The Tale of Lovely Feathers

by LovelyMuse

Chapter 1: The Transformation

"Your Majesty, are you sure this is wise? We have no clue as to who she or where she came from."

"Do not worry. I sense no dark motives within this young one. I will let you know if there is anything I need."

"Of course, Your Majesty. Excuse me."

Deep within herself, the sleeping individual was dreaming. It was dark, leaving her unable to see anything at all.

Where am I? She asked herself.

As if to answer her, a single beam of light shined down a few feet away from her, revealing a simple mirror. It was thinly rimmed in black and seemed to be about five feet in height and three feet in width. It also appeared to be floating a good foot or so in the air, no wall to hang it on or string above to tie it to the ceiling.

Curious, she cautiously stepped towards the mirror, noticing that she was barefoot. When she was standing before it, the reflection showed a human girl, perhaps no more than twenty years or so. She stood at about 5' 6" and had midnight-blue eyes and pale peach-colored skin. However, she gasped and touched her hair.

Why is my hair white!? She noted the light-blue ribbons that wound two front pieces of her hair and the unnatural silky-smoothness she felt upon brushing her fingers through them. Suddenly, she seemed to notice her attire and looked down at the elegant navy-blue dress. It was strapless and cut off just at her ankles. Even in the dim lighting, the dress seemed to glisten like starlight, portraying the night sky.

What's going on? Why am I seeing this? The girl reached out her hand towards the mirror.

The moment her hand lay flat on the surface, however, a tiny crack appeared. She quickly pulled away and stood frozen as the small crack began to grow in size, like ice that begins to melt at the start of spring. The sound it gave off sent shivers down the girl's spine, causing goosebumps to run along her arms and legs.

Yet, the cracking suddenly stopped growing, ending as fast as it had started. The girl hesitated for several moments, waiting for the strange phenomenon to start up again. When that did not happen, she slowly crept forward.

However, as she did so, she was unaware that her body began to change. Her dress disappeared as her back began to arch forward so she was on all fours, her arms and legs becoming longer and matching in length, causing her to grow in height. Her fingers and toes fused with their separate partners, while at the same time, her hands and feet curved to form skinny, upside-down u's, hardening to act like nails. Her skin turned into a soft, turquoise shade and fur started to cover her body, while her ears disappeared. Her face stretched out from the nose down, her nostrils enlarging and creating a muzzle, while her neck grew in length as well. Triangular ears of the same fur that had taken over her body appeared slightly further back from the top of her head, tucked between her hair that clumped together and formed into a sort of visible aura, flowing in an nonexistent wind. A tail exactly like her hair soon appeared on her hind, curling around her back legs. A horn the same shade as her fur formed on her forehead, while matching wings that seemed to belong to an angel sprouted from her back.

This all happened within a heartbeat, though the transformation itself seemed to have gone in slow motion. When the now nonhuman girl was in front of the mirror once more, she felt her heart stop. Even with the reflection coming off in chunks, she saw that she no longer was a human, but some sort of equine, her horn indicating that she was a unicorn but her wings saying she was also a pegasus.

Her entire body shook as she reached out a hoof, but she would not be able to touch the mirror a second time. When her hoof would have come into contact with the broken mirror, the glass shattered completely and blew outward. The newly transformed girl screamed and pulled her wings forward to shield herself, but before she would have felt the shards pierce her skin, the floor beneath her disappeared and she began to plummet into the dark abyss.

And though she didn't know it, a cloaked being watched her fall from the edge of the hole, an evil grin visible on his face even within the shadows of his hood.

"So it begins."