Who’s a Changeling,” called a voice; turning Weaving Silver and Vinyl Scratch to see Applejack trotting up to them.
“Him,” Weaving Silver said nodding to the dark stallion. Applejack gazed curiously at Weaving Silver who added, “I can tell.”
“You there, Soot Hoofs,” Applejack called turning the stallion.
“Yes, Lieutenant,” answered the stallion.
“Have you seen Rainbow Dash; she as patrolling the corridors,” Applejack asked.
“He’s a Changeling,” Weaving Silver hissed.
Applejack sighed, “It seems Weaving Silver here is accusing you of being a Changeling.”
“She’s a Changeling, Lieutenant,” Soot Hoofs sputtered.
“Yes I am,” Weaving Silver said, “And I can tell a Changeling when I see one.” Applejack looked from Soot Hoofs to Weaving Silver and back.
“Come on, Lieutenant, I’ve been with you for years,” Soot Hoofs shouted, “Are you really going to believe a Changeling’s word over mine.” Applejack narrowed her eyes threateningly then walked up to Soot Hoofs.
“Rainbow Dash told me about how Weaving Silver could tell a Changeling from a pony,” Applejack said.
“So you’ve seen through my disguise,” hissed Soot Hoofs turning into the form of a Changeling. Vinyl Scratch narrowed her eyes and fitted a disc into her disc launcher.
“Ah ah, Vinyl Scratch,” hissed Soot Hoofs, “kill me and you will never find Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy.” Vinyl Scratch lowered her disc launcher; then Weaving Silver charged forward slamming her hooves into the Changeling.
“Thanks for the tip,” Weaving Silver hissed.
“Weaving Silver, tell me it was lying,” Applejack demanded trotting over to her, “tell me that the Changelings don’t have them.” Weaving Silver turned to Applejack regretfully.
“I’m sorry, Applejack,” Weaving Silver started but was caught off as Applejack’s hoof caught her across the face knocking her to the floor.
“And know you have just killed are own bargaining chip,” Applejack growled tears forming in her eyes, “You don’t care about Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy do you.”
“Shut up,” Weaving Silver hissed her eyes flashing green.
“If my friends die because of this, Weaving Silver, you will die by my hoof,” Applejack growled.
“Stop it,” Weaving Silver shrieked tears running down her cheeks as a green aura surrounded her. Both Applejack and Vinyl Scratch backed away as Weaving Silver levitated off the ground.
“Stop blaming me for things that happen because I’m a Changeling,” Weaving Silver shrieked her voice echoing off the cavern walls. “I hate it when I am blamed for every single problem that happens because I’m a Changeling spawn.” Applejack and Vinyl Scratch stared as Weaving Silver dropped to the ground.
“I never mean for trouble, I just want to live in harmony, Applejack,” Weaving Silver wept, “Can’t you of all ponies understand that, being a bearer of the Elements of Harmony.”
“Aw, suck it up, Weaving,” Vinyl Scratch interrupted as she walked over to her.
Weaving Silver raised her head to gaze at Vinyl Scratch, “you used my name.”
“What,” Vinyl Scratch asked.
“You used my name,” Weaving Silver repeated a smile coming to her face, “instead of calling me Changeling.”
“Applejack,” Weaving Silver shouted turning to the orange earth pony, “I swear on my life that I will bring Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy back unharmed.”
“You better,” Applejack demanded.
“Then there is not time to waste,” Weaving Silver said turning.
“Wait,” Applejack called.
“We wasted enough time,” Weaving Silver argued turning back to Applejack.
“Vinyl Scratch will go with you,” Applejack said.
“No offence but I work better alone,” Weaving Silver retorted as Vinyl Scratch stepped up beside her.
“That wasn’t a question, Weaving,” Applejack growled; Vinyl Scratch grinned.
“I don’t need a foal-sitter,” Weaving Silver snorted, but turned and started down the corridor with Vinyl Scratch following.
“Looks like you are stuck with me,” Vinyl Scratch stated as she trotted. Weaving Silver turned to Vinyl Scratch and forced the unicorn against the wall.
“Look Elite Soldier, I wouldn’t care if you were one of the Princesses,” Weaving Silver hissed, “because, in the Everfree forest you are just another plain old unicorn.” “So, the minute we step out the base I suggest you shut up and do what I tell you.” Weaving Silver released Vinyl Scratch whose mouth hung open as if she had just been slapped across the face. Vinyl Scratch adjusted her shades nervously and followed Weaving Silver.
“Is that supposed to be open,” Weaving Silver asked pointing to an opening.
“No,” Vinyl Scratch answered trotting to the opening. Vinyl Scratch and Weaving Silver examined the small ledge. Vinyl Scratch rushed over to the body of a dark stallion.
“Soot Hoofs,” Vinyl Scratch indentified. A horn wound in Soot Hoofs’ back sprout green veins.
“Banshee,” Weaving Silver hissed causing Vinyl Scratch turn to her, “I’d recognize her poison anywhere.” “She must have taken Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.”
“Which way,” Vinyl Scratch demanded standing up. Weaving Silver closed her eyes in concentration expanding her Changeling hive-mind.
“You won’t be getting away that easy,” hissed Banshee’s voice. Weaving Silver also felt four more Changeling minds other that Banshee’s.
“What are you doing,” Vinyl Scratch demanded interrupting Weaving Silver’s hive-mind.
“They are northwest of here,” Weaving Silver reported spreading her wings.
“How do you know,” Vinyl Scratch demanded.
“It’s Changeling related you wouldn’t care,” Weaving Silver answered lifting off, but Vinyl Scratch caught Weaving Silver’s tail and pulled her back down.
“I am ordering you to tell me how you know,” Vinyl Scratch shouted.
“Alright, the Changelings possess a mind connection,” Weaving Silver explained, “I can access the connection.”
“You mean you can communicate telepathically,” Vinyl Scratch stated.
“That is how I can tell a Changeling from a pony,” Weaving Silver explained, “I use this ability to avoid other Changelings.” “Now, if you want to rescue Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, we need to go now.”
“Hold on,” Vinyl Scratch warned her horn glowing.
“What are you doing,” Weaving Silver asked.
“Teleport spell,” Vinyl Scratch answered, “Twilight taught me.” Vinyl Scratch’s horn flashed; then she and Weaving Silver vanished.
Banshee glanced from Rainbow Dash to Fluttershy who were held tightly by Changelings. Banshee turned to Rainbow Dash and trotted up to her.
“I thought you would be more fun than Soarin,” Banshee’s sneer was caught off as Rainbow Dash’s hind-hoof caught her in the muzzle knocking her to the ground. Banshee scrambled to her feet to glare at Rainbow Dash blood flowing from her nose.
“That’s it,” Banshee spat blood flying from her muzzle as she turned to Fluttershy her horn glowing. Rainbow Dash squirmed in the grip of her Changelings. Fluttershy grimmest as Banshee touched her horn to Fluttershy’s wing.
“Oh look, I’ve touched a feather,” Banshee hissed turning to Rainbow Dash; then she turned back to Fluttershy.
“No,” Rainbow Dash shrieked as she struggled in her grasp.
Suddenly sparks caused Banshee to turn around to see a white flash. Banshee covered her eyes as the light exploded outward.
“Surprise,” Vinyl Scratch shouted launching discs outward sailing into the Changelings who held Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Vinyl Scratch turned and launched a disc at Banshee who swerved away leaving the disc to sail past her and into the trees. Weaving Silver burst forward catching Banshee in the jaw with her hind-hoof. Banshee and Weaving Silver tumbled into the bushes. Weaving Silver gasped as Banshee’s magic blast caught her in the shoulder; Weaving Silver kicked Banshee away.
“Alright which one of you is Banshee,” Rainbow Dash’s voice called turning Weaving Silver.
“She is of course,” Weaving Silver shouted pointing at Banshee; but realized Banshee had turned into her pony form who was pointing back at her.
“You have to give me something more than pointing,” Rainbow Dash said.
“Rainbow Dash, when we first met; we rescued two fillies,” Weaving Silver said.
“When was that,” Rainbow Dash asked.
“Six sunrises ago,” Weaving Silver answered, Rainbow Dash turned to Banshee.
“She read that from my mind,” Banshee protested.
“Hit me, Rainbow Dash,” Weaving Silver stated.
“What,” Rainbow Dash sputtered.
“Hit me,” Weaving Silver repeated.
“You have to be, Weaving Silver,” Rainbow Dash said.
“I could, but I could still be Banshee,” Weaving Silver said.
“But you…,” Rainbow Dash protested.
“For the love of Equestria, Rainbow Dash, hit me,” Weaving Silver demanded. Rainbow Dash struck Weaving Silver across the face knocking her to the ground.
“Come on, Rainbow Dash,” Weaving Silver nagged, “would you really hold back against Soarin’s killer.” Rainbow Dash slammed both her fore-hooves against Weaving Silver sending her flying.
“What was the point of that, big sister,” Banshee hummed a smile coming to her face. Weaving Silver turned back to Rainbow Dash blood flowing from her nose and her jaw was twisted awkwardly.
“I can regenerate; Banshee can’t” Weaving Silver said; Rainbow Dash’s jaw dropped as the blood flowed back into Weaving Silver’s nose and her jaw snapped back in place.
“But why have me hit you,” Rainbow Dash asked.
“Because I trust you,” Weaving Silver answered.
“Aw, isn’t that cute,” Banshee hissed turning back into her Changeling form. Suddenly two discs lodged into Banshee’s back causing her to screech in pain. Rainbow Dash turned and leaped on Banshee driving her to the ground.
“This is for Soarin,” Rainbow Dash shouted slamming her fore-hooves down on Banshee’s chest. Ribs cracked under the force of Rainbow Dash’s hooves.
“You feel that, Changeling,” Rainbow Dash hissed pressing down on Banshee, “that is the pain I felt.” Banshee hissed in pain; then her horn started glowing. Rainbow Dash ducked away from Banshee’s magic blast; then Banshee vanished.
“Horse-apples,” Rainbow Dash swore aloud as she stared at the ground where Banshee had been.
“Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy gasped as she wrapped her hooves around Rainbow Dash.
“Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash rasped returning the hug.
“We have a wounded pony up here,” called Vinyl Scratch. Weaving Silver trotted up to Vinyl Scratch to find herself facing a familiar face.
“Stag,” Weaving Silver muttered.
“You,” Stag rasped one eye opening.
“We are getting you out of here, Stag,” Vinyl Scratch reassured. “I can only teleport two individuals at a time,” Vinyl Scratch said turning to Weaving Silver, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy.
“Go, get him out of here,” Weaving Silver said, “we can make it home.”
“But,” Vinyl Scratch protested.
“Go on, Vinyl Scratch,” Rainbow Dash ordered. Vinyl Scratch nodded then her horn began to glow, and she and Stag vanished.
“Thank you, Weaving,” Rainbow Dash said turning to Weaving Silver, “I guess I owe you one.”
“Don’t mention it; I’d do it for anypony,” Weaving Silver answered.
“Let’s go,” Rainbow Dash said with a smile as she spread her wings. Weaving Silver and Rainbow Dash launched into the air with Fluttershy in between.
“You saved Fluttershy, Weaving,” Rainbow Dash said, “for that I assure you that our friendship is restored.”
“Thank you, Rainbow,” Weaving Silver answered as they soared through the sky to the Resistance.